
Lick on Earth 2

Naruto sped through the city closing breach after breach as Harry was gearing up to their trip back to his earth "Journal log entry 115, my last entry. On this earth, we're closing the breaches, all of them. Soon, every portal between this earth and mine will no longer exist. I've become distracted by this Earth, its problems, its people. But the one thing I never lost track of was you, Jesse. You are my conscience, my beating heart. You're the reason I made it this far in my fight against Zoom, and now I just need you to hang on. Hang on a little bit longer because I'm coming to get you, and this time I'm not coming alone."

Harry walked into the cortex to see Naruto talking to Caitlin, and Cisco "Ready?"

"Yeah, I just have a few things to take care of first." Naruto nodded

"Just a reminder, Allen. Clock's ticking." Harry said getting a nod from Naruto

"It always is." Naruto said

Day Later

Naruto, Caitlin, Cisco, Joe, Linda and Iris had dinner together where at Linda's and Caitlin's urging he told everyone about Flashpoint.

They were curious about their lives, Cisco was excited to learn he was a billionaire that lead Ramon Industries, while Joe was still a cop who was on the verge of retirement, how Iris and Barry had gotten married and she supported him through his journey as the Flash, and he even told them that Whitney had been a boy named Wally who was Barry's sidekick named Kid Flash,

They wondered if there were any changes and with the exception of the guy that everyone called Batman in Gotham there wasn't any, and the memories of a beautiful woman he met in Paris named Diana Princes far as he could tell

Currently everyone was in the Breech room, with Naruto, Harry, and Cisco gearing up to go to Earth 2, with Harry beginning instructions "All right, Allen, Ramon, listen to me. You're about to go through the looking glass. You're gonna see things that look and feel familiar, but they're not. Up is down. Black is white, and do not let yourself get sucked in emotionally."

Naruto sighed as he nodded before looking to Linda, Iris, and Caitlin along with Joe "If we're not back in 48 hours, that means something has gone wrong. If that happens, you have to close the breach."

"We're not gonna do that." Caitlin said

"Yeah, you get yourself back here in one piece, all right?" Joe said

"Don't make me come and get you." Linda added causing Naruto to smirk

"Just do this. I always have a backup plan." Naruto said before he kissed the girls and hugged Joe as Caitlin walked over to Cisco who held up a letter

"I wrote this for my parents and Dante. If I don't come back, make sure he gets them." Cisco said solemnly

"Cisco, you're coming back." Caitlin replied

"Caitlin, please." Cisco said seriously

"Okay, I will." Caitlin promised before she took the letter and hugged Cisco

"Thank you." Cisco whispered

"Be careful." Caitlin said before looking to Harry "You too, Harry."

"Snow." Harry smiled as he and Caitlin hugged before she went to Naruto as Harry turned to Joe

"I hope you get your daughter back." Joe said shaking Harry's hand

"I'll make sure you get your son back." Harry promised before he walked over to the breech "You don't have to do this."

"I made you a promise. I tend to keep those." Naruto said causing Harry to smile

"Is anybody else feeling panic right now? I chickened out of bungee jumping when I was 18, but this is categorically a lot scarier." Cisco said causing Naruto to smirk as he tapped Cisco's shoulder

"You'll be fine."

"I-I got no spit." Cisco said smacking his lips

"Jaws." Harry smiled

"I'm not just quoting "Jaws." I mean my mouth is really dry right now." Cisco said before Naruto nodded and Caitlin turned on the speed cannon before Naruto grabbed Harry, and Cisco and sped through it

Seeing images of Oliver with a metal arm, an old man with his Flash suit, Kara who he hadn't visited in a while, Grodd roaring at nothing, a man with a scarred face and a pistol, and a ring with an L on it, before an Earth was before them and they appeared in the basement of Star Labs of Earth 2

S.T.A.R. Labs

Everyone sighed having faith that Naruto and Cisco would succeed in rescuing Jessie, as they entered the cortex, about to make plans for what they were going to do, the power cut put

"Uh, what just happened?" Joe asked

"I don't know." Caitlin said before every monitor in the cortex cut on and a figure with a mask appeared through the static "You are not alone. You are not alone. You are not alone. You are not alone. You are not alone."

