
Fruit of Grisia: Twilight Dream

Yuuji kazami is a young man who has lived a completely different life from social norms. But somewhere down the road he lost sight of his goals. On a journey without a destination he encounters four girls, who are trying to survive in a hell out of reach of any civilization with their own miseries. How will he save these fruits from rotting who have fallen too far off from their social tree. Would he be able to find his calling? or will he continue on his mindless journey like he always has. What will be the end of this twilight dream. Disclaimer: I do not own Fruit of grisia nor its characters. These belong to eiji narumi. I do not own anything. *sad noises

Feign_Frey · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

Abyss of Despair III:

Day 2

As soon as the first ray of sun hit the forest, the howls went silent just like a nightmare leaving only the feeling of dread. Yuria opened her eyes and sat up groggily. She didn't feel refreshed even though she slept the whole night due to fatigue.

"Looks like it's morning already"

She said to herself.

After checking Amane who was still asleep, she left the tent and went to wake the other two girls up. A pleasant and cool morning breeze hit her face but it didn't manage to lift her mood. She hit her cheeks with both hands and woke other girls up.

After washing their faces and finishing their bodily needs in the forest by using as little water as possible from the military can, they sat beside the fire, they just started again.

After stopping the girls from having breakfast she told them about the task they had to do today.

"We will have to bury the body of Sakaki sensei before it starts to rot."

The girls shuddered at even the thought of touching a dead body.

"I am sorry. I know you are afraid but we cannot waste time regarding this matter or it will be even more difficult for us later on.

We will have to dig a hole first. We will start after Amane wakes up and eats her breakfast."

After that silence prevailed in the surroundings.

After giving Amane her breakfast and medicine, they got to work.

By using scrap metal parts they pulled out from the destroyed car. They dug a three feet deep hole a little distance away from their camp at the edge of the forest.

It took them about 4 hours to finish up the work including breaks in between.

After taking a short rest Yuria looked at both girls. Sachi shuddered at the thought of what was to come and Michiru was still emotionless staring dazedly at the ground.

"Be strong, It won't take much time. Just hang in there for a minute."

They moved to the car. Fortunately, the door on the driver's side had already been broken and fallen off during the accident.

Yuria put her trembling hands on the cold dead body which had been in the same sitting position for the whole night. But when she tried to pull the body, she found out that it wouldn't move.

'Rigor mortis. Stiffening of body after some time of death.'

Their work has become more difficult but what could they do about it. Yuria pointed at the other side of the car and told the girls to push the body from the other side. They did manage to pull it out of the car but Sachi was the first one to lose this battle as she ran to the side and started retching.

Nothing came out of her stomach because they had been hungry for more than half a day. But this didn't make the sensation of her inside trying to come out any less painful, making her face a mess of tears and snot.

Yuria moved to her side quickly and started rubbing her back. After some time she sent her back to the tent to take a rest.

Yuria got to work soon after. They dragged the body to the hole and after putting the still sitting body sideways they covered the hole with soil.

Yuria couldn't stop herself from retching from time to time but she held on. After their work was done, they moved back to the camp, ate lunch and took some rest.


At noon, I was resting in the tent with Amane. I heard some rustling sounds and saw Amane squirming and trying to get up. But she soon laid down holding back the cry of pain.

"What's wrong Amane. You shouldn't sit up, the wound may open up again."

I aksed her softly.

"Nothing Yuria sensei. I was just....trying to see if I could sit up. I am just bored so I want to go out."

Amane's voice cracked a bit as she gulped down sliva mid sentence as though she was trying not to cry.

"Amane what's wrong? Come on tell me"

Some moments passed in silence, and Amane said as the tears she had been holding back desperately streamed down her face.

"I want to go to the toilet."

I almost slapped myself on forehead.

'I am so stupid. Why didn't I think of that before.

What to do. None of us is strong enough to pick her comfortably so the wound wouldn't be disturbed.

I can ask her to do it here and then I will clean it up later'

I quickly moved out and brought a plastic bag from our luggage and spread it under her.

"You can do it here, I will clean it up afterwards ok?"

"No. I can move. Please take me outside."

She pleaded in a trembling voice. I tried my best to reassure her that this was no big deal because I was her teacher. After some time I managed to persuade her as both she and her body gave in. But even then she couldn't accept it.

Tears filled with sadness, humiliation, and helplessness fell down as her hands hid her face. Heart rending sobs echoed in surroundings as she cried her heart out. My heart shattered into a million pieces as I saw my confident and proud but filled with kindness student breaking down. I rushed to her side and hugged her tightly, hoping to comfort her and stop both myself and her from crying.

"Don't worry. It's not a big deal. Please don't cry. I will clean it up quickly. ok?"

My brain couldn't find the right word to say as my voice choked.

"I am... sorry... sorry."

She mumbled apologies again and again. I couldn't do anything but try to reassure her that there was nothing to apologize for.

At last, she fell asleep in my embrace while crying. I laid her down slowly.

'Please somebody.... Anybody.... help us.'

After cleaning up, I exited the tent with a heavy heart, praying with all my heart that we would get out of this hell soon.

In the evening, Yuria told Sachi and Michiru about Amane's situation and asked them to keep an eye on her. After that they tore down the seats in the car to make some makeshift pillows and used its cover for bedding.

Just like that the sun drowned in the red sea and another restless night filled with horror came.


I was sitting in front of the mirror combing my hair thoughtlessly. Suddenly, a soft knock came from the door and someone entered my room. There, an old woman with gray hair showing the mark of time was standing while smiling at me.


