
Firestorm Part 2

Caitlin screamed, closing her eyes waiting for the pain, when she realized she didn't feel anything and opened her eyes to see to her shock a large red aura protecting her and Naruto, looking up she saw her friend standing up with his hands clasped in a praying fashion, while his mask was off, and he looked feral with fangs, glowing red slit eyes and whiskers were the first thing she noticed before blood began to leak from his eyes, ears, and mouth causing her to gasp

"Nathan!" Caitlin screamed only for him to smile as the red bubbling aura vanished and he fell to his knees hacking, while he clutched his torso

"It's okay, it happens." Naruto wheezed

"What was that?" Caitlin asked

"Later." Naruto said looking at her before he looked forward as he began to get to his feet "We have other things to deal with."

"Nathan? What happened out there?' Wells said over the coms

"Are you guys okay?" Cisco asked

"Yeah, we're good." Naruto said before he and Caitlin looked to the mushroom cloud

"Oh god, the nuclear explosion. There's no telling how much radiation we were exposed to." Caitlin said

"Wait wait, wait, wait, wait, this can't be." Cisco said over the coms "The Geiger counter in the suit it's reading less than one millirad."

"There's no radiation." Naruto said looking to Caitlin "Let's go."

Caitlin nodded before Naruto picked her up bridle style and sped to the crater, before he and Caitlin began to walk down to the epicenter with Naruto wiping the blood off his face

"Did it work? Did you separate them?" Cisco asked impatiently

"I don't know." Naruto said looking around before he and Caitlin heard a groan and saw Ronnie on the ground

"Ronnie?" Caitlin said running over to him as he began to look around and smiled at her as she kneeled beside him "Tell me your name."

"Ronnie Raymond." Ronnie said smiling before he and Caitlin kissed softly "Cait. It's me."

Naruto smiled before he and the couple heard "Uh, pardon me." looking over they saw Martin Stein "Obviously, I need a change of clothes."

"Nice to see you in the flesh again, Professor Stein." Naruto smiled causing Martin to look at him and nod "We're coming home." he said to Cisco "Okay everyone, hold on tight."

Moments Later

S.T.A.R Labs

The elevator opened up and the first thing an approaching Cisco saw was a smiling Caitlin, holding onto Ronnie with Nate, and Professor Stein in the back, smiling at his friend he said "Ronnie Raymond."

"Cisco." Ronnie smiled before the two high-fived, and hugged in a brotherly fashion

"Man." Cisco smiled before he pulled back with a frown "I missed you so much, man. I shouldn't have locked you in there."

"Hey don't." Ronnie said causing Cisco to nod

"Welcome back, Mr. Raymond." Wells said rolling in and smiling at Ronnie as if he didn't just propose to killing the man a few hours ago

"Dr. Wells. Caitlin told me what happened to you. I'm so sorry." Ronnie said shaking the man's hand

"I'm responsible for putting myself in this chair. You are responsible for my still being alive thank you." Wells said as Caitlin walked to Naruto

"You said you'd bring him back to me, and you did. Thank you." Caitlin said

"Anytime." Naruto winked

"Excuse me? Are we all planning to sing Kumbaya next?" Martin said tired of being ignored and ready to get home

"Professor Stein, I presume." Wells said nodding

"Harrison Wells." Martin nodded politely "Do you have somewhere I can freshen up and get a change of clothes?"

"Of course. Right this way, Professor." Cisco said before everyone advanced into the lab, with Naruto taking a turn to down a hall, and when they were out of sight, he fell to a knee, clutching his chest

"It was reckless of me to use that much of Kurama's Chakra at once." Naruto thought sitting down and resting his body to fully heal himself

1 Hour Later

Ronnie was getting checked out by Caitlin when he began to take off the medical equipment "Your vitals appear to be normal, except you have a slight fever of 100.6."

