A high-speed chase was in progress as CCPD pursued a Sedan down a residential neighborhood, when a skateboard rolled into the road, and a girl ran out to get it, "Emily!" the mother yelled seeing the car as the father and son turned their attention to the girl running into the road
"Emily!" The father yelled running to the street
The girl froze seeing the car speeding for her when a streak of lightning arrived and Flash appeared in mid air over the car with his hand grabbing the side of the sunroof before his momentum took the car over as he landed on his feet and held the car upside down in midair as the driver fell to the roof
"You okay?" Flash asked the looked up at him and the car in awe as her family arrived while neighbors snapped photos of Flash handing the girl her skateboard while holding the car in midair
The cops caught up allowing Flash to toss the car and tap the side causing it to spin at a fast pace in midair before he caught it again and set the car down, before the driver stumbled out to the ground and vomited before falling into the pile of throw up,
Flash waved to the civilians and sped off,
Central City Museum
A first grade class on a field trip were scared as a man with a high powered rifle forced them and all the adults to sit together as he with a large duffle put in valuable art before he took a painting and began to make his way for the exit,
"Thank you all for cooperating. Teamwork makes the dream work." the thief said opening the door
"Dynamic Entry!" Flash yelled slamming both his feet into the face of the thief sending him flying back as Flash caught all the loot and replaced it before catching the still airborne man by the back of the collar
"Everyone okay?" Flash asked before the kids rushed him for autographs, and some cops entered to take the thief
After signing the autographs, and talking for a bit Flash sped off,
A train carrying cheerleaders from a college in Star City was on its way to Central City when a massive earthquake occurred and caused a rock slide and took out the bridge it was crossing, train continued on its path as everyone began to panic when Flash appeared running alongside the train and in a large spark of lightning a clone burst from his body flipping in midair as it went through a sequence of hand seals and slammed its hands onto the road
"Doton: Giant Earth Wall!" the clone yelled before a large wall of earth rose from the ground to take up the space between the cliffs
Flash suddenly took off and began to run along the ground as train tracks were installed, before he got out the way and began to wave at the passengers as the train passed him by before he turned around and looked at the clone for a moment as it sparked away
"Hm." Flash tilted his head before he sped off
Flash continued to speed around the world stopping at every hospital in the world and bringing presents for sick children, stopping a tornado and immediately repairing the damages, bringing supplies to relief shelters, putting out forest fires, burning buildings, stopping muggings and assualts
The Flash was everywhere doing what he did best, being a hero, and a good person. Currently Flash was leaving The Central City Public Library after reading to the children, looking over their drawings he gave them,
"Yo, Lady, and Impulse need a hand. The Electric Gang are headed to Keystone Bridge." Cisco said over the coms
"On my way." Flash replied before he sped away with the drawings being put safely away
With Linda, and Whitney
Lady Flash, and Impulse pursued a SUV and a truck as men with futuristic rifles fired concussive waves at them, along with heat seeking bullets
"Flash, where are you?' Impulse asked
"Coming now." Flash said
Flash ran up a street as the truck and SUV were speeding in his path, before he jumped over a car and kicked off the street lamp into the windsheild, slamming his feet into the face of the driver
The car door flung open as the unconscious driver was sent out into the street as Naruto was also carried out of the truck but grabbed the door and flung himself around to the front of the truck and held it back till it stopped
Lady Flash and Impulse sped into a hardware store and paid for some tools, before they ran alongside the SUV and began to dismantle it
The men were hand cuffed to the pieces of the SUV with their guns placed beside them in crates as the police arrived, and cheerleaders on a bus filtered out with Impulse soaking up the attention
Moments Later
Flash, Lady Flash, and Impulse walked into the Cortex, "Nice save! Could not have scripted it better myself."
