3 Months Later
It's been 3 months since Team Flash defeated Zoom and lost Joe West, much has changed with Naruto putting his energy into training, being the Flash and spending time with his friends
Recently Caitlin had been experience difficulty with her powers after she was hit by white energy when she was leaving the doctors office
Cisco's brother had died the night that Zoom was defeated and he had begged Naruto to go back in time to save him, but Naruto told Cisco that he still couldn't reaching into the speed force and showing Cisco the Time wraith that were waiting for him to try, so Cisco had to deal with the lose of his brother like Naruto had to deal with losing Joe
Iris was getting by, having officially decided to get back with Naruto was helping a lot, and being there for Whitney along with Naruto
Uzumaki Labs had partnered with CCPD and Iron Heights by providing anti-meta human tech along with better protective gear
With all the loses around them, Team Flash became closer as an result, but trouble was already brewing
Unknown Building
A man walked into a building after being plagued with hallucinations for the last 2 months, when he saw the masked man watching him, "Who?"
"I am Alchemy." Alchemy introduced
"I have visions of another life. Please, make them stop." the man pleaded
"Is that what you really want? To make the visions stop? Or do you want them to come true? To be fast again?" Alchemy asked
"To have speed?" the man asked
"Yes. Do you want that other life?" Alchemy asked
"That's what I want." the man said on his knees as Alchemy walked up to him,
"Once again, you will have power. And no man will be your rival." Alchemy said causing the man to laugh before there was a white flash of light
Uzumaki Labs
Cisco was working on the gauntlets for his suit, when Naruto sped in, "Yo Cisco your not busy are you?"
"Yes, I am. Whatever you have to say it can wait." Cisco said frustrated
"Damn, okay, I'll just find someone else who wants to help me make a Saiyan healing tank." Naruto said turning and walking away, as Cisco paused and looked up before he quickly ran after Naruto and grabbed his arm
"Wait, wait lets not be to hasty. S-Saiyan tank you say?" Cisco asked giddy
"You sure you don't want to work on your gauntlets?" Naruto asked raising an eyebrow as he held in a smile
"Naw, I'm good. I can get to them later, let's do your thing." Cisco said causing Naruto to chuckle
"Alright." Naruto nodded before he lead Cisco to the bunker and Cisco looked at the large tank with the Freiza Force logo on it, "I kinda stole Nappa's ship when he and Vegeta landed on Earth and got to a planet under Freiza's control and found this along with all the info on it from their computer systems."
Naruto walked over to a computer and put in a USB, while Cisco was tracing his hand against the tank in awe of it, "Yo you good?" he asked looking at Cisco who looked at him and nodded
"Yeah, I'm- I'm good. Lets do this." Cisco said walking over to Naruto
The two friends began to work together when Cisco's phone rung as he was now the metahuman specialist for the CCPD, "Capt. Singh what can I do for you?" he asked answering his phone
"Mr. Ramon, I need you to meet with our CSI at the water front. We have a situation that may be metahuman related." Singh said
"I'll be right there." Cisco said hanging up and looking to Naruto who raised an eyebrow "Looks like the metas are back."
"Great." Naruto sighed, standing up straight, "We'll put a pin in this for now, and I'll come and meet my replacement, seems like a good time."
Cisco and Naruto left the lab and headed for the water front where a crowd had gathered and were being briefed by Singh as he lead them to his problem
"We found another husk this morning." Singh said
"Husk?" Naruto and Cisco asked
"Yes, for the past 6months we've been finding these skin husks around the city and we think they are attached to the meta-humans." Singh said pointing forward as Naruto and Cisco saw a man working on the husk, "This is now the fourth one. I need you guys to figure out what's happening before there's a fifth."