"Cait, I'm fine, I promise." Ronnie said smiling

"I know, but we just need to be,"

"Shh." Ronnie said kissing her but stopped when Cisco walked in

"Yep just when I forgot how awkward it was to walk in on you two." Cisco said shaking his head as they looked at him smiling

"Well, you can get used to it again." Caitlin replied just as Wells and Martin walked in

"So I did a full medical workup on the professor. It turns out that now that he and Ronnie are separated, they no longer possess the ability to harness nuclear energy." Wells said handing Caitlin the tablet

"Professor Stein, you seem to be running a little hot as well. Same as Ronnie 100.6." Caitlin said

"Hardly a sweat, . And hopefully now the only thing Ronald and I have in common." Martin said

"It's Ronnie." Ronnie corrected

"Mm." Martin raised an eyebrow

"Hey? You gonna miss being able to fly?" Cisco asked

"Yeah, maybe if I was the one holding the controller." Ronnie said glaring at Martin who returned it stepping forward

"Meaning?" Martin asked as Ronnie stood up

"Meaning, you weren't the most conscientious body-mate."

"So you do not consider keeping you alive to be conscientious?" Martin asked

"Alive? We were living under a bridge, eating garbage." Ronnie retorted

"I did not determine that it would be my mind that would dominate our existence, but thank God it was. I could feel your fear and panic, emotions that likely would have gotten us killed in that state."

"You kept me buried down. You kept me from her." Ronnie said looking back to Caitlin

"Which is likely why she's still alive. Now I believe you and I have spent quite enough time together." Martin said

"Yeah." Ronnie said in full agreement

"I'm going home to see my wife." Martin said turning to leave

"Mr. Allen will take you." Wells said leaving with Martin

Ronnie sighed and turned to Caitlin "I need some pizza."

"You got it." Caitlin smiled

Stein Residence

"Can't believe it." Martin said in awe looking at his house through his own eyes for the first time in almost a year

"Oh wait." Martin said turning to Naruto who raised an eyebrow "Uh what should I say?"

"I'd go with you love her, but I don't think you're gonna have to say anything." Naruto said just as Clarissa ran outside

"Oh, Clarissa. I'm so sorry I put you through this." Martin said before the two hugged and kissed and began to head inside while Naruto turned to leave "Thank you. Nathaniel."

Naruto nodded

"I know I can be difficult, but thank you for bringing me home." Martin said

"I'll see you soon, Professor." Naruto said nodding before he sped off

Naruto's Loft

Naruto was in bed, looking at the ceiling, he had just got off the phone with Linda who was practicing her new abilities with Alex, and her family, she had wanted to know why he didn't take her to S.T.A.R. Labs and he told her it was because he didn't want Wells to know about her since he still didn't trust the man,

Closing his eyes to get some sleep, he sighed when Joe called "Hello? I'm fine Joe thanks for asking...You want me to meet you, where?...I'm on my way."

Naruto hung up with a troubled frown on his face, before he stood up and made his way to the destination Joe wanted to meet at, having no intention of using his powers to get there


Former Allen Residence

Naruto and Joe walked into his old home with Naruto looking around "Smaller than I remember."

"Yeah. It's because you're bigger." Joe said walking passed Naruto "Have you been in here? I mean, recently."

"No. I haven't been in this house since that night." Naruto said

"Nate? This mirror you remember it?" Joe asked standing by a device that had a mirror inside it

"Belonged to my grandma. How is it still here?" Naruto asked

"Just be glad it is. Look I don't fully know how Cisco did it, but,"

"Did what? Joe, what are we doing here?" Naruto asked only for Joe to motion for him to step aside which he did before he turned on the projector and Naruto's eyes began go tear up

"Mom." Naruto said looking at the 3D image of his mom who looked so scared while Barry was on the ground

"You can definitely see two very fast people fighting around your mother." Joe said causing Naruto to look and wince when his head began to pound

"Two speedsters." Naruto said hiding the pain

"You see that?" Joe asked pointing to the wall where blood had landed

"The blood?" Naruto nodded

"Cisco and I had the DNA tested. It's yours." Joe said causing Naruto to silently grunt when the pounding intensified

"That's impossible. I wasn't even downstairs yet." Naruto said holding his head

"No, Nate. Not that you. This you." Joe said looking to Naruto who look at him in surprise "Cisco had the samples analyzed and the proteins in the blood were that of an adult, not a child."