"What the hell?" Joe asked as Linda walked over to the computer desk with her phone to show that it was also on the screen

"My name is General Zod. I have journeyed across an ocean of stars to reach you. For some time, your world has sheltered one of my citizens. He will look like you, but he is not one of you. I request that you return this individual to my custody. To those of you who know of his location, the fate of your planet rests in your hands. To Kal-El, I say this: Surrender within twenty-four hours, or watch this world suffer the consequences."

The video suddenly went out and the power came back on, as everyone shared a look wondering why this had to happen when Naruto was gone

Earth 2.5

Cisco immediately patted his self down as Harry with a nostalgic smile walked down the stairs toward the exit, "Holy 2001. I feel like I just opened my third eye." Cisco said before Naruto lead him outside where they looked around at the very retrolike version of Central City

"Welcome to Earth-2." Harry said smiling

The trio turned and reentered Star Labs as Cisco and Naruto looked at all the inventions on display "Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."

"Our Earth seriously needs to step it's game up." Naruto said looking around at the advance technology

"Come here." Cisco said dragging Naruto to a Star Labs sign, where they took a selfie causing Harry to sigh

"Ramon." Harry called

"What?" Cisco asked

"Not a sightseeing tour." Harry said

"Speak for yourself. We want our grandkids to know we did cool stuff." Cisco replied before a man walked up

"Dr. Wells." the man greeted with a grin

"Henry." Harry smiled shaking the man's hand

"Welcome back. We weren't expecting you." Henry said

"Yes I didn't tell anyone I was coming back." Harry said

"I thought you might've left town with all that's been happening." Henry said getting a nod from Harry before he looked to Naruto and Cisco

"Cisco, Nate this is,"

"Henry Hewitt, lab assistant. Pleased to make your acquaintance." Henry interrupted as he shook hands with Cisco and Naruto before turning to Harry "Okay, Dr. Wells, will you and your visitors be needing the conference room?"

'Not necessary, Henry. Our visit will be short."

"Okay." Henry nodded

"Good to see you." Harry said

"Good to see you, sir." Henry replied walking off

Harry lead Naruto and Cisco to his office, where the TV turnt on along with the lights and the first things Naruto and Cisco saw were Naruto on a basketball team

"Woah." Naruto said as his counterpart shot a 3 pointer

"Yeah, your a star athlete on this Earth." Harry said changing the channel

"Wonder what I am." Cisco said as a news report began

'A reminder that a citywide curfew has been issued. No unauthorized person is to be out after 9:00 p.m. A recent increase in Zoom attacks has led Mayor Snart to extend the curfew. The curfew was first issued after a series of terror attacks throughout the city,'

"It's worse. It's worse than when I left. Zoom has turned up his reign of terror."

"All right, then let's find Zoom fast. Cisco, ready to do your thing?" Naruto asked getting a nod from Cisco as he grabbed his goggles

"All right, Zoom. You can run, but you can't hide." Cisco said putting on his goggles and for a moment Harry and Naruto watched him, "All right, you know what? You guys are crowding my space a little bit." Naruto and Harry shook their heads as they stepped back ""I can't perform like this under pressure, okay? If you could just step back just a little bit, I need to do my thing. My mojo."

When he got the right amount of space Cisco sighed "Thank you. Take two [cleared his throat] Mm, ah. All right, Zoom. You can run,"

Naruto and Harry raised an eyebrow as nothing happened "Ramon, what's happening?" Harry asked

"You know, I don't know, okay? I can't see anything. I don't know what's wrong. Maybe I lost my powers."

