
Chapter 32

On Saturday, there was a power outage in my city due to a thunderstorm for a couple of hours. During that time, I wrote the chapter on my phone. Sometimes I had writer's block, but I kept going. At one point, I wrote the scene in which the girls were doing their pregnancy tests while all of them were pregnant. This was because it was already time, as they were already nearly a month past the outbreak, and he wouldn't stop cumming inside them at every chance since it started. However, I decided not to let them know about it through their symptoms for now, since there is still time. I will postpone this for a later date, but I already saved the scene that I wrote. Just so you know between us, they are already pregnant.


The woman still insisted on him not leaving, even after knowing he had some skill to get into her balcony and the danger he still represented to her being near her.

Paul had a headache with this woman; he didn't know if she was stupid or what.

"Alright, what's your name?" Paul asks as he massages with his fingers between his eyes. "And who's Hector?"

"Elena Reyes," the woman said as she relaxed her posture seeing he would not leave.

"Nice to meet you, Elena," Paul smiles a little seeing the woman being more relaxed now around him and not so tense.

"Hector is my nephew. He went to find food and never came back," Elena says with a worried look and tone as she relates. "The guests took him to draw me out."

"Why? They are simply dangerous and want to harm you both?" Paul wondered about it. "Or did you do something to them or maybe have something they wanted from you?"

"I have keys to every hall, every building. This place is a maze, and I know how to run it." Elena says a little stressed out. "Whoever has the keys can control the hotel."

"Oh. So you have something precious, worth killing you and taking it, no wonder they are looking for you." Paul smiles at her as he sits on the couch. "What kind of personnel were you of the hotel, given that you know this place and how to run it?"

She flinched a little at the mention of killing her for the keys, calming down and seeing that he had no different look on his face, as if not caring about it, she sat beside him this time.

"Manager of the Rosarito Beach Hotel," Elena said as she looked at him.

"Okay. How many guests are left?" Paul inquired, curious that the manager of this place was still alive.

"A dozen maybe, perhaps less now," Elena said, with a thoughtful look.

"Why didn't you leave? Don't you have a home to go back to?" Paul continued asking questions, to know more about her situation.

"The hotel is home." Elena tried to explain calmly to him. "It has been for a long time, and if I gave them the keys or without them, they'd kill us or exile us."

"Well, if that's the case, your best bet to stay alive is staying in this hotel. Do you know how things are outside this hotel? With all those dead roaming the Earth now." Paul asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"I haven't left the tower since it began," Elena said with doubt in her eyes.

"You are lucky if you don't need to leave this place in the past month. Outside things are hard, people die every second everywhere, and there is no government anymore with the cities falling one after another, by now there must be no city completely standing anymore, now is the law of the jungle. And the death toll only contributes to generating more of those things that walk after death. We call them 'walkers'." Paul elaborated to her with a smile.

"There is no rescue, everyone takes care of themselves and the group they form part of, given the case." Paul continues. "Talking about groups, are you one of those that believe in the madness, that the dead are not to be feared but understood, that they are what comes next? I only come across Mexicans who are crazy thinking about that."

Elena's face paled after knowing a little about the outside world and snapped back from her thoughts to reality after hearing if she was a madman. "No, they are a threat that needs to be taken care of. I don't see them like that."

"Good, maybe we could work together then, you and our group until the moment we leave this place. Given your value as a good asset to have with us because of your expertise and knowledge of the hotel, we could retrieve your nephew from the hands of the guests if you decide to stick with us or maybe join." Paul said to her his proposal.

"I will join your group," Elena quickly says to him, thinking that just sticking with them she will not be so secure. "I don't have much of a choice besides that; I am alone and without Hector; I can't move the dead, eventually I will run out of food and water, and I can't be on good terms with the guests even if I tried it..."

"Why?" Paul asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Back then when it started in the ballroom during a wedding event," Elena recounts with sadness in her look. "The father of the bride, he had a heart attack."

Paul already knew how it would continue after hearing that, after seeing the mess down there.