"Thanks." Impulse said as she and H.R. highfived before Julian entered
"Yes, bravo. Although I did find at least six ways you could have done it more efficiently, just saying." Julian said holding up his tablet as everyone looked at each other
"I mean, the busload of hot cheerleaders seemed like the way that we did things." Impulse shrugged
"Oh, that's going in the book." H.R. smiled before he placed his cup down, "You know what? I'm running low; let me buy you a cup of coffee over at CC Jitters."
"You're on." Impulse said before in a flash of purple lightning her suit was put up and she grabbed H.R. and left
Julian walked off and immediately Linda and Naruto got out of their suits
"So exactly how many hot cheerleaders?" Iris asked
"What? I was a good boy." Naruto said putting his hands up
"Yeah, he was well behaved." Linda cosigned kissing Naruto's cheek before he walked over and began to put up the pictures the kids drew of him on his desk
"Hey, Linda?"
"Hm?" Linda turned to Iris
"When you found the Electric Gang, did you see them meeting with anyone else?" Iris asked
"Like who?" Linda asked
"Well, word on the street is, there is a new arms dealer in town with access to sophisticated weaponry like the gun that Plunder used." Iris said
"Don't you think that's something for Linda and the police to handle?" Naruto asked
"I'm still a journalist, Nate. I can't hide from the world because of what you saw." Iris said causing Naruto to nod, "See you at home."
Naruto sighed, watching Iris leave, Linda walked over, "I'all keep an eye on her."
"Thanks." Naruto nodded before he and Linda kissed before she left
Caitlin walked over with their son, "So, I just got a call from Felicity." .
Naruto sat up straight, "Is she okay?"
"Physically. This guy that Oliver is fighting tricked him into killing a friend of hers on the SCPD. She wants to move to Central City when she returns from Russia."
"She's always welcome here." Naruto smiled
"I told her the same thing." Caitlin said before she and Naruto kissed and he turned to Cisco
"Cisco. Please tell me you found a way to change the future."
"We found a way to change the future." Cisco said
"Did you really?" Naruto asked
"No, but Caitlin and I did find a way to map it. You're gonna love this. Follow me."
Cisco's Workshop
The three entered the workshop, "Julian suggested we make a 3-D reconstruction of the scene from the future exactly as we saw it." Cisco explained as he stood beside the Lego set built in a replica of Infantino Street
"With all the tech in this building, you chose to use toys." Naruto said
"The medium's not important." Caitlin replied a hand on Naruto's back as he bent down to look at the medium
"Thank you. Eye on the ball, Nate." Cisco said as Naruto picked up the red piece
"Is this Flash? Why is he an astronaut?" Naruto asked looking over the piece
"Eye on the ball, Nate, okay?" Cisco asked taking the piece back and putting it back, "Now, this diorama tells us Flash need to cover this distance in less than 0.21 seconds if he want to save Iris from Savitar."
"The problem isn't if Flash can cross the distance in that time. The problem is that Savitar is just as fast as y-Flash. So in actuality Flash has to go beyond 0.21 seconds to save Iris." Caitlin added
"What do you guys think?" Naruto asked
"Think what you're proposing is impossible." Julian said walking up, "Therefore, Flash will fail."
"Why?" Naruto asked
"Multi-universe is maybe a new concept to me, but mathematics is not. Pay attention, Allen. This is Flash' speed timeline."
Julian grabbed a marker and began to place dots on the board, "This is Flash' maximum velocity when he first acquired his powers. This is his current top speed, and this is where he need to be in May to cover that distance faster than 0.21 seconds and get Iris away from Savitar. At his current rate of improvement, impossible."
Naruto, Caitlin, and Cisco looked at the 3 dots
"Wow. Thank you for that rousing pep talk, coach. Okay, why don't you take a knee? I think we got it covered here." Cisco said
"It looks like it. I actually have to be back at CCPD. Cheerio." Julian replied leaving
"He really does want to help in his own snobbish, thoughtless way." Caitlin said
"Guys a dick. Naruto said
"True that, we'll find another way to make this work."
