

Month Later


Naruto sat at the bar, with an bored expression, it's been a month since Snart got away, and he has yet to make a reappearance, in that month Naruto has upped his training, with his powers he could now form 2 clones without getting tired, he refined his aerokinesis some more as well, his next goal was using the lightning he produced when he used his powers

His friendship with Caitlin and Cisco had grown stronger, he had taken an more active role in teaching them to defend themselves, seeing as Snart knew what they looked like.

Currently Naruto was at a bar with Caitlin, Cisco, Eddie, and Iris, sitting at the bar, a bit bummed out seeing as he had a bottle of scotch, a glass of Ciroc, a few shots of Jack Daniels, and Hennessy but he didn't even feel buzzed, looking up he saw Iris walking over

"I'm glad you invited Caitlin, and Cisco." Iris said

"They're cool, right?" Naruto asked looking over to the two as they sat at a table

"They saved your life, Nate. That makes them the coolest people I've ever met." Iris said smiling before she got a shot glass "It's nice that you guys became friends." Naruto smiled as he raised a shot glass "To friends, old and new."

The two tapped their glasses together before they took the shot "Ooh. I'm up. Wish me luck."

Naruto nodded before Iris walked away to meet Eddie who handed her 3 darts, turning to the bartender Naruto asked "Can I get 5 shots of bourbon?"

"Coming right up." the bartender said

Getting his shots, Naruto took the tray to Caitlin and Cisco "Guys? I have a problem." he said

"We all do when guys like him exist." Cisco said looking at Eddie as he gulped his beer

"Sure, he's cute, but Nate's hotter." Caitlin said watching Iris and Eddie before she processed when she said and looked to Naruto and Cisco who were watching her "Uh, I mean, genetically speaking. Because I'm a geneticist, of course. Oh, my God, do I sound like Felicity?"

Naruto with a smirk shook his head before he said "I'm not talking about Eddie. I'm talking about this." in a blur of speed Naruto knocked back all 5 shots "I can't feel anything."

"Yeah, that's usually what happens when you drink too much." Cisco said as he and Caitlin smiled at their friend who shook his head

"No, the alcohol is not affecting me. I'm not buzzed, or tipsy. I literally feel nothing. " Naruto said

"It's your hyper-metabolism." Caitlin said smiling before she turned to her purse "I need a sample."

"I'll get more shots." Cisco said going to the bar

"I swear, I had a Vacutainer here." Caitlin said looking through her purse

"Wait, you carry a blood collection kit in your purse?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow

"You have your hobbies." Caitlin said

"I wouldn't classify that as a hobby." Naruto said before he leaned forward toward her as she continued checking her purse "So you think I'm hot huh?'

Caitlin paused and looked to Naruto with a blush "Y-yeah from a genetic standing."

"Thank you, I think your hot too." Naruto causing her blush to deepen,

Moments Later

Cisco came back with 3 shots to see Caitlin blushing heavily as Naruto was smiling with a shrug he set the tray down "OK let's do this." he said, before the three friends each grabbed a glass, and tapped them together before they knocked it back "Still nothing?"

"Nothing, this is ass. I'm only 25, and my drinking days are over." Naruto said before he gained an idea, maybe he could focus enough to slow down his metabolism so he could get drunk, worth a shot

Before Naruto could try out his idea, Eddie got his attention "Come on, Allen. You're up." Naruto was about to walk over but paused when Eddie's phone buzzed "There was a bombing on 8th and Pass."

Naruto and his friends shared a look, as Eddie kissed Iris "I got to go, babe."

"Okay." Iris said watching her boyfriend leave before she headed to her purse "I've got an early shift at Jitters. Nate, we'll catch up tomorrow."

Naruto looked to Caitlin, and Cisco as Iris left before he headed out as well, and sped off

8th and Pass

Naruto zipped through the streets of Central City before he came up to a rooftop across the way from the burning building as a fire raged out of control

"Ok." Naruto sighed as he shook his arms out, before he got into his stance (Thinks Gon's Jaken Fist) for a move he's been practicing out in the badlands "Ok, all my speed and strength, used simultaneously."

Taking a deep breath, Naruto focused as the pupils in his eyes tuned to slits, while lightning danced from his eyes before with an exhale Naruto cocked his fist back, and with a grunt threw it forward as fast and hard as he could before an explosion of strong wind shot from his fist and shattered the glass of the building while snuffing out the flame

"It worked! Yes!" Naruto cheered throwing his arms up in victory

On the street below Iris got out of her cab, and looked around

About to go home, Naruto paused when he heard "Help! Help!"

