
Demon continent


Next day i woke up with two beautiful ladies by my side.

Fronesis and Carasellia were sleeping peacefully.

I didn't wanted to disturb their sleep as they looked just like some fragile jewel while sleeping. It really attracts you but also gives you the fear of ruining it by touching it.

I just kept enjoying the beautiful view in front of me.

After a few hours, they slowly opened their eyes.

Seeing me, their faces bloomed. They hugged me tightly.

We enjoyed our warmth.


"So...you won't be able to come with me?" I asked in a sad tone.

"Sorry dear...i will have to manage the vampire kingdom. It is my responsibility as a princess of the kingdom and I am sure you will come to meet me right?" Carasellia responded.

"Definitely." I answered.

"And you? Fronesis?" I asked while looking at the other lady.

"Sorry honey. I really want to go with you but...i will have to free my followers from those elfs who have enslaved them" she said the last part in a angry tone.

"Guess it can't be helped. I will meet you two soon again." I answered with a sigh.

It seems that it me, kyu and kitty again.

I bid farewell to them and left again on my journey.

Next destination : demon kingdom


After a few hours flying, a dark land was in our side.

The wide continent was completely dark and poisonous.

This continent is the home of all demons.

"Kitty!" I called out.

'yes master. What should I do? *Yawn* ' talked the white cat telepathically.

'go and kill all the S rank+ demons on this continent except for the demon lord and his relatives.' i ordered her telepathically.

The cat in my arms stood up and stretched his body.


The white cat disappeared in an instant and sounds of loud screams started to spread out from all over the continent.

Kitty obeys the command properly.

After a few minutes, i felt a strong wave of dark matter spread throughout the world. This was the work of demon king.

"Kyu, it's our time." I signalled.


I teleported myself to the ground while kyu flew above and started to expand his size.

Soon the whole sky was covered with shadow of kyu.

This shadow was not the normal shadow.

It was...

[Space-time domain - creates a dark region from shadow. Inside the region, sole control of space-time will be under the user or his superiors.]

I teleported to the demon king castle.

The castle was in mess.

Dead bodies of demons were lying all over the castle and stench of blood was too strong.

As I walked inside the castle, i saw a pile of dead bodies. Only alive demons were the demon lord pedonar and a beautiful girl.

This girl was Ssosia. The daughter of demon lord.

Both of them were powerless in front of a small kitten.

Both were trapped inside a small space cage and had no choice but to wait for the massacre before them to finish.

They both felt huge energy and a felling of bowing to the one who was arriving here.

I am the god of Fantasia. These two, who are closest to Fantasia, also have the deepest connections to this world. To them, I am one of them. Their king.

Upon my arrival, kitty disabled the barrier and came back to my arms.

"You did a good job kitty!" I petted her while transferring some of my energy as a reward to her.

Now on to the demons,

[Created divinity: erase - can erase all existing, non-existing thing forever.]

I erased all the dead bodies of demons from this world.

"Pedonar and Ssosia. As you might know, I am the new god of Fantasia. I have also killed Parmeal, who kept you trapped for so long. I am not your enemy." I introduced myself.

"Says the one who killed all our armies." Commented Ssosia.

"Umm...C-Can you..." Demon lord tried to say something.

"What are you saying?" I asked the demon lord.

"Can you please have a spar with me?" Demon lord said clearly.

It was obvious that he wanted to test my powers.

"Sure. Why not?" I answered and leaped towards the demon lord and punched his stomach.


Demon lord flew away and crashed into a wall.

He soon came out of the hole and started laughing maniacally.

"Hahahahahah!! This is the real fight!! Fighting those weak heros has gotten me rusty. Now let me enjoy this." After saying this, he disappeared and reappeared besides me. He tried to punch me from the sides.

I evaded his punch swiftly and pushed him away by using a bit of divine power.

Pedonar flew thousands of meters away.

We kept exchanging blows as pedonar could not get exhausted.

After a few minutes, pedonar was buried inside the ground with my slap. This was the end of our small spar.

I looked around to find Ssosia, who had teleported herself to a safe distance already. I flashed in front of her and stood in front of her.

She was shocked by my sudden arraival and was about to lose her balance even though she was flying in the air.

I held her chin and grabbed her waist.

I looked deeply into her eyes and said with a lovely tone,

"Ssosia. You are mine and always will be mine."

Her face turned red and her heart started beating faster.

Ssosia now couldn't feel anything. She fainted from embarrassment. Ssosia is a virgin and although there are heros that proposed her before but none made her feel this way.

This one sentence was like a arrow through her virgin heart. The heart she kept frozen for years now was melted by a single sentence.

I lifted her in a princess carry and carried her in her room.

"Being too handsome is also a problem sometimes" i muttered slowly.


Hey, author here,

How's it going guys?

Hope you read this chap.

The last sentence is not too offend those who are not good looking but just a simple compliment from me to mc.

Please don't get offended if you are not good looking. Your external beauty is just a outer cover. It is the clothing for your beautiful soul. Real beauty comes from your actions, karma and virtues not from your looks. Afterall, everyone has to leave this body at some time Whether it's you or someone much beautiful than you. Where you go after death dosent come from your looks but karma.

Your looks can decide 80-100 years of your life but your actions will determine the eternity you will have to live after this life.