"Julian, this is Nathan Allem, and Cisco Ramon. I thought you could use some help on this one." Singh said as Julian looked up at Naruto, and Cisco who waved politely
"I don't need any help, Captain. Especially from them." Julian said causing Naruto and Cisco to raise an eyebrow
"What is that?" Naruto asked after clearing his throat
"Another epidermal husk, Allen. A fully intact human pelt, comprised of nothing but the stratum corneum. You see what I mean?" Julian said taking a sample
"Do we have any theories as to what's causing them?" Cisco asked
"Well, I'll take a wild guess at it and say it's the same thing that created the last four husks." Julian said causing Naruto and Cisco to sigh before Naruto looked to Singh
"Spalling could be caused from toxic epidermal necrolysis, or maybe some kind of moist desquamation from intense radiation exposure. We've had a lot of-"
"Radioactive metas. Yes, thank you, Allen. I've read all the case studies. I'll tell you what, when I figure it out, I'll enlighten you then, shall I? Thanks." Julian interrupted
"You know what why don't I-" Naruto began
"Hey okay, lets take a deep breath." Singh said getting in front of Naruto who had began to advance forward,
Cisco walked to the husk and cut himself a sample, while Julian looked like he was about to say something, "We'll get this back to the lab, and will get in touch with whatever we find."
"What a dick." Naruto said walking off with Cisco as Julian glared after the two as they left with Singh
Uzumaki Lab
Naruto was sitting on a desk eating an pear as Caitlin looked over the DNA, while Cisco looked into Julian, "Do you really think it's necessary to look into this guy?" Cisco asked
"I asked around, and no one really knows what's this guy deal is." Naruto said
"Well let's see. says here that Julian was born to a rich family in England and as the first born son he was meant to inherent the dough that was built up from past generations. Says he eventually became a historian, with his dissertation "Anthropological analysis of the Brahmastra" published by Oxford University."
"So basically he's a filthy rich douchebag?" Naruto asked
"Pretty much." Cisco said nodding before Caitlin in her chair rolled over to the desk
"Nate what is this?" Caitlin asked holding up an envelop
"Oh, Barry and Iris are getting married." Naruto shrugged
"Well why aren't you going?" Caitlin asked
"Kinda weird going to the counterpart of my girlfriends wedding as she is marrying the counteoart of my dead brother, and I can't take any of you because your counterparts will be there as that will be hard to explain to everyone not in the know about alternate Earths and that Barry is the Flash." Naruto said
"He's your brother, you should go." Cisco said
"We are busy here." Naruto replied shaking his head
"You said whenever you go to other Earth's. its like a split second has passed when you come back, so go be there for your brother." Cisco said causing Naruto to sigh as he looked to Caitlin who nodded smiling
"Fine." Naruto said before he grabbed the envelop and kissed Caitlin's lips, "Be back in a second." he said
Naruto sped forward and vanished in a blue portal that closed after him immediately
Naruto sped out of the portal, to see the Waverider, Oliver, and Felicity, and Kara, and Alex also arriving, shaking his head he shot forward to S.T.A.R. Labs
Naruto stopped in front of a store and looked around, "Nate?" Barry called stopping in his run, as Naruto smiled, "You made it!"
"Couldnt miss my little brothers wedding. No matter how weird its going to be." Naruto smiled walking forward and the two hugged, "So got the butterflies yet?"
"Like you wouldn't believe." Barry said causing Naruto to chuckle as Oliver arrived after dropping Felicity off with the girls at the nail salon, "Hey Oli, this is Nate my brother from another Earth."
"Nice to meet you. I heard a lot about you." Oliver said shaking Naruto's hand
"Thanks, I'm guessing your just like my Oliver, hope Laurel's keeping you grounded." Naruto smiled as Oliver blinked
"Laurel?" Oliver asked
"Yeah, your fiancee." Naruto said with a raised eyebrow before he caught the look in Olover's eyes, "I'm guessing you aren't engaged on this Earth."
"Laurel died here." Barry whispered causing Naruto to blink in surprise
"Lets just get fitted for our tux." Oliver said walking into the store as Naruto and Barry watched him before they looked to each other and shrugged following after him
Trying on their tuxedo's, Naruto and Oliver listened to Barry, "You know, I mean, I've been in love with Iris since I was ten. How am I supposed to fit all that love into one vow? I've already written 38 pages, single spaced."
