
Clive Yorkin

Years Ago, Central City National Bank

Naruto yawned as he stood in line to see the bank teller, and he watched the old lady take out a back of pennies and sighed along with the people behind him, and watched as the lady was told that someone else would help her

Waiting for the lady to move, Naruto walked forward with his check, "Hi, I'd like to cash this." he said

"Do you have a account with us?"

"Sure do." Naruto smiled putting down his license and S.S.C and waiting as the lady checked with the system when a gunshot went off

"Everyone on the ground now!" a masked man yelled causing people to gasp and duck down with the exception of an annoyed Naruto, "heads down with your hands behi-,"

The robber saw Naruto still standing and glared, "Hey! I told you to get on th-"

The masked man turned Naruto around only for the blond to snatch his gun and push him back, "Bastard!" the robber yelled rushing forward with a wild swing but Naruto ducked and spun behind the man with his hand grabbing the man by the throat before he picked him up and choked slammed him into the ground, two men and a woman rushed forward and helped Naruto hold the man down as the police was called as Naruto ripped his mask off

"Hey, CCPD has been looking for you." Naruto smirked as the man thrashed beneath him and the others

3 Years Later

Next Day

Flash with his hands locked behind his head watched as Impulse stretched, "You sure about this?" he asked

"Yeah. I've been using the gravity training and all other kind of training workouts. I want to know where I stand." Impulse said stretching her quads,

"Alright. Cisco and I set up sensors all along the course, and he'll be tracking your speed all the way to the finish line on the other side of town."

"Right, prepare for the greatest upset in speedster history." Impulse said

"You think your ready?" Naruto asked

"Of course, I'm gonna make you eat my dust."

"Okay. I want you to say my name, when we get to the finish line." Naruto smirked

"Didn't I do that enough last night?" Impulse asked cheekily

"Yeah, but I'll never get tired of hearing it." Naruto replied as he activated his coms

Uzumaki Labs

Cisco, Linda, Iris, Caitlin, and H.R. were in the cortex, "Cisco, you good?" Naruto asked

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Central City Speedster 500 is about to begin. But first, I've got five-to-one odds Nate takes down Whitney." Cisco said looking at everyone, "Any takers?"

H.R. shot to his feet, "Yep. Game of speculation? Are we we're betting? Yeah, no, I'm in. On my Earth, financial wagering was banned after an unfortunate incident with Vice President Al Capone." H.R. said walking over

"Well, lucky for you, you live here now." Iris said patting his back

"Yes." H.R. nodded

"Put me down for 20 for Nate." Iris said causing Cisco to type her bet into his phone

"Linda, got to be in it come on." Cisco said

"50 on Nate." Linda smiled

"$80 on Nate. Mama needs a new confocal microscope." Caitlin smiled

"All right, H.R., you put your life in my hands, so I know for a fact you like high stakes. How much you in for?" Cisco asked

"Whitney's recent speed tests ensure that she is a lock. Put me down for an Abe Lincoln."


Seeing everyone raised eyebrows he elaborated, "Uh, 100. Whatever 100 is on this Earth, put me down for that."

"Guys, we're ready." Naruto said

"Okay," Cisco said

"Um could I bet?" Felicity asked behind everyone causing Iris, Linda, and Caitlin to squeal as they ran over and hugged Felicity tightly

Cisco walked over and hugged Felicity, "I would so like to catch up, but we got to start this. How much are you in for?"

"In the long time I've known Nate, I've learned that you never bet against him. 200 for Nate to win." Felicity smiled

"Alright. All bets are in, and may the odds be ever in your favor. Flash, Impulse start your engines." Cisco said


Whitney got on a knee placing her fingertips on the street, he background as a track star rearing its head, as Naruto stood relaxed

"Ready?" Naruto asked

"Get set." Whitney said rising from her knees but keeping her fingertips to the ground

"Go." Naruto said before a large sonic boom occurred when the two sped off as the ground cratered beneath their feet


The team watched as the markers for Naruto and Whitney sped across the map, "At the first marker, 1/3 of the way in, Flash is in the lead or is that Impulse?" Cisco asked

'Impulse! Come on, little Ms. speedster, go. Come on, mama needs a new pair of shoes. Come on, Whitney, down the lane!" H.R. cheered