"But that means,"

"The second speedster, the one trying to stop the man in yellow,"

"Is the Flash. That's me." Naruto said before sparks of white, and gold lightning sparked off his head and his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he collapsed

"Nathan!" Joe yelled kneeling down beside the boy, as white/gold lightning flickered around his head


S.T.A.R. Labs

Wells, Cisco, and Joe watched as Naruto twitched in his sleep as he had a nightmare "What's happening to him?"

"We don't know." Wells said just as Naruto shot up in the bed, breathing heavily

"Nate, you okay?" Cisco asked handing him a glass of water which he immediately drank

"Yeah, just a nightmare." Naruto said looking to Joe, and Cisco "If it is true that my future self came back in time fighting the Reverse Flash, then that means the man in yellow is stranded here."

"A promising theory." Wells said as Naruto had a thoughtful look on his face "What are you thinking?"

"When I was in a coma, the Speed Force said that it was Barry who was destined to have these powers and him dying is what caused me to be chosen instead. If The Reverse Flash is some future enemy of mine, then what would happen if I gave up my powers?"

Wells looked at Naruto in horror, while, Joe, and Cisco looked surprised and thoughtful

"There's no way of knowing what would happen if you gave up your speed, Nathan, but your mother, and brother are already dead, you giving your speed up wouldn't change that." Wells said regaining his composer

"Reverse Flash wanted the Tachyon Prototype, when I was kicking his ass last Christmas, I noticed something with his speed. It was like it was fluctuating. Now if the way he gained his powers has something to do with there being a Flash, then The Flash shouldn't exist. Maybe that is why his lightning is red, because he wasn't chosen by the Speed Force, he gained it artificially." Naruto said with Wells looking bothered unnoticed by the others

"Well don't make any decisions now, Nate. Get some rest." Joe said

"I'm going to go see Stein and Clarissa." Naruto said standing up and walking away deep in thought


CC Jitters

"And the boomerang goes flying through the cortex, smashing everything and Cisco's all, "My one's on me." Caitlin said laughing having told Ronnie of what her life had been like for the past year although she left out the part of her sleeping with Naruto

"Sounds like you had some crazy times." Ronnie said with a small smile

"Yeah, we have." Caitlin said

"Are you ready for life to get back to normal?" Ronnie asked

"What do you mean?" Caitlin asked with a raised eyebrow

"I was thinking we could leave town. Start fresh somewhere." Ronnie said causing Caitlin to frown

"Our lives are here. My job is here." Caitlin replied

"Yeah, hunting meta-humans." Ronnie retorted

"There's more to it than that." Caitlin said shaking her head

"And it's dangerous."

"It can be. Look, I stayed at S.T.A.R. Labs because I believed in Dr. Wells. But ever since Nate became The Flash and we've been working to keep this city safe, I found a new way to help people." Caitlin smiled

"Look, Cait, I'm not mad at anyone. Okay, I know the accelerator explosion was an accident. But that building took a year of our lives. I don't want it to take anymore." Ronnie said just as a waiter walked over

"Do you guys need anything else? We're about to close up." the waiter said

"I'm good. Babe?" Ronnie asked causing Caitlin to look up to see that there was a red laser dot on his chest, and looked back to see soldiers aiming at him

"Ronnie, get down." Caitlin said ducking along with Ronnie as the soldiers opened fire hitting the waiter with a tranquilizer in the neck as everyone screamed

"Get out of here." Ronnie ordered

"No, not without you." Caitlin said

'I'm right behind you go!" Ronnie said causing Caitlin to run away

Stein Residence

Naruto was looking at Martin's board with a small frown, the man had told him that time travel could be a side effect of his incredible speed, and if that was the case, he didn't know what to do, I mean he remembered himself talking to his older self who warned him not to go back to that night but now things weren't making since, before he could dwell deeper into his thoughts he looked up when he heard a glass shattering and walked into the kitchen to see Stein holding onto the counter "Martin? What's wrong?" he asked

"I don't know, I...I feel terrified. My..my heart is racing. I think I think Ronald is in trouble."

