
A Very Competent Actor

There was a shift in the actress' eyes; the facade she had worked hard on building was now crumbling to the ground. 

Tears threatened to fall from her eyes as she looked away from her pained son. 

Jian nodded his head as he gazed at the ground, tears falling from his eyes like crystals in a dark cave. 

As he looked up to the camera once more, another tear fell, glistening under the moonlight. 

Ann watched the scene before her and shook her head. 

"His tears are paid actors. Those look like diamonds just now," she muttered.

It seemed like everybody in the studio held their breaths as they waited for the scene to finish. It was almost like they were already watching the movie in the front row of the cinema for its very first premier.

Jian, sensing that his mother wasn't going to change his mind, nodded to himself once again.

"But if this will make you happier," he started off, grabbing the bag on his side with a heavy heart.