
Omake 3 - Halloween Party

Friendship is a Game

by Twistedphoenix1

Edited by SpedaHooves

It was Halloween night, and throughout the small town a familiar group of teens were getting ready for a party. In a nearby field, a huge blowout to celebrate the season and the only requirement was that you wear a costume.

Micro took a deep breath as he looked at the packages on his desk.

"Chara," Micro started. "Why do I have two costumes here?"

Chara walked out of the bathroom dressed in a new costume. Originally, she was going to go as her character self, but considering they referred to her as Chara they figured it might cause a few questions. Instead, she was dressed as Harley Quinn. Specifically the Arkham City version.

"Because you asked the clone to order your costume and then as Perl you ordered one for her," Chara answered. Micro quickly sorted through his memories and sighed. After the incident of embarrassment training with Shiro and the other girls, Micro decided to get an Occlumency (Harry Potter) skill book. This allowed him to organize his mind and separate Perl and Micro memories. Useful for blocking out embarrassment, but he had to manually sort through them if he wanted to recall something.

"Great," Micro muttered. "So what am I to do? I want to go as myself, but Perl wants to go to the party as well."

"Just send a clone of her," Chara shrugged.

"And risk something happening that causes her to dispel," Micro sighed. Chara smiled and flipped a small item to a clone. The clone caught it and Chara delivered a light punch to the clone's jaw. To Micro's shock (and the clone's pain) it didn't dispel. "What was that?"

"Iron Rune from Fire Emblem," Chara smirked. "Stops critical hits in game. For the clones it seems to increase the damage that would be needed to dispel them."

Micro smiled.

"Perfect! And I was going to dress as a Fire Emblem character to!"

Tossing the clone with the rune the package, the real Micro shifted to Perl and dropped the costume into her inventory before equipping it. The clone (hereby referred to as just Micro) equipped his and stood dressed as Sothe from Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn.

"Well Chara...What do you think?" Chara stared at her girlfriend with open lust.

"I think when we get back, you are going to put on a show." Perl grinned as she began shaking her hips. Her Shantae costume was perfect.

With Shiro

The Chaos Tigerian grinned as waited outside Sweetie and Rarity's house. He was dressed in the white robes of Zasalamel from Soul Calibur, a costume he decided on with Sweetie. They decided to both dress as Soul Calibur characters, and he was excited to see his girlfriend.

"Could you at least put some shorts on!?" Rarity could be heard shrieking inside.

"That's not part of the costume!" Sweetie responded. "Besides your skirt doesn't cover much either!"

Shiro sighed. He had a feeling that this debate would happen when Sweetie told him what she would be wearing. Before anything else was said, the door opened and out stepped Sweetie Belle in an outfit that was essentially just strips of purple fabric, golden boots, a gold gauntlet, and a purple sleeve. The chest cups had been refit for her smaller chest, but Sweetie was in the exact garb of Ivy from Soul Calibur.

"Wow," Shiro said. "You look gorgeous!" Sweetie giggled and turned around, showing just how faithful her costume was to the original.

"Like what you see?"

"Absolutely. In fact I almost want to forget about the party and…"

"And what?" Rarity asked as she stepped out behind her sister. She was dressed as Junko Enoshima from the Danganronpa series and just like the ultimate fashionista her breast were bulging out of her shirt and the skirt barely went past her rear. While she accepted her sister could make her own choices, that didn't mean her protective nature didn't come out still.

"And treat her like the beautiful girl she is," Shiro said simply. Sweetie rolled her eyes and hugged her boyfriend. Rarity sighed and walked past the two. Shiro whispered in his girlfriend's ear. "Are you sure you won't get too cold?"

"If I do I can just channel some fire magic through me like enhance self," Sweetie shrugged before smirking. "Or you can warm me up the old fashioned way."

"Well considering how exposed you are down here…" his hand drifts toward her rear. "I certainly expect you might need some help keeping this warm."

With Diamond

"How do you expect me to wear this to a party!?" Applejack's voice said over the phone as Diamond checked her own costume in the mirror. She decided to go for irony and had a golden halo above her head, white wings on her back, and a short white dress that just barely went past her cheeks. It was strapless and the cups helped push her breasts up.

"This is why when I tell you to wear something you shouldn't complain," Diamond said, once again asserting her dominance in the relationship. "Tifa's outfit doesn't sound too bad anymore now does it?"

