
“ Beautiful Particles”

" Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart"

-- Kahlil Gibran

Elisa POV

The hall was dressed all in black and white. The tiles adorned with pattern and the walls plain as sheet, the hall way looked too much formal. The tiles were as clean as a hound's tooth and I could smell the freshly applied disinfectant. The doors was symmetrically aligned and marked with respective tags. And there was zero chances to mistake ones classroom. The hall way was too crowded that there was no room for apple to fall. I could see many new faces and it was really suffocating.

After all the hustle and bustle, I went towards the classroom. I believed that classroom was a place of love, of learning and socializing. It was to be the places which enabled a person to think freely and raise their own opinion. I supposed that it would be the excellent place to make new friends and increase my social circle. But what I saw left me high and dry.

Laughter along with excited conversation and shouts filled up the room. It was partitioned into two parts. One side of the room was crammed up with girls perched on the table, gossiping and complaining about all the wrong stuffs happening to them. They were engrossed in the world of makeup's, celebrity crushes and many more. Some of them were crying and presenting how distress they were. I could really tell that loads of emotion and thoughts were being shared.

On other side were those boys, their energy venting out and emotion surfing up. Every other noises was their laughter and they would occasionally roar out like a lion. The noises engulfed me, completely captured my brain, rendering any logical thought or conclusion impossible.

I was staring at them and surprisingly they noticed me. The boys were all instant smiles. And the girls were scanning me top to bottom to see what kind of branded material I possessed. I was in the middle, being know-nothing.

After what I felt like an eon, the sound of door zipped up the laughter. With the same waning brown hair and lanky frame, the teacher came in, with his hand gesture that screamed comedy; he motioned us to settle down. Unlike previous classes, he was with a new student today.

The boy was as fragile as the ceramic dish that sits on my dining table. His limbs were too thin that it could snap at once. But he had that mop of brown hair that complimented his chiseled face and there were those blue eyes as deep as ocean that reflected his purity and innocence. He had that chocolate skin that could entice anyone to touch and feel it. In general he was a fine boy.

Even though I met him for the first time, I felt an emotional connection with him. I had the urge to go hug him and let him know that I will be his best of friend. I pictured him as a puppy leaping onto me, swinging his tail to and fro, pawing me with his fore paw for attention. And wet licking my out stretched finger. Those images made me smile inward and how I wished him to be my pet pup.

But he had that mimosa 'touch me not' kind of vibe in him which contradicted his appearance. He resembled that of a child who hides behind his mother on meeting a stranger. He was that little brother that I always wish to have. He sat near me and I could already feel comfortable near him.

I smiled at him, introduced myself and I stared at him for what seemed like hours until he finally dropped his gaze.

With a gently tint of pink adorning his cheek, it made him look vulnerable. He introduced himself. His name was Sam and we were of same age. Initially I thought that he would be more introvert and tight lipped but what surprised me was that he could talk like that in talk way too much . He was of those type who felt introvert to stranger but total opposite with those he felt comfortable. And I was happy that he was comfortable with me.

With the ring of the bell, we head off to the cafeteria. On the way I eyed for Jack but he was nowhere to be seen. With the hope of meeting him, after ordering my lunch I went towards the place where we usually hang out. And yes he was there.

With the kind of face that stopped you in your track, he leaned on the bench with that nonchalant gaze and a weak smile. He was handsome alright, but I knew he was beautiful inside. But something was wrong today. I couldn't decipher him but I could really tell that something was haunting him.

Even before I could go near him, I felt his hand on my waist. His skin was as cold as ice and it sent shiver down my spine. There was hint of admiration and love in his eyes and it really confused me. I felt that he like me but that thought was totally absurd. His pinkish lips raised, it made my legs give away. I felt his hand tighten around my waist and slowly engulfing me in a tight hug.

Tadaa!! I am welcoming a new character. Do read it and i swear that you will fall in love with him.

Hope you are enjoying the story.

Rintatocreators' thoughts