
"Wild Beauty"

" Beauty is power; a smile is its sword."

- John Ray

Jack POV

Love is a beautiful word which gives strength to withering soul. It is an invisible force which enables a person to respire and live. It is that kind of tingling feeling which keeps on urging one to move forward. It keeps on cheering and pushing us to that extreme of no turning back. It shoulders your pain and walk in hand to hand with you. It takes every ounce of breathe from your lungs and fills it with comfort.

I always wished to come back to a home filled with sweet aroma of freshly cooked dinner, my wife singing beautifully as she set up the table and my sweet darling clinging onto me. I would smooch them and spoil them rotten. I envisioned a healthy and beautiful family with her. I thought she would be with me through thick and thin. Thought and action are indeed really different and specifically reality hurts.

My limbs felt weak and frail, I crouched down. I put my head between my thigh and I cried hard. Everything came crashing as I saw her walking away with him and I just couldn't stop it. My body painted with hues of black and blue, it screamed lonesomeness. Heart break are the funniest thing. We all know it's going to happen, yet we are never prepared for it. We underestimate its power. It's like standing near a tiger and expecting not to be attacked. We believe that the tiger won't hurt us yet unaware of the danger lurking behind. We believe that we will never get hurt and everything will be bed of rose yet ignoring the thorn lying beneath it. Hearts are to be loved and cherished yet they are being crushed down. Invisible blood dripping endlessly, it feels disorientated.

The soft mattress felt hard beneath me. I stared at the ceiling and to analyzed why everything went wrong. The past 4 days was tough. I couldn't go to her and reason out everything. I felt useless and blamed everything to my selfishness. Although she was near, she felt far away. My love story ended even before it stared to bloom. I had to sort out everything and start anew.

Many excuses ran through my head but I couldn't get any satisfactory excuse to start a conversation. I wanted to talk to her. I grabbed my phone and dialed her number. I was nervous. After a long time I heard that voice which could always melt me, her voice was as soft as cotton and as radiant as a sunset, she spoke with kindness and elegance that no one can mimic too. I could listen to that voice for an eternity. It was just amazing. I was deeply engrossed in that beauty that I forget to speak.

I cleared my throat and greeted her. She replied me with that sweet voice. I apologized for my reckless behavior and asked her to start fresh again.

My stomach shifted uneasily and I notice that my hands are shaking and I again cleared my throat. I gather every ounce of courage I could present to myself and asked her out. It was silent on the other side. I knew she would reject this stupid, possessive and rude person. It would hurt me but I had to admit the bitter truth, but something unexpected happened.

The skies were lined with hues of colors each boasting its uniqueness. The birds chorused above and the tress elegantly swagged with the wind. Fresh sunlight welcomed the day and stained them with golden rays. People hovered around with their daily chores. The day felt invigorating and stimulating. The park was large and spacious. They had benches, flowers, water fountains and carousels. The water fountains were clear and stocked with koi. There were tennis court, basket ball court and ice rink. The street was lined with vendors selling various foods. I could smell those freshly baked cake with raspberry topping which was my favorite. There was music surrounding the atmosphere. Body clashed each others as they swagged their body rhythmically.

People ran around with cameras in their hand and smiled widely when posing for a picture. They seemed to enjoy as much as they could. Children ran around with candy floss in their hand and their lips smeared with chocolate truffles. They were smiling and nudging their parents to buy them this and that. Couples kissed and hugged each other as if there was no one around them.After she agreed to go out with me, I was in Seventh Avenue. We agreed to meet a park which I suggested and I really felt nerve wrecking about it.

She approached me with the aura of gorgeous surrounding her. Her fair skin was completely flawless. She was all about simplicity, making things easy, helping those around her to relax and be in peace.It was not only her skin that glowed with beauty, it was also her inner beauty that lit her eyes and softened her features. When she smiled you couldn't help but smile along too. And that smile was what I could die for. To be with her was a blessing and grace a person could always wish for.

I bravely held her hand and dragged her around the park. It was beautiful to be with someone who could completely fill up you with happiness. We walked around those beautiful streets and filled up our self with various street foods. We went by those ponds and fed those koi, it was really amazing. We posed for pictures and played various games. As we were passing by a small pond, a cycle came rushing towards us and we barely missed hitting it. I pulled her near me and she tightly held onto me.

I looked down and saw her looking at me too. She was just too spectacular. Her eyes reflected the amazement she felt for me and those lips was just too tempting. I gently leaned against her and kissed those warm lips. It was difficult to contain myself. I held her head in my hand and pulled her into a deep and passionate kiss. I held her body feeling every inch of it. After what felt a second we pulled apart with shallow breath. I stared at her eyes which was full of wonder and love. We stood silent but we could communicate with our heart beats. Without a single word uttered, our story started.

Thank you very much for reading the story!!

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