
Chapter 3

"Why me?" Iris can't help but ask his father in a monotone voice once they are having a stroll around the Caprio property in earth. In their small and almost constant meetings they walked around sometimes and talk about nothing and everything at the same time. Last week at their family gathering, her father informed them about her engagement with Everett Sabin. To say it was surprising news for all is an understatement. Eva was furious and Nova was in the verge of tears. It was kind of amusing for Iris, although she didn't show it. No one could see what she truly felt behind the cold and indifferent expression she always had. Knowing her father well, she knew that despite looking as a normal engagement, there was more into it.

"Why not? He is a very capable young man and I heard from his father that the kid intends joining house Carpio once he finishes his studies at the Halls of Crestere. He is also mature for his age. Something I though you would appreciate very much" His father tries to change the topic slightly. Knowing this bright daughter of his was starting to suspect him.

"Hmm" They continue their little stroll for a couple of seconds in silence.

"We had an agreement though. You and I. You know I never cared about marriage or power, specially at my age. Unlike Klaus and Nova, I don't want any extra attention. It's quite bothersome. Why don't marry the Sabin to Nova. It is obvious she wants it too. I have only received hateful stares from her since the announcement"

Callen can't help but chuckle. Iris indeed was very different from her siblings which makes him enjoy her company very much. He loved his other children as well. But Iris held a very special place in his heart. And nothing could change that.

"She needs to learn to let go. Her mother has pampered her enough as it is. And it is your right as the first daughter of the Carpio to be married before your sister does." Iris sights.

She knew his father didn't care who was married first. They were living at modern times after all. She also knew his father had some kind of plan which involved the Sabin family, or at least something they possess. Maybe it had something to do with his sudden interest in all known gifts inherited among our kind. She wasn't supposed to know, but Iris was a very receptive and sharp person.

Callen sometimes let Iris witness some of his meetings with his closest friends and confidants. He had mentioned it only once but remembering the expression his father had at that moment, she knew it was very important to him. She also heard during that particular meeting that the Sabin family had a very detailed records about this information. It was possible that his father was trying to get his hands on these records discretely.

"Whatever it is that your hiding father. And we both know I know you are. I hope it doesn't affect me in any negative way, at least not more than it already has. And I will be waiting for the day you share that information with me. Since I have the feeling it concerns me very much in some way. Also, I don't like to be used". Iris gives him a slight cold glare and Callen smirks.

"Do not fret daughter. All the things I do are for the whole purpose of your wellbeing. I'll just ask one thing from you. And I don't think it will be a problem at all knowing you." They suddenly stop walking, now facing each other.

"Do not get attached to this boy. At least not in a romantic way. It will be troublesome if you do". Callen advices his daughter with a very serious expression. All the playful smirks and relaxed attitude he normally showed to her were gone, the head of the Callen family everyone knew now stood in front of her.

"I wasn't planning to. And I doubt I'll ever get attached to anyone. Is in my nature." Iris answers his father truthfully looking straight at his eyes without faltering or showing any kind of emotion. Anyone would feel intimidated by Callens serious stare. But she was Iris Carpio after all. Nothing could intimidate her.

"Good" Callen couldn't help but feel a little hurt by her words. But there wasn't anything he could do. Deep down he also knew it was true.


Callen already left to perform his duties as leader. He was leaving that afternoon for a mission with a group of the most skilled demi-angels working under house Carpio. Leaving Iris on their property's gardens alone. She stayed there for another half an hour reading from the most recent book she choose.

"Male Dissimulato" was the title. It was hard to identify evil creatures at plain daylight. They sometimes looked like normal people, depending on how powerful the creature encountered was. This book related how to interpret the signs that left the presence of such beings. Although they were part angel and they could feel it in their gut most of the time. There were also times where these monsters could hide extremely well. Almost like an evil camouflage.

She always enjoyed this time of the day. It was early but not by much. Demi-Angels that were part of their house were having breakfast at this time. Which means the gardens were left untouched with their presence. She liked this privacy, although it couldn't last forever. They will soon begin their daily routines. Some will train and others study and search for any kinds of suspicious evil activities within the realms. Unfortunately, these activities never stopped, that's why many groups of demi-angels were needed. They took turns depending on the gravity of each situation.

Iris began to hear people approaching, so she gathered her things, put on her hood since she was wearing the black cloak she normally wears when being outside and headed to the Carpio's family private quarters which were located south of the property. Despite sharing most of the castle with demi-angels that worked in their house, members of the family lived in a separate part of the castle. Only a few apart from members of the family could access to them.

As she was walking through a hall she knew most of the time was desolated, Iris unexpectedly bumped with someone who was approaching to her right since another hall was connected to the one she was taking. Her book fell to the ground and she almost fell to the ground too but the person she bumped into was able to grab her forearm before she fell.

"I'm so very sorry!" A male voice said with panic. Iris yanked her forearm from his grasp almost instantly. She hates being touched by other people. Her hood fell from her head and she finally looked at the intruder.

He was around twenty, obviously a newbie working here. He had dark wavy hair and grey colored eyes that held panic and embarrassment behind them. He almost jumped when Iris finally looked at him in the eyes. Her dark and big eyes were cold and intimidating for being a small eleven-year-old girl almost half his height. After a couple of seconds in which the man didn't know what to do or say, Iris adverted his eyes form him an picked the book form the ground. She began to walk to the direction she was heading once again until the man found his voice and interrupted her once more.