"I think he's done this before." Iris said

Naruto watched as Whitney kept pace with him and smiled as they passed the second marker,

"Ooh, second marker. Whitney's in the lead." Cisco announced

"Yeah, Whitney! That's my girl! I want to double down. I want to double down on that right now." H.R. said walking to Cisco

"Oh, H.R, big spender. You serious?" Cisco asked

"Serious? Serious as a heart attack, Rich." H.R. nodded

"Guys, they're neck and neck." Linda said

"And almost at the finish line." Caitlin added

Naruto saw the building in the way of the last marker, and suddenly pulled away from Whitney phasing through the building and stopping at the finish line, and looking back as Whitney ran down the building and came across the finish line


"Oh!" Linda cheered

"Oh, yes! Pay up." Iris said holding her hand out to H.R. who looked around at everyone waiting for their money

"Hmm? Now? Do you guys take IOUs?" H.R asked


"Come on, man, that didn't count. You know I can't phase yet." Whitney said

"But, you just saw me do it, right? And you have to be ready to face any obstacle that's put in your path." Naruto replied

"Yeah, well, don't worry, Nate. I'm gonna get faster. I won't stop till I'm faster than you." Whitney replied

"Oh, yeah? Well, until then, what's my name?" Naruto asked causing Whitney to scoff and shake her head while Naruto began to laugh, as he slapped her ass and ran off with Whitney in pursuit

Uzumaki Labs

Naruto hugged Felicity tightly as he spun around, as she giggled before he put her down and kissed her, "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too. I'm sorry that everytime you tried to visit I was busy." Felicity said

"No problem, your here now. Have you met Whitney?" Naruto asked motioning over to Whitney who smiled and waved

"Impulse, I'm a huge fan. I'm Felicity Smoak." Felicity smiled

"Nice to meet you, are you a meta as well?"

"No, just a computer genius."

"One of the best." Caitlin said

"Oh stop." Felicity blushed before she cleared her throat, "So are you in on this polygamy thing we got going on too?"

"More like a Friend with benefits, type thing. My girlfriend lives on another Earth so..." Whitney trailed off as Naruto got a call

"Yeah?" he answered as Felicity turned to Caitlin

"So...where's the baby?"

Caitlin smiled


Naruto and Julian were kneeling beside a sheet, "Linda, hey, this one, is,"

"Pretty ghastly, Detective, I warn you." Julian interrupted as he pulled the sheet back revealing the mummified corpse

"That's the body?" Linda asked shocked

"Yeah, why?" Naruto asked

"Because he died less than eight hours ago."

"Eight hours?" Naruto asked

"He was a chef here, Stuart Holzman and the owner confirmed that he was working last night." Linda reported

"Huh. That's a lot of damage in a short amount of time." Naruto said

"We thinking he's a meta?" Linda asked

"Possibly, although certain chemicals can cause a similar reaction." Naruto shrugged

"Yeah, any acid with a pH below two." Julian nodded

"Precisely. We could be looking for an aggressive variant of a necrotized fasciitis."

"A flesh-eating disease." Julian frowned

"In a restaurant? I'm never eating out again."

"Okay, so an autopsy might help us hone in on what really did this. I'll call Caitlin so she can get everything ready." Naruto said pulling out his phone

"Allen, this is an active investigation. There is protocol to follow surely?"

"According to Judge Hankerson, Captain Singh and the Mayor; with the cities partnership with Uzumaki Labs, all investigations having to do with metahumans, or anything weird will be conducted inside the lab by me and my team."

"Okay, I'll bag the body myself and meet you there." Julian said

"Great." Naruto nodded before he and Linda left to see Iris talking to the owner

"Iris, hey." Naruto greeted before the two saw her face

"You okay?" Linda asked

"I need to show you something." Iris said to the two who rose eyebrows

"Okay." Naruto nodded

Later, Cortex

Iris was by the board with the headlines, "Look." she pointed, 'Luigi's reopens after Murder'

"That's the name of the restaurant where we just were. I spoke to the owner, and he said he doesn't think that the restaurant can survive an attack like this that they'd most likely have to reopen under a new name. It's all coming true, Nate."

"No." Naruto said shaking his head

"I thought things were changing." Iris frowned with tears in her eyes

"Things will change, okay? It won't be immediate, just trust the process, ok? We're gonna stop Savitar."