"How could you know that?" Naruto asked raising an eyebrow

"Jitters. He needs help. Go!" Martin said urgently and with a nod Naruto sped off


Out behind Jitters Ronnie was surrounded by soldiers with his hands in the air "Ronald Raymond. Burning Man himself. Half of him, anyway." Wade Eiling said smugly.

"Who are you?" Ronnie asked confused

"General Wade Eiling, United States Army." Wade introduced himself

"What do you want?" Ronnie asked

"Firestorm." Wade smirked, before in a flash of orange lightning his men were unconscious and he was held up in the air against a wall,

"I could've sworn I told you to never come back here." Naruto said with a growl

"I don't listen to terrorist." Wade glared

"No, you listen to the President, and I'm sure he'll be talking to you very soon, about you illegal operations " Naruto said before a tossed Eiling into a car and sped Ronnie out of the alleyway, into the S.T.A.R. Labs van, ignoring the small flash of light from behind him just as he turned around 100s of small needles hit him, causing him to grunt as fell into the van,

"Oh my god." Caitlin said

"Drive!" Naruto groaned causing Caitlin to nod and speed off

S.T.A.R. Labs

Naruto was on a table, as Caitlin removed the micro fragments from his body "You need to hurry, Nate's wounds are starting to heal with the fragments still under his skin."

"This is just like that time I stepped on a sea urchin." Cisco said holding a bowl for Caitlin to put the fragments in "Only much worse." he said in defense when Naruto looked at him

"Just don't pee on me." Naruto said with a chuckle

"Uh, you know that's a myth, right?" Cisco asked

"I'm so stupid. Jason Rush, the grad student who was helping Professor Stein with his Firestorm research, he said that the Army took all of Professor Stein's material when he disappeared. I should have known it was General Eiling." Caitlin said

"Not your fault. He still thinks you hold the keys to the ultimate human weapon both of you." Wells said looking to Ronnie

"Okay, let's just finish this. I gotta get to Stein's house. Eiling's gonna be after him too." Naruto said as Ronnie blinked and shook his head before he looked towards the threshold

"Stein's fine."

"How do you know?" Cisco asked

"He's right there." Ronnie said causing everyone to look up at Martin who was at the door

"I don't think Mr. Raymond and I are as distinctive as we had hoped." Martin said

"Caitlin, move back." Naruto said causing everyone to look at him "I'm going to try something."

Closing his eyes Naruto focused 'Shukaku." he thought before he began to vibrate his hands, and to the surprise of everyone the fragments began to wiggle before he clenched his hands into fists, and the fragments shot out of his body and hovered over his, causing him to sigh, as everyone jumped back looking surprised

"Fascinating." Martin said in awe, as Naruto opened his eyes and unseen to anyone they were brown with a diamond shape in the center before they returned to their natural color "You changed the nature of your kinetic energy to manipulate the fragments."

Naruto chuckled as he sped from the table, and allowed the fragments to impale the table, "I'm good focus on Ronnie, and Martin." he said walking off, while Caitlin watched him along with Wells who knew that it wasn't possible for Naruto to do something like that


In civilian clothes Naruto walked in the room to see Ronnie, and Martin hooked up to a mashing that showed their brain waves "I'm still inside Ronald." Martin said

"There has to be a better way to phrase that." Naruto said getting there attention as he looked to the screen "Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta all your brain waves are perfectly in sync."