I said in an uncertain voice like I was asking myself the question.

"How much time will you spend on your hair Michiru. Come down, dinner is ready."

After reminding me of the time she moved out of the room.

I dazedly looked around my room, filled with different toys, a large bed, a book shelf, and a small table with a computer. A feeling of unfamiliarity washed over me but I couldn't point out the source of it.

I woke up from my thoughts due to the call of mother and moved out of the room. Moving around the familiar yet unfamiliar house I reached the dining room and sat down on a seat next to the table filled with food.

The feeling of having forgotten an important matter like something was not right, never left me.

"Your father will be back next week. He said he has a present for you."

My mother said while she sat down across the table on my opposite side.


My brain screeched to a halt. I started to remember everything as it restarted again. I never had something like a father in my life nor was this my home.

"A dream again?"


As I thought out loud, a sinister laugh entered my ears. My eyes moved to the source of sound, where another me was sitting in place of my mother and smiling ear to ear creepily.

"I got caught again"


"So an untrue life won't work even if it's filled with happiness. hmmm"


"I will see you next time then"

After completing its monologue that I couldn't understand she disappeared with my house.

My eyes shot open as I tried to control my quickened breathing. Judging by the sounds echoing outside, it was still nighttime.

"It looks like I won't be able to sleep again."

I said to myself while my voice trembled. My mind felt calm like last time but I felt suffocated like I was in water, wanting to breathe but couldn't do so.

"Mother ...."

I closed my eyes again after calling out to my mother who I was missing very much for some reason as I waited for the morning to come.


Day 3

The girls started their day by having breakfast with snacks because the baked beans they have been relying on were finished yesterday morning.

"The water and the food we have will only suffice for one more meal. We have to do something about it."

Yuria said as they sat around the fire which had long since died down.

"We can look for fruit and berries in the forest"

Sachi said pointing to the forest."

"Yes. I was thinking the same. Although it's dangerous, we cannot survive without food. So we will move together and will only search the outer parameters."

They moved to the forest after taking care of Amane.

As they started to search the outer parameters of the forest, they realized that there was nothing edible here. Only towering trees, herbs, and shrubs without anything edible in sight.

"How can this be. There is not a single berry here."

Sachi voiced her disbelief to her companions.

"I also can't understand how this is possible."


"We can't do anything. Let's go a little deeper but be careful of your surroundings."

Sachi and Michiru nodded as they followed Yuria.

They had moved only a few steps and Yuria froze in her tracks not even breathing.

The same thing happened to the other two girls as they moved to her side.

There was a beast, only a dozen or so steps away from them. Although it looked like a dog, it was different. Its sharp canine showed its identity of a wild animal built only for tearing flesh apart. It was smaller than a wolf so all the girls thought that it was probably a cub or young wolf. A stroke of good luck in their misfortune.

The animal and the girls kept looking at each other vigilantly.

A few moments passed in which girls didn't even dare to breathe loudly. After that the young wolf turned around and ran away.

The girls let out a collective long breath of relief and they quickly turned around and sped to the camp.

They only took a breath after reaching the camp.

"Thank god we survived. If that was an adult wolf.... I don't even want to think about it."

As Sachi said after catching her breath, others nodded in affirmation.

"It was small so it can be some other animal because there are many that resemble wolves but it does not make our situation any better. I have even heard that these kinds of animals hunt in packs."

As Yuria shared her thoughts with others, Sachi said again.

"We can't go to the forest again. We won't be lucky every time."

All the girls nodded and went into their tents to rest.

Another day passed.


Six days passed just like that...

But their situation turned worse. They ran out of food and water on the third day. Sachi remembered that there is a coolant reservoir in the car that has water in it because her parents had a car too. They managed to get some water which they ran out of before the fifth day.

On the sixth day, Hunger became unbearable for them so they tried to chew leaves but they couldn't even gulp them down. During these days, Amane's wound got infected. They had already run out of medicine and dressings. Her moans of pain had been echoing in the camp for the whole time she was awake. Nights became sleepless as days passed, more so for Michiru who couldn't get rid of her terrifying nightmares which have been becoming more and more like reality with each passing day.


Seventh Day

The camp was quiet. The fire has long since died down because there was no reason to burn wood. The girls spent all of the day in the tent. Their eyes lost light of hope as they became lifeless like a dead fish. It has been days since anyone said a word to each other. Yuria tried to get their hopes up by encouraging them but she soon went quiet as she herself started losing hope of their survival.

But in the evening of the seventh day, their prayers were answered. They were laying in their tents just like they had for the past few days because they didn't have the strength to move anymore.

Suddenly, a screeching sound of tires came from the cliff. Their bodies moved even before their minds processed the sound and three girls clawed out of their tents hurriedly.

They didn't know what they were hoping to see, they just wanted something to change, so they could at least get their hopes up again.

And they were right. Someone was here who could save them from this abyss.



Phew. Finally. It took me more than 6 hours to write this chapter because I couldn't think of anything to write. I have only some dialogue in mind and I write paragraphs around them. Half way through this chapter, I realized that I had started to drag the story. I couldn't waste my hard work so I just finished the remaining days of survival in a hurry. I am sorry I didn't want to end the chapter on a cliffhanger but the chapter was already too long so I had to end it here.


What should I do about lemon? I don't think I will write many R18 scenes but there is one I have to write. Trust me, this lewd scene is absolutely essential for the story. Should I keep it short or make it detailed? and should I keep the lemon in the same chapter or make a lemonade in a separate chapter.

A) Short/No lemon

B) Detailed in the same chapter

C) Detailed but in a separate chapter