Walking to the side Naruto's eyes widened when he saw a window washer hanging on for dear life, as he dangled from his suspended platform, and his method for taking care of the fire didn't do the man any favors

"God dammit." Naruto said before he shot forward

Iris jumped when a red streak shot pass her before it ran up the side of the building, with a smile she ran around so she could get a closer look

"Help! Aah!" the window washer screamed as he began to fall but luckily Naruto grabbed him and ran back down into an alley,

Setting the man down, as the platform slammed into the ground, Naruto stood up and prepared to leave, but paused when he saw Iris standing there looking at him in shock and awe

"Hey beautiful." Naruto greeted vibrating his vocal cords before he sped off, while Iris watched in awe, with a smile


With a sigh, Naruto walked into a different bar, he was determined to get drunk before the night was up, and wasn't going to let his drinking days be over, walking over to the bar, Naruto ordered a glass of Brandy

Next Morning

Unknown Apartment

Articles of male and female clothing lead to a bedroom, where moaning was heard as under the covers bodies writhed together in pleasure before with a loud feminine moan everything stopped before the cover was thrown back, as Naruto laid back with an relieved sigh while his bed partner Lisa Smart panted with a wide satisfied smile on her face, as she laid on her stomach and her lower half relaxed so she was laying flat

Lisa Snart younger sister of Leonard Snart himself, the beautiful woman had been in the bar with Naruto last night, and Naruto knew who she was beforehand, and with her brother not being a meta human and actually getting away had stung Naruto a bit, so he saw a way to stick it to Leonard in the form of dicking his precious sister down for the last 5 hours, and Naruto actually felt better about himself.

Looking over to the clock, Naruto saw it was time to walk Linda to work so he sat up and looked down to Lisa "I got to go."

Lisa still panting looked to Naruto "We've been at it for 5 hours, don't you ever get tired?"

"I'm wide awake, but you my dear need sleep." Naruto smiled leaning down to kiss the tired woman "You ever want to repeat last night, give me a call."

"Bye." Lisa said before she dozed off with a smile

Naruto lost his smile before he got up and sped around the apartment grabbing his clothes, and putting them on, before he tucked Lisa in and was on his way

Naruto's Apartment

Naruto sped into his apartment and grabbed all of his needed equipment before he took a shower and sat at the counter of his kitchen eating some cereal at super speed, before he left the house and took the elevator down to Linda's floor, and walked to her door and knocked, before he noticed something, and sped off and came back just as the door opened now holding a fresh coffee from Jitters, while he had a Gatorade

"Hey." Linda smiled as Naruto gave her the coffee

"Hey." Naruto smiled as he stepped back so Linda could walk out and lock her door before the two walked away smiling


8th and Pass

Naruto was looking around the office that was blown up, while the detectives were taking statements "Nate." Joe called getting his attention "Anything?"

"Nothing, I haven't found any sign of an oxidizing agent. It's like the floor just blew itself up." Naruto said standing up

"Things don't just blow up." Joe said looking around, before Eddie walked over

"Security guard said our bomber was a woman, red hair." Eddie said causing the two to look at him "Must've cut the security camera's feed. There's no footage, but there might be something else."

Eddie lead Naruto and Joe to a file room where they saw that the doorknob had been blown off "Some kind of small charge blasted the doorknob off."

"Any idea what's missing?" Joe asked

"My guess is one of these files." Eddie said looking around the room full of filing cabinets 'It's gonna take days to figure out which one."

Naruto sighed looking around as Joe turned to Eddie "Let's let Nate do his thing."

When Joe and Eddie left Naruto got to work by going through each cabinet at super speed before he found what he was looking for, with a sigh he closed the cabinet and walked off with the folder

2 Hours Later

CC Police Department

Joe and Eddie walked into the department and paused when they saw two soldiers posted at Captain Singh's door, looking to the nearest cop Eddie asked "What's going on?"

"I have no idea. But they came in here like they own the place. Been talking to Singh for the last half hour." the cop said

"This can't be good." Joe said before he saw Singh walking out so he walked closer as a man followed behind Singh

"General Eiling, this is Detective West." Singh introduced as the general walked over to Joe with his hand out

"Detective." Eiling said as he shook Joe's hand

"What's this all about?" Joe asked

"The army's taking over the bombing investigation." Singh said causing Joe to raise an eyebrow

"I'll need everything you have. Physical evidence, photographs, witness interviews, and all your personal notes." Eiling ordered

"I've been on the job nearly 20 years and never heard of the army investigating anything civilian." Joe said suspiciously

"Well, it's not civilian. She's one of ours." Eiling replied

Joe nodded as he watched Eiling "We'll send over everything we got." he said

"Very kind of you. I think we'll take it now, though." Eiling replied

Singh looked to Joe and shook his head before he said "Give them what they want, Joe."