"The poor man became one of them while we were waiting for rescue. He attacked his own daughter, the bride...while her mother watched." Elena continued.

"They looked up to me for help, but I contained the situation," Elena says with a tilt in her voice of regret. "I have the hotel to think about; we were at full capacity. All my guests; it was a sickness that I couldn't let spread. So, I locked them in; Hector and I till help could come; but, it never did."

"There was no one out there to save us and people died and now they hate me," Elena says hiding her face between her hands as she massages her forehead to try to relax.

"I have already seen events like that happen; there was nothing you could do once it started," Paul says to her a few comforting words. "I've seen worse and did worse. All of our group."

"Because you will be with us now, I won't let them touch you. I promise." Paul then reassures her. "Besides; you didn't start the killing, and some guests even with what you did, still left the place; so they had a way out. Sure; they are on their right to hate you, but from your standing, you did nothing wrong. You saved yourself and tried to reduce the number of casualties; it was a shitty situation."

Paul then stands again. "Alright; you're coming with me so I can present you to the rest."

"But the dead in the hallways and the stairwells..." Elena quickly stands worried.

"You stay here for a moment, I will take care of them and come back for you. Okay?" Paul says while looking into her eyes to make it through his order. "Close the door after I leave."

"Fine..." Elena says worried, not wanting him to die as she was having more hope now.

Paul exited the room into the dark hallway that was only illuminated by an emergency intermittent red light. Looking around at both sides, he quickly spotted a few rotting walkers that he killed easily, securing the hallway. Then he advanced to the continuous wing around the corner and killed a few more walkers until coming back and taking Elena to open him a room beside hers. He took furniture from there and blocked the path to the next section so if there were more walkers, they couldn't move into here easily.

"How could you be so strong?" Elena asks with doubt and amazement, seeing as he moves around heavy things easily, blocking the path.

"The disease not only brought the dead back; it did something with my body too," Paul says simply, not telling her much.

Elena was confused and thoughtful but didn't try to pry more into it.

"Go back inside your room; I will clean the stairwells and block it two floors below," Paul instructs her.

After she moved inside the room, being safe, he opened the door leading into the stairwell and saw it packed up with walkers. Leaving it open, they started pouring into the hallway. He did a killing feast as they came, dying nonstop at the same speed they entered the hallway. The bodies piled on the floor until the moment he killed them all who were next to this floor. Then he got inside and blocked with furniture the way up before he started killing those who were still on the stairs going down. After killing one floor below, he blocked the stairs, piling the rotten bodies of the walkers that kept trying to come up and those that he already killed before, making a wall of corpses, making it difficult to destroy or move aside for the walkers.

After securing the way up the stairwell, he moved into the hallway on the floor where the group was. Killing all the walkers there, around two dozen walkers and a few more in the adjacent wing. Entering one of the rooms left open, he did the same as on the floor upstairs, removing furniture from the condo and locking the path into the hallway of the next section.

As he did those things, he could hear inside the room how his family was alert with their weapons at hand for anything to happen. So he moved into their room and knocked on their door. "Hey! It's me, Paul."

The door quickly opened with Madison throwing herself at him as she took his face in her hands. "What took you so long? We couldn't leave because the place was infested with walkers."

"I'm okay. I didn't find Daniel or Ofelia downstairs. Let's move inside to talk." Paul says as he embraces his mother around her waist and looks at his sisters and the rest.

After they were comfortable in the room, he related what he saw on the road and the place infested with walkers all around. He told them that he didn't see signs of Daniel or Ofelia, that the pickup with the rest of the guns was missing and he had just seen the bullet casings near the other two cars. That he still looked for them around the place just in case, not finding anything.

Then he told them how not wanting to move again between the walkers face to face as they were disgusting, he moved around the building to his back and climbed the floors using the edges of the balconies as he moved from one to the next, but he climbed one floor extra, finding himself in the room upstairs of this one. In there, he found a survivor named Elena. Then he related to the group about Elena and what he did until knocking on their door.

"Daniel and Ofelia left with the guns and the rest of the good things?" Strand exclaimed in surprise but not judging, after a brief silence as they processed the information Paul told them. "Son of a bitch."