"Yeah, the chances of that happening are next to impossible." Caitlin said

"Tell that to the guy locked up in our basement who can turn himself into poison gas." Naruto reolied

"Wait, really?" Ronnie asked

"Dude, that was, like, week three." Cisco said

"Look, if this Eiling is as dangerous as you say, then I need to warn Clarissa." Martin said standing up

"I promise, I can get Clarissa out of the city in time, but we need you to stay here. You have to trust us." Naruto said

"Very well." Martin said nodding reluctantly and walked away, before Cisco followed while Naruto grabbed Caitlin's wrist getting her attention, as he looked to her and Ronnie

"Look, I know this isn't my place, but I think you both should leave town." Naruto said causing Caitlin to blink in shock

"What?" Caitlin asked

"Caitlin when we first met, you hardly smiled, and was cold to me. Over the past months we've gotten closer, and you've been happy. Now that Ronnie is back, you can leave and start fresh, have a few kids, or whatever. Central City is dangerous with all these Meta's running amok, the last thing I want is for you two to be separated again. Think about it." Naruto said looking to Ronnie and Caitlin before he walked off leaving the couple to talk privately


Wells rolled info the army base, after Naruto took Caitlin, and Ronnie to Joe's house, to see Wade on the phone "Mr. President, sir. I assure you that, I would nev,"

"I don't care, Eiling, get to Washington now!" the angry voice of the president yelled over the phone causing Wade to sigh and hang up

"How the hell did he get those files." Wade thought in frustration, the president had gotten his hands on a flash drive containing illegal activities done by him, since he became a General and he wasn't happy, he knew the Flash had something to do with this

"Bad time Wade?'

Looking up he glared at Harrison "I had a feeling you would be wheeling by. Tell me. They still pulling needles out of the Flash's hide? I might not know who that freak os, but I swear to god, I won't stop till I figure it out." Wade said glaring at Wells, who frowned

"I'll have to take care if him." Wells thought as Wade began to talk about the dawn of a new age

Joe's House

Naruto was sitting on the couch looking at a photo of him, his mom, and Barry, when Joe walked in "Nate? Should I have not shown you?"

"No, I had to know." Naruto said placing down the photo as Joe sat beside him

"We have been through so much. You have all your life. And you've been so strong. But I am still your guardian, and it's my job to guard you, not just physically, but from heartache. I can't help but feeling like I just handed you a brand new burden." Joe said sadly

"Yeah. But it's our burden, right?" Naruto smiled , causing Joe to grin and nod his head in agreement "Hey, can I ask you something? How did you know that the blood in the house belonged to me? You would have had to have tested it specifically."

Joe looked away and began wringing his hands nervously "Cisco tested it against everyone who worked at S.T.A.R. Labs."

'You wanted to know if it belonged to Wells?" Naruto asked causing Joe to nod "That's one hell of a reach, Joe."

"I know but I got this feeling, that,"

"Something isn't right about him." Naruto said causing Joe to look at him "I feel it too. I don't know about him being involved in the murder, but I find it suspicious that on Christmas he wasn't killed along with the Eddie's taskforce. It makes no sense, that he would be beaten to a pulp, while the others were killed." Naruto frowned

"He could be in league with the man in yellow." Joe said

"We need more proof, before we can assume that." Naruto said causing Joe to nod in agreement, before they looked up when Ronnie lost his balance

"You okay?' Caitlin asked as Joe and Naruto walked over

"Yeah, I just got a bit dizzy for a sec." Ronnie smiled

"Something might be wrong with Stein." Naruto said


S.T.A.R Labs

"He didn't hurt you?" Cisco asked worried

"Cisco, I told you only my pride is hurt. Unfortunately, I'm not in the position to take on armed soldiers." Wells said

"Where do you think Eiling took Professor Stein?" Caitlin asked

"I imagine some off-the-books military research facility." Wells said

"We have to get him back." Naruto spoke up

"Easy, Eiling has already demonstrated he has the weaponry to disable The Flash, or worse." Wells said

"I don't care, we aren't going to let him turn Stein into a weapon." Naruto replied

"Well, how do we find him?" Cisco asked before everyone looked thoughtful before they looked to Ronnie who looked around

"What?" Ronnie asked confused

Moments Later

Ronnie was on a table, hooked up to a machine "No abnormal brain activity. All vitals steady." Caitlin announced looking at the readings on the computer before she looked to Naruto "You really think Ronnie can somehow feel where they're keeping Stein?"