"You heard him, Joe." Eiling said smugly getting Joe's attention "Give me what I want."

Joe nodded after a moment

Moments Later

Naruto got off the elevator carrying the evidence he collected at the bombing sight, when he saw Joe and two soldiers "Hey, what's going on?" he asked with a raised eyebrow

"General Eiling is relieving us from the bombing case." Joe said giving Naruto a look "Give these men everything that's relevant."

Catching the look Naruto with a smile nodded "Sure thing, yeah." he said before he gave the box to a soldier and as they were walking away Naruto snatched the folder he found so quick that the soldier didn't notice

Joe and Naruto watched as the men walked away, as he held the folder "You and a few civilians from S.T.A.R. Labs might want to check into that."

"Already ahead of you." Naruto said walking off

Joe watched as Naruto walked off before the cop from earlier called out to him "Can I talk to you for a minute, Joe?" Joe looked up to thean with an raised eyebrow "It's about Iris."

Joe immediately walked up the stairs

1 Hour Later

S.T.A.R. Labs

Naruto was in the cortex filling Caitlin, and Cisco in on what was going on "A VA file number is all the info you have on the bomber?" Cisco asked

"C.C.P.D's been ordered off the case, before I could even begin to investigate." Naruto said

"Well, who has the power to do that?" Caitlin asked

"The army. Some general, name is Eiling." Naruto said

"General Wade Eiling." Harrison said rolling into the cortex

Naruto looked at the man and asked "You know him?"

"Yeah, I know him. About ten years ago, General Wade Eiling contracted S.T.A.R. Labs to develop enhanced gene therapies for soldiers." Harrison said causing Naruto to raise an eyebrow "I was interested in the potential medical benefits for civilians. General Eiling really wanted to develop mind reading capabilities for interrogation purposes. I stopped the study when I saw his techniques up close, but our split was less than amicable."

Naruto nodded while his instincts were telling him that there was a lot more to the story, but taking Felicity's advice he let it go "He took all the evidence I collected on the bombing. Everything but the folder." he said handing Wells the folder

"Well, lucky for us, the VA finally joined the new millennium and digitized their records." Cisco said turning to his computer and bringing up what they needed, "A lot of redacted info. But our girl's name is Bette Sans Souci, an EOD specialist for the army."

"EOD?" Caitlin asked

"Bombs." Cisco said

"Is there an address?" Naruto asked

"Hold on...Here, we go. One person in case of emergency. Cameron Scott. Inglewood." Cisco said getting a nod from Naruto before he sped off


Bette Sans Succi walked down the fire escape of an apartment taking extra care to not touch anything, walking down the alleyway, she jumped in surprise when Naruto appeared in front of her "Bette Sans Souci?"

Bette jumped and ran the other way causing Naruto to sigh, "A guy using super speed appears in front of you, and you chose to run away?" he asked himself before he sped in front of her "I need you to come with me."

"Don't touch me." Bette said only it was to late as Naruto grabbed her arm, but she tapped the emblem on the suit,

Naruto let go of her as he noticed his suit turning purple "The hell?" he asked

"Get whatever you're wearing off of you." Bette said urgently causing Naruto to look at her with an raised eyebrow "Hurry."

With a shrug Naruto sped down the alley and quickly got out of the suit moments before it exploded

Moments Later

S.T.A.R. Labs

"Nate?" Cisco asked as Naruto didn't respond "Can you hear me? Nate?"

"There must be a perfectly reasonable explanation for why he's not answering." Caitlin said to Cisco before she tried "Nathan!" she yelled only to look up to see Naruto walking in putting on a shirt "Uh.."

"Don't ask." Naruto said

"I'm gonna ask. Where's my suit?"

"It's...gone." Naruto said slowly

"What do you mean, it's gone? What did you do with my suit?"

"It blew up, dude." Naruto sighed as Cisco's eyes widened "I managed to get out of it before it went, "kaboom."

"My suit went "kaboom"?" Cisco asked scandalized

"Fun fact about Bette Sans Souci. She's not carrying bombs. She touched the emblem on the suit and turned it into a bomb. She's a meta-human." Naruto said

"With the ability to cause spontaneous combustion upon tactile contact." Wells said rolling into the cortex

Cusco turned to Wells "She blew up my suit."

"You have, like, three more." Caitlin reminded

"Okay, I have two. And I loved that one." Cisco corrected

"All right, what else do we know about her?" Naruto asked

"Oh, I don't know. She's pure evil." Cisco said as Caitlin rolled her eyes as he began to search for Bette on his computer "We're gonna find this girl and send her butt into the pipeline. No one blows my tech to smithereens and gets away with it."