"This doesn't even go past my ass!" Applejack said. On her end, the farm girl was dressed in a red, white, and blue sports bra that had San Romero Knights the front. Her double Ds were stretching the fabric to its fullest and a huge amount of cleavage was showing. The blue and red skirt was clearly made for a smaller butt than hers and a good bit of her buns covered only in her lacey red apple colored panties peeked out. She was Juliet Starling from Lollipop Chainsaw.

"Come on. You know Spike will love it."

"And every other guy at the party! I'm just glad Big Mac is out with Cheerilee!"

"Ugh! I was going to let you face the embarrassment of it but if you're going to throw a fit. I put an illusion on your outfit. It will basically make it appear to more than what is there except to who you want."

"...Do you really think I'm that gullible?"

"How do you think I'm getting out of the house!? My daddy wouldn't let me leave like this. It's charmed to only let Spike and I see the outfit as what it really is. For other's the top will cover more and the skirt will be longer."

The country girl's voice on the other end was silent for a moment before…

"Fine. I'll see you and Spike at the party. Apple Bloom will tell me how I look."

The phone clicked off and Diamond quickly shot off a text to the redhead Apple sister.

Tell your sister that the costume covers a lot more than it does. I will owe you one

A few moments later.

I'll hold you to it

Diamond smirked. Her dad was out at a business costume party so he had no idea what she was wearing tonight.

"Ms. Diamond," a maid said as she slowly cracked open the door. "Spike Drago is at the door for you."

"Thank you," Diamond said happily as she grabbed her things. She dropped off hem into the small inventory Micro's ability gave all party members and left her room.

The maid gasped a bit when she saw the outfit Diamond was wearing. It was obviously not something her father would have approved. Diamond gave her a conspiratorial smile and the maid giggled a bit.

"I'm sure you boyfriend will be happy to see you," the maid said.

"I hope so," Diamond smirked. "I would question his eye sanity if he wasn't."

When they made their way to the door (with some of the male servants turning away respectfully as Diamond passed), Diamond saw Spike standing there in his Dracokin form.

"Wow!" Spike said as he took in her appearance. "I would say I died and gone to Heaven but that seems cliche."

Diamond just chuckled and took his arm. Waving goodbye to the maid, she left with her boyfriend.

"Not that I'm complaining as I love your Dracokin form," Diamond said. "But I'm shocked you didn't go for something different."

"Well I know you brag to others about how your time with me is like riding an untamable dragon," Spike said. Diamond blushed a bit as she hadn't expected that to get out. What's said in the locker room should stay in the locker room. "I just wanted to bring that to mind when others see me like this."

"Trying to attract other girls?" Diamond gasped in mock surprise, not that she cared if he did.

"No. Just figured you'd want them to remember how lucky you are."


Sugar whistled to himself as he walked up to the door to Peppermint's house. Since Apple Bloom was going to the party with her sister and Pinkie was there already finishing the set up, he offered to escort Peppermint.

The sweet tooth heir was dressed in an ice cream man's outfit that looked a lot like what he wore when he stepped out of the Confectioners Regalia. Fitting considering what his actual costume was, but he wasn't going to walk around in it since that would scare the younger kids out trick or treating and possible even get the cops called on him. He wished he had a license. If he did he could just drive up in the Sweet Tooth.

With a smile on his face, he knocked on the door.

"Coming!" Peppermint's voice said and he heard footsteps approaching. When the door opened, Sugar gasped a little.

The girl was dressed in a cute yellow and white dress with some red ribbons. The dress was loose and flowy, ending about halfway down her thighs. On her back was a hamster backpack and she had a blue bucket full of lollipops that also had a hamster on it. White and orange knee socks stretched up her legs.

"You like my Minori costume?" She said leaning forward, showing off a good bit of cleavage.

"It's amazing," Sugar said. Minori was one of his favorite Senran Kagura characters. "So, shall we go?"

"Of course!" Minori cheered. She grabbed his arm and holds it to her, burying it in her chest. Sugar turned crimson as they walked away.

"Well...um...Where did you get your costume?" Sugar asked the red head.

"From this one Japanese website," she smiled. "I wanted it as accurate to the series as possible and that's the site's motto. Is...is that your costume?"