"I'm scared, Nate." Iris cried

"And that is ok. I promise you I'll do everything in my power to make sure that that future never happens. Okay."

Iris nodded before Naruto hugged her, setting his chin on her head as he looked at the headlines and Linda who looked sad,

Later, Allen Mansion

Naruto and Felicity fell down on the bed panting, "Wow, I really missed that." she said

"I've missed you too." Naruto smiled kissing her neck, as he leaned up on his forearm looking down at her for a moment, "Your not running from anyone are you?"

Felicity frowned, "Myself."

"Huh?" Naruto raised an eyebrow

"Prometheus tricked Oliver into killing my friend." Felicity said causing Naruto to frown, "I did somethings I'm not proud of, and I just want to start fresh. Star City was always supposed to be temporary, right?"

Naruto kissed Felicity, "Your with family now." he said as she smiled before she looked curious

"What's up with Iris?"

Naruto sighed, and began to tell her everything and she sat up looking at him, "Well, we won't let that happen, we'll protect her and stop him."

"Of course we will." Naruto smiled

"Why are you smiling?"

"I'm just so happy that your here." Naruto said before he kissed Felicity and laid her down licking and sucking his way down beneath the covers


Caitlin and Julian were in the lab, "What's his name?" Caitlin asked as she put on her gloves

"Doesn't really matter much now, does it?" Julian asked turning to her

"Of course, we should call him by his name. After everything he's been through, he deserves that much respect." Caitlin said

"He is a corpse, thus impervious to such bedside manners." Julian replied

"Well, thank goodness, 'cause I'd hate to have to subject him to yours." Caitlin scoffed before she grabbed the zipper as Julian with a recorder began to speak

"Victim is male, between 30 and 40, with a highly necrotized epidermis. We plan to do a full-body scan and a chest wall retraction." Julian said as Caitlin finished unzipping the bag and saw dust before she opened it and her eyes widened

"Julian, look." Caitlin called causing Julian to turn to her

"The decay continues even after the tissue's dead. This is...this is not a bacteria." Julian said

"Or any other disease known to medical science." Caitlin frowned


One of the men that helped Naruto with the robber years back, walked out with his crew and instrument, "That was one crazy set, man. I'm telling you, Julio, you keep wailing on that saxophone, you're gonna running up to Lee Jay Thompson in no time." a man said as Julio smiled

"All right, have a good one." Julio said

"Catch you laters." the man said leaving as Julio turned to his car when their was a slow clap

"Whoo!" Clive Yorkin smirked walking up

"Do I know you?" Julio asked raising an eyebrow

"Unlikely. But I know you, Julio Mendez. Man, that was some set. Your cover of "Dock of the Bay" took me to a different time and place."

"Well, I'm glad you dug the set, man." Julio smiled

"Hey, before you go, uh, I'd just really like to shake your hand." Clive said

"Yeah, anything for a fan." Julio smiled reaching forward before Clive grasped his hand and immediately the limb began to decay as Julio gasped looking at his palm, "What'd you do to me?"

"What you deserve for all the pain you caused me." Clive said watching as Julio collapsed and mummified before he pulled out a newspaper clipping that had the picture and the names of the people who put him in jail, and crossed out Julio's face before he focused on the smirking visage of Naruto with a glare before he walked off

Next Day

Naruto, Linda, and Julian were looking at the mummified corpse of Julio, "Body was found by that bicyclist. Same M. O. as the first one." Linda said as Naruto looked to the bicyclist as he pulled out his phone, "This victim was performing here last night. He's a lounge singer named Julio Mendez."

"Julio Mendez?" Naruto asked getting a nod, "The other the other vic, Stuart Holzman do we have a photo of him?"

"Yeah." Linda said

"Can I see it?" Naruto asked

"Yeah, hold on. That's him." Linda said showing Naruto her phone, as he sighed, "What is it?"