Cusco paused seeing Bette's army photo "Unless she looks like that." he said sitting down

"I don't think she meant to hurt me." Naruto said looking at the photo "But her being a meta-human explains Eiling's interest in her."

"And why he stole the case from us." Joe said walking in "He didn't want anyone to know what she could do."

"Detective." Wells nodded in greeting

"Doctor." Joe returned before he looked at the computer with Bette's photo "So Human bomb. Must be Tuesday in Central City."

"Yes, and General Eiling's not one to give up a potential asset without a fight." Wells said

"Which is why we have to find her before he does." Naruto said

"Nathan?" Joe asked

"Uh oh." Naruto thought as Joe only called him Nathan when something was wrong "Yeah?"

"Can I see you for a second?" Joe asked before he walked out and with a sigh Naruto followed after him "When were you planning on telling me that Iris saw The Streak?"

"That was not planned. She caught me off guard." Naruto said

"We had a deal. You keep her in the dark about the meta-humans, and I don't go Floyd Mayweather on you." Joe said

"No, our deal is that I don't tell her what I can do, I can't control if she learns about meta humans, or not." Naruto replied

"I'll give you that, but did you know she's writing a blog now."

"I already talked to her about that." Naruto said

"Talk to her again. And be more convincing." Joe said

"Joe think about this, the guy who was raised alongside her since he was 11 telling everyone that a man in a yellow suit inside lightning killed his mom, and brother. I've been looking into this stuff ever since. Now I'm suddenly not as interested as I should be, it'll tell her that,"

"Your hiding something." Joe finished for him with a sigh as he began to pace

"I'll think of something, Joe just give me some time." Naruto said getting a nod from Joe before the man walked off before with a sigh Naruto sped off,


Naruto returned to the basement with a few small balls he appeared to focus, and began to repeatedly tossed them into the sky, focusing intently slowly the balls in mid air began to slow down

Wells in the threshold looked on in shock

Naruto with a smile reached to grab the balls before a nosebleed and exhaustion caused him to collapse to a knee coughing harshly as he spat blood while the balls returned to normal and dropped to the ground and bounced off

Naruto panted as he worked to regain his breath when he noticed Wells wheeling over "Nathan, are you alright?"

"Y-yeah." Naruto said moving to sit down

"What were you doing?" Wells asked

"T-trying o-out m-my c-chronokinesis." Naruto said clutching his side as he began coughing again while Wells looked at him in shock, and a little fear

"This was a mistake, a very big mistake. He's advancing at an extremely fast rate," Wells thought, before he could tell Naruto to take it easy and to not experiment with his abilities by himself the intercom went off

"Dr Wells, Nate come to the cortex, we got something."

Wells looked down to Naruto who sighed as he got to his feet a little sluggish before he shook his head and began to make his way to the cortex, "He hasn't mastered it, no speedster ever has, but where did he start." Wells thought he needed to bug Naruto's apartment, he did it once but Naruto had felt himself being watched and moved out immediately, and with not a lot of trust between them who knew what else Naruto was playing around with.


Walking into the cortex with a bottle of water Naruto asked "What you got?"

"We've piggybacked onto General Eiling's own surveillance. According to what they're saying, the lovely Ms. Sans Souci was just spotted in Inglewood." he said

"The same neighborhood as Dr. Harold Hadley's office, the military surgeon who performed several procedures on her." Caitlin said as Naruto killed the rest of his water "That's why she was looking for the folder."

"You got to get to her before Eiling does." Cisco said

"Got it." Naruto said taking a deep breath and speeding off


Center For Inflicted Wounds

Dr. Harold Hadley was doing paperwork, when he looked up and his heart almost jumped out of his chest "S-Sgt. Sans Souci." he said horrified

"You remember me. Good." Bette said walking into the room "Because I remember you, Doctor. I remember waking up from a coma. You started cutting me open."

"I was only trying to help ease your condition. You couldn't control it." Harold replied

"You did this to me. You and Eiling." Bette said with a glare,


Eiling and his squadron of soldiers arrived on scene


Bette was glaring at Harold, when Naruto sped in and knocked the good doctor unconscious "Hello again." he greeted as Better looked at him in surprise, before Naruto noticed green dots on the walls before Bette was shot causing her to scream in pain and fall to the ground


Eiling with a smirk tapped the shoulder of the soldier next to him and ordered "Go bring me my asset."

Everyone immediately rushed toward the building


Naruto knelt beside Bette, and asked "You okay?" seeing her nod he said "Look, I can get you out of here. I can help you understand what happened to you."

