
From Depression to Challenging Existence Itself - Part 1

The world itself may at times seem to be against you. Should you brace yourself and accept your fate, or shall you work up the courage to conquer your fate and mend it to your will? Nathaniel Perez a teenager feels like life is against him, but he can't accept that fate and runs away from home. Unfortunately, he wasn't prepared for the consequences of his actions and realizes how pointless everything he has done so far was, but thanks to his curiosity getting the better of him, he has a chance encounter that gives him the strength he needs to move on and be the conquerer of his fate. But not everything is as it seems. There are many things occuring behind the scenes, and many things that have already transpired. And one of those past actions is tied to his true identity as a π°|\. *Please take note the story may progress pretty slowly and updates may not be consistent.

Nalzaar · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Just Snapped

Something has gotten over me but I don't mind it. As a matter of fact, I actually welcome it. It just angers me to see how ruthless people truly are. I've seen it again and again and again and fucking again. Why can't people just have a chance at deciding their own fate without other people deciding it for them. I don't care what I have to do. I don't care if I have to kill someone. If anyone crosses my path and wants to decide the fate of others, then I shall do the same. I will be the conqueror of fate.

I quickly grab my other katana and take it out of its sheath. I leave the sheaths for both of my katanas in order to save time and start running towards the other armed men.

I know it's reckless to fight against guns using blades but, I don't care. I'll show the world, no, the universe, that fate can be changed. And my first act will be winning against guns with blades.

The men all start firing at me. I dodge the bullets I can and with the ones I can't, I either block them with my katanas or make sure they hit me in areas that won't hinder my ability to fight.

I start getting closer to them until--


I quickly stop myself in order to not get hit by Angelica's shot. It appears she switched back to her sniper now that she had quite a lot of distance from me. I quickly try to make my way during the time she loads her next shot.

I get to the men and slash their guns. Some had already expected me to close the distance between us and had already switched to pistols. One of them managed to shoot me in my thigh, but I ignored the pain and kicked him down. I use my other blade to try and cut my opponents down but Angelica fires another shot which hit my katana and shatters it.

The fuck? How fucking strong are those bullets? No, wait, the real question is why is she so precise with her shots? She has missed me a few times already, but I get the feeling it's intentional. I honestly don't know why, but I'm thankful for that.

Caught off guard, the men who had their gun sliced then switched to other weapons whether it be pistols or knives. The others who already had pistols started firing at me, but I threw the remaining katana I held in my left hand and it went flying and stabbed into one of the men's necks. While I did that, I used my right hand to get the three kunai I had strapped on my left wrist and launched them to redirect the incoming bullets. I then grab the ones on my right wrist and launch them at the necks of three of the men, killing them instantly.

It was pretty hard developing this fighting style throughout my time in training. I struggled due to the fact I was right-handed. For some strange reason, after a while my hand changed to being able to use my left just as well as my right. But this was on a biological level, not affected by training my hands..Michael had me do some tests, but nothing was ever found to be the cause of it. Although I don't know what caused this change in me, I'm glad it happened.

It was also hard due to getting used to the weapons. The kunai I carry on my wrists are smaller than regular ones and have holes that fit my fingers inside perfectly. I can then easily grab the kunai and launch them at my opponent. And due to the fact it's hidden under my wrist, I can then use them for sneak attacks.

Although it seems like I just have all these weapons just to look cool, I actually carefully chose them. They all have their respective purposes. Then add the fact I trained under some of the greatest geniuses when it comes to fighting, even I who had never been in an actual fight can fight like a professional. Only those considered geniuses can fight me with no problem. If it wasn't for the fact I've never been in a fight before, I probably wouldn't have gotten scared earlier, I think.

Well, that's no longer a problem as I can now fight pretty well. I quickly get back on my feet and run up and pull my katana back out. My kunai can wait for after the fight is over. If I do need to catch someone off guard, I still have my revolver just in case.

I then run up and start cutting down the rest of the armed men. Angelica still tries to fire at me, but I make sure to stick close to the men so she can't fire at me without accidentally hitting one of them. While she hesitates, I just go ahead and continue my slaughter. She stays standing there for about 10 seconds and then places her sniper gently on the ground and starts running towards me.