"Ronnie got dizzy when the soldiers grabbed Stein, and Stein developed Ronnie's obsession with pizza." Cisco said

"And Stein knew that Ronnie, and you were in trouble at Jitters." Naruto nodded

"I don't feel anything right now." Ronnie shrugged

"Just keep trying." Wells said

"Whatever this is, it doesn't have an on and off switch." Ronnie said before he began to blink rapidly

"It's possible it's just some kind of residual connection. A temporary link to your time together."

"Wait. I feel something." Ronnie said causing everyone to look at him "I'm cold."

Army Base

Martin was shivering as Wade, and a scientist looked at him "It's freezing in here!" Martin shouted

"My apologies. It should warm up pretty quick." Wade said unsympathetic as he turned the heat all the way down

"I know what you want. But my research was never intended to be used as a weapon." Stein said glaring at the man

"I joined the military when I was 20 years old, Professor. My father had me convinced that our greatest threat was the Soviets. Our greatest fear nuclear war. Then came terrorism and Ebola. And now, it's the age of Firestorm. Soldiers enhanced by your project, Professor. Soldiers who can generate energy blasts with their bare hands. Soldiers who can fly." Wade preached

"I would gladly die before I see my life's work perverted in this way." Martin spat

"Good. Because you will die, Professor. How soon I let that happen, though, is entirely up to you." Wade said as a woman walked in and pulled out a taser "Last time I did this was to a gorilla."

S.T.A.R. Labs

Ronnie suddenly seized up and screamed in pain, causing Caitlin to jump before she and Cisco held him down "You're okay, man, we got you."

"What's happening to him?" Caitlin asked in horror

"Nothing's happening to him. It's happening to Stein, and Ronnie is feeling his pain. I was wrong. The connection's not temporary. It's only getting stronger." Wells said

"Just try and hold on." Caitlin said soothingly

"Water. Water." Ronnie said breathing heavily, before Cisco handed him a glass only for Ronnie to push him out the way and slam the glass into the table shattering it, before he began to cut himself

Army Base

Martin was breathing deeply, as Wade looked him in the eye "My, my, my, my, my, my. You show remarkable grit for a teacher. I am impressed. Why don't we let you catch your breath? Think about how much more of this you want to endure. Hmm?" Wade said before he walked away leaving Martin alone

S.T.A.R. Labs

Caitlin seeing Ronnie cut himself made to stop him "Ronnie, no!"

"Wait, Cait, wait." Naruto said placing his hand on her shoulder

"He's cutting himself!" Caitlin said looking at him

"I know. Let him." Naruto nodded before they looked to Ronnie

Army Base

Martin was looking around before he felt pain I'm his arm, and looked down to see 'WHERE' appear on his skin "Ronald." he said relieved, before he looked out to see if anyone was coming and the logo for the base he was at, before he began to tap his handcuff against his metal chair

S.T.A.R. Labs

"Anything?" Naruto asked as Ronnie sat up and focused

"Nothing...Nothing, just just cold. Like a metal surface. Pressure on and on and off. Tap, . Tap. Tap. Tap, tap, tap."

"Morse code." Naruto said

"I got this." Cisco said grabbing a pad

"Same thing again. Tap, tap. , tap, tap." Ronnie repeated

"27." Cisco said

"What does it mean?" Caitlin asked as Naruto gained a look of realization

"Army bases they sometimes go by numbers, like Area 51." Naruto said as Cisco nodded and got onto the computer

"Facility 27, about 300 miles away. It was shut down in 1961."