"Why would you lose your powers?" Naruto asked causing Cisco to shake his head as he took off his goggles and found something wrong

"Oh, here we go, the wavelength trigger's not responding, but that only happens if,"

"The frequency is imbalanced." All three said together

"Our Earth vibrates at a different frequency than yours." Harry sighed

"Harry, without that frequency," Naruto began

"We're up a creek." Cisco sighed before Naruto saw someone on TV

"Turn that up." Naruto said causing Harry to raise an eyebrow as he turned up the volume

"The latest attack was orchestrated by Zoom, and we understand that citizens of Central City are scared, but I can assure you the CCPD has been working diligently,"

"Barry." Naruto smiled

"Under the leadership of Detective West. We will stop Zoom. That's a promise." Barry said before the interview was over

"The leadership of Detective West." So Joe's still a cop here." Cisco nodded

"Yeah, but more importantly, Barry is a CSI. I have a plan. I'll call you later. Fix that frequency." Naruto said speeding off

Allen House

Naruto appeared outside of his childhood home, and heard the excited yelling of Nora, and Henry "Shot the three Nathan!"


Knocking on the door hesitantly Naruto waited and watched Nora who looked at him in shock "H-hi, um I need to talk to you and your husband."

"H-henry!" Nora yelled before Henry came to the door and Naruto noticed that they were wearing their Nathan's jersey

"Who are you?" Henry asked placing himself in front of Nora

"My name is Nathan Allen, I'm your son from another universe."

"You must think we're stupid."

"Excuse me." Naruto said before they both jumped as he sped away and after a moment sped into the house with Iris, and Barry both of them gasping

"W-what just happened?" Barry asked looking around

"H-how did we get here?" Iris asked looking to Henry and Nora who pointed at Naruto who waved "N-nathan? But your supposed to be in National City at your ga-"

Iris paused when a highlight of Nathan dunking the ball played, and all of their meta human alert watches went off

"I'm a speedster from another Earth. Zoom has been crossing over into my world along with some of your own metas and wrecking havoc in my city. I came here with your Harrison Wells to get his daughter back and stop Zoom." Naruto said

"Wait, your mother allowed you to be a vigilante?" Nora asked causing Naruto to frown

"N-no um, when I was 11 you and Barry were murdered, dad was falsely sent to prison for it, I managed to catch the true killer to set dad free but a few months back he died in a car accident." Naruto said causing them to look at him in shock and sympathy

"S-so your all alone?" Nora asked standing up and walking up to Naruto

"I lived with Joe and Iris, and I'm about to be a father soon. So I'm not alone.' Naruto smiled as Nora hugged him and he gasped as he returned the hug and Barry and Henry joined the hug causing Iris to smile, with Nathan being on the road he was really missed here

Naruto smiled at them and looked at Iris "My Joe would flip out if he knew that you were a detective."

'Oh, trust me he doesn't like it at all."

'Well your a detective just like he is so I bet he's still proud." Naruto smiled "Where is he?"

"Oh, he's at the club do you want to come?" Iris asked

"Sure, my friend Cisco is with Harrison. working on something that can help us find Zoom so I got time." Naruto said

"Great." Barry said placing a hand on Naruto's shoulder "Although Joseph doesn't really like me much."

"Joseph?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow before he shook his head "Come with me Bar."

Nora, and Henry smiled as Naruto lead Barry away

Hour Later

Naruto had given Barry a haircut and tossed his glasses as he thought he was to uptight and he looked like regular Barry he just needed to relax a bit

Currently Naruto was walking with the couple looking around as they arrived at Jitterbugs

'Some things that happened For the first time Seem to be happening

Again And so it seems that we have

Met before And laughed before

"Whoa." Naruto said looking at Joe who was singing "Joe can sing."

"He's the best. Right." Iris smiled as Joe smiled at her before they got their table

"Oh, I am so rubbing this in his face when I get back home." Naruto said with his phone out as he recorded Joe until the man finished before walking over

"Hey, baby." Joe greeted Iris kissing her cheek

"Hi." Iris smiled

"Hey Joe.' Naruto smiled

"Nathan, hell of a game you played, but how'd you get here so fast?" Joe asked shaking Naruto's hand

'Left soon as I got changed." Naruto smiled

"Hello Joseph." Barry said

"Hi Bartholomew." Joe said coldly causing Naruto to raise an eyebrow before he looked between Iris and Barry and came to a realization that Joe blamed Barry for Iris' career

"Hey let's just have some fun huh?" Naruto said ordering a drink as Joe glared at Barry who sighed before Joe went back to the mike

Naruto smiled as he relaxed watching Joe sing before the door burst opened and to his shock Ronnie and Caitlin entered getting everyone's attention

"Don't stop singing old man." Ronnie said

"That's our song." Caitlin smirked before she looked around "So which one of you lounge lizards is in the wrong universe? Hmm? Show of hands."