"How?" Bette asked interested

"Because it happened to me too." Naruto said

Bette stared at Naruto for a moment before she and he looked up when a flash grenade was thrown threw a window, immediately Naruto grabbed her and sped off just as the grenade went off

Eiling with his smirk was standing outside and frowned when he heard "Target is gone." causing him to grit his teeth

Next Day

S.T.A.R. Labs

"As the detonation dispersed throughout Central City. A number of people were exposed to a wave of unquantifiable energy." Wells said as he showed Bette a 3D version of his particle accelerator exploding "One of those people... Was you."

"You were in Central City ten months ago?" Naruto asked in his civilian clothes

"I had just returned from Afghanistan." Bette said as Caitlin handed her some gloves "I was there defusing roadside bombs and Shrapnel ripped through me. I was flown back state side. Spent months at the base recuperating and next thing I know, I became the thing that almost killed me. And Eiling's favorite, new lab rat."

"The dark matter must have combined with the bomb particulate inside your body." Caitlin said

"I thought Eiling did this to me." Bette said

"Nope, he did." Naruto said pointing to Harrison who frowned, "And from what I gathered Eiling isn't smart enough to create someone like you. A war hawk clever enough to see your value, though."

"Do you know of any others who were changed?" Bette asked

"There've been a few." Caitlin said

"But no one that looks like you." Cisco said dreamily causing Naruto to laugh as Cisco snapped out of his daze "I'm sorry. That was inappropriate...Please don't leave."

"I know how to perform a lobotomy." Caitlin whispered to Cisco who shifted away from her uncomfortably


Bette was in the med room with Caitlin getting looked at, while Wells, Cisco, and Naruto looked at her vitals and the shrapnel in her body "Her cellular structure's unlike anything I've ever seen."

"Her nitrogen levels are off the charts." Naruto said looking at a monitor "Do you think we can help her?"

"To answer that question, we have to understand how she works, and to understand that, first we have to study her in action." Wells said

"You want her to blow stuff up. Yes, now we're talking." Cisco said excited

"Not in here. She's too unstable." Wells said

"I know." Cisco said looking at Wells

'I know you know." Wells smirked

Naruto was watching the monitor intently with his back to Wells and Cisco "A seal, could help her, unfortunately I no longer have access to my damn chakra." he thought gritting his teeth as he looked down to his palm, before wisps of a familiar red energy appeared before fading away "And the last of Kurama's chakra is almost completely finished bonding with my body."

Naruto was dragged from his thoughts when a beeping went off, turning around and walking to the desk he looked at Caitlin's tablet as security footage from the elevator showed Eiling and some soldiers coming up whole Caitlin held a tracker she just pulled from Bette

"Lock down the pipeline. Get Bette out of here. I'll take care of Eiling." Wells ordered before Naruto got his suit and left with the others while Wells rolled out to confront Eiling



Naruto, Caitlin, and Cisco watched as Bette used her powers, to blow up toys "Her Trauzl rating is around 45. That's the same as any plastique. Plastique. Ha first try!" Cisco cheered

"Didn't really think this one through, did you?" Caitlin asked holding up a boomerang

Naruto and Bette were walking together down the air field "Downrange, insurgents started booby trapping cars. The rest of my tour, I was terrified to touch another vehicle. Now, I'm gonna spend the rest of my life terrified to touch another human being." Bette said before she looked to Naruto "Have they tried to help you?"

"Yeah, they've helped me learn how to use my powers. Not reverse them."

"If they could reverse it so you weren't a meta-human, would you?" Bette asked

"My speed gets me closer to the murderer of my brother, and mother. So until I find him I can't give it up." Naruto said getting a nod from Bette "You can control your abilities, Bette, something triggers them, be it your fear of contact, or some other emotions or psychological trigger. You'll get control of this, I'll help you in whatever way I can."

Bette smiled at Naruto who returned it, before he looked down when his phone went off "Excuse me." he said walking away and answering his phone "Hey, Joe."

"You need to talk to Iris now." Joe said urgently

"Why what's going on?" Naruto asked

"She just posted another story about The Streak."

"Ok?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow

"She's got her name on it now, Nate."

"What?" Naruto asked in shock "Joe, I'll call you later. I'll talk to her."

"What was that about?" Cisco asked walking over as Naruto hung up

"Iris posted about The Streak again, but this time she signed her name to it."

"Oh, that's not good. If one of these bad meta-humans we're dealing with figures she knows something,"

"Then they may target her, I know." Naruto sighed

"What are you going to do?" Cisco asked

"I guess it's time the Streak talks to her." Naruto said before he looked to Cisco "Tell Bette, and Caitlin I'll be back."