"That's where they're keeping Stein." Naruto said heading toward the door

"Bet you that's where they're keeping aliens too." Cisco nodded causing Naruto to smile

"Wait, I'm coming with you." Ronnie said causing Naruto to stop and turn back to see him standing up

"No, you're not. You can't." Caitlin stated

"I'm connected to Stein. I have to go." Ronnie said

"But did you ever stop to think why your connection to him is growing stronger by the minute? Maybe you're being drawn back together. Maybe your proximity will cause you to re-merge into one." Caitlin replied

"What happens to me if he gets killed?" Ronnie asked causing Caitlin to look at him in shock "Cait, look the world is different now.I... I thought we can get away, start a new life, a normal life, together. But there is no normal life for us. You will always risk your life to try and help people, and I will always be the guy that runs into that pipeline for you."

Caitlin smiled as her eyes teared up, as Cisco handed Ronnie the splicer " The quantum splicer. It was used to separate you once. Maybe it could be of use to keep you you."

"Thanks." Ronnie nodded

"Okay, let's go." Naruto said

"Wait." Caitlin said kissing Ronnie before she pulled away and looked at him and Naruto "Come back. All three of you."

"Let's go." Ronnie said following Naruto out

Army Base Facility 27,

Naruto skidded to a stop outside of the base, and released Ronnie "This is the place." Naruto said looking around as a chopper left the base

"Steins inside, I can feel our connection growing stronger, like he's pulling me." Ronnie said

"It's as I feared the Firestorm matrix is building toward a proximity reemergence. Like all matter, it yearns to be whole. If you do merge we might not be able to separate you again." Wells said over the coms causing Ronnie toook troubled


Wade and his head scientist were on their way back to Martin "We've been able to isolate the Firestorm matrix inside the subject's cellular structure."

"Excellent." Wade grinned, the president would see that every thing he did was for the best, he was going to make America's army the best walking inside he saw the man and walked over to him "Professor Stein, I'm afraid you have made a terrible assumption That I need you alive." he said pulling out his gun to kill the innocent man


"Eiling has a gun to Stein's head. He's about to pull the trigger." Ronnie said causing Naruto's eyes to widen before he sped off, inside the base


Wade pulled the trigger, just as Naruto grabbed Stein and vanished, causing him to miss "He's here." he shouted


Naruto, and Stein came to a stop with Stein a bit dizzy "Ho! Whoa I never thought I'd be happy to see you." Stein said looking at Ronnie

"Yeah, likewise." Ronnie nodded

"Let's get out of here." Naruto said just as a van pulled up and a private got out with a bazooka, and fired a missile at them, but Naruto clapped his vibrating hands together and a wave of lightning burst forward slicing through the missle, as a white substance fell to the ground "Run!" he yelled to Ronnie and Stein

"Okay come on, come on.' Ronnie said before he and Stein ran off,

Naruto looked forward to the soldiers as two more of them arrived with bazooka's and both fired the same missiles with a grunt Naruto sped forward and grabbed one and tried to turn it around into the other but it exploded before he was hit with the other missile causing him to fall and grunt as a white substance covered 70% of his suit

"Nate, I'm picking up some serious pH numbers on your suit." Cisco said

"They hit me with some kind of chemical." Naruto said as he began to burn

"It's a weaponized phosphorous. Water or foam won't extinguish it." Cisco said

"But I won't burn in a vacuum." Naruto said before he ran out into the field and began to run in a circle, as he ran Naruto saw that Martin, and Ronnie were surrounded, and decided to help, so he speed up,

With Ronnie

Ronnie, and Martin looked around in worry before Ronnie sighed and looked to Martin "We need to merge again."

