
" Lurking Danger"

" We age not by years, but by stories"

- Unknown

Elisa POV

I always felt that I should be independent without burdening anyone and should work everything myself. When I was with my parents I didn't know the real reality of the world. I thought everything was soft and smooth, but as I travel further away to this new world, tough reality crashed me hard. I knew I had to pull myself up and strive harder. I believed that no one would be there for me and I should be my own shoulder to lean to. I have always held my tears whenever things became tougher. I cried hard as I left the tab loose with gushing water so that it could suppress my weeping sound. I have learnt to become myself and had accepted the truth that I should strive myself. I had no one when I had break down or nightmare. I used to have my parents nearby while I whined like child, but being far away from them, there was no one when I woke up sweat soaked. I have always looked forward and never back.

I have always thought that I was strong and fierce and there won't be anyone to overshadow me. But after I met you, talked with you and after that kiss, every wall which I built came crashing down. Those self control which I was proud of broke apart, emotion rained down and I knew how much foolish I was to make myself believe that I didn't need anyone. You were that only person who opened the deep insecurity within me and softly healed it. Every single cell within me screamed of you and I knew I had to keep you for myself.

It's been full month after that day. We have started our sweet so called relation and it was going strong. Jack would always wait for me after classes, bring me snacks between classes and secretly kiss me, those things were childish but I loved it. Today he came to my class and he looked bit weird. I thought it was an illusion because he was somewhat flushed and out of his usual composure. He handed me a paper and without a single word he ran out of the door. The paper smelled faint lavender mixed with mint and it was crumbled at the edge. I opened it and there was only one sentence which read, "At ten near Arthur Theatre."

Lined with soft red carpet, a small screen hung before, and rows of red velvet seats which were gently arced, the theatre had a homey feel. I never knew there was a small hidden theater right across my home. With soda to his right and the family sized popcorn on his left, we were all set for the movie. I haven't been a great fan for adventure films but this particular movie fascinated me. It was actually a story about a girl and her dog, and their journey towards what they believed to be as the third world. It was a beautiful movie and what intrigued me the most was the emotions shared between the girl and her dog. Their journey was filled with thrill and it was fascinating to see how they were able to overcome every obstacles.

During intermission few usher and usherette brought ice cream and candy down the aisle and I got one for me and the other for him. A smile stretched on my thin lips as the Carmel kernel dissolved. I looked up and saw him smiling at my childish behavior. Blush crept towards my cheek and I turned around. The movie continued further and I felt him holding my hand as if I was his prized possession. I was happy at that moment and I wished every day could be same as that.

The day was same as usual with student flooding over the hall way and walking towards their class. Today I had prepared to talk about my relation with Jack to Sam and I believed that he would be happy for me.

I waited for him but to no avail. It was lunch and I haven't seen Sam at all. I passed by his favorite place but he was not there and I searched for him in the library presuming that he might be there to study, but he was not there too. As I was passing through the backyard, something caught me off guard.

The Quattroporte rolled up like a four-wheeled Pavarotti, singing an internal-combustion aria through stainless-steel tailpipes. The body posed a perfect stylistic balance, with more voluptuous than a BMW or an Audi. It was splendid and screamed expensive. Another three Audi came from behind and lined symmetrical with the Maserati. Many sturdy muscular men came out of it and lined up. They stood straight as if they were in military and held that arrogant gaze. After Sometime a man came out of another car and headed towards the Maserati .His well polished leather shoes made a rhythmical noise against the causeway, solid and regular like a soldier. His face was stern, yet peaceful as he swung the gun from his pocket. Smooth metal glimmered. Callused fingers wiped its surface, feeling the cold. He stood in front of the car looked in every direction.

With the face as cold as ice with fierceness written all over, Sam came out of the Maserati. All of those sturdy men bowed to him with respect and deference. Those usual coward, soft and cute person whom I always wanted as a brother was nowhere to be found. He was stoic in his expression and swept his gaze around those guys. Surprisingly, those men quivered with fear as he commanded something to them. Those cars left one by one and Sam headed towards the college. I ran as fast I could before I he saw me. Those images lingered in my mind and I really had to ask him about it. I knew he wouldn't easily give me the answer which I expect but I was always ready for the challenge.

The description of cars was from the globe and mail.

And sorry for not updating regularly as I am bit busy with my examination. But I will try my best to update it as soon as possible.

Thank you For reading this story.

Rintatocreators' thoughts