Naruto saw Caitlin heading for a man and quickly sped forward taking her and Ronnie out of the lounge "Bingo." Caitlin smirked

"He's a speedster babe."

"Oh, I'm shivering. I've been dying to kill The Flash." Caitlin smirked walking forward

"Caitlin. I don't want to hurt you." Naruto said causing her to pause

"I haven't heard that name in a long time." Caitlin replied

"I know you."

"If you knew me you'd know that I hate the name Caitlin." Caitlin said before spikes of ice formed from her hands and she tossed them at Naruto who slapped them aside

"If I knew that you were a villain on this Earth, I would've been better prepared to handle this, so in honor of the fact that my Caitlin is pregnant with my child, I won't hurt you to bad." Naruto said causing the couple to look at him in shock before Ronnie head and hands lit up with fire and he threw a fireball at Naruto who punched forward causing a harsh gust of wind to smother the fireball and send Caitlin and Ronnie tumbling backwards,

Rushing forward Naruto dodged thrown icicles and grabbed Caitlin's arm before spinning her into Deathstorm sending him falling back, before he slammed Caitlin into the ground

"Look at me!" Naruto yelled causing her to glare at him "This isn't you, Caitlin."

"I am Killer Frost." Caitlin said before she kissed Naruto who vibrated keeping himself from freezing before he pulled back and rolled away when Deathstorm tried to kick him, and the enraged boyfriend flew at him, but Naruto turned to the side so that the man flew by but drove his eldow into the man's back sending him to the ground before a kick to the gut sent him flying into a statue

Caitlin quickly ran over to Deathstorm "This isn't over." she yelled before she created a wall of ice and they escaped

Immediately Naruto, went and got Joe, Barry, and iris who had been watching with other patrons from the lounge and sped them to Nora, and Henry's home

"Okay, you guys need to get out of town, till Zoom is dealt with." Naruto said

"I'm not going anywhere, I have a duty to uphold." Iris said causing Joe to take her to the side to convince her otherwise

"If Iris is staying then so am I." Barry said to Naruto "I'm her husband, and I might not be brave or a speedster but I can help."

Nora, and Henry smiled at Barry proudly before Henry placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder "Even though your a universe away, we are still your family. Protect Barry and Iris okay?"

Naruto smiled as a tear streamed down his face and he nodded "I will. I promise." Naruto said as he looked over go Iris who was telling Joe that she was going to help get Jesse back walking over he looked at her and Barry "I only need your help with drawing Zoom out, once that is done I will lose to him and he will take me to his lair where I will place a tracker, so that my friends can rescue Jesse while I keep him busy."

The two nodded


Naruto was in his suit as Cisco stood beside Iris and her partner Floyd Lawton who apparently was a terrible shot on this Earth, he watched as Killer Frost forced Iris, and Lawton to put their weapons down as Cisco hid his own weapon before his doppelganger arrived

"Oh, I knew there was another me here." Cisco said looking at his counterpart

"And I knew you were coming, Cisco, even before you entered the breach and set foot on this world." Earth-2 Cisco said with a smirk "See, we're all connected Francisco."

"My name is Vibe." Vibe said with a frown

"Reverb." Reverb introduced with a nod

"Actually not the worst name you could've come up with, but not the best." Vive shrugged causing Reverb to laugh

"I've been watching you, Vibe, and I have to say I am extremely disappointed." Reverb said with a sigh

"Yeah, I know the feeling. I'm not sure what's worse, the fact that you're part of Zoom's gang, or that weird samurai situation you got going on on the top of your head there." Vibe frowned looking at Reverb

"Listen to this. What if Zoom wasn't running the show anymore?" Reverb asked as Vibe blinked