"You could always speed-read it." Oliver said
"No, no one would understand me." Barry said as Naruto walked out tugging at his bow tie
"I would." Naruto commented walking up to Barry,
"I don't know what to do, man, I need help." Barry sighed
"Barry, when you're up there, and you look into her eyes just be honest with her. The words will come." Naruto said
"And if they don't, the look on your face will tell her everything that she needs to know." Oliver added walking up and smiling at Barry, "You clean up nice, my friend."
"Thanks. Yeah, you, too." Barry said before he looked to Naruto, "You sure you don't want a haircut."
"Touch my hair you lose a hand." Naruto said ruffling his wild spiky blond hair, as Barry scoffed smiling
"I can't believe you're really doing this." Oliver said to Barry
"Yeah, man. What can I say, I got the girl. And, so did you both." Barry said to Naruto and Oliver, "You ever think about making it official? Again?"
"Um I think that with everything going on right now, it's just not the right time." Oliver sighed
"You love her?" Barry asked
"I love her so much." Oliver admitted
"Put a ring on her." Naruto said as he began to retye his bowtie
"I agree, people like us are always going to be getting into trouble, right? Having someone we love by our side just makes getting out of that trouble that much easier. We have something to fight for. If I can have my happy ending, so can you. I promise." Barry said
"I'm supposed to be the all-knowing mentor." Oliver sighed
"I have been known to catch up." Barry said causing Oliver and Naruto to look at him, "What's wrong?"
Oliver walked off
"You didn't react to my joke." Barry said before Naruto sped behind him wrapping an arm around his shoulder
"Thats because it was corny." Naruto stated
Later, CC Jitters
Naruto walked into the party after booking a hotel room, and saw Kara, "Nate? Oh my god!" Kara said rushing forward and hugging Naruto
"Kara, what're you doing here?'
"I'm a friend of Barry's. What are you doing here?'
"Barry is my brother." Naruto said causing Kara to blink in surprise, "Are you feeling alright?"
"I'm fine."
"You sure because I sense that your sad and I hope it doesn't to have anything to do with me."
"No, its a long story. I was a little upset that you didn't come back to see me in the last 2 years.'
"2 Years, Kara what happened was only 3 months ago.' Naruto said causing Kara to blink in confusion as Naruto gained a look of realization, "I see, seems when I was traveling to your Earth, I was somehow mixing in my ability to time travel."
Kara nodded as Alex walked over and she and Naruto shared a hug, "Finally someone I know." she said
"Nice to see you to Alex." Naruto smiled before he saw Joe and frowned, "Excuse me."
The sisters nodded as Naruto walked over to Joe who was with Lucille and Iris, "There's the bride to be.' Naruto said causing Iris to smile brightly before the two hugged
"Nate, I'm so glad you could make it." Iris said
"Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss it for the world." Naruto said before he looked to Joe who shook his hand, "Joe."
"How are you?" Joe asked smiling
"I'm solid, can I talk to you for a moment?" Naruto asked getting a nod from Joe before they walked off a bit, "I need a favor."
"Okay, what kind of favor?"
"3 months ago on my Earth, Zoom came with his army, and while I was dealing with them, he killed you in front of Iris and Whitney."
Joe looked at Naruto in shock, "I know this is probably the worst timing, but Ibwas hoping before I had to go back to my Earth that you'd be willing to record a message for your daughters?"
"Absolutely." Joe nodded
"Thank you." Naruto smiled as Joe walked off while Naruto walked off to Alex who had a juiced up Scotch that Cisco had made for him as she poured a glass he took it and held it up as if it was a toast before downing the shot, while she smirked and refilled another glass and knocked it back like he did
"People who drinks like that is looking to make something go away." Sara said walking up
"Yeah, well," Alex paused as Sara drunk her scotch just like she and Naruto did, "And what are you looking to make go away?"