Cisco nodded before Naruto sped away


CC Jitters

Iris was alone, as she went about cleaning the place up, when she heard the door chimes ring signaling someone had entered "Sorry, we're closed."

"That's to bad, I hear you guys serve the best coffee in the city."

Iris paused at the vibrating voice and turned around to see Naruto in his suit standing there looking at her "Oh, my God, it's you...You are real." Iris said wishing she could call Naruto at this moment but he's been MIA for the last 2 days "I should, um...Let me just clean up,"

Immediately Naruto sped around and cleaned up the dining area causing her to jump, and look around in awe, as Naruto stood by the door "Meet me on the roof. I'll give you a head start."

Iris with an excited grin turned around and ran up to the roof

"Wow, she's seriously all fangirl, right now." Naruto said before he sped up to the rood to see Iris walk out and look around "I need you to stop writing about me."

Iris jumped and turned to see Naruto leaning on a ledge "There are a lot of people who need someone like you right now. To know that you're out there."

Iris watched as the man tilted his head, kinda like how Nate used to "I have so many questions. Where are you from?"

"Far away." Naruto said vaguely

"Who are you?" Iris asked

"I wear this mask, so no one can know that." Naruto said

"How can you do what you do?" Iris asked only for the man to shrug his shoulders "You're a terrible interview."

"Listen to me Ms. West. There's more to this than you can understand. I need you to stop." Naruto said

"Can you stop? Running into buildings and rescuing people without them even knowing that you're there?"

"This isn't about glory for me." Naruto said

"So why do you do this?" Iris asked only for Naruto to stay silent "Look, I have this friend, and he had something terrible happen to him when he was a kid." Naruto looked at Iris in surprise "His whole life, he's been telling stories about this impossible thing. And people laughed at him, shrinks analyzed him. And he's been searching for an explanation ever since. But now, suddenly, it's like he's lost his faith in everything. But you you are proof that he wasn't crazy. Help me save my friend."

"He sounds like a lucky guy." Naruto said before he left, so he wouldn't break his promise and reveal himself to Iris

Next Day

S.T.A.R. Labs

Naruto walked into the cortex to see everyone looking troubled "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked before he looked to Bette, "Did fatback find out you were here?"

Bette cracked a smile, even though she was sad and shook her head "No. Caitlin was about to give me the not-so-good news."

Naruto looked to Caitlin who looked to Bette sadly "The shrapnel in your body has merged with you on a cellular level."

"And the technology required to unsplice your DNA it hasn't been invented yet." Wells said as Bette began to tear up

"Bette." Naruto said taking a step forward

"No, it's okay. Roger that." Bette said taking a deep breath "I just need a minute. Don't worry. Pretty sure I can cry without blowing stuff up."

Naruto watched as Bette walked off, to cry in private "What now?" Cisco asked

Wells made to speak, but Naruto beat him to it "She joins us. Becomes a part of the team." he said

"Nathan, you have an amazing ability to help people. She makes things explode." Caitlin said

"She's the first meta-human not hell-bent on destroying this city." Naruto replied

"It's too dangerous." Wells said

'Well, she's not going in the pipeline."

"I'm not suggesting she go in the pipeline, but were she to remain at S.T.A.R. Labs, it would put all of us at risk." Wells said

"I'll die before I let Eiling get his grubby hands on her." Naruto replied

"Eiling is a dangerous man, Nathan. We do not want him as an enemy." Wells said

"He came after Bette, he's already an enemy." Naruto said walking off, causing Wells to sigh


Naruto walked out to see Bette by the gate looking at the horizon, walking over he stood beside her as she sniffled looking at the ocean, wrapping an arm around her Naruto brought her into a hug, as she began to sob into his chest clutching the back of his shirt tightly


CCPD Crime Lab

Naruto walked into the lab to see Joe looking over some evidence "Joe, what are you still doing here?" he asked

"Going over the materials in Barry's, and your mom's case." Joe said closing the box before he sipped his coffee and looked to Naruto "How's it going with you?"

"Great, befriended a hot red head who can make things explode, and I finally diagnosed why Iris is writing about The Streak." Naruto said getting an interested look from Joe "She's doing it for me. To prove the impossible is possible."

"How do you know that?" Joe asked

"The Streak talked to her." Naruto shrugged

"Nate, don't you think Iris would recognize your voice?"

"No, I can do this cool thing with my vocal cords, where I vibrate them so I sound like this." Naruto said causing Joe to laugh "I know. It's cool, it's cool."

"Whoa." Joe said as he finally stopped laughing and sighed "Well, you put that out there now, so. I want to keep her safe."