"We need to. Iris isn't gonna die." Naruto said before he looked to Caitlin, "How's everything on the Killer Frost front?"
Caitlin smiled, happy that Naruto was still concerned with her and not entirely on Iris, "We've been communicating through messages. Trying to come to an understanding."
"And?" Naruto asked
"It's going okay." Caitlin said getting a nod from Naruto
Cisco, H.R. and Caitlin were in the Cortex looking up footage of Jitters after a meta had busted in last night and hurt two officers,
"So this is the footage from Jitters that should help us ID our new meta."
"Brunette? That really narrows it down." Caitlin said
"Mm, I'll clean that up." Cisco said as H.R noticed another screen
"Oh, look how clear the picture is on that screen." H.R. said walking over to it
"That's 'cause that's not from Jitters. That's our security footage." Cisco said
"Gideon, enhance." Caitlin said before the footage enlarged showing Gypsy looking at the screen
"H. . I know you're in there. Come quietly if you don't want trouble." Gypsy ordered
"H.R., how does she know you?" Caitlin asked
"Talk. Who is this gorgeous intruder?" Cisco asked
"Her name is Gypsy, and she's what's known on my Earth as a collector." H.R explained
"What is she collecting?" Caitlin asked
"She's come to collect, you know, me." H.R. said just as they saw Gypsy create a breach and enter it before she reappeared in the cortex
Gypsy looked around as everyone looked at her in surprise before she pulled her pistol and shot H.R. who collapsed
Quickly Cisco sent a shockwave at Gypsy's weapon causing it to fly from her grip as Caitlin rushed to H.R.'s side, "Where does it hurt?"
"Oh, everywhere." H R. groaned as Cisco got in front of Gypsy who smiled
"You can vibe? Oh, I like it." Gyspy said licking her lips
"Slow down there. Let's just talk about this, like two adults, over coffee, or maybe dinner, if you prefer that. There's a great Thai place up the road, if you like Thai. I'm Cisco, by the way. You must be Gypsy. It's nice to meet you." Cisco said extending his hand to shake
"Are you asking her on a date?" Caitlin asked
'Are you kidding me?" H.R asked
"I am negotiating." Cisco said looking to his friends
"Well, you showed me yours. Only fair I show you mine." Gypsy said before she aimed her hand at Cisco only for nothing to happen, "Why aren't my powers working?"
"Because your not keyed into the building." Naruto said walking in, "Hello, Gypsy."
"You know her?" Cisco asked
"A version of her." Naruto said
"You're harboring a fugitive from justice. Our world has a strict ban on inter-dimensional travel. He knew that when he came here." Gypsy said looking over to H.R. who looked down
"So you tracked him here?" Cisco asked
"Honestly, it wasn't that hard. Not when he's beaming "H.R. Wells' Adventures in the Multiverse" back chapter by chapter." Gypsy said causing everyone to look at H.R incredulously, "I've got a lock on you now. There is no getting away. You've got an hour to get your affairs in order, and then you are coming back with me."
H.R. nodded in understanding, before Gypsy looked to Cisco, "Adios, Cisco."
Gypsy walked out of the cortex to leave the building
Moments Later
Everyone was together in the cortex as Cisco read H.R.'s book aloud, "As Francisco threw back his lustrous locks and laughed, I outlined my plan for neutralizing the rampaging creature." Cisco read before he put down the book, "It goes on like this for pages. He's been broadcasting this without our knowledge or permission, all the while making himself the hero.
"Yeah, every book needs a central protagonist that the audience can invest in." H.R. said
"I would have gone with Nate." Caitlin said
"Nate?" H.R. asked
"Cisco, what was that back there? First Golden Glider and now her?" Caitlin asked remembering how it was Cisco got kidnapped during their first year as Team Flash
"I can't help who I'm attracted to, even if it is the sexy, intense, deadly ones."