"Nothing. I just like the taste of scotch." Sara said
"Fair enough." Naruto said taking another shot as Alex did the same
"I just called off my engagement." Alex said causing Naruto to look at her
"Ooh." Sara said
"Yeah. So being here...really brings up a lot." Alex nodded
"What, did you catch him cheating?" Naruto asked ready to pay whoever this guy a visit
"Uh-uh. Her." Alex said shaking her head "It wasn't anything like that. We just wanted different things, you know? Wish I had realized that sooner. Had to make a break for it before later came around."
"So, let me guess, being at the rehearsal dinner for the world's most perfect couple is probably the last place that you wanna be." Sara said as Kara and Caitlin walked up
"I can get behind that." Kara said downing a shot, "The man I love, and thought was dead, is alive. And every night I'd make up all these scenarios of how I'd see him again and now he's actually here, but, guess what? He's married."
"I have a split personality because of my powers where I turn into a homicidal ice queen, and the last boyfriend I had killed y counterpart from another Earth right in front of me." Caitlin said downing a shot for herself before all the women looked to Naruto
"I'm on another Earth at the wedding rehearsal dinner for my brother whose been dead since I was 11, and the counterpart of the girl who I've had an on and off relationship for the past 5 years, where my adopted father is alive and well and I just spent the last three months grieving for him." Naruto said getting nods before they all tapped their glasses
"To making things go away." Sara said before they all tapped their glass
"And loving the taste of scotch." Naruto said as they all took their shots
Naruto's Hotel
The door was kicked in as Naruto and Alex walked in making out, followed by 3 clones each carrying Caitlin, Kara, and Sara
The ladies were tossed on the bed watching as the 4 Naruto's in sync with each other took off their shirts and dove for them
Next Morning
Naruto was asleep cuddling with the naked bodies of Kara, Alex, Sara, and Caitlin when Alex, Caitlin and Kara woke up, looking around in shock before the three made eye contact and blushed while slowly sliding out the bed careful not to wake Naruto, and Sara before they gathered their things
"Oh my god." Alex whispered
"I can't believe this.' Caitlin whispered
"What did we do?' Kara asked in a whisper
"We, we we had a one night stand." Caitlin said
"Together with the same guy, at the same time." Alex said
"Multiple times." Kara nodded
"Kara, it's horrible." Alex moaned
"Okay, okay, we are healthy, single women, and we just had a really great time at a wedding, there's nothing wrong with that." Kara said nodding
"Yeah, we didn't do anything wrong." Caitlin said buttoning her shirt
"We didn't?" Alex asked
"No." Kara said looking to the blondes, "We should probably go before they wake up."
"Okay, yeah." Alex said before the girls quickly and silently snuck out
When the door closed, Naruto and Sara opened their eyes smiling, "Wow." Naruto laughed
"Yeah, they could've at least waited till they were out of the room to talk." Sara said as she and Naruto sat up looking at the time
"The wedding starts in 4 Hours." Naruto said stretching
"Want to go for a fourth round, or get ready?" Sara asked getting a smirk from Naruto who pulled her into his lap
"Well I am a speedster so time isn't an issue." Naruto said before Sara moaned along with Naruto as he pushed his cock inside her pussy before the two began to make out as Sara grinded her hips on Naruto
4 Hours Later, Chruch
Naruto and Sara had went a little longer than they expected and arrived 5 minutes before the wedding with Naruto now standing with Barry, "So big day." Naruto said
"You ready?" Naruto asked
"Yeah, I don't know. I just wish mom and dad were here you know?" Barry asked
"They are." Naruto smiled placing his hands on Barry's shoulders, "They'd be proud, and so happy with the man you've become." Naruto smiled getting a nod from Barry
"Excuse me?' Barry asked as Naruto and he looked to the waitress,
"Oh, um I just thought you might be a little parched. Big day, jitters and all. You're getting married." the waitress said as Naruto studied her while Barry smiled awkwardly
"I am." Barry nodded
"Today." the waitress said
"Today. Yes, I am." Barty nodded as Naruto gave an amused smile
"Today." Naruto said
"Yeah." Barry nodded smiling
"Yeah. So, sparkling water? I have lemon, I have lime." the waitress asked looking at Naruto and Barry with awed expressions
"Nah, we're good." Naruto said
'Thank you." Barry nodded
"Okay. I'm really excited to be here." the waitress said as the brothers were about to turn back to each other but paused to look at her with raised eyebrows, "Oh. I mean, at a wedding. Any wedding. It just so happens to be your wedding."