"You know the only real way to get her to stop is to tell her the truth." Naruto replied

"Man, you really want to tell her." Joe said

"I tell her everything." Naruto shrugged

"Mm not everything."

"Like what?" Naruto asked

"You haven't told her that your still in love with her." Joe said causing Naruto to scoff, before he saw Joe give him a look causing him to frown

"W-wait you knew?"

"I used to watch you and her give each other longing looks when you thought each other wasn't looking, then one day it just stopped."

"You knew for 4 years?" Naruto asked wide eyed "I broke up with her because she didn't want to tell you."

"Hey, I'm sorry, I always gave you openings to tell me, but you announced you were going to MIT, then you met Felicity, so I kept my mouth shut." Joe shrugged

Naruto shook his head "Yeah, well now, she's happy and with someone else, that's all that matters."

"When the universe wants to make something happen, whether it be giving a young man lighting speed or putting two people together, it has a way of figuring those things out." Joe said getting a nod from Naruto before he stood up and the two hugged "And I got to get home."

Joe stepped back and pointed to his throat and began to laugh before he walked off.

Naruto chuckled before he grabbed a cup, and walked to the coffee machine and walked back to his desk before he opened the box to his mom's and Barry's case, and began to look through it at a slow pace, hours went by before Naruto took a large gulp of coffee, and blinked as he noticed his hand vibrating before his entire body did the same, and he slipped right through his chair and the floor, all the way down to the women's locker room, when he finally stopped vibrating

"That was weird." Naruto said looking up

Next Day

S.T.A.R. Labs

Naruto walked into the cortex with a duffel bag, after his phasing debacle last night, he had robbed a bank, for a few 100,000 for Bette, if she wasn't safe in the US he would get her out of here so she could live as close to a normal life as possible, no matter the cost.

Stopping Naruto dropped the duffel as he saw Cisco and Caitlin looking disappointed "Where's Bette?"

"She left." Cisco said

"What do you mean? Where did she go?" Naruto asked

"She didn't say." Wells said rolling over

"Where the hell could she be?" Naruto asked


Bette stood watching the ocean, with a small smile, Naruto had offered to take her anywhere in the world she wanted to go, and she was all for it, but Wells, had come and told her that Eiling was an enemy of anyone with abilities, and they were her people now so she had to protect them, hearing the convoy arriving she took a deep breath as she readied herself

"Go, go!" the soldiers got out of the car, and trained their weapons on her when Eiling walked forward

"On me." Eiling said

"I'm ready to give myself up." Bette said turning around

"Oh, I highly doubt that. You think you can pull one over on me? You can't." Eiling said smugly "Stand down, soldier."

S.T.A.R. Labs

"I got back on the military feed. Looks like they've gone to the waterfront to rendezvous with Bette. She's turning herself in." Cisco said

"She's not turning herself in." Naruto said speeding off

"Please, let him get to her in time." Cisco prayed


Eiling paced as he gave a speech "All over the world, people are plotting to destroy our end our lives. Brave American soldiers are gonna die in that fight, but they don't have to. Because of you, we could have victory."

"All I've ever wanted was to make the world a safer place." Bette said as she clenched the marbles in her hand "And it will be when you're not in it."

Eiling's eyes widened when she threw the marbles forward "Take cover!" he yelled before the marbles exploded knocking everyone to the ground

Better walked forward toward Eiling with her hand high to touch him, but Naruto appeared in front of her "What are you doing here?" she asked surprise

"Being soldier doesn't mean you're a murderer. Don't let this fat son of a bitch make you one." Naruto said, Bette looked at Naruto and nodded before she fell as Eiling shot her "No!" Naruto yelled kneeling down to her "I'm sorry. I didn't see him."

"Don't be. It's not your fault. I'm glad you stopped me." Bette said with a smile

Naruto lifted her up, and made to pick her up bridle style "I'm gonna get you back to S.T.A.R. La-." Naruto was interrupted as Bette kissed his lips

"I'm glad I met you, Nate. There's something you should know. Dr. Wells he...tol-" Bette suddenly went very still as Naruto shed a tear as she died

"I'm sorry." Naruto said sadly before he noticed that she was glowing "Um guys, we have a big problem."

"Is Bette okay?" Cisco asked over the coms

"No. Eiling killed her." Naruto said sadly before he said "She's glowing, I think she's gonna detonate."

"Oh, my God, a mass that size, the explosion, it would be," Caitlin began

"Devastating." Wells said

"Nate, you have to get her away from the city." Caitlin said,

"Alright." Naruto said standing up with Bette in his arms kissing her forehead, he shot forward running on water, just as the soldiers and Eiling were getting up

Running past a buoy, Naruto continued running till he couldn't even see the mainland before he slowed down and dropped her into the water as gently as possible before he sped back to the waterfront as Bette detonated, out running the shockwave Naruto arrived on the waterfront to see Eiling and the soldiers heading to their cars

"Hey!" Naruto yelled vibrating his face, and vocal cords.

