
From Orphan to Billionaire

Ayo, a boy abandoned on the streets of Lagos, finds himself ostracized and ridiculed in the orphanage. With a thirst for knowledge, he devours books, his only companions. His life takes an unexpected turn when he discovers he is the sole heir to a vast fortune left behind by his billionaire father. Thrust into a world of unimaginable wealth, Ayo must grapple with his newfound identity and the burden of his inheritance. As he navigates the opulent world of Nigerian high society, Ayo uncovers a web of secrets and hidden agendas. He realizes that his father's legacy is more than just money - it's a puzzle waiting to be pieced together.

Clement_Ohis · สมัยใหม่
44 Chs

36: Acknowledging Loss, Embracing Change

The following morning, Ayo sat in his office, lost in thought. His mind wandered through the events of the past few days, replaying every conversation and decision. He didn't hear Sarah come in and was startled when she called his name several times.

"Oh! I'm sorry, Sarah," he said, snapping back to reality. "I didn't hear you come in."

"Good morning," she greeted, offering a reassuring smile. "I know you're worried about Ade. If you ask me, I think it's time we let him go and move on."

Ayo sighed, running a hand through his hair. "You're right, Sarah. We've done everything we can. It's his choice now."

They decided to inform the other core team members about Ade's departure, acknowledging the impact it would have on the group but also emphasizing the importance of moving forward.


The team gathered in the conference room, the atmosphere heavy with anticipation. Ayo and Sarah stood at the front, ready to address their colleagues.

"Good morning, everyone," Ayo began, his voice steady but somber. "I have some important news to share. Ade has decided to pursue a different path. He will no longer be with us at the community center."

There were murmurs of surprise and concern among the team members. Ayo raised his hand for silence.

"This wasn't an easy decision for him, and it's not an easy one for us to accept," Ayo continued. "But we must respect his choice and support him in his new endeavors. Our mission here remains the same, and we will continue to work together to achieve our goals."

Sarah stepped forward, her expression resolute. "Change is always challenging, but it can also bring new opportunities. We have a strong team, and we can overcome any obstacles that come our way."

The team members nodded, some with sadness in their eyes, others with determination. They knew this was a pivotal moment, one that would test their resilience and unity.


Meanwhile, the scene in the prison yard was different. The convicted board members, seated around a table, exchanged satisfied smiles as they saw their plans to take down Ayo and his team begin to take shape.

Obinna leaned back in his chair, a smirk on his face. "Ade has taken the bait. He's distancing himself from Ayo, just as we hoped."

Chika nodded, his eyes gleaming with malicious intent. "Now we need to ensure that the rivalry intensifies. We can use Ade's new venture to undermine Ayo's efforts and create chaos."

Kunle, always eager to cause trouble, grinned. "It won't be long before their unity crumbles. We'll hit them where it hurts the most."

They discussed their next moves, confident that their plan was working. With Ade now seen as a weak link, they believed it was only a matter of time before the community center's foundation would begin to crack.


Back at the community center, Ayo and Sarah continued to strategize on how to move forward without Ade. They knew they had to stay focused and united, especially with the new international partnership.

"Ayo, we need to ensure that our work remains impactful and that our vision stays clear," Sarah said. "Let's use this as an opportunity to strengthen our team and our mission."

Ayo nodded, his resolve hardening. "You're right, Sarah. We'll keep pushing forward, no matter what."

As they prepared to face the challenges ahead, both from within and outside their organization, Ayo and Sarah knew that their journey was far from over. But they also knew that with determination, unity, and a shared vision, they could overcome any obstacle.


In the prison, the board members' smiles were short-lived. Unknown to them, their conversations were being monitored. A new ally, working behind the scenes to protect Ayo and his team, was gathering information. The enemy's plans were not as secret as they believed, and soon, they would face unexpected resistance.

But for now, the game of cat and mouse continued, each side unaware of the other's next move, each determined to emerge victorious.


Once again I want to say a very big thank you all my readers and let you know I appreciate you all for taking time out to read my work.

Keep the reviews, comments and collections coming in and above your gifts too. They are the motivating factors that spore any writer and encourage them to continue writing knowing they have the backing of loyal readers.

Thank you and best regards.

Love you all.