
From the healed me to you

Bibbie06 · สมัยใหม่
42 Chs

Bounded by time

Maybe it was just how fate wanted it to end or maybe it's not. Maybe timing is being a bitch again but there is one thing that we can be sure of, that the two of them aren't meant for each other, for now. There's a girl with love filled in her heart for a certain guy. She loved him till the moon and back and when she finally gathered up the courage to say it to him she was more than happy to know that he too loved her back. The two of them had a love life similar to that of Morticia and Gomez Addams. But inconveniences are bound to occur in any relationship. They broke up, she cried endlessly and just when she thought that no one would be able to understand her there he stood. The guy who used to love her dearly and she loved him too until they got seperated, her ex. He stayed there for her, he wiped her tears and made her laugh but the thing she didn't know was that he still hadn't moved on from her. He told her when it was way too late. He told her about it after he made her get back together with the other guy. He told her that he loved her and still waited for her but it was time to move on since her heart belonged to someone else now....