"Ronnie, no!" Caitlin screamed over the coms

"Cait, we're dead if we don't." Ronnie replied

"Listen to me. The last time you two combined, you both fought it. This time, don't. Accept the change, accept the balance. Accept each other." Wells coached

"Once more unto the breach, dear friend." Martin nodded showing that he was ready

"Cait whatever happens, just remember I'll always love you." Ronnie said before he put on the splicer and he and Martin walked into each other and became Firestorm

"Can you hear me, Ronald?" Martin said inside Ronnie

"Professor?" Ronnie asked looking around and began to walk forward

"It appears we merged properly on this attempt. Wells was right about balance and accepting. Behind you!" Stein shouted causing Ronnie to turn around and fire a nuclear blast from his hands at the approaching soldiers

"Ronald, there's more of them!" Stein said before he and Ronnie felt a huge increase in wind, causing Ronnie, and the soldiers to look out into the field where Naruto was running in a circle but the shocking thing was that he had created a tornado, that was threatening to pull everyone in, 3 jeeps were the first to go, followed by the armies special weapons, before Naruto shot out of the twister which began to dissolve as he appeared in front of Eiling and kicked him viciously in the face knocking him out

"Woah!" Naruto said as he looked down at his suit to see that the phosphorous had eaten away most of his mask, an entire sleeve, and the emblem on the suit "You guys okay?" he asked looking to Firestorm

"Yeah." Ronnie nodded

"Cool, let's get out of here." Naruto said getting a nod from Firestorm who flew off, and he sped off after him

Next Day

Naruto's Loft

Naruto and Caitlin watched Linda who was showing off her powers, apparently she was Photokinetic, capable of using light anyway she saw fit, although she didn't know her limitations yet, but apparently she was fast, and in theory could travel up to light speed, funny enough she wanted to get in on the vigilante business and wanted to call herself Lady Flash.

Naruto sat back, as Linda used her new abilities to float into the kitchen to get some beers, shaking his head he looked to Caitlin, who seemed a bit down seeing as Ronnie, and Martin had left to go practice their abilities some more "You okay?" he asked

"Yeah, I had Ronnie, then I lost him. Then I found him again, but he wasn't actually Ronnie. Then I got him back but just for a day until I lost him again."

"You guys are like 10 seasons of Ross and Rachel, but just, like, smushed into one year." Naruto said with a raised eyebrow causing her to smile

"I am not heartbroken this time. I love Ronnie. I always will, but there's not this devastating hole inside me. I have a life, and it's a good one." Caitlin nodded before Naruto smiled and brought her into a side hug

"You know you could've went with them, but I'm glad you didn't, I would've missed you." Naruto said causing Caitlin to smile before he remembered something "I got something for you."

Caitlin watched as Naruto brought out small toe ring "What's that?"

"This is a power suppressor, fashioned into jewelry, as long as you wear this, your powers would be suppressed, until you ever decide to train to control them." Naruto said causing Caitlin to smile and take the ring

"Thank you." Caitlin said slipping the ring on her toe, before they jumped when Linda suddenly appeared in front of them having turned herself invisible, causing her to laugh loudly, with an annoyed expression Naruto grabbed her and brought her down onto the couch

Army Base

Eiling with an ice pack on his jaw, was on his way to the airport go face the music with the president when his window was smashed in and he was sped off into the sewers and dropped causing him to groan from dizziness "What what the hell was that?"

"It's good to see you again, General." Eobard Thawne said looking down at Wade

"Who are you?" Wade asked glaring up at the man in yellow

"Who am I?" Eobard asked before he took off his mask and stopped vibrating

"Harrison." Wade asked in shock "You're one of them. A meta-human."

"Yes, I am. And I protect my own." Eobard said just as a beastly grunt was heard

"Who was that?" Wade asked looking around

"Now, that is an old friend of ours." Eobard said smugly

"General!" a deep raspy voice said as Wade shook his head

"That voice It's in my head." Wade said, before he gained a look of realization, which quickly turned to horror "Dear God."

"Not God. Grodd."

Wade turned around only to be grabbed by a large gorilla and dragged off.