
From Bottom-tier to Dimensional Chat Group.

My life was destroyed in a car accident, despite the fact that it was a suicide attempt by a man who shot himself in a moving bus, affecting the entire region and causing a simultaneous accident that claimed many lives. I cried quietly as I remembered that I was getting married on the same day as my wife, who had also been involved in the accident, and how bitter it felt to lose my life in such a way. It was the moment that a new chapter in my life was about to begin, but it turned out to be the tragic conclusion of our relationship. But given that memories of my previous lives began to surface in the young man's mind at the age of 15, who would have believed that it was not the end and that I had been reincarnated or had taken a second birth? Until! [Welcome to Dimensional Chat Group.] [Would the host like to bind his account with it?] [Yes] [No] The beginning of an unexpected adventure and new life

Shubham_Gosai_2019 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Tomozaki Fumiya...

Tomozaki Fumiya!

It is the name I was given when I arrived in this world, or it could be the name I took on when I underwent a reincarnation after being killed in a car accident that occurred on earth.

Consequently, despite the fact that my former self was actually an anti-social character with a low sense of self-worth, after being on this earth for a month now, I am beginning to get the hang of it.

Tomozaki believes that his current appearance is fine, with the exception of his messy hairstyle and odd clothing, which he wanted to change but did not have the money for. This is despite the fact that it was extremely difficult to change the host's current physique and his mentality.

Current period...

(3rd-Person POV)


Early in the morning, Tomozaki left his room after finishing stretching and indoor exercises like squats and push-ups to go for a jog before getting in the bath.

It took him an hour to get home, where he arrived with a tired body and a sweaty top. His mother, who was used to the situation, had already prepared a change of clothes for him when he entered the bath.

"Fumiya! Get changed and come for breakfast." She put all of his clothes in the washing machine and then left the changing area with the rest before going outside to prepare some fresh eggs for an omelette.

"These days, changes are good; I should prepare more for that eater." Ms. Tomozaki mutters with a small smile on her face as she senses that Fumiya's recent changes are beginning to change their home's atmosphere, bringing much more amusement and liveliness, especially since her daughter Yumi began speaking to her brother properly.

"Mom! I am hungry." Fumiya returned wildly, his stomach growling with hunger. He sat at the dining table and looked at his sister, who also appeared to be waiting for him to exit the bath while also appearing to be exhausted and lying on the side of the table.

"Yumi! You can go and take a bath now! It is already empty." As a result of Fumiya tapping on her shoulder, Yumi was forced to rub her eyes and look at him.

Yumi then stood up from her seat and headed for the washroom after briefly yawning and covering her mouth.

"That little!" Fumiya sat on his chair and shook his head as he observed the breakfast that had already been given to him by his mother and bore the name Akasaka Tomozaki.

Yumi and Akasaka were naturally attractive, but since Yumi did not care much for fashion or beauty in general, she almost had the appearance of a typical anime character.

Akasaka, on the other hand, is frequently busy and does not have much time to take care of her appearance, so none of them stand out much in front of other people.

However, only a select few people, like Fumiya, who had reincarnated in this world or had received memories of a previous life, were able to recognize Akasaka and Yumi's distinctive features.

His distinctive looks are therefore a result of their genetic makeup; as a result, after working for about a month, Fumiya began to develop his attractive features.

"Wait, is that right?"

"That can be a seriously hilarious thing to watch. Tch Ouch!" Fumiya accidentally bumped into another person's shoulder while walking to the high school while trying to learn something. The other guy nearly fell as a result of the bump.

"Oi bastard, are your eyes for decoration? Want a piece of me or something?" Before Fumiya could respond, the other two began to talk like a bothersome buzz.

He silently regarded their faces while mentally cursing.

'Fuck! Such a lame group! Even though they are the one walking on the wrong side of path.' Looking at the students avoiding them, even though they were on the wrong side, Tomozaki could only shake his head and apologize before getting off from here.

Given that he disliked being the center of attention, his former self and he both agreed.

"Sorry, my miss..." Fumiya apologized in a low voice, which caused two of them to laugh at his performance. Despite their attempts to approach him, smiling before asking, he remained in their way.

"Okay! Bro! I see that you can accept my apology, but I need some money right now because we both need it for a really crucial thing. Would you kindly lend me some?" As the crowd sighed in response to Fumiya's silent curse, he silently put his bag down.

Fumiya then caught the man's arm and twisted it around his neck, making a cracking noise in the process. Along with that, a loud scream startled the other, where hooligan no. 1 was crouching down and wearing a hurt expression on his face.

