
Frigid Ambition

In this story, we have two main characters with vastly different goals and personalities. Arthur Roman, a ruthless conqueror with a singular goal to rule the world, and Morizawa Satou, a powerful warrior with a desire to rid the kingdoms of corrupt royalty. Arthur's ambition and megalomania drive him to sacrifice anyone, even his own mother, to achieve his dream. His arrogance and selfishness make him a formidable opponent, but also a dangerous one. On the other hand, Morizawa's strength and kindness make him a hero to the people he helps, but his impatience can lead to problems. As we follow these two characters, we will witness their struggles, triumphs, and growth. Will Arthur achieve his goal of world domination, or will Morizawa stop him in his tracks? Only time will tell as we delve deeper into this story of power, ambition, and morality.

YaRemio · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 3: The Ambition of Arthur: Rise to Power

The day finally came when Arthur's kingdom went to war with the neighbouring kingdom. Arthur was given the opportunity to lead the charge, and he accepted with eager anticipation.

The two armies clashed on the battlefield, swords clanging and arrows flying. Arthur led his men into the fray, his heart pounding with excitement. As he fought his way through the enemy ranks, he searched for his rival, the young warrior who was said to be the best swordsman in all the land.

Finally, he saw him. The young warrior was a fierce opponent, but Arthur was more skilled and more determined. With ease, he parried the warrior's attacks and delivered a swift blow that sent him tumbling to the ground.

Arthur had won. He had defeated his rival and proved himself to be the greatest king in all the land. His victory was celebrated throughout the kingdom, and he basked in the adoration of his people.

But as the days passed, Arthur's victory began to feel hollow. He realized that his obsession with winning had blinded him to the true cost of his victory. The kingdom was in ruins, and countless lives had been lost in the battle. His ambition had led him to sacrifice everything, and he knew that he could never go back to the way things were before.

And yet, despite his doubts and regrets, Arthur could not shake his burning desire to be the greatest king in all the land. His obsession had become a part of him, and he knew that he would never be truly satisfied until he had achieved his ultimate goal.