"What do you mean?" Vibe asked

"You don't even know how powerful you are. All you use your powers for are these cheap parlor tricks when you you could be a god. We could be gods." Reverb tempted

["Are you Cloud City Vadering me right now?" Vibe asked with a blink as he recalled the video he watched from his other counterpart

"So what do you say?" Reverb asked

"I'll pass." Vibe said causing Reverb to shrug

"Well I tried." Reverb said raising a hand

"OK enough of this." Naruto said before he shot down and punched Reverb into a wall, causing him to grunt,

Naruto turned to Deathstorm, and Killer Frost "Go!" Naruto said to Iris, Lawton, and Vibe

"No, not without them." Iris said picking up her gun causing Naruto to sigh

"Round two." Deathstorm said before he fired a fireball at Naruto who dodged and kept dodging as he ran to get closer to Deathstorm when suddenly Reverb shot something as him and Naruto found his feet off the ground giving Desthstorm enough time to shot a fireball at him sending him to the ground

Naruto grunted and was about to get up when a icicle was stabbed into his Achilles tendon causing him to scream in pain

Reverb smirked before his eyes widened when he got a vibe of Zoom closing in and seeing him take out Killer Frost first he quickly opened a portal under her and her eyes widened before with a shout she dropped into it just as Zoom came to swip at her and missed before he ran a hand through Reverb's chest crushing his heart and snapping Ronnie's neck

Naruto gripping his calf, as he pulled the icicle out looked up to see Zoom standing over him "You're mine." Zoom smirked before Naruto sped up to hit him, but he dodged and knocked Naruto unconscious and took him

Cisco, and Iris came from their hiding spot and smirked before looking at a tablet to see the tracker Naruto had was on the move, before Harry arrived with Barry

"The plan is working." Barry smiled

"Of course it is." Cisco smirked

"Okay I'll call this in and then we can head after them." Iris said causing Harry to nod hesitantly as he wanted to immediately go after Naruto and Zoom but decided to be patient as Naruto would keep Jesse safe

Zoom's Lair

Naruto groaned as he regained consciousness and immediately clutched his calf and used the wall to climb to his good leg before focused.

The man in the iron mask, along with Jesse watched as Naruto took a deep breath before lightning arched over his injured foot and after a moment it was put out before the speedster looked to be healed

Naruto turned to see Jesse and smiled "Hey Jesse, my name is Nathan and I'm here with your dad, we're going to get you out of here. Promise."

Zoom appeared in front of Naruto on the opposite side of the glass "It's not wise to make promises you can't keep, Flash. Look around. This will be the last place you'll ever see."

"Doubtful." Naruto said smirking "I'm going to get out of here, and we'll have our rematch."

"Your my new trophy, three speedsters. Your world will be mine, after I have your speed." Zoom replied as Naruto grunted before Zoom left

"Are you okay?" Naruto asked looking to Jesse

"He took my speed and left me in here." Jesse said looking down at her hand before it began to vibrate "This is all I can do now."

"It's all in your head Jesse. Your powers bonded with you on a cellular level, you just need a recharge his all, and when we got out of here, I'll help you." Naruto said

"How are we going to do that?" Jesse asked

"Just give it some time, the plan is going perfectly." Naruto said before he looked to the man in the iron mask as he began to tap on the glass "Any idea who he is?"

"No, he was here before I was." Jesse said causing Naruto to nod

"Alright, hey look." Naruto called to the masked prisoner "Everything is going to be okay. You will get out if there and back home I promise."

"So we just wait?" Jesse asked

"Yeah." Naruto nodded sitting down and meditating

1 Hour Later

Naruto opened his eyes when he heard Jesse gasp, and saw his emblem blinking a red color and smiled "It's time."

Standing up, Naruto walked to the glass and vibrated through it, just as Zoom sped in "Now, about that rematch." Naruto smirked before in a flash he punched Zoom into a wall, and the man got up and raced away, immediately followed by Naruto


Cisco, and Harry were hiding in the woods when an explosion sounded off, before a blue streak of lightning raced by followed by a purple streak "Let's go." Harry said running with his weapon as Cisco with a cold gun followed to a stairwell, and the two ran up as quickly as they could to save Jesse and get her off this Earth.