"Well I approve. You need to move on from Patty." Naruto said
"So she takes you back to Earth-19, and, what, you pay a fine?" Whitney asked
"The punishment for an unauthorized breach travel on my Earth it's death." H.R. said causing everyone to look at him in shock
"Death?" Caitlin asked
"About 24, 25 years ago, a neighboring Earth invaded our planet through a breach and almost destroyed the place. So to prevent it from happening again, they banned all inter-dimensional travel. And then they put the collectors in place to punish those of us who violated the ban. I didn't think that she'd track me down."
"Besides the fact you were sending back your stories." Naruto said
"Why would you risk your life by coming here?" Caitlin asked
"I...I'm gonna get packing. It's time for H.R. to face the music." H.R said leaving
"Guys, I know H.R. can be annoying, but he doesn't deserve to die." Caitlin said
"Different Earth, different morality." Julian replied
"But he doesn't go back. We saw him. In the future, with Flash and Iris and Savitar, he was there. I mean, that must mean we don't let her take him back." Cisco said
"Maybe we do. Maybe by letting him go back to his Earth, it changes the future and prevents Iris' death." Julian said
"Unacceptable. We're not going to sacrifice one friend for another." Naruto replied looking around at everyone who nodded
Later, Speed Lab
Iris walked into the speed lab to see Whitney's lightning trail racing through an obstacle course, "Don't you get tired of running?" Iris asked into the microphone before Whitney ran to her and stopped, taking a towel to wipe away her sweat
"That's the thing, running just sort of keeps my mind off of things, I guess." Whitney said
"Must be an amazing feeling." Iris smiled
"It is." Whitney smiled as she looked at her recorded speed
"You know, cracking a big story gives me an amazing feeling. And I think I'm onto one." Iris said
"Oh, that, uh, arms dealer thing?" Whitney asked
"How do you know about that?" Iris asked
"Because both Linda and Nate want you to lay off of it. The phrase "death wish" got tossed around a lot by them." Whitney said
"Okay, I do not have a death wish. I just want to see justice done like everyone else in this building." Iris replied
"I get that, but it is dangerous, Iris." Whitney said
"Whitney, how dangerous could it be? I don't die till May." Iris replied causing Whitney to frown
"That doesn't mean you can just go out looking for danger Iris."
"I'm not, that's why I came to you. I think we should be a sister crime-fighting team. We can do this together." Iris smiled brightly as Whitney sighed
Caitlin, Naruto, and Cisco walked into Cisco's Workshop to see H.R. packing, "Do you know what I'm really gonna miss about this Earth?"
"What?" Caitlin asked
"Soap operas. I mean, a long, winding story served up daily in hour-long chapters?" H.R. laughed
"You never answered Caitlin's question." Naruto said
"Oh, about why I put mustard on my fries?" H.R. asked
"Ugh." Naruto looked disgusted
"Why you risked your life to come here." Caitlin said as H.R. sighed
"That. I looked in a mirror. On my Earth, I had fame and power. I had respect. I was "H.R. Wells." But when I looked in the mirror, I knew the truth. And the truth was I didn't matter. I was a fraud. That is why I came to this Earth, so I could rewrite my story, both literally and figuratively."
"There's gotta be something you can do, H.R." Naruto said
"There's not.' H.R. said with a cold laugh
"Think!" Naruto yelled causing H.R to look at him, "There is a way out of this, your not going to give up. There's been to much untimely deaths in our lives. So think. There has to be something that could prevent Gypsy from taking you back to Earth-19 to die."
H.R. began to think and his eyes widened, "Of course, I can appeal for trial by combat." H.R. said
"Okay then I'll fight her." Naruto and Cisco said together before they looked at each other, "You?"