"It could be them or who knows. Anything could have happened there with so many walkers around the place." Paul says as he embraces Alicia and Amy who were resting their bodies against his chest, as he leaned against the wall.

"I can't believe Daniel or Ofelia left us behind too," Madison says a little in doubt.

"Madison, Daniel had Ofelia to think of. If they had to leave to survive, they went." Strand says after calming and thinking about it.

"And the woman, Elena right? Where is she?" Liza asked a moment later.

"Oh! Elena is in the room above this one." Paul says smiling while giving a squeeze to the round ass of Amy and Alicia, making them more tender in his embrace.

"Have you guys eaten yet?" Paul asks the group.

"Not yet. We have some food to get by this night, but not much in the long run." Madison says as she looks at him and the girls who were getting more frisky as time passed.

"Well, Elena decided to join us, as you already know why. She has accumulated some supplies in that room, food and water from the different rooms. Let's go to her room so you can know her and have dinner." Paul says as he gives a final squeeze to Amy and Alicia's nice ass.

Then the group moved into Elena's room, who got surprised and anxious at first with so many unknown people, but calmed when she got to know them better.

"In the morning, we should go after Daniel and Ofelia after we get Hector back," Madison says to the group as she leans against the kitchen counter.

"Which way would you have us go?" Strand asks her as he sits on the couch. "If they didn't take the truck, we'll find them here in some state. If they did, they would come back or have a new destination."

"At least we should check the first floor for them," Madison says to Strand, wanting to at least try to look for them. "Elena, what places they could hide if they had to run?"

"Eh..." Elena makes a sound and becomes thoughtful. "From outside the lobby, maybe they got into the spa section of the hotel, the corridors, the gazebos that work as bar outside, or the other towers with rooms."

"Better we should focus on what's in the here and now," Strand says, instead of looking around without a clue.

"I am," Madison says to him, then points at the supplies around the table and two boxes beside it. "I'm thinking in the long run too. Is this all we have?"

"Yes and the guests control the rest of the hotel, the food stores," Elena comments.

"Is that a lot?" Madison asks.

"Dry goods, canned goods. Yes, a lot. Enough for months." Elena makes a wry smile and says after thinking about it for a moment. "But these people will want us gone. They still want me dead."

"Well, that's not gonna happen. You are one of us now and we will get Hector back." Madison says reassuring her. "We will negotiate the terms of their stay with them after that."

"Thanks," Elena says more relieved seeing that they also were a big group as the guests, and above all, all of them armed with guns.

"Are we staying long-term in this place, Mom?" Claire asks her with doubt, thinking that maybe they would be a day or two before moving away.

"Yes, I'm tired of running, Baby," Madison says looking at her and the rest. "We can harvest water, grow food, fortify the gates, but we have to deal with the guests if they are to stay or make them go and clear the walkers to make it safe inside. We can make this place a home."

Paul was a little disappointed in staying here, but he had to give it to his mother, she saw the potential of the place. Being near the sea, you had an infinite source of water easily with just doing primitive filtering to make it potable. It was as simple as making two fires and two bottles of glass connected, and an unlimited source of seafood with that sports pier or otherwise plentiful space to grow food. Satisfying the two priority things for survival. The only problem, and a big problem at that, was securing the place. The other survivors of the city the moment they know this place is safe will come running to try to take it or live in here. The hotel provided secure and comfy rooms with all the boons of the place.

"Well, Victor, it seems we still will need to look for the spa if we are to clean this place of walkers." Paul smiles at him.

"We should get some sleep, a tequila hangover can't be helping matters when we have to do so many things in the morning." Strand sighs and says.

"Wait here for a moment, I will take a look again and make sure the rest of the rooms are safe to stay. I already blocked the access to this floor and downstairs but who knows? Just to be safe." Paul said to the group and left them as he exited with the machete in hand.

Paul left the room and did a thorough check of the fifth and sixth floors and all their rooms. Making sure they were safe, as well as the things blocking the stairwells that were holding the walkers. But with all the pile of them dead, it also acted as a cover, making them docile and not so much trying to keep climbing.

