

บรรณาธิการ: Exodus Tales

"My friend told me," Jian Yiling answered.

"What friend of yours can know XDL's business secrets in advance?" the woman had an expression of disbelief on her face.

However, Jian Yiling stopped answering the woman's questions. She did not feel obligated to answer them. These were her own private matters.

"Hey, I'm asking you a question. Can you not hear me?" the woman asked discontentedly.

Hu Jiaojiao huffed: "That's our business. You can ask but we have the right to not answer your questions!"

Hu Jiaojiao's mother: "Yes, yes. We can choose to not answer."

Upon hearing this, the woman gritted her teeth and said: "Tch, who do you think you are."

Then, she withdrew her eyes.


At the end of the launch event, Jian Yiling received a message on her phone.

[I'm glad that you were able to attend. I assumed that you wouldn't be attending. Would you be free to have a meal together?]