"Not exactly. I will finish changing into it at the party. Didn't want to scare anyone walking around in it."


The trottingham youth smirked as he held his bag of candy. While most teens were considered too old to trick or treat, he was able to play the part of a younger kid due to his size and get a decent amount of candy. The only downside was he had to go to a different neighborhood so he wouldn't be recognized. As it stood, he only had one more house before he left for the party. Making sure his pharaoh costume was all set, he knocked on the door.

"Stop squirming and put it on," a voice said as he heard footsteps before the door opened.

"Trick or-" Pip's voice caught in his throat as he saw a familiar face, or rather a familiar pair of breasts, in front of him.

"Oh Pip!" Frida squealed seeing the boy. She pulls the younger boy into a hug. "What a pleasant surprise!"

"Mrs. Herano!?" Pip turned red, his voice muffled. He couldn't believe it. And her costume.

"Oh if I knew I'd be seeing you I would've put something nicer on," Frida said as she let him go and gestured to her costume. Pip thought it looked more than perfect. First was a black witch's hat with golden moons and stars decorating it. Dark sleeves with white, fluffy cuffs covered her forearms and she wore purple boots with black socks that went up to mid thigh. Finally there was a twin tail purple cape…

And that was practically it! Her massive E cups weren't even really covered, just the nipples with two black triangles that were masquerading as a bikini top. Her crotch and ass were only covered in a small strip of black fabric.

'Holy shit!' Pip thought. 'She's Mage from Bikini Warriors!'

"The guy who ran the costume shop said it was from some popular anime," Frida continued. She turns around and calls back into the house. "Zecora! Come down and say hi! A friend of ours arrived."

"A friend?" Zecora walks into his view and freezes when she sees pip standing there. Pip for his part had to pick his jaw off the floor and pop his eyes back into his head as he stares at the teacher.

First of all, she had a heart on her forehead and a dark purple, leather mask over her nose and mouth. A spiked collar decorated her neck and her body was covered only in leather straps. Her one boot went up to mid thigh while the other only covered up to her knee. There were two straps on her thigh. Matching the weird boot asymmetry, one glove reached up almost to her shoulder while the other only covered her wrist with two spiked straps on her upper arm. A whip was strapped to her waist.

"Doesn't she look great!" Frida squealed. "She's a villain from that one anime...geez what is it. Oh yeah! One Punch Man! DO-S is her name. She was going to get a medium but I told her a small would look better. What do you think?"

"Oh hell yes…" Pip mutters before he could stop himself. He looked at Frida who just grinned at him.

"Yep! She's my sexy, naughty little villain." She hugs her embarrassed wife, their breasts pressed against each other as their hands snaked over the leather straps. Zecora snapped out of her shock and went red.

"Frida! He is a student in my class! Now is not the time to play grab ass!" Pip has to clamp a hand to his nose to stop the nosebleed from flowing out.

"Oh please Z," Frida rolled her eyes. "He already has kept a number of secrets for me...and a few other things."

She giggles at his face as the images of the zebra print bra and panties came to his mind. Well...not that they were in the same state she gave them to him anymore.

"Is that what happened to your zebra print thong?" Zecora asked shocked. "Just how far have you two gone!?"

"Oh don't worry babe," Frida said. "He earned it. He's a very good boy after all."

Zecora sighed and glanced over at Pip who was crimson and shifted his costume to hide...well...the obvious.

"Fine, I believe you my dear. Now back to the reason the boy is here."

"Oh!" Pip gasped, having half forgotten the reason himself. "Um...trick or treat!"

"Duh!" Frida smacked her forehead. "Oh shit. I never picked up the candy and you deserve a lot more than the leftover fortune cookies we have. Oh what to do. You have my panties...you've groped these puppies…" She pointed to her chest and giggled.

Pip got a dreamy look on his face as he remembered the soft feeling of her breasts in his hands. After Zecora cleared her throat, he managed to focus again.

"Um...that's ok. You don't need to give me anything."

"Actually, and I might regret this, I feel we do," Zecora said. "Otherwise we would feel like we screwed you."

Pip knew what she meant. It was obvious what she meant. But considering the mindset he was currently in and the two goddesses before him, his brain took that in another direction completely. The images popped into his head while blood rushed to his...other head. And considering the outfit he was wearing (an Egyptian skirt)...it was rather prominent.

