Year:2022 month:December Day:Thursday Time:2:34am Jacob Greendale was your average 23 year old guy steady job decent apartment and a gamer he had died very sus way, he choked on Gliz- ahem hot dog while watching dragon ball super he died and woke up in an unknown place Follow Jacob as he conquers the planet and conquers more as time goes on.
After the little heir to Frozen Empire Sagan wike up the next day, he saw a sight that made him shiver in excitement.
A HUGE army trying to siege the Capital, keep in mind that Sagan is in the castle so when he saw the siege that was happening he was so excited he almost let all his ki out which would have destroyed everything in a 100 mile radius(the capital is over 1000 Km large with over 1million people living in it).
When Sagan started flying he was stopped by his father he said in a serous tone "Sagan we shall not interfere its entertaining to watch as the humans of the other kingdoms fight with no avail" "b-but-" "no buts." at that moment Sagan learned to never talk back to his father or else.
About 15-20 hours later the siege was fended off with no survived attackers(weird wording Ik just role with it)
There were over 60 dead and 310 wounded out of the 10million troops(I said 1mill living in the Cap yes but before that over 12mill lived in the Cap)
[1 year later]
*Whoosh* *BOOM* a space pod landed and out came a... Saiyan!!! yes most of them were extinct so how can one be here!
[Fickle Pov]:
Ah that hurt... I landed on this weird planet named Erva my ship scanned the planets surface and found millions of intelligent life and 2 frost demons, how is that possible they were apl supposed to be on there planet but...wait could it be Frieza, nah he's definitely not here so it has to be either a father and son or 2 partners looking to take over the planet someway somehow.
[Fickle pov end]
[Ice pov]
hm I picked up something...this ki it feels like a Saiyans ki DAMMIT I'll send Sagan to take him out it will be a good lesson for him,
"SAGAN!!!" yelled Ice with Stern expression
"yes father!" " I have picked up a Saiyans ki signature find him and bring him, they have brown monkey tails GO NOW!!!"
"EEP y-yes father" off he goes he's still a bit cowardly in front of me but that's expected of him as I'm very intimidating to him.
[Ice pov end]
After that they caught the Saiyan and interrogated him and took some of him DNA and no cloning instead Ice put that DNA into him and Sagan turning them into Frost demon Saiyan hybrids giving them limitless potential.
After that they went on a little conquest and this is the fight between Ice and strongest cultivator in the known world:
The two stood 10 meters away from each other Ice and Fre Shun the strongest Cultivator in the World after 20 mins of just staring the two lunged at each other clashing hard enough to crack the ground underneath them, every time there punches collide its like a mini nuke.
Punch after punch none of them are getting the upper hand, after an hour of this going on Ice switched to his 2nd form slowly getting the upper hand then Fre Shun suddenly broke off from the fight he started gathering Qi for an attack, Ice new he wanted to finnish the fight quickly so Ice started charging up an attack to counter Fre Shuns after 20mins Fre and Ice shot there attacks Ices got the upper hand due to the superior energy and eventually hit Fre with his attack gravelly wounding him, Fre took a Crystal and suddenly warped away.
Ice was left alone also gravelly injured and exhausted but he hauled himself up and flew back to the capital after a successful Conqeust.
hey everyone hope you enjoyed YAY we are in a new SAGA. anyway should I do Sagans pov of from when he waa born to now the Conquest cis im kinda bored with Ice and stuff so let hear it laterrrr
Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.