
Frieren: The Dark Mage's Diary

In a dark world full of demons and magic, Damian ventures fearfully. With a book as his only ally to master magic, he is dragged into an endless war against the forces of evil. The presence of death and a blood moon in the sky heightens the sense of loneliness and danger. Damian will face an uncertain fate, not knowing if he will survive to see the end of the battle. Will Damian make it to the end of the journey?

SrCuervo · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
130 Chs



The sky felt as if large waves of mana were being released, and at that moment, one of the most powerful mages in the north appeared, followed by numerous first-class mages who showed up for the fight.

"Damian!" Luke looked at Damian next to the priest who was healing him and approached him immediately, only to see those horrific wounds.

"How is he?"

Damian opened his eyes and said, "Not as bad as those demons, but we must not let them escape under any circumstances. For some reason, I believe that the demon can see the future; he came after me personally."

Damian's words surprised everyone; Kraft even looked up to see that demon flying overhead, and his brows furrowed as he saw how everything was becoming more disastrous.

Damian stood up without much concern now that first-class mages had appeared on this battlefield. With the arrival of reinforcements, there were very few things that could happen to force him to fight again.

Standing in the sky, amidst darkness and demons, Schlacht and the others stopped. Then, they looked at the group of mages who were raising their magic staffs, charging powerful spells that could attack them at any moment. Initially, the mission was to kill Damian, but they had all suffered severe injuries with that last attack; facing humans now would not be very intelligent.

"Schlacht, what should we do?" A demon quickly asked for guidance.

With a brutal gleam in his eyes, Schlacht held his chest as his expression turned fierce, and he asked, "Since they are here, let's kill them all. How is it possible that these humble humans force us to retreat? Attack!"


When everyone realized that the demon's voice was full of murderous intent, they all unleashed powerful spells that headed towards the sky.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Damian didn't know what the intentions of these demons were, but definitely many would die in this battle, so he made sure his Divine General served as a vanguard for all the mages on this battlefield.

The battle started in an instant, and powerful spells were cast.

However, just as the battle was reaching a critical point, an extremely loud thunder suddenly resounded throughout the sky. Then, everyone raised their heads and looked into the distance. At the edge of the dark clouds, everyone could see a bloodied figure had appeared, holding a lightning bolt in the shape of a spear in their hands.

Fear finally appeared on Schlacht's dark face when he saw that figure, and memories brought an unforgettable scene to him—his own death.

"You will die too with that attack!"

Damian couldn't afford to let more mages die in a battle for which he felt responsible, so as soon as he regained mobility in his body, he began his final attack before retreating from the battlefield.

"What is that?"

No one understood the words coming out of Schlacht's mouth. But when they saw a lightning bolt being held by Damian's hand, they would never forget what they saw today in their lives. A figure of a young teenager rose above the skies, surrounded by lightning. Merging with the lightning, the figure disappeared in an instant.

Damian was extremely fast; just a second ago, he was a thousand meters away when thunder rumbled through the skies, and the next second, he appeared no more than fifty meters from Schlacht. Regardless of anything else, he knew that demon had to die.

Humans wouldn't win the war if there was a demon who could see the future.

Schlacht had to die in this battle!

"You will die, even if it's the last thing I do!" Damian didn't know where he got the strength to speak those words, but combined with the lightning, his figure grew, and regardless of anything else, he attacked.


The lightning bolts around Damian became more and more numerous, concentrating in his hands, which seconds later attacked Schlacht.

"Kill him and retreat!"

All the demons moved, attacking Damian, but the lightning bolts were so powerful that many received serious injuries before fleeing.

Damian looked at Schlacht, his eyes flashing with a fixed intent to kill him, and that's what he would do. Followed by the lightning bolts, he launched them from his hands, and they shot towards the heart of Schlacht, who paled at that attack.

But Damian had taken many risks; a gravity spell sent him flying towards a mountain, impacting with such force that it split in half.

Still, the thunder spear had been launched, piercing and tearing apart Schlacht's body, which let out a fierce roar.

The skies roared with furious lightning; all the mages on the ground were covered in magical shields, but one in particular shot out at great speed with wind spells towards where Damian had fallen.

Kraft, who was healing a mage, saw this but couldn't move, not without healing the other mages in the surroundings first, so after taking care of them, he ran in the same direction.


"I will die this way..." Damian didn't know the current state of his body, but since he couldn't move, that meant many things when analyzing a medical condition.

Damian's view was tired; he couldn't see clearly around him, but he knew that his Divine General was still fighting in the sky while other demons had fled.

"You are terribly persistent, human; I will kill you now before you become more powerful." But before Damian fell asleep, he closed his eyes, and the next moment, a demon appeared in front of him.

Damian wanted to stand up and closed his eyes, and the next moment, he heard a fierce battle. When he opened his eyes, he saw Luke fighting that demon. He knew this was dangerous, especially when that demon was using magic that broke shields.

"Don't fight, flee."

Damian's words got stuck in his throat; he couldn't utter any words, but when he saw a spell heading towards him at that moment, he thought he would die.

"I won't allow it!" Luke stood in front of Damian, creating a powerful shield using all his mana, but even so, that demon's spell pierced through his shield and struck his body.


"Damian, it won't be your time to die on this battlefield... An extraordinary mage like you must live longer." Luke dropped his magic staff before his body turned into black particles and disappeared.

Damian couldn't help but feel his heart beating strongly when he saw Luke's death. Why would he do something so stupid?

"You should have fled..." It wasn't a smart death; Damian would die the next moment, and only two more would die instead of just one.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

But suddenly, several injured mages appeared on the battlefield; they surrounded the demon and attacked him.

"Priest, get Lord Damian out of here and make sure to take him to the city with magical shields. He will be the future of humans, our salvation, and the one who will kill the Demon King!"

Kraft looked into the eyes of the mage who had spoken to him and nodded. He knew what would happen next, so he ran towards where Damian was while the other mages attacked that demon with all they had.

"No, everyone must flee." Those were Damian's last thoughts as he saw how all the mages were slaughtered, just like Luke.

But unable to mourn their deaths, Damian lost consciousness.

You can read 20 extra chapters in my P@treon: SrCuervo

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