"These men helped me stop a bank robber a few years ago." Naruto frowned


"Never caught his name, he was to busy threatening me." Naruto frowned

"We got to figure out who this guy is." Julian said

"Well, if we hurry, there's still a chance we can get some of the attacker's residual DNA before this corpse disintegrates, but we've got to move quick." Linda said

"Well good thing we know someone who can help with that." Naruto said as he texted Caitlin who was with a shadow clone

In a streak of lightning Julian and the corpse dissapeared along with the equipment

"You should just tell him." Linda said

"I'm straight on that. The knowledge of who the Flash is will stay between friends and family." Naruto replied

"Julian isn't a friend?" Linda asked

"Not really. Julian is more like an acquaintance." Naruto said

Uzumaki Labs, Medical Wing

Julian was looking at Caitlin who was standing with a tablet as a light scanned the desiccated corpse of Julio, "Anything?" he asked impatiently

"Aside from this body disintegrating before our eyes? The system hasn't found anything unusual."

"There must be a heightened point of necrosis somewhere. Look! We have less than 50 minutes before this corpse disintegrates into ash like the last one. We need to find it now." Julian said

"I'm aware." Caitlin said frowning as she looked at the tablet

"This might be a faster process if I did it alone."

"But your not doing this alone, Julian." Caitlin said before the light finished its scans and centered in on the corpse palm

"What happened?"

"The gradation is darker on the palm of his hand from the point of contact." Caitlin said before Julian grabbed the tablet

"I see, I see." Julian said

"You do realize that it's possible not to be a jerk all the time, right?" Caitlin asked annoyed

"Yes, yes, yes, yes." Julian said dismissively as the tablet beeped, "Two strains of DNA. One of them must be from our killer."

I'll run a search." Caitlin said taking the tablet and walking off


Naruto grabbed the coffees handing one to Iris, and Whitney, before they began to walk away but Iris paused, "Cecile, hey." Iris smiled causing Cecile to pause and look up at them shocked as they all looked at her surprised

"You look...pregnant." Naruto said and was elbowed in the ribs by Whitney and Iris

"Yeah, I've been meaning to get in touch with you guys." Cecile said

Moments Later

Now sitting on the top level of the coffee joint, Naruto noticed that Cecile looked nervous, as no one wanted to speak so he went ahead and asked, "Your baby, is it,"

"Yes." Cecile nodded as Iris and Whitney looked surprised, "We wanted to tell you guys about us, but he.."

"Yeah." Iris nodded as silence settled between everyone again

"I need a refill." Whitney said standing up and walking off

"Listen, I want you to come stay with us." Naruto said causing Cecile's eyes to widen

"I can't do that." Cecile replied shaking her head

"Your family." Iris stated as Naruto smiled and nodded before his phone rang,

"Its Cait." Naruto said getting up and stepping away, "Hey, what's up?"

"Nate, we got some DNA off Mendez's corpse. We got a match from CCPD records. The meta's name is Clive Yorkin. I'm sending you his info now." Caitlin said as Naruto's phone beeped and he saw the photo if the robber from 5 years ago

"Nathan Allen!"

Looking up Naruto walked to the banister and saw Clive causing him to frown as everyone stopped what they were doing, "Yorkin."

"Long time, no see. I'm glad that you remember me? You and your friends had a very fun time ruining my life. Not gonna let you do that this time around." Clive said

"I'm a bit busy, can't this wait?" Naruto asked

"Don't worry you arrogant little shit. I just want to shake your hand." Clive smirked dragging a finger across a table causing it to crumble

"Everybody get out of here. Everybody go! Go!" Naruto yelled as he glanced to Whitney who nodded and left

"Yes, everybody run. I only want him. You can't hide up there, Nate. No one can hide from me anymore." Clive said as Naruto looked to Cecile and back to Clive who was about to touch the pillar to bring down the upper level of the shop when Impulse arrived

"Stop!" Impulse yelled walking toward Clive about to grab him,

"Ah, ah, ah. Can't touch me, speedster." Clive said arrogantly before he reached for the pillar but Impulse twirled her arms creating a vaccume that sent him sprawling

Naruto, Cecile, and Iris walked down as Impulse turned to them, "He's gone." she said

"Well till we understand his powers we can't fight him anyway, but good job Whitney." Naruto said

*Whitney?" Cecile asked in shock as Whitney looked at Cecile and waved as Cecile looked to Naruto, "S-So does that make you-"

"The Flash? Yeah." Naruto nodded

"Oh my god." Cecile said

Uzumaki Labs

Naruto, and the team were in the Cortex looking at Clive Yorkin's profile, "This guy's got the touch of death." Felicity said

"Yeah, he does, and it's not just people. Anything he touched turned to ash." Naruto frowned looking to everyone, "We have to find this guy, quickly."

