
How long do i sleep?

The cold temperature this morning awakens Rei from his sleep. "Hoaaaa .... It's morning already."

Seeing his messy room, Rei got up from his bed and turned on his computer.

Opening the cctv broadcast on his computer, Rei still doesn't see any food from his food delivery. "It's been two weeks they haven't sent any food. Looks like I've been ripped off by that catering company."

"My supply of instant noodles is also running low, I can't help but have to go out now."

"Haa ... Even though this underground base was built to avoid something like that."

Dressed in trousers, a hoodie, and a shoulder bag, he finally walked out of his basement after a long time.

"It's been half a year since I locked myself in this room, that means it's been four years since I stopped being a knight for good."

"Hopefully my teacher and my colleagues are well after I leave."

After locking the door to his basement, and pushing back the bookcase that covered the entrance. Rei was shocked when he saw the state of the study room at his house.

"What happened? Why is this room so messy like this?"

"This room looks like it's been looted by a thief!"

"Could it be that my house was recently ransacked by a thief ?!"

"This is bad! I have to check the whereabouts of Mom and Dad!"

"Usually at this time mom and dad are still sleeping in the bedroom. Hopefully nothing bad happens to them!"

With all his strength he ran towards the master bedroom of his house, where he saw only the bedroom which had been looted by thieves.

"Nobody! They're not in the bedroom!"

"What happened to them! Are they in danger now ?!"

"What should I do ?! I can't bear to imagine mom and dad getting hurt!"

"No, at a time like this I shouldn't give up! At a time like this, I have to pull myself together and try to think logically."

"Panic will only make things worse for me. I better calm down, and try to contact them in case Mom and Dad are out of town."

Picking up the cell phone in his bag, Rei tries to call his father's cell phone.

"Tu ..."

"Tu ..."

"Tu ..."

"The number you are calling is not active or out of range. Please try again later."

"The number you are calling…" Rei turned off the call after hearing the operator's voice from his cellphone.

"No signal here, now what do I do?"

"Should I ask the neighbors, maybe they know where my parents are?"

"But, as long as I live here I rarely talk to them. What if they don't know me when I ask?"

"I've never participated in any social events around here either, what if they don't want to help me now?"

"That's so embarrassing!" Rei could imagine when something like that happened.

"No, no, no! What was I thinking at a time like this ?! My parents could be in danger right now, and I'm still thinking about trivial things like this!"

"My family is much more important than my despicable pride, I have to find them at all costs."

With the morning sunshine and clear sky accompanying his steps, Rei finally saw the outside world after a long time.

In contrast to his memory, the environment around his house was far quieter than he had imagined.

"It's still early morning, why isn't anyone around now? Have they gone to work?"

"Or are they gathering at the village square? Maybe there's an event at the village square?"

"If there was an event at the village square, my parents might be gathering there now."

"Should I go there? Maybe there are clues to the whereabouts of father and mother."

"No, I can't go there. Faced with the dense crowd that gathered there, it might be too much for a NEET like me."

"I'd better ask the neighbors around here first, there must be one or two people still in the house now."

"If there's no neighbor I can ask, then I'll go there."

Walking towards one of his neighbors' houses, Rei was standing in front of their door.

"Excuse me ....! It's me Rei, neighbor!" (Rei)


"Excuse me...!" (Rei)


"Excuse me ...! Mr. Udin ...! It's me Rei!" (Rei)


"Hello ?! Anyone?" (Rei)

Because there was no answer from his neighbor, Rei tried to open the door of their house to confirm the whereabouts of his neighbor.

"Eh? The door is not locked, that means someone is inside!"

"I'd better close it down immediately, before being accused of something I didn't do."

Rei, who was about to close the door, froze when he caught a glimpse of the inside of his neighbor's house.

"Why is this house as messy as mine? Are thieves after this house too?"

"But how can a thief steal from two houses and still not get caught by the police?"

"I'd better ask the other neighbors, maybe they know what's really going on here."

Visiting his other neighbors' houses one by one, Rei's face turns gloomy every time he opens their door.

"Oh my God! This is not just ordinary theft!"

"All the houses in this alley have been looted! There is no way the other residents could just keep quiet about this!"

"Maybe this is the reason why they are gathering in the village square right now. I have to go there too! There's something strange here!"

With a mountain bike from his house, Rei immediately left for the village square.

"There's no mistaking it, there must be something bad going on here."

"From all the way until now, I still haven't seen a single person this morning"

"In front there is a main crossroads, which means I am already close to the village square."

"I better hurry, the situation may be worse than I imagined."

Arriving at the main crossroads, Rei almost fell off his bicycle when he saw abandoned cars and trucks filling the road in his sight.

"Geez, what is the meaning of all this madness ?! Why do they want to go to the city together?"

"Are my neighbors also going to town with this party?"

"But why? What really happened in the city to make almost one province want to go there ?!"

"It doesn't look like looting is the main issue here."

"I have to find out more, before I make a decision."

Approaching one of the cars, Rei looked at the inside of the car glass which was covered in ash.

"They are evacuating?"

"They brought daily supplies in the car. Doesn't that mean they were evacuating ?!"

"But what caused them to flee? Is it because of the Sinabung eruption, like what happened last year?"

"I don't think it's possible. Sinabung is far away from here, there's no way they are still afraid after arriving here."

"What's more, seeing the number of vehicles that are here is far more than the previous year."

"Ouch ... My head is starting to hurt! What are they actually taking refuge from ?!"

Massaging his forehead, Rei saw his reflection from the windshield of a nearby car.

"Eh? Wait a minute, why did I always think that the problem came from outside."

"What if ... The one who made them evacuate is still here?"

"Besides, if it weren't for life and death problems, it would be impossible for Indonesians to just leave their cars and property here."

"That means ... Whatever made them run is probably here now!

Turning to the hallway where he lived, cold sweat fell from Rei's face when he heard his own words.

"God, this is so bad!"

"I'd better get out of here, wander outside the house without knowing the dangers around me."

"Will get me killed!"