
From Death To Power: A Vampire's Growth

Allen has had it rough for some years and finally he could not take it anymore, therefore, he sought death. But mysteriously, he wakes up again only to find out that he was no longer a human. At first, he didn't want to accept the fact that he was now a monster because everything happened too fast for him but along the line, he slowly began to accept the new him. Now, he has a new dream — Taking over the world. He thought that it would come easy as long as he has the power but then, there is his father, the lord of the void walkers; a group of special scientifically made monsters. His father's dream is to take over the world as well but unlike his father who wants to destroy it, he wants a place for him and those he loves. Now faced with these fast rising and vicious monsters, Allen is left with two choices — To forgo his dreams and save humanity or to let humanity be destroyed while he saves those he loved. As ambitious as he is, he tends to pick the two choices. Find out more about the MC's journey and his growth... During the journey, he is faced with betrayals, deaths, pains, blood-spilling and many more but above all, he is surrounded by a few individuals that love him and are willing to die with him.

Ruby_banks02 · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Bitter Truth

The city streets seemed to blur around Allen as he walked, his heart pounding with anticipation. He could feel the weight of the book in his hand, its secrets burning a hole in his mind.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows. Tall, imposing, with eyes that seemed to bore into Allen's soul.

That face seemed familiar yet strange at the same time.

"Welcome brother," the figure said, it's voice low and husky. "Fa— We have been waiting for you."

"Who are you?" Allen asked him. He hated to think so but the figure looked exactly like David.

"It's me David," the figure said and Allen was taken aback.

How did his little brother end up like this? Why was he still alive?

"Brother, I know you have so many questions to ask me. Why don't we go to our base, everything will be explained to you there," David said to him.

Allen was eager to know what happened but on second thought, he felt that something didn't feel right about their meeting. It wasn't a mere coincidence, that was certain.

"Brother? Come on, let's go!" David urged him.

Allen didn't want to go but at the same time, didn't want to be wary of his brother. He should be happy that he had finally seen another family member.

"Okay, let's go," he replied and David smiled briefly and turned around. He walked ahead while Allen trailer behind him.

Soon, they arrived at a large gate and went in.

The moment Allen stepped his foot into the place, a strange feeling began to creep in, his whole senses told him to leave the place but he was determined to find out what happened to him and his father. And also, what brought about the entire change.

As they entered into the building, Allen began to look around, his instincts kept telling him that he was being watched but each time he turned to look, he saw nothing.

David on his part continued to lead Allen into the inner part of the building until they finally arrived at what seemed to be a hall with a throne at the edge.

"Father, we are here!" He announced and Allen, shocked, looked ahead and was surprised to see his 'supposed' dead father seated on the throne.

"Father?" He said, barely above a whisper, shock and confusion evident on his face as he stared at the man.

The man no longer looked like what he used to. The aura around him no longer looked normal but that of a being possessing a very strong power.

"You are here," his father said, his voice booming. "Welcome."

"What is happening?" Allen asked the father and son duo. "I can not understand anything!"

His father's eyes seem to suddenly gleam with excitement as he extended a hand toward Allen. "Join us, son," he said. "Become one of us, and together we'll rule this world."

Allen's gaze narrowed, his mind filled with the possibility of joining hands with his father though some things were yet to be clear. But then, he was more ambitious than that. He wanted power, yes, but on his own terms.

"I don't think so," Allen replied, his voice firm.

His father's face darkened, rage flashing in his eyes. "Foolish boy," he spat. "You don't know what you're rejecting."

With a nod, he gestured to David. "Show him the true meaning of power," he said.

David's eyes seemed to flash with excitement as he stepped forward. And then, his body began to contort, twisting and morphing into a monstrous form.

Allen's eyes widened in horror as David's face elongated, his skin turning a sickly shade of green. By now, some parts of his body had been covered up with yellow scales. It looked just like the same creature that had devoured their mother.

"What have you done to him?" Allen demanded, backing away.

His father's smile grew wider. "That's the true power of the void walkers," he said. "And you're rejecting it?"

Allen's heart raced as the creature that was once David charged at him. He dodged and weaved, avoiding its claws by mere inches.

"Tell me what's going on!" Allen shouted at his father, but the man just laughed.

The creature attacked again, and Allen fought back with every ounce of strength he had. But he couldn't shake the feeling that he was fighting his own brother, and that thought alone filled him with a deep sorrow.

When he saw David earlier, he felt very glad though he felt that something was not right about their meeting. He didn't want to think otherwise so he told himself to not let fear cause him his only family, that was why he had to follow him to this place not minding the dangers that were lurking around. He was initially happy to see his father and brother alive... but now, he could not say the same thing again.


As the fight went on, Allen had his fists flying as he tried to keep the creature at bay. But it was relentless, its strength seemingly endless.

As they clashed, so many questions filled his mind. What had his father done to David? What kind of power was this?

But his father just watched, a cold smile on his face. "You should have joined us," he said, his voice dripping with malice.

The creature lunged again, its jaws wide open. Allen dodged, but his foot slipped on the slick floor. He fell hard, the wind knocked out of him.

As he struggled to breathe, the creature loomed over him, its eyes glowing with a strange energy.

And then, just as all hope seemed lost, Allen remembered the book. The secrets it held, the power it promised.

With a surge of adrenaline, Allen reached into his pocket and grasped the book. Its cover was warm to the touch, as if it had been waiting for this moment.

The creature raised its claws, ready to strike. But Allen held up the book, and a blast of energy shot out, sending the creature flying across the room.

Allen's father snarled, his face twisted in rage. "You fool," he cursed. "You think you can defeat us?"

But Allen just stood, the book still clutched in his hand. He knew he had only scratched the surface of its power. And he was ready to unleash it.

"I don't want to kill you, David," he said to the creature who was already up to its feet. "Have you forgotten how we were before all these?"

The creature snarled, its eyes flashing with anger. It didn't want to recognize his brother.

"David, please," Allen pleaded, taking a step forward. "Remember who we were. What we had." Allen was eager to help his brother, he was not ready to loose another family but could that be said for his father and brother?

The creature's face contorted, its body tensing. It let out a deafening roar and charged at Allen.

Allen knew he had no choice. With a heavy heart, he summoned all his strength and fought back.

The fight between the brothers was intense, the two of them clashing in a flurry of punches and kicks. But Allen refused to hold back. He knew he had to save his brother, no matter what.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the creature stumbled back, its body battered and bruised. Allen stood over it, his chest heaving with exhaustion.

And then, in an instant, the creature transformed back into David. He lay on the ground, his eyes wide with confusion and pain.

"Allen?" he whispered softly.

Allen's heart swelled with emotion as he dropped to his knees beside his brother. "David, I'm here," he said, tears streaming down his face. "I'm here."

But as he looked deeper into David's eyes, he saw something that made his blood run cold. A hint of darkness, a glimmer of the creature that still lurked within.

"Allen, father... He killed our mo—" As David tried to talk, he suddenly screamed out in pain, after that, he dropped and never moved again.

"David!" Allen shook him eagerly. "David wake up, it's me your brother! Come on, wake up!"

Tears began to fall from Allen's eyes as he roughly shook his brother's body.

"Wake up, damn it!" He yelled frantically.

"You should not bother yourself, I have taken what is mine," his father said and Allen raised his head and saw his father holding a bloodied heart.

"Wh-what did you do?" Allen stammered.

"I gave him life and I took it back, it isn't that complicated," his father replied and began to laugh. Allen watched him laugh to his heart content but he could not do anything. "He was quite useful to me, it's a shame he had to die now," he added and laughed. While laughing, he slowly vanished until he was completely gone.