"Well according to the new Warden, Yorkin has been missing since the Particle Accelerator explosion." Linda said, as Naruto frowned, "I'll let you eggheads get to work on figuring out a way to neutralize this guys powers."

Later, West House

Iris was pretty shook up with what happened at Jitters and was sitting in a chair looking at pictures of her, Naruto, and her dad before she heard the door open, "Hello?" she asked getting up while turning around only to gasp as Yorkin walked in

"Good evening, Iris West." Yorkin said as Iris activated her panic alarm


Naruto, Cisco, Caitlin, and Whitney were working as Whitney speed read through the stack of science books next to her so she could be of use, when the alarm began to sound off, "It's Iris's panic alarm." Cisco said

"She's at the house." Naruto said before he and Whitney sped off

Joe's House

Iris backed away as Clive walked up to her, "You know, initially, I wanted your boyfriend dead. But then I thought, "If I really want to make him suffer, I should kill everyone he loves instead." he said

"This is not how I'm supposed to die." Iris frowned as Clive chuckled

"Cute." Clive said before he caught Iris wrist when she tried to slam a vase into his face, "I'm pretty sure it is."

Impulse sped in and grabbed Iris, as Flash with a brick struck Clive in the face only for the brick to crumble a away into dirt,

Clive smirked and reached for Flash but a huge explosion of wind sent him flying out the window, "Nate. remember you can't fight him. Come back." Caitlin said as Flash with a grunt sped off

Medical Wing

Iris seized on the bed as Caitlin checked her vitals, "Elevated heart rate. Temperature's 104. The decay is reaching her subcutaneous tissue."

"We have to give her something. There has to be something we can give her." Felicity said

"It's not bacteria. Antibiotics won't work." Caitlin replied

"We have to do something. Nothing's not an option." Linda said

"Okay, what do you do when a banana ripens too quickly?" Cisco asked causing everyone to look at him, "Put it in the freezer."

"That's good. Caitlin, you can freeze her arm. It'll stop the spread of decay and give us some time to find a cure." Naruto said looking to Caitlin who looked unsure,

"I trust you." Iris panted

"I can't, even if I wanted to. We're not talking about a cold blast. This is a specific and continuous cold stream." Caitlin said

"Too high a temperature and the decay spreads, too low and the frostbite will destroy your nerve endings." Naruto elaborated to Iris, and Whitney

"And that long using my powers, I could lose control." Caitlin said

"You got this. We all are here, okay." Naruto said

Caitlin nodded before she placed her hand on Iris arm, and a layer of ice formed over the decay,

"It worked." Cisco smiled

"Oh, thank God." Felicity sighed

"You okay?" Linda asked Caitlin

"So far, so good." Caitlin smiled

Naruto looked to Cisco, and Felicity, "We need find out where Yorkin is, immediately. He'll be going after Laura Stone. She's a PI."

"On it." Felicity said walking off with Cisco

"Gideon, I need you to run a scan on Iris cells." Naruto said as lights began to scan Iris

"Initial scans show that Iris West's blood is attacking the cells in her body."

"Wait, that's the opposite of how my blood causes cells to regenerate. Can we use my blood to save her?" Naruto asked

"Not without the blood of Clive Yorkin. You may be able to neutralize his powers if you get your blood into him." Gideon said

Naruto nodded as he looked to Whitney, and back to Iris who was asleep, before he looked to Caitlin, "Frost." he said causing Caitlin to look up as her eyes began to glow, "I'm counting of you to keep our family safe, can you do that?"

Frost looked at Naruto for a moment before she nodded causing Naruto smile before he pulled up a chair and kissed her as Caitlin resumed control before she sat down, while keeping the cold stream

"Whitney come with me." Naruto said walking off

isten, I don't think that your blood is the key to saving Iris.

But I do think it might be exactly what we need to take down Yorkin.

Speed Lab

Naruto and Iris stood in front of a wall, "Okay, so when you vibrate at the natural frequency of air, your body, your cells, will be in an excited state that'll allow you to phase. Connect with the electricity in your body. Breath."

Whitney, placed her hand on the wall as she took a deep breath before her body began to vibrate, and after a moment she slipped through the wall causing a large smile to appear on her face, "I did it."