"Sorry. My name is Elio and it is my first day working here. Do you happen to know where the main training grounds are located? I haven't been able to find my way around this place. It is quite large" Iris hold the urge to roll her eyes and turned to the unknown demi-angel once again.

"You are supposed to know your ways around this place if you wish to last more than a week here. Your superiors won't tolerate this kind of irresponsible behavior if they find out newbie" Iris finally speaks with the monotone voice she always has. Elio gasps a little bit. This little girl had quite the personality, speaking almost as his mother. But he knew she was right which didn't stop him from feeling even more embarrassed.

"You are currently at the south sector of this estate. No one but a few people have permission to enter here so my advice is to never come back to this part of the castle if you want to avoid punishment. The main training grounds are located at the other side of the estate. You know where the dining area is correct?" Elio not finding his voice nods.

"That is almost the center of the estate. From there you have to head toward the right wing. It's a twenty minutes' walk more or less you know you have arrived when you see it, it's impossible to miss even for someone like you." Before Elio could thanked the little girl, Iris turns around and walks to the other direction without bothering to say anything else or give him another look.


Elio finally arrived to the main training grounds. The little girl was right, it was impossible to miss. It was a large and vast space with a number of equipment and many demi-angels were already gathered there in separate groups. He just made it in time if it weren't for the instructions the little girl with dark auburn hair and cold dark eyes gave him. Her whole appearance and personality emitted mystery. From what Elio gathered, she must be a very important person in the castle. Why was such a young girl in a place like this?

"Where the hell were you man?!" Lancelot, one of his closest friends whisper-yelled at him.

He met Lance when he was still studying at the Halls of Crestere. Despite Lance being one year older, they shared a lesson that specialized in demi-angels with the gift of manipulating air. They learned to control and harness their gift together. But what made them close was that they understood each other very well. Both of them had brothers with exceptional talents that suppressed their own.

Elio's brother was Demitri Olar. Both of them belonged to house Olar located in the fifth realm. Dimitri was part of Lord Callen's personal team an extremely big and almost impossible achievement. Dimitri was an exceptional tracker which made him a valuable member in Callen's team.

"You said you needed to go to the bathroom. Why did it take you half an hour? Were you constipated or something?" Elio rolled his eyes.

"I got lost. Ended up at the south part of the castle. Fortunately, someone gave me instructions to get here" Lancelot's eyes went impossibly wider.

"You what?!" Other people were starting to stare at them too. Elio nudged him with his elbow.

"Could you lower your voice? We are starting to get unwanted attention."

"I don't care. You are a newbie and you will most likely get yourself kicked out of this place in your first day. No one. I mean no one can get to that part without permission and not suffering any kind of consequences. Did someone see you?"

"A little girl. Must have eleven or twelve. She was the one that guided me here."

Elio was beginning to panic. He didn't know it was such a big deal, he wished he would pay more attention when he first came here yesterday. He didn't work his ass off to be able to pass those difficult and almost impossible tests. Be accepted in the most powerful house in all eight realms and be kicked out on his first day. It would be ridiculous. His parents were finally proud of him.

"She had purple eyes? Maybe it was Nova. I could talk to her so she doesn't say anything. She is sweet girl. I don't think she will get you in trouble." Elio looked at him in confusion.

"No, I know who Nova is. My little brother has a crush on her. It wasn't her. It was another girl. Why is that place so important anyway?"

"It's the private quarters of the Carpio family. Only family members and most trusted people from the family can go there." Everything clicked in Elio's mind. Of course, how couldn't he have realized it sooner. Even Lancelot realized it too.

"No fucking way" Lance said in amazement. "Are you thinking the same thing as I am?"

"I just saw Iris Carpio" Elio replied amazed in a whisper. Lance laughed in return.

"You uncovered the most famous mystery of the last decade my friend. I'm jealous. How is she?! How does she look like? Is she hideous as the rumors say?" Lance says excitedly. Elio thought for a moment. Recalling his memories of the small exchange he had with the girl.

"She is different from her family that is true." Lance only raised his eyebrows.

"She also acted coldly. Almost robot like, as if she couldn't express any emotions. But she wasn't particularly ugly. Now that I think about it, she wasn't ugly at all. Her features are different from her family's. Although she can be as intimidating as her father." Lance scoffs

"You were intimidated by an eleven-year-old girl? Really?" Elio glares at him.

"I told little Everett that the rumors were true. Told him your brother confirmed it. He has seen her before, hasn't he? Being close to her father an all"

"What? Why did you tell him that? I don't know if he has seen her at all. If he has he wouldn't tell me."

"I wanted to scare him" Lance makes an evil grin. "He has been all sacred and fidgety since the announcement of their engagement. It is quite amusing"

"Well but now you know the rumors about her appearance aren't true. Anyway. Do you think she will tell her father?"

"Yes, but he doesn't have to know. At least not yet." Lance says with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"I don't know. We'll just have to wait and see." Lance says before leaving him alone to gather with his team.

"All right Newbies! Gather here and choose a weapon. We will see what you are made of before you begin your field work next month! No other powers are allowed to be used right now. We will see how your combat and physical skills are. And depending on your results we will form your respective teams" A stern and bulky demi-angel said to the group of twenty newbies, including Elio.

He had to focus now and worry about the exchange he had with Iris later.