Strand stayed in one of the condos on the sixth floor and so did Liza and Chris after they all had dinner. Paul along with his women descended to the fifth floor to the condo where the girls were staying during the afternoon.

After they got comfortable in the room, Paul left for the bathroom intending to take a shower and clean himself. For that, he also took Andrea with him, who also needed to shower still, to have some time to play with her in there.

Once in the bathroom, he turned on the shower faucet, letting the hot water fall on the floor, and then he began to remove his clothes as Andrea too did.

A steamy heat began to engulf the room and the mirror began to fog from the humidity. The large shower space beckoned, promising intimate moments as the water droplets fell rhythmically.

Paul and Andrea not long after removing their clothes got inside. Paul reached over and grabbed the soap, letting it lather up between his hands before applying it to Andrea's body. Every stroke was intentional, deliberate, and sensual, causing goosebumps to form on her soft, delicate skin.

As he ran his soapy hands across her breast and cupped them hard, he leaned in to whisper in her ear with possessiveness, "Baby, you are so hot, you are beautiful." His words sent waves of anticipation through Andrea, and she instinctively pressed her back against his chiseled chest while pushing her ass into his already hard cock that was anxious to devastate her already wet pussy.

Paul took his time, lavishing her curves with tender care, but as the passion built, he became more assertive. He spun Andrea to face him and passionately kissed her, his tongue exploring her mouth hungrily while playing with her breasts.

Suddenly, he pushed Andrea against the wall of the shower, her arms pinned above her head, his body pressed firmly against hers. The steam from the hot water enveloped them, causing their skin to glisten under the dimmed lights of the bathroom that a little flashlight provided.

With one hand still holding Andrea's arms, Paul used his free hand to slide down her body until it rested between her legs. He began to caress and rub her intimately on her wet pussy, allowing Andrea to let out soft moans of pleasure. The shower's cascade created a perfect symphony of wetness.

Paul smirked seeing Andrea's eyes that said that she wanted more of him. He left her to wait for a while as he kissed her mouth and played with her beautiful body before he spun her back around and pushed her forward against the tiled wall of the shower. The hot water from the rainfall showerhead pounded down on their entwined bodies, slicking their skin.

Without preamble, Paul entered her in one deep thrust, burying himself to the hilt inside her tight, wet pussy. Andrea loudly cried out at the sudden fullness, her walls fluttering around his thick cock.

"Fuck, you're so tight," Paul groaned, beginning to move with slow, powerful strokes that made her entire body tremble. "Take it all, baby."

Andrea braced herself against the wall, her nails scrabbling for support on the slick tiles as Paul took her hard and fast from behind. The slap of flesh against flesh and their mingled moans echoed obscenely in the steam-filled room.

One of Paul's hands slid around to grasp Andrea's throat, applying just enough pressure to make her lightheaded with arousal. His other hand found her clit, rubbing tight circles over the sensitive bundle of nerves.

"Come for me, Andrea," Paul commanded, his voice rough with desire. "Scream my name."

Andrea obeyed without hesitation having already eyes heavy-lidded with desire, her orgasm crashing over her like a tidal wave as she shuddered and convulsed around Paul's pistoning cock. She cried out his name like a prayer, her knees buckling from the intensity of her release.

Paul rode out her climax, continuing to thrust into her with deep, grinding movements that drew out her pleasure. When her tremors finally subsided, he pushed deep inside her cumming inside her womb, filling her pussy leaving no gap with his warm semen. He kept pistoning into her as if wanting to compress their combined fluids inside her into her waiting womb.

"Fuck," Paul breathed reverently, reaching her hair cupping them into his hand, and moving it to one side as he kissed her back and neck while she gasped after he pounded her pussy. "You have a beautiful tight little pussy, my love."

"Anhm, Paul. I love you and your beautiful cock." Andrea said with lidded eyes as she was still experiencing her climax.