"Yeah." Cisco nodded
"Are you sure?" Naruto asked walking up to Cisco who glanced at H.R. and nodded
"Gypsy is on the premises." Gideon announced
"Stay here." Naruto told H.R. before he and Cisco walked off
Gypsy watched as Naruto and Cisco approached her, "Where is he?" she asked
"Your not taking him." Naruto said
"And why not?" Gypsy asked
"Because I challenge you to trial by combat." Cisco said walking forward, "If you want, we can solve this another way. There's a great spot for drinks-"
"You realize trial by combat is to the death?" Gypsy asked
"Yeah. For the loser. Listen, you want him? You're gonna have to come and claim him. Hmm. That's Arwen." Cisco laughed looking to Naruto who shook his head
"I take it you also want the customary 24 hours to prepare?" Gypsy asked causing Cisco to scoff
"Do I want the customary-"
"Yes, you do." Naruto said
"I would love to take advantage of the customary 24 hours, if you don't mind." Cisco said
"Very well. One day." Gypsy nodded
"One day." Cisco nodded
"See you then." Gypsy smirked stepping back into a breach
Cisco's confidence evaporated as he turned to Naruto, "She's gonna kill me, isn't she?"
Everyone stood in the speed lab as a profile of Gypsy was on display, "She's great. I mean, Gypsy is a legend on my Earth."
"So why, exactly, did you agree to fight her?" Caitlin asked
"I don't know." Cisco said
"You did what any of us would have done." Naruto said
"I might not have done it, just being honest." H.R. said
"Okay, all right. Lay it out for me. What are my chances here, scale of one to ten?"
'She's gonna kill you." H.R. said
"It's a pretty solid "one, " mate." Julian nodded
"Shut up." Naruto said looking at the two before he walked up to Cisco, "You have the same powers Gypsy does. She's not doing anything you can't do. Trust your instincts and remember your training."
"I haven't mastered Breaching through." Cisco said
"Well nows the time." Naruto replied before Julian walked up
"Listen, I have some ideas for a training regimen I can set up in here. Caitlin, why don't you get the medical bay prepared in the meantime?' Julian said
"What? Well, why does why does she need to set up the the medical bay?" Cisco asked
"For...when you beat her, when you beat her, she's gonna she's gonna need medical attention. 'Cause you will beat her, I have every faith that you're going to beat her." Julian rambled before Caitlin led him away
"We need to work on your interpersonal skills." Caitlin said
"I was really trying." Julian replied
Naruto walked off to set up some drills for Cisco who looked to H.R., "Has anyone ever beat her?"
"Yeah...No." H.R. shook his head
"Oh, okay. Well, I've officially reached a nice, comfortable level of just straight-up panic." Cisco said sitting down
"I mean, you don't even like me. Why would you risk your life for me?" H.R asked
"Well, you heard Nate. It's what we do around here." Cisco said
"Come on. Why?" H.R asked
"You're not like the other Wellses." Cisco said
"Yeah, so you keep reminding me." H.R. sighed
"No, I mean, those two, they were geniuses. We depended on them. But with you, the roles are reversed. You depend on us. Harrison Wells was always there for me, so I guess in some weird way, I just I want to be there for Harrison Wells." Cisco said as H.R. looked touched
Cisco went through the drills but had difficulty with his breeches, he couldn't control where the went or got turned around when he came out of them, before he ended up in the rafters
"Let go talk." H.R said walking off
"All right. Take five Cisco!" Naruto said before he followed H.R. into the hallway,
"We can't let Francisco fight Gypsy, because if he does, he is a dead man." H.R. said
"You don't know that." Naruto replied
"Oh, I know that. You know that. He knows that. She knows that. We know that; everybody knows-"
"H.R." Naruto called
"We need to stop her before she fights him." H.R. said
"No.' Naruto shook his head
"N.A." H.R called
"Listen, Cisco stepped up to save you when he didn't have too. He may have problems with his breeches but that isn't what's going to win him the fight. Cisco is the smartest person I know, and I have complete faith in my brother pulling through. He said he's going to win, then he's going to win." Naruto said walking off
Cisco was behind a wall having heard everything smiled, and nodded before he went to focus on his training putting his hair in a ponytail
Cisco walked up to the waterfront with H.R, "You sure about this?" H.R. asked
"Yes." Cisco nodded
"You can do this Cisco. Stay sharp, and focused." Naruto said over the coms
"Wow. Didn't think you'd show." Gypsy said
"Oh, I wouldn't miss an evening with you, even if it is for a showdown." Cisco flirted
"I will kill you, Cisco." Gypsy frowned
"We'll see who dies tonight." Cisco nodded as he and Gypsy stood across from each other while H.R. stood away from them
"To the victor goes H.R. Wells." Gypsy said
"May the best vibe win." Cisco replied rolling his shoulders as he tool a calming deep breath
"Part of me was hoping you wouldn't show tonight." Gypsy frowned
"How do you want to do this? "Westworld" style, back to back, ten paces, turn and shoot?" Cisco said
"No." Gypsy replied before she fired a vibrational shockwave at Cisco who was sent tumbling back
Naruto and the team watched from a small drone the size of a fly, ""This does not bode well."