Eiling and the soldiers turned around to see Naruto

"You killed my friend." Naruto said

"Take em." Eiling smirked as weapon that could move at super speed what a gold mine

Immediately upon getting the order the soldiers opened fire at Naruto whose arm blurred around in front of him before the firing stopped and he dropped the bullets before he shot forward and appeared in front of Eiling an a fist to the gut caused the man to gasp, before a hook to his jaw sent him rolling away as all the men collapsed having been knocked unconscious when Naruto rushed Eiling,

Wade got up and opened fire at Naruto who sped to his side and kicked him in the gut causing the old man to fly up before Naruto punched him in the ribs, causing him to shout in pain, before he went crashing into the side of one of the cars,

Wade breathed heavily clutching his side as Naruto had broke his ribs, before he looked up to see Naruto looking down at him before he was grabbed by his neck and held up off the ground, grabbing his hidden knife he tried to stab Naruto but Naruto grabbed his wrist and with a jerk and a pull broke the wrist and pulled the arm out of its socket causing Wade to scream in pain

"I'm not going to kill you, Wade, that'll make me a hypocrite. So what I'm going to do is get every dirty secret you have, and if I ever see you again, all your secrets will be posted on the Internet and on the presidents door step." Naruto said before a mean head but knocked out the general "Bitch." Naruto spat before he sped off


S.T.A.R. Labs

Everyone was watching the news as a representative for Eiling told everyone that they were conducting an underwater weapons test "He murdered Bette right in front of me." Naruto said playing with a thumb drive

"Powerful men, have a way of avoiding consequences." Wells said

"Not this time." Naruto retorted looking at the thumb drive

"Are you going to be ok?" Caitlin asked

"Yeah." Naruto nodded

"You can walk on water, which puts you in interesting company."

Naruto smiled and nodded not that impressed with the feat "I need to speak with Iris, see you later." he said walking off

Joe's House

Iris was on her laptop in the dining room, when she heard the door open, looking up she saw it was Naruto "Hey stranger, if you came to do laundry, I already have a load in."

"Uh, no. I came to talk." Naruto said walking over and sitting next to her, looking at her for a moment he said "I was working a case. Someone I really thought I could help befriend. But they died."

"Nate, I'm really sorry." Iris said

"Thanks." Naruto nodded before he sighed and looked at her "You can't keep writing about the Streak."

"W-what, Nate, this is important to me, I thought you of all people would be supportive."

"I was supportive when it was anonymous." Naruto replied causing Iris to look at him "The thing is Iris, if this guy is real, and he is doing things like this and he crosses the wrong people who are they going to go looking for? The person who seems to have the most information on him, you. Your tying yourself to someone you don't know and it could get you killed."

"The Streak is giving people hope. He should give you hope." Iris said

"The only hope for me is if I see the man in yellow who ran that knife through Barry and my mom. Your putting yourself out there in danger I'm not OK with that."

"This is important to me. Whoever the Streak is, I'm not stopping till everyone believes in him."

"And if your hurt in the process it won't matter?" Naruto asked

"I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself." Iris said

Naruto nodded his head "Ok." he said standing up and looking down at her, before with a scoff he left the house.


Naruto found himself at a bar, just enjoying the taste of bourbon and missing the effects of alcohol when he noticed Caitlin, and Cisco "Hey what's up?" he asked surprised to see them

"We thought we should have a toast." Cisco said

"Doesn't work on me, remember?" Naruto asked

"Nathan Allen, you of all people should know that nothing is impossible." Caitlin said handing Naruto a small bottle filled with liquid "I distilled a highly fermented, potent suspension. It's basically 500 proof."

Naruto uncorked the bottle and took a whiff, and crinkled his nose "I figured if anybody could use a drink tonight, it was you." Caitlin said causing Naruto to smile as she lifted her glass with Cisco "So here's to Bette."

"Bette." Naruto and Cisco said as the three tapped their glasses together and took their shots

"Whoa, oh." Naruto said shaking his head as he coughed "That hit too quick."

"Are you buzzed?" Caitlin asked hopefully as she and Cisco watched him with smiles

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm buzzed for sure. I could kiss you." Naruto said causing Caitlin to blush as he looked down to the bottle "Whoa, that is good stuff." Naruto blinked before he sighed "And it's gone."

"Work in progress." Caitlin shrugged as Naruto laid his head down, crying and she rubbed his back.