
From Depression to Challenging Existence Itself - Part 1

The world itself may at times seem to be against you. Should you brace yourself and accept your fate, or shall you work up the courage to conquer your fate and mend it to your will? Nathaniel Perez a teenager feels like life is against him, but he can't accept that fate and runs away from home. Unfortunately, he wasn't prepared for the consequences of his actions and realizes how pointless everything he has done so far was, but thanks to his curiosity getting the better of him, he has a chance encounter that gives him the strength he needs to move on and be the conquerer of his fate. But not everything is as it seems. There are many things occuring behind the scenes, and many things that have already transpired. And one of those past actions is tied to his true identity as a π°|\. *Please take note the story may progress pretty slowly and updates may not be consistent.

Nalzaar · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Old Geezer

Earth, December 3, 2022

I know I'm the one who wanted to go on a mission right away, but I didn't expect Michael to send me on one right the next day after becoming his personal agent.

Like Michael, I know you're my boss and I agreed to cooperate with you, but I got other shit to do. Like even the guys are starting to get worried about me.


A few hours ago…

I got up at the usual time just to find Katsumi and the rest looking at me.

"What's up with you guys?"


No one said anything until Katsumi sighed and walked up to me with an angry look on his face. He stopped right in front of me and started lashing out.

"What's up with us?! No, what's up with you?!"

"With me...?"

I honestly didn't remember doing anything to them that would piss them off.

"Yes, with you! You've been practically ignoring us ever since you came back from your mission!"


And then it hit me. I didn't say a word to them for the past 2 days ever since I got back due to everything that was going on.

"Right, my bad you guys. I had some stuff I had to deal with and I guess I got lost in my thoughts. We're all cool though right?"

Katsumi just sighed again and shook his head.

"Forget it. Anyways, I heard you fought with the new executive of White Tower."

"Yeah, who would've guessed I would have to fight her on my first mission."


I mean it is a bit surprising that a girl's an executive, but isn't society these days talking about gender equality and shit like that. But honestly, Angelica was pretty skilled.

"Yeah, she's a girl and is also the daughter of that Roy guy."

"What?! But I guess that makes sense why–"

Katsumi just got lost in his thoughts. He was probably thinking that the reason she was able to become an executive was thanks to Roy. But what I believe is that she was able to become an executive through her own efforts.

"Katsumi, I think you're misunderstanding something here. She is strong, strong to the point she's at the same level as us."

"Well yeah, with someone like Roy–"

"Katsumi, you seem to be forgetting that you also had help getting where you're at today. Doesn't your Sonobe Clan have a long history? When you think about it, you had much more help than her."

Katsumi got really angry at my comment, but Takeo stopped him before things escalated. I was honestly surprised he even got angry but, I'm guessing he got mad because I just basically said he never put any effort and it was all thanks to his connections.

But what truly threw me off at the moment was why was I trying to defend Angelica? I even risked messing up my relationship with my friends.

Well anyways, Takeo decided to change the conversation to calm things down.

"Forget about all this White Tower business, why don't we go get something to eat and do some training later?"


Well anyways, Michael called me up right when I was entering the cafeteria and in the end I didn't even get a bite from there. He called me up to his office, gave me a katana and let me use the one I already had, and gave me the rundown of the mission.

When it comes to what I got to eat, all I got was fucking a water bottle and a granola bar when I entered the jet. They really don't have anything else to give me because supposedly they're short on personnel who can make food. Well that's understandable when all they fucking hire is drivers!

But thinking about it, this job is actually pretty cool. Back then I could have never imagined myself on a private jet. The only time I ever saw them were on posts on social media from my favorite music artists. I actually wanted to get into music myself, but I just didn't have the talent and gave up on that thought.

Well, it's too late for that now anyways.

My current mission is to go investigate some things in Japan. To be more specific, traces of White Tower. Well, I'm really glad I get to go to Japan, but why does it have to be while I'm on a mission?


As I got lost in my thoughts, I eventually fell asleep and let my guard down. When I came back to my senses a few hours later, I found myself tied up and with a gun to my face.

The person holding the gun is some old geezer I saw earlier when I was boarding the jet. He is obviously way older than Michael, but he got some good looks. If I had to describe him, I would say he would be the real life version of the old handsome man that fangirls go crazy for. To top it all off, he was even ripped. Like I wish I could have his build.

But back to the point, I'm currently tied up and this geezer is pointing a FUCKING GUN TO MY FACE!

"Sir, um, what's this all about…?"

"Well Agent Perez, what would you think if I told you I was a mole?"

Huh? Wait don't tell me I just got fucking captured? But didn't I get this weird feeling last time? Why didn't I get it this time–

"Agent Perez stop overthinking things. I was just testing you."


"Uh, is that so sir?"

"Yes. Michael told me he found a kid who showed promise but, it seems he gave you a little too much credit."


"You heard me, boy."


Did this old geezer just look down on me? Like who the fuck does he think he is? If it weren't for the fact I'm tied up right now, I would show his ass who's better!


Thinking about it now, how did he even catch me lackin' like that? I mean I did fall asleep, but I should've at least felt something?

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. How the hell did you catch me like this?"

"Hmmm, it seems like the ISC is truly lacking these days if an official member fell for such a cheap truck."

The geezer just smirks, much to my distaste.

"What the hell do you mean with cheap trick?!"

He points at my water bottle and that's when it hit me.

"You fucking drugged me, didn't you fucking old geezer?"

He just chuckles and slams me into a seat, breaking it in the process. Thanks to that my fucking back is killing me right now.

"I did and I was going to leave it at that, but you just had to go ahead and call me an old geezer. But I'm not just any old man, I'm the head of the ISC. I know Michael is plotting something behind my back and I may just kill you in order to put a stop to that. So I would be on my best behavior if I were you, boy."


I can't believe I thought I could beat this geezer if I was untied. He's a total monster. If I had to guess his strength, I would say he's almost as strong as Michael or actually as strong. But what's more surprising is that he's Michael's boss and also seems to be suspicious of him.

Although I hate people controlling me, I'll have to let it go this time or I might just end up dying. But, that doesn't mean I'll just let him step all over me. In the end I still got my own sense of pride to maintain.

"Yeah, yeah, I get what you're saying, so what do I call you?"

The geez– old man just chuckles. If I keep considering him a geezer it might just slip it.

"Well I guess you wouldn't deserve to be an agent if you were to be completely obedient to anyone who overpowers you. Just call me sir like you did at first before you overstepped your place boy."

"Got that. So can you untie me already, sir?"

He just chuckles again and gives me this scary smile.

"You'll stay like this till we land. Who told you that you can go ahead and call me an old geezer."

After he said that he just walked away and left me tied up, still in pain.

I'll definitely get back at him if I ever get the chance. Anyways I seen in movies people cutting ropes with knives, maybe I can try– fuck.


He took all my weapons off me. I promise, if I ever get the chance, I'm going to get back at him no matter what.


The kid seems promising despite his lack of awareness. It just sucks he's already wrapped around Michael's finger, or else I would go out of my way to teach him personally…


My bad for the delayed chapters. I've been busy and I also had writer's block.

So yeah, my bad :D

Nalzaarcreators' thoughts