Paul smiled, while still firmly lodged inside her pussy he turned her around and pulled her into a deep, passionate kiss, playing with her tongue. Andrea unconsciously responded to his kiss as she was still a little out of her after the mess Paul made on her.

After a while, they finished cleaning themselves along with their hair.

"Come on," Paul said, slapping her ass with a wet smack. "Let's get you into bed with the others before I take you again."

Andrea giggled breathlessly, allowing herself to be led out of the shower and into the bedroom, where Paul proceeded to make love to her roughly before taking his other women.

The next morning, Paul awoke with his cock inside Alicia's pussy, which from time to time contracted and caressed softly around him, as if trying to milk him more of his cum.

He disentangled himself from his mother and Claire as he got up with Alicia in his arms, his cock still lodged inside her warm pussy. Alice woke because of his movements, embraced his neck, and entangled her legs around his waist to not get dropped off him as Paul stood up from the bed with his cock still inside her pussy, not wanting to leave her.

Paul fucked Alicia as he walked with her in his arms into the bathroom, making her moan in his ears all the way. Once inside, he cummed again in her, giving her his early morning load to enjoy. She climaxed with it, her pussy contracting crazily around him and almost causing her to fall from his embrace if it weren't for Paul's firm grip on her ass. After a moment, he removed his cock from her little pussy, making a plop sound as he left her with his cum dripping onto the floor from her gaping hole that tried to close to prevent wasting his brother's load.

"Good morning, baby girl," Paul murmured as he gave her a tongue kiss after she calmed a little from her orgasm.

"Morning, brother," Alicia replied drowsily and flushed as they separated from their kiss.

Paul then left her standing on the floor as he moved beside the toilet, intending to pee. Alicia, seeing that, moved beside him and leaned on his side, pushing her breast against his arm and chest. Her hand grabbed his cock, pumping it a few times to make it harder than it already was even after cumming in her. With a little difficulty due to his hardness, she guided it to aim into the toilet hole, pumping a few times. Paul relaxed in his sister's grip, relishing in her soft touch, smooth hands, warm body, and soft tits against him, making him pee with pleasure as he started the day with an awesome morning.

He moved his head to his side and kissed Alicia's full lips while peeing. He also played with her round ass on his hand, making them change forms as he touched her to his heart's content while his semen dripped from her puffy little hole. Before pushing a finger inside her pussy, he heard the squelching sounds of his cum and her juices left still inside her.

After finishing peeing, he grabbed his sister by her ass into his arms. She locked her legs around his waist as he moved her to sit on the bath counter while he kept kissing her, being between her legs.

"You are so gorgeous, Alicia," Paul said as he pawed her tits to his pleasure.

"Mmmhm, brother," Alicia moaned in his mouth as he played with her. She took his head in her hands as she moved her fingers through his hair while they kissed.

"I like this moon necklace you have. It makes you look so classy as you jump on my bones, a little nice touch to combine with your tits that jiggle when you ride me," Paul said as he let her take a breath from their making out. "The one in Claire was cute too."

Alicia rested her forehead against his as she composed herself. "Claire found them and gave me one. Both are beautiful, but luckily, I got this one."

"It fits you nicely," Paul said as he kissed her a little more for a while, grazing her lower lip with his teeth as they separated.

They continued their loving moment for quite a while before cleaning themselves and leaving the bathroom as their mother entered.

Paul prepared a good morning hot coffee for everyone as he saw how they got up and started their morning with the bright sun rays shining through the glass door. He exited onto the balcony and looked at the resort grounds, the beach, and the other sections of the hotel.

He saw that quite an amount of walkers were already roaming to other places, different from how many were there during the night when he climbed the wall. The beach still had walkers moving around but was nothing compared to those in this place. Also, a big group was trapped in the pool that was beside the hotel.

Removing his sight from the walkers, he looked intently at the balcony of all the condos. He saw at least a dozen with presence in them, on the same floor but in the long section of the hotel, which should coincide with the group of guests that Elena said.

Going back inside the room, they had a brief breakfast amidst their playful banter. Until Elena, along with Strand, came to their room.