"Cisco can hold his own." Naruto said
"You sure?" Julian asked
"What if he can't defeat her?" Julian asked
"We interfere, we forfeit. H.R.'s a dead man.'
"At this rate, Cisco's gonna be the dead man." Julian said
Cisco kicked up to his feet, "Ooh, girl! You done did it now!" he said before the two sent vibrational blast at each other and tried to overpower each other with Gypsy sliding back and Cisco pushing forward before they both stopped, panting
"Stronger than I thought." Gypsy exhaled
"I'm just getting warmed up." Cisco boasted
"Yeah, maybe not do that." H.R. said
"Time to turn things up to 11." Gypsy smirked
"Spinal Tap." Cisco said as a breech opened behind him and Gypsy rushed him, "That's, like, one of my favorite movies."
"Cisco think with your second head after you beat her!" Caitlin yelled
"Righ-" Cisco began but he was tackled into the the breech
"Where did they go?" Caitlin asked
'I don't know. They could be anywhere by now." Naruto said
"In any universe." Julian added before a breech reopened in the park and Cisco came stumbling out
"Says the man afraid of showing everyone how powerful he can be. You and I resonate on a similar frequency. I can feel it. Yet you allow your fear and insecurity to hold you back. That's why you're gonna lose."
Cisco wiped the blood from his nose, before he stood up and watched as Gypsy jumped into a breech and when she came out of it behind him, he turned and bladed her while she was in midair and kept up the beam of vibration
"Does this look like holding back to you?" Cisco asked as Gypsy couldn't get up as Cisco kept up the attack, "I could do this all night."
"How did you,"
"You might want to work on your balance next time, girl." Cisco said before he stopped, "Admit it, I won."
"Yes!" Naruto cheered
"He won." Caitlin laughed hugging and kissing Naruto
"Yeah, he did. She must have been having an off day." Julian said causing the parents to look at him, "What?"
"Wow." Naruto and Caitlin said
Gypsy got onto her knews, "By the laws of Earth-19, the prisoner is yours for the taking, as is my life." she said sadly
"Oh, no, no, no, no. We don't roll like that around here. Come on." Cisco said helping Gypsy get to her feet
"In all the multiverse, I have never met anyone like you, Cisco." Gypsy said
"Please, call me Vibe. Or or you can call me Cisco. That's also allowed. I'm just a regular guy. Just a regular single guy." Cisco said as he and Gypsy shared a smile
Gypsy looked to H.R., "I will go and tell my superiors, that your dead. You can never come back home, do you understand?"
"Yeah, I don't really have anything to go back to anyhow." H.R. nodded
Gypsy nodded before she looked to Cisco, "See you around, Cisco." she said before she backed up into a breech
Cisco smiled, "Can't wait." he said.