Naruto smiled before they looked up to see Felicity and Cisco, "We found her." Felicity said

"Where?" Naruto asked

"The train station." Cisco said

"Let's go." Naruto said to Whitney who nodded before they both sped off


Laura Stone sneakily took photos of her clients wife who was kissing her lover, as she smirked

On the tracks, Yorkin grabbed a pillar for the bridge over the train tracks causing it to crumble and collapse into the trains path

Flash and Impulse ran alongside the train, "I'll get the train, phase your blood into Yorkin and take him out." Flash said

"On it." Impulse said as Flash jumped and vibrated into the train causing the panicking passengers to look at him,

"Everybody hold on!" Flash said taking a knee and placing his fingertips to the floor before he began to vibrate himself along with the passengers and the train

Impulse removed her gloves and vibrated her finger and cut her palm to draw blood, as she blitzed toward Yorkin, who watched as the train began to vibrate,

Impulse vibrated through Clive's and stopped as she turned at super speed as she checked her palm to see it fully healed without blood so she slipped her gloves back on and came up to grab Clive's throat aand slammed him into the ground as the train vibrated through the rubble .

Clive grabbed onto Impulse's arm watching shock as his powers didn't work, "Oh, wha look at that. Your powers are neutralized, Yorkin."

"What did you do?" Clive asked

"She won." Flash said proudly as Impulse chuckled softly


Iris groaned as she came back to consciousness and saw everyone around him, "Welcome back." Naruto smiled while Iris began to look around, "It's okay. You're okay. Yorkin's done."

"What happened?" Iris asked

"I'll tell you what happened. Whitney was a total badass. That's what happened." H.R. chuckled as everyone smiled

"Translate." Iris requested

"Yeah, she phased her speedster blood into Yorkin and neutralized his powers." Felicity said

"That's the science behind it." Linda nodded

"I had a great teacher." Whitney smiled at Naruto who returned it as Iris noticed her cast

"And me?"

"Once Yorkin's blood was stabilized, we actually managed to get an antidote that cured you. You'll have to wear the bandage for a few days, but other than that, you're absolutely recovered." Caitlin said

"Thank you. I know what you risked for me." Iris said sincerely

"Couldn't have done it alone." Caitlin smiled

"All right. Get some rest, all right? I'll check on you in a bit." Naruto said standing up and kissing her chastely

"It's so heartwarming. It's truly is heartwarming." H.R. said as everyone walked off

"You're already crafting a version of this for your book, aren't you?" Cisco asked

"Peace finally descends upon the family West."

"The West family, or family West?" Cisco asked

Later, Allen Mansion

Naruto added more locks to the door, as Cecile was getting moved in, "Okay, good as new. Actually, it's better than new with the three extra locks that I added." he said walking to the foyer where Iris was sitting on the couch

"Which you didn't have to do." Iris replied

"Well, Cisco did offer to build us a custom security door." Naruto said

"I like deadbolts. Deadbolts work." Iris nodded causing Naruto to smile

"Yeah. It's just with what happened, I want to make sure you feel safe." Naruto said frowning

"I do." Iris assured

"About everything?" Naruto asked

"You know, you've been saying for weeks that you were gonna save me from Savitar. And while I trust you with my life, it was hard not to feel scared...You know, sometimes it feels like The Flash is this guy my boyfriend becomes when he runs off to save other people. Like I'm the only one who doesn't get The Flash. He felt separate from you. But yesterday when you saved me, I remembered that I have no reason to be scared. The man I love is a superhero. I love and trust you, Nathan Allen The Flash. I love all of you, and I always will."

Caitlin, Linda, and Felicity smiled at Iris as they joined the two on the couch

"We love you, too." Naruto said

Uzumaki Labs, Speed Lab

Whitney stood in the lab vibrating her hand, before with a deep breath she phased it through the wall, and pulled it out laughing slightly

"Alert, Unauthorized Breech Detected." Gideon announced and immediately Whitney sped to the Breech Room to see the portal

Preparing herself, Whitney's eyes widened as Jesse sped out of the portal, "Jesse!" she laughed walking forward but noticed Jesse looked freaked out, "What's wrong?"

"Grodd. He's got my dad. And he has him in Gorilla City."