"Well well well," Frida said with a grin. "I do believe he has a few ideas of what we could give him." Pip instantly turned crimson and moved to cover himself up.

"I'm sorry!"

"Well," Frida said as she adjusted her costume, making sure Pip got a good look. "We were about to head to a party. Have you heard about it?"

"Y...yes," Pip stammered, still trying to cover embarrassing situation. "I was going to head there after I finished trick or treating."

"Awesome!" Frida cheered. "Then we can go together!"

"You mean…." Pip felt his voice catch in his throat. "Like a....a…"

"My dear," Zecora started. "I think this boy who's great, wants to know if this is a date."

"Huh," Frida said putting a hand to her chin thoughtfully. "I guess it kinda is. I mean that's nothing compared to what he's already experienced. Yeah! I get a cute boy and a sexy gal! Best of both worlds!"

Pip couldn't believe what he heard. Two hot older women...wanted to date him… His brain practically shut down.

"Oh no!" Frida cried out. "Is he breathing? Do you need mouth to mouth?!"

"I think he does my dear," Zecora said trying to stifle her chuckles. With a sly wink toward Pip, she continued. "Do it quick or he may pass out I fear."

"I don't exactly know what I'm doing for this but…" Her lips crash into Pip's.

Let's just say that it took awhile before they left for the party.


"I'm the one who helped fund this party Bulk so don't fucking embarrass me," the club owner said as she sat in the back of her limo. Her outfit consisted of Minnie Mouse ears, a red and white polka dot bikini top and a matching skirt that left a good bit still exposed.

Bulk sighed, dressed in his Goofy costume, wondering how he could look serious in this outfit she picked out for him.

When they arrived at the field, the party was already in full swing. A stage was set up where the band was playing and people in various costumes were dancing together. Some were keeping it clean while others might as well have been sharing a costume with how close they were. A small bar was set up for the ability users in the party who could subtly prove themselves, meanwhile it would just serve nonalcoholic drinks to the others in the crowd.

Bulk got out of the car and walked around to open Cleo's door. The club owner got out with a smile. Looking around she saw a few familiar faces from the club. Little miss Princess of the Night and her sister were off to the side, dressed in Daisy and Peach costumes respectively. That Chaos Tigerian was dancing with a girl dressed as Ivy. And then she saw two of the more interesting club goers. Chara and that boyfriend of hers, Micro.

'Damn that chick looks hot as Harley,' Cleo thought. As she watched Chara dance, she caught her glancing off to the side. Following her gaze, she saw a girl dancing in a belly dancer's outfit with a pair of girls dressed as Ruby Rose and Weiss Schnee from RWBY (Scoots and Silver). What caught Cleo's attention though…



Lv 38

Cleo's eyes widened. Could that Chara chick be…

Shaking her head, Cleo turned her focus back to the party. It was time to enjoy herself.

Besides, this was an omake chapter and nothing of story significance would actually happen in it.

Luna and Celestia

"I'm the video gamer between us!" Luna hissed. "Why do you get to be Peach?!"

Celestia sighed. She could smell the alcohol tinting her sister's breath.

"We discussed this before we left Luna," Celestia patiently said. "Pink looks better on me. Besides, Daisy is more of a tomboy and between the two of us-"

"This doesn't even show anything off!" Luna moaned, cutting her sister off. "Look out there! Every girl is dressing to impress and we look like we are nuns who got dipped in paint."

"We are professional's my dear," Celestia said as she raised her cup to her lips. "And there are students about. We have to keep up appearances-"

It was then that Celestia went to take a drink at the same time a certain trio arrived. In walked Frida, Pipsqueek, and the teacher Zecora. Choking on her drink Celestia turned to Luna who was looking at her annoyed.

"Well?" She said impatiently. Trying to find a way to answer, Celestia found her arguments were gone now.


The sister's disappeared behind the stage. If anyone had paid attention, they would've seen a flash of light before Luna and Celestia stepped out again. Now, their princess costumes more resembled the versions from Bayonetta but Luna had hers adjusted to show a large amount of cleavage.

"Woohoo!" A now damn near drunk Luna cheered. "That's much better! Now, who wants to find out why they call me princess of the night?" Luna swayed out onto the dance floor, popping her hips and giving many people peeks up her skirt.

"There are still students here!" Celestia called out. That only succeeded in attracting the attention of many party goers who started drooling upon seeing her.