"Even though! I look like this, but I am a professional black belt." Hooligan No. 2 was also trying to fight, but when he heard Fumiya's calm voice, it stopped because the other man was giving him a bad vibe.

Fumiya then tightly gripped the other man's hand and reconnected the stoic muscle he had previously pulled to cause the other man's arm to lock in that manner.

"Your arm will be fine; it is not broken or something; I just cramped your muscle before, and it is back to normal now, but don't move it much for fighting. Also, don't move on this side or you will bump into others; it is a pure nuisance."

The two hooligans were stunned when they overheard Fumiya speaking in a low voice.

They both turned to face him and nodded silently.

"Good! Then I will be going now."

"He is cool! Right, big bro." Hooligan No. 1 asked while looking at Fumiya.

"Yeah!" Hooligan No. 2 nodded at his brother's words.

Now for the question!

What martial arts school did Fumiya attend? And when did he do it?

To answer your question, Fumiya was a ranger in his previous life.

After that, the time passed Fumiya came to his class and enjoyed the peaceful time before other students started to enter the class.

To one side of his seat sat one of the most well-known students in the class, and behind her sat another stunning woman with silver hair who had a rather unusual presence.

While Fuuka Kikuchi stood out from most girls with her angelic silver hair and light yellowish eyes, Yuzu Izumi had medium-brown hair and the same eye color.

However, due to the presence of other attractive girls with outgoing personalities, Fuuka Kikuchi's hidden side was not revealed to many boys until this point, even though their first year had only begun a week earlier.

"I had read the one that you asked for, although it took me a week to complete it." Tomozaki Fumiya took out the novel and handed it to Kikuchi Fuuka with a small reminder about the new release of a similar novel.

Fuuka smiled as she accepted the book and took note of the book Tomozaki had mentioned.

"Hmm, although I am not sure if I will be able to find it..." She was always kind of shy toward anyone in the class; hence, she tends to have a hard time wording it out.

"Yes! I had thought that too, so I brought it with me. If you need it, you can have it, given that I don't have the habit of reading one novel again and again."

Fumiya gave her a book that did not seem all that interesting at first, but after reading it for a while, you can see that it starts to have its own twist and becomes more interesting, making it rather appealing until you finish it all in one sitting.

"Thank you." A small whisper of thanks.

Fumiya had nothing much planned after class and was considering going to an arcade.

The sound of tingling emanating from Fumiya's smartphone caught him off guard because he did not have any friends to begin with, and his sister and mother did not usually message him in this way after class.

[Welcome to Multi-Dimensional Chat Group.]

[Would the host like to bind his account with it?]

[Yes] [No]

When the notification nearly caused Fumiya to trip, he checked it to make sure it was not random or anything and discovered that his social account ID was being used.

Fumiya was not overly surprised by the sudden new item that appeared on his smartphone because he had already been reincarnated once and for all, even though he did not understand the meaning of the dimensional word.

"Is it related to a parallel world theory-based idea or something?" Fumiya speculated about what the term "multi-dimensional" in this context might mean after hearing about the parallel world and recalling the Isekai anime genre.

[Pro-gamer has joined the group...] […]

[Frost-Whisper has joined the group...] […]

[Slime-King has joined the group...] […]

[Ember-Heart has joined the group...] […]

[Time-Breaker has joined the group...] […]

Fumiya did not know why, but when he looked at their profile names that the strange chat group had given them, he felt a sense of relative weirdness and strangeness.

'It felt like, I am naming some weird anime story character, just like I was reincarnated into an anime world like this myself, are they really from some anime.'

Slime-King: Really, this so-called system just appeared out of nowhere. Is this a trap? Is this something the Sage is doing?

Ember-Heart: Huh! Eh, what is wrong with this weird screen? Am I being haunted or something?

Time-Breaker: Chunnibyou group...

Time-Breaker: Fuck, what the hell is this weird screen haunting me?

Frost-Whisper: Is this some kind of spiritual technique for illusion? Then please make it disappear, or I will report it to higher-ups.

Time-Breaker: Spiritual technique, do you think you are from bleach world or something? I am sure this is some kind of augment reality prank.

Slime-King: It seems I am not the only one who is confused by all this.

Pro-gamer: Rimuru, Rukia, and Hanagaki-kun, you are right!

Slime-King: ! Who are you?

Time-Breaker: Yeah! Who are you?

Frost-Whisper: ???