"You love weddings." Naruto noted
"I really do." the waitress said smiling
"That's cool." Barry nodded
"Actually. And, I don't know, I just feel like this is gonna be one for the ages. I'm really happy I got to see it." the waitress said
"Have we met?" Barry asked causing Naruto to glance at him
"No. No, I'm a complete and total stranger. Good luck up there. Just remember to say "I do"." The waitress said walking off
"So you felt it too?" Naruto asked
"Yeah, something about her is familiar." Barry said before they looked up and as music began to play and got in position with Cisco and Oliver as Kara began to sing
Can't say how the days Will unfold Can't change what the Future may hold But I want you in it Every hour, every minute This world can race by far too fast Hard to see While it's all flying past But it's clear now You're standing here now I am meant to be Wherever you are next to me All I want to do Is come running home to you Come running home to you And all my life I promise to Keep running home to you"
As Iris was escorted to Barry whose eyes were tearful, everyone stood wotb the exception of Rory who was asleep
"I wish your parents were here to see this." Joe whispered to Barry
"They are." Barry replied smiling before Joe went to sit down
"Everyone, please be seated." the priest said causing everyone to sit, "Welcome to you all. I'm honored to be presiding over the wedding of Barry Allen and Iris West. Although I don't know them well, I know that this is a good match. How do I know that? Well Because of you, because of all of you. Looking out at their friends and their family and seeing the joy on all your faces, seeing how happy you are for them, tells me everything I need to know. It tells me that these two people deserve to be together. They deserve to be happy and fulfilled. And they deserve a long life together. And now to the standard housekeeping. Does anyone have just cause why these two should not be married? Speak now, or forever hold your peace."
A heat vision blast struck the priest who was reduced to ashes causing everyone to jump as the civilians gasped and looked over to the entrance to see Nazis backed by 3 men with
"Peace is overrated." the woman floating said
"Oh, you've got to be kidding me." Iris said
"Nazis?" Oliver asked
"I hate Nazis." Barry, Naruto, Oliver, and Kara said together
Naruto walked forward his tux shredding as his Flash suit appeared before an army of clones appeared "Get the people out of here." Naruto said and in flashes of white lightning the clones grabbed every non-viglante before getting them out
"You idiots just made the worst mistake of your lives." Naruto said before the nazi's opened fire and Naruto raised a hand stealing the speed from the bullets causing them to fall to the ground
"Who are you?' Kara asked
"Come find out." The woman said before she and Kara rushed each other and tackled each other flying through the ceiling of the church as Caitlin went Killer Frost and began shooting ice shards at the Nazis, while while Mick began using his heat gun, as Jax, and Stein merged into Firestorm while Alex, and Sara ripped their dresses a bit to give them more mobility
Naruto sped forward punching a Nazi in the face sending him flying back, before he ducked and under a punch while spinning and punched the Nazi in the jaw before he took a deep breath and a blast of fire expelled forward and took out 4 of the Nazis
Naruto turned to catch an arrow headed for his eye and looked up at the banister to a man who had been trying to snipe everyone with his bow and arrow, tossing the arrow down as it tried and failed to electrocute him
Naruto was stopped by Oliver, "I got him." Oliver said getting a nod from Naruto who sped off, "Cisco! I need a breach up top!"