This was going to be a heck of a night.

Around the Dance Floor

Spike didn't know how the hell he got so lucky. For one, his first girlfriend was a sex demon in a angel costume that was down right sinful. Next, his second girlfriend was dressed as a sexy cheerleader and her slight embarrassment made it all the more hot. Both girls were drawing the eyes of other dancers, but after holding both of them close as they danced, he sent those guys a message.

'They are my treasures. Touch them at your own risk.'

"Hey look!" A random teen said as he saw Pip walk in with Frida and Zecora. "Some baby had to get his moms to bring him here."

Someone who knew Pip though saw and went wide eyed.

"Um...dude...those aren't his moms."

Pip blushed as Frida and Zecora hugged him between them, breasts smothering his head.

"I'm in marshmallow heaven," he said as the women giggled.

Sugar smiled under his Needles Kane mask as Apple Bloom and Peppermint sashayed off to get some drinks. He would've joined them...but...

"You're a great dancer Sugar baby," Pinkie said as she kicked a leg up in front of him, giving him a nice look up her white skirt. The blue and white stocking of the titular character (Stocking from Panty Stocking and Garter Belt) led up her legs to the light pink panties. It shocked him all the more when Pinkie hooked her knee up on his shoulder and pulled him close.

Sugar wrapped his arms around her waist to steady the both of them and Pinkie smiled at him. Man was he happy!

Chara growled as she outright decked a guy dressed as Joker that dared suggested she let him "Ride his Harley." Micro smirked as he held her close.

"You are so gorgeous when you knock out perverts," he whispered in her ear.

"Oh? So I should knock you out when we get home?" She chuckled. Then she looked over his shoulder and saw Perl dancing with the bouncer from the club. Scootaloo and Silver were giggling as they videotaped the whole thing. Perl seemed nervous, but a quick message to Scoots revealed she simply felt embarrassed having a guy's attention and since Bulk was so sweet she didn't want to say no.

The fact that Bulk's eyes were clearly glued to her swaying hips probably weren't helping.

Chara thought of a deliciously evil idea. Well...it was TRICK or treat after all.

"Sombra," Chara muttered under her breath. "Think you can send three small bots to...mess with Perl."

"You got it," Sombra said, catching what she meant immediately. Chara dropped three of the microbots out of her inventory onto the ground and the grass barely rustled as they shot across the ground.

"Chara…" Micro said. "What are you…"

Before he could finish, the bots hooked onto Perl's waistband and another went to the knot holding her top on. In one swift move, the pants were yanked down and the knot was pulled loose. As both articles fell to the ground. Perl gasped and Bulk went wide eyed. Chara however was also in for a surprise.

Perl was not standing in the Magic Mode costume of Shantae. Golden chest cups and blue fabric over her crotch and ass to block the view. Perl shot a look at Chara before muttering a message to Sombra.

"Do something like that again and the body I transfer you to will be that of an infant."

"G….got it jefe!"

With a smirk, Perl turned back to her dance partner.

"So," she said. "Where were we?"

Rarity watched her sister as she drank her punch. Despite Sweetie's revealing costume, not a whole lot of guys seemed to be paying much attention. Then again, based on what Rarity was seeing, it was a different costume altogether, looking more like a blue pirate's outfit (an alt costume for Ivy). Catching Shiro's eye, he nodded at her. She smiled, realizing he was using his illusions to keep Sweetie's true outfit for his eyes only.

"Rarity!" Frida called out as she tackle hugged the fashionista.

"Ah! Frida, don't do that!" Rarity blushed as she felt her mostly naked model press against her. "That's an...interesting costume."

"Thanks," Frida said, looking her over. "Your's is good too, though I think you could show some more skin."

Rarity blushed again but after spending some time with the pervy ninja, she was used to it.

"So...where is Zecora?"

"Oh, she's entertaining our date while I get us drinks."

Rarity followed her friend's finger and spat out her drink, seeing Pip smiling as Zecora's rear grinded against him.

"He's such a good guy," Frida said. "Well, see ya!"

Rarity just watched as the ninja walked past everyone who was just staring at the boy who had the two women all over him.

Micro watched Chara go off to spend time with Scoots and Silver as he downed a secretly alcoholic beverage. As he raised it to his lips, a voice whispered in his ