
Chapter 10

Lucius didn't come back that night Evelyn stay up all the night crying non-stop Lucius couldn't have done this to her maybe she was wrong about her destiny.

The next morning she dress up in a really beautiful golden dress and apply red lipstick on her lips she let her hair down and look at herself one last time in the mirror what she hated most is makeup but right now she is going to put Alexa back in her place and make Lucius regret what he has done she put on her shoe to finish the job and strode out of the room, when she left the room she started feeling nervous all eyes were on her young maid and even the old one was staring at her in such awe not because she is not beautifully dress but because they have never seen her so beautifully dresses like this she is really beautiful and there is word to qualify her right now than extremely beautiful "where is his highness" she asked one of himaidsid "he is in the archery practice room" she replied and leave.

Just she remember Lucius once showed her the archery practice room so she heeded there just like she remember she walk into the archery practice room she expected to see Lucius training all alone but she didn't get what she expected she met Lucius and Alexa in the training room Lucius is tutoring Alexa archery with him behind and her body was so close and Alexa was smiling and blushing as Lucius was saying something she couldn't hear into her ear. Evelyn bit her bottom lip not wanting to see any more of it she was so hurt angry and tired tears filled her eyes and she didn't want anyone to see her cry she leave and walk faster through the hall until she bumped into someone and stumble backward "oh am sorry princess I didn't see you there" Felipe there looking so calm as ever "it alright" she tried to walk past him hiding her crying face from him but he holds her hold her back he already saw those face "are you alright" he asks "am okay your highness" she speak "even if you said you are okay your tears prove that you are not"

"Am okay" she force a smile "tell me who made you cry then I will order for the head of the person right away"

"Aren't you been too nice your highness?" She chuckles softly "or is it Lucifer? Your husband?" He ask and Evelyn went silent for a while Felipe cross the distance between them "I will take that slience for yes" Evelyn faced sideways "I know why because he has been sleeping with Alexa lately tsk tsk tsk" he tilted his head "I told you that guy is up to no good but you never listen you keep on taking his side I should have told you he is in love with his mistress before he marries you it saddens me that a beat lady like you end up with my brother" Evelyn looks up at him the look in his eyes started to change to a lustful expression sigh.... from one mess to another "thank you for your kind gesture your highness" she said walking away but Felipe grab her waist and pull her closer to him "what are you doing your highness let me go NOW!!!" She screamed "what does it look like princess your husband didn't even care about him so why do you still have to care about him he can have all ladies he wants but you can't just enjoy yourself....." He said flatly "what do you mean by that"

"I mean since your husband has abandoned you for his mistress let us both Just...." He trace her lips with his finger down to her chest "start having a secret affair I promise to treat you well and fill you up" Evelyn got furious and bit her lower lip she slap his hand away and push him off her with all her strength "you are.... Disgusting" she groans at him and run away with annoyance Felipe grit his teeth annoy no woman has ever pushed him away like that and even call him disgusting "Antonio, Chris, Lucas, Zack" he calls out four men appear right in front of him "kidnap her I must have my way with her no woman has ever embarrassed me like she did today I will let her know no one pushes me away like that" he ordered "okay your highness" the four-man bow and leave.

Evelyn cry out of the castle first she got abandoned by her husband and now his brother is lusting over her body what the hell is going on in this palace she didn't know how but she found herself in a wood very far outside the castle how did she get here she wonwondersow she got here she has been clouded with pain and annoyance that she didn't know when she got outside the palace but she needed some time to wash the pain all away to accept her fate right now she saw a small lake down the woods perfect spot to wash it all away she sat at the edge of the lake and dip her feet into the lake singing she felt so lost so confuse all this are a new experience to her. Slowly singing beside the lake she didn't know how long she has been staying there.