
Frigid Ambition

In this story, we have two main characters with vastly different goals and personalities. Arthur Roman, a ruthless conqueror with a singular goal to rule the world, and Morizawa Satou, a powerful warrior with a desire to rid the kingdoms of corrupt royalty. Arthur's ambition and megalomania drive him to sacrifice anyone, even his own mother, to achieve his dream. His arrogance and selfishness make him a formidable opponent, but also a dangerous one. On the other hand, Morizawa's strength and kindness make him a hero to the people he helps, but his impatience can lead to problems. As we follow these two characters, we will witness their struggles, triumphs, and growth. Will Arthur achieve his goal of world domination, or will Morizawa stop him in his tracks? Only time will tell as we delve deeper into this story of power, ambition, and morality.

YaRemio · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 4: Arthur's Tactical Brilliance Triumphs

Arthur had always been fascinated by battles, both physical and mental. He spent most of his time studying the tactics of great generals and strategists, and he quickly became one of the most skilled tacticians in the world.

One day, a kingdom far from Arthur's declared war on his kingdom. The two sides were evenly matched in terms of troops and resources, but Arthur was confident that he could outmanoeuvre the enemy and emerge victorious.

The enemy army was led by a brilliant strategist named General Zhang. He was known for his unorthodox tactics and his ability to outsmart his opponents at every turn. Arthur knew that defeating Zhang would be a challenge, but he was determined to come out on top.

The two armies met on the battlefield, and the battle began. Arthur and Zhang were constantly manoeuvring their troops, trying to gain the upper hand. Arthur's army was holding their own, but they were struggling to gain any significant advantage.

That's when Arthur had an idea. He ordered a small group of soldiers to make a feint, luring a large portion of Zhang's army away from the main battle. While Zhang was distracted, Arthur launched a surprise attack on the enemy's main camp.

The attack was a success, and the enemy was caught off guard. Zhang was furious, and he quickly regrouped his troops to counterattack. But Arthur was ready for him.

Arthur had been studying Zhang's tactics for weeks, and he had anticipated this move. He had set up a trap, and when Zhang's army advanced, they fell right into it. Arthur's troops emerged from hiding and launched a devastating attack on the enemy's flank.

The battle raged on for hours, with both sides fighting fiercely. But in the end, it was Arthur who emerged victorious. Zhang was captured, and his army was defeated.

Arthur had won the battle of wits, and his intelligence and tactical brilliance had saved his kingdom from certain defeat. He was hailed as a hero, and his name was spoken with reverence for generations to come. Arthur had proven that battles were not just won with brute force, but with intelligence and strategy.