With Naruto

Naruto chased Zoom across the planet across water, ice, snow, dirt and was now on a highway in Central City, as he came within arms reach of Zoom a bus got in their way and Zoom went one way, and Naruto went the other

The two zigzagged get through traffic, and ran into a tunnel and on their way out Naruto used a truck as leverage by running onto the hood and jumping, quickly Zoom swung an arm back at his face when he landed right behind him but Naruto moved out of the way, and punched him into a car, but he was kicked away before he could press the attack

Slamming into a car, Naruto was grabbed and tossed into another before Zoom tried to punch him but Naruto parried the hook, and grabbed zoom tossing him into the car before he punched him in the face with a right hook, and an left uppercut to the chin and made to follow with a right elbow but he was pushed into a car and received two hooks before he dodged the third one and pushed Zoom back and 24 lightning fast punches to his mid section causing Zoom to shout in pain

Zoom raised his forearm to block Naruto's left cross, and grabbed the limb to spin Naruto face first into a car window causing the occupants to scream, before Naruto was kneed in the gut and tossed toward a van, that he placed a foot on to flip and kick Zoom in the jaw sending him to the ground before he got up and ran again with Naruto in pursuit

"Cisco how's it going?" Naruto asked as he chased Zoom


Cisco was using the cold gun to try to break the glass that the man in the iron mask was behind but it wasn't working as Harry and Jesse watched

"Nate! We got Jesse, but I can't get the other guy out."

"Does Harry have any ideas?' Naruto asked causing Cisco to look over to Harry

"We have to leave before Zoom comes back, and the only thing I can think of, is we leave him here, and free him once we have put an end to Zoom." Harry said

Cisco was about to shake his head negatively but the man in the iron mask nodded "Okay, after we deal with Zoom, we'll be back." Cisco said before he, Harry, and Jesse left

With Naruto

Naruto punched Zoom in the middle of his spine sending him flipping into a car, and into the intersection causing people to scream and run back, but they paused when Naruto arrived as Zoom was standing up and a jab to Zoom's head caused him to go spinning in the air as he landed with a grunt

"You give speedster's a bad name." Naruto said walking over to Zoom who was panting as he got to a knee but a kick to the gut causing Zoom to groan before Naruto grabbed his ankle and began to spin at high speed causing the wind to pick up before he released Zoom who went flying through a building and when he came out of that one Naruto was there to give a double flying kick to his face sending him into a building under construction, as Naruto backflipped in midair and continued to do so till he landed on the street and raced to where he kicked Zoom who was clutching his ribs as he leaned on a beam with a few pieces of debris sticking into his body that he took out,

Looking up Zoom saw Naruto with a smirk heading for him and quickly with all the power he could muster sped off, with Naruto back on the chase.

Making it to a beach and now back over water Zoom tried another backhand, but Naruto ducked and fell back before he sped back up and punched Zoom in the back of the head sending him crashing into the water, as he flipped and skipped across the surface he somehow regained his composer and began to run across the water once again

Zoom looked over his shoulder to see Naruto nowhere in sight and his eyes widened before he turned and headed for his lair

S.T.A.R. Labs

Naruto skidded to a stop as he saw Jesse, Harry, and Cisco waiting for him in the breach room "Did Barry, and Iris make it to Atlantis safe?"

"Yeah." Cisco nodded

"Alright, let's go." Naruto said smiling as the rescue mission was complete and they would seal off this breach, and he would be able to cross over on his own to end Zoom

As the three joined hands Naruto sped them into the breach just as an alarm went off telling everyone in the building that Zoom had arrived

Prime Earth

Naruto and the others came out of the breach, and immediately Linda ran over and tossed the football, and the breach snapped shut

Everyone smiled in relief as Linda turned to Naruto who was hugging Iris, Joe, and Caitlin the four waiting for her to join and with a smile she made to join them when a streak of blue lightning came from the still closing breach and pierced her heart causing eyes to widen

"No!" Naruto yelled rushing to catch Linda as the portal closed.