She quickly makes it to where the rest of are fighting and pulls out her knives. She then starts swinging them at me, but I just dodge. The remaining men let go of their guns and opt to fight with their fists or knives. They would probably have a better chance at getting me if they fought with their guns, but it seems they don't want to hurt Angelica.

I let one of Angelica's knives stab me and use the opportunity to grab her hand. I then yank it and pull her towards me. I then put my katana on her neck and took her hostage.

"So what now? I got your precious executive hostage."

"Let her go!"

The men get all riled up, but still don't seem willing to back down. I then press my katana into her neck, but make sure not to harm her too much. Some blood starts flowing down her neck and the men back off. They all start to get down on her knees and put their hands up. I try to use the opportunity to cut them down, but I suddenly get a bad feeling. I take a look at Angelica and she gives me a glare, but behind that glare is still her sadness.

"Fine, I'll let her go but, I'm going to take her right so I can make sure you don't try to pull a fast one on me. You know, insurance of sorts."

"Fine, but don't you dare harm her again. If you dare mess with her again, you'll regret it."

I take a look at them and they're all serious. Well, I wasn't planning on harming her any further anyways.

"Yeah, yeah, I got that."

"Tsk, damn bastard…"

I guess I pissed one of the guys off with my nonchalant attitude, but I don't care. I crouch down and take all my kunai and put them back where I had them. I also go get my bag and finally take off.


"When are you going to let me go?"

"Didn't you want to have a talk, or did I assume wrong?"

"How did you know?!"


While fighting, I realized how strange it was that she wasn't too good of a fighter. Like how can someone be an executive with such meager skills? Then a thought came to me when I realized she was purposely missing her shots, 'she wants to keep me alive for some purpose.'

"Well… I could just tell."

"Pfft, you could just tell."


"That's the first time I see you smile."

"Huh, what?! I, I mean, is it?"


"What are you laughing about?! Hmph!"

For being an executive for some evil organization she sure gets flustered easily. It's honestly pretty cute. I just can't help teasing her about it.

And as I think that, Angelica suddenly composes herself.

"How did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"How did you get used to it so quickly? You know, the fighting and the killing?"

Right, she was practically forced into this life. She probably wants to get used to it already and get it over with. It's honestly surprising I was able to quickly get used to it.

"Haaah, it's honestly thanks to your men. After they killed my companion I just couldn't contain my anger any longer, all doubts I had were crushed. If there is one thing I hate in this, it's people controlling the lives of others."

"So anger is the key?"

"Probably not, it probably just depends on your ideals. My family controlled me for most of my life. I then was treated like shit and saw others controlling the lives of others in the ISC, I guess I just snapped."

"Okay, so I need some sort of catalyst?"


"Can I ask you one more thing?"


"Will you join me?"

"Umm, no, I'm no traitor."

"Then let me say this again. Will you join me?"

All of sudden the armed men from earlier surround us and start aiming at me.

"What's all this about?!"

"You don't have a choice anymore. You either join us or die. You already killed so many of my men, so I need you to make up for that."

"I already told you I'm no traitor!"

"So you want to die?" 'Just accept please! I don't want to have you killed."


What was that? Were those her thoughts? And if they are, then why did I hear them? Okay, something is definitely wrong with me.

"What are you so surprised about?" 'I already told him I will kill him if he doesn't join me, so why's he so surprised?'

"Oh, oh nothing. Don't really mind me."

Well even if I can hear her thoughts, right now isn't the best time to worry about that. I'm still being threatened, and I'm surrounded. Maybe I should start bringing smoke bombs with me. If I had some with me I can use it to escape right now. They wouldn't see me and they would be forced to not shoot unless they wanted to risk hitting Angelica. But, unfortunately I don't.


I quickly get my katana and slash at some of the men. Caught off guard, they don't really know how to act and I take the opportunity to quickly run out. They quickly their composure and are about to shoot until–

"Stop! Let him leave." 'Please be safe.'

"Young lady, they're going to–"

"Just follow my orders! Just because it's no longer my dad in charge of you doesn't mean you should be disobeying your superior!"


I just heard their conversation but I kept running. It seems she finally snapped too. I'm glad. Wait, why am I glad? I mean… she was cute, but why?

Well, forget about that, I need to report back to headquarters.


Like it ? Add to library! Btw, character development going crazy fr.

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