Cisco who had been tossing vibrational burst opened a breach for Oliver teleporting him up top
Naruto began to punch and kick the Nazis sending them flying away before he jumped along with everyone else when Kara was sent flying into the church and a piece of debris hit Cisco in the back of the head knocking him unconscious before 2 Nazis tried to shot hI'm but Naruto and Barry sped forward
Naruto kneed one in the back sending him flying into a banister face first at high speeds, while Barry held the others gun up and punched him on the face knocking him out
The two were about to check on Cisco when Kara used her super strength to clap her hands causing a sonic force to disorient everyone as Naruto's mask peeled away from his face as he held his ears before the mask regenerated
Kara picked up the disoriented masked woman and punched her sending her flying back groaning as she cradled her gut and when Kara went to press the attack black lightning appeared and knocked her away as now a man in a white and yellow version of Naruto's suit appeared with the woman in a bridle carry
"Not bad." the man said in a distorted voice looking at the heroes, "Fall back."
A flash and was dropped forcing everyone to look away and when their eyes opened the nazis were gone with the exception of the unconscious ones
S.T.A.R. Labs
Everyone with the exception of a comatose Cisco was in the Cortex, "You wiped the minds of the guests at the wedding?" Oliver asked
"Yep. Like the fight never happened." Rory said holding a device in his hand
"Any idea where they fled?" Barry asked
"No. Kara and I searched the entire city, there's no trace of them." Naruto said
"Well, clearly they attacked because you all were there." Iris spoke up
"Killers, heroes, then what?" Barry asked
"If I know my history, ethnic cleansing, world domination." Felicity said
"Make America Aryan again." Jax sighed
"Which it never was." Caiin said
"Hashtag "melting pot"." Iris sighed
"I hate Nazis." Rory said
"Their appearance seems quite a severe course of action in support of a cause that was defeated over 70 years ago." Stein said frowning
"Apparently they didn't know about the Yalta Conference." Barry said
"What's a Yalta?" Rory asked
"For real?" Naruto asked
"That woman didn't seem surprised to see me." Kara realized
"How did she even know you were on this Earth?" Alex asked
"And how was she as strong as you?" Barry wondered
"That archer matched me, shot for shot." Oliver said walking to a monitor where footage was seen of the man they took prisoner
"And we have a speedster to deal with." Naruto said causing Barry to sigh
"You know, I think it's time we got some answers." Oliver frowned
Unknown Location
The speedster was sitting on a ledge overlooking the city, "The Kryptonian was stronger than we anticipated." the dark archer said
"Next time, she won't be so lucky." Overgirl said before the Reverse Flash sped up
"What did you do? What did you do? You were supposed to wait until we were ready before you attacked!" Reverse Flash yelled at the speedster that was sitting down
"Opportunity knocked in the form of a wedding. We answered." the speedster said not looking at Eobard
"Opportunity knocked and you answered. Well, now, because of your recklessness, we have lost Prometheus." Eobard growled walking up to the speedster before in a flash of black lightning his neck was grabbed and he was dangling over the ledge
The speedster pressed a button on his mask and it receded showing Naruto's face underneath (Will be referred to as Nate)
"Watch your tone." Nate said with a glare, "Let's get this one thong clear, we don't need you as much as you think we do, so keep you thoughts to yourself or I'll remove your legs and go to your future and kill everyone you've ever loved. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Furher." Eobard said before Nate tossed him over his shoulder sending Eobard flying into a building that cracked around him as he fell to the ground
"We saw some of what the heroes were capable of, and not just that my counterpart is here." Nate smirked as his eyes darkened to a red shade with 3 tomoe spinning in each eye, "This will be fun."
"What do we do about Promithius?" Dark Archer asked as his mask vanished showing Oliver's face underneath
"He got himself caught, so he's responsible for freeing himself. And if he does free himself, and finds us, you will be in charge of killing him. Is that understood Oliver?"
"..Yes, Furher." Oliver said
"Now my wife.' Nate said turning to Overgirl who's mask vanished showing Kara's face underneath, "Lets move onto the next phase."
"Yes beloved. Fan boy, find the prism." Kara said looking at Eobard who frowned.