
from a bacteria to a God

You try to kill me first I returned the favor. I alone am the most powerful humph what did you say your race was "dragon I'm sure that must be nice" for a lizard "hahahahahahaahh" I alone am the most powerful being in existence follow Kevin on his journey to Godhood from a mere bacteria

evolord495 · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Chapter 1- Reincarnation

Fuck to think id be getting betrayed by the very guild I pledged to serve ( constant rain and thunder can be heard as a teen clad in black with long black hair and blue eyes stager in an alley way seemly out of breath leaving a thick trail of blood in his path) I should have known it was a trap from the very beginning vicious woman ( coughs blood ) it seems I cant survive for much longer my mana is almost finished. Well well well if it isn't rookie of the year dyam bro you sure look miserable (another sinister voice can be heard, a muscular looking man with brown eyes and a scar above his right eye can be seem walking out of the shadows' you know you really should be carful about the missions you pick son life isn't all rainbow's and butterflies now is it if you where smart you wouldn't have found yourself in this little predicament now would you sigh how it feels to be young and dumb. (mc) why huh just tell me why I never did anything to you guys I did as I was told and never once had I disobeyed orders so tell me why. You think I'll just tell you because you asked you really are dumb I can see why the guild master chose you we'll before you die here's a hint your ungrateful bastard of a father did you really think after he betrayed the guild even if you came to work with us to clear his name we'd just forgive him many of the guilds secrets where exposed that day and since he's gone into hiding we've decide to extract our vengeance against you. (mc) fuckers that's why you decided to kill me a stupid reason like that mark my words even in the after life I will not stop until rea. with that last sentence his mind went blank

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~An unknown amount of time later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(mc) where am I wasn't I dead bastard I swear ill kill them even in the after life I will exact my revenge but where am I strangely enough I don't feel any pain infract I don't think I can feel at all for that matter. Well at least I can see but the distance isn't that great after around five meters after that everything gets too blurry to distinguish {Ding congratulations host for awakening the bacterial evolution system} what the F**ck was that {As it would be too time consuming and less beneficial to the host the system will transfer all relevant knowledge to host mind} [loading progress 1....15....26....38....69....78....59....93....99....100] {Thank you for choosing the bacterial evolution system}

well isn't this quite an interesting situation it seems not only did I die but I was reincarnated into a bacteria and gained a system not only that but this system allows me to grow slowly straying from the path of an ordinary bacteria to something much better and the best part I'm reincarnated into the same world which means I'll be able to have my revenge (if he had a body his smile would be one as terrifying as pennywise himself) hahahahahahahahah ill kill them all guild master was your neck for me so i can savor the taste hahahahahahahah (As if being calmed by an outside force he returns to his demeanor of indifference) well for now lets check our status


name_________ (Host please pick one)

gender (None)

Mass (10-12 g)

int 10 hp 2

rep 0 (reputation points)

Skills Active

self replication ( allows for host to multiply in number)

Skills Passive

Devour ( allows host to extract bio energy points from living beings)

Temporary skill

Host is easily over looked (limited time only in order to give host a better starting point)


get stronger replicate and infect at least infect 5 surrounding plants

rewards (16 bio points) (Magic absorption skill)

Okay seems pretty weak as of right now but I'm sure that's not a problem for now lets see di i just will myself to replicate lets give it a try "replicate) wow feels like I've gotten at least twice in size and the area i infected grew a little larger although not by much but is something but why do i feel weak its properly mana depletion seeing I need mana to activate the skill okay one more time replicate wow i don't think ill ever get used yo this feeling { Ding host ah infected plank magic weed would host like to extract bio energy} sure go ahead {ding bio energy obtained} i feel athe same though { host have not yet collected enough bio energy to make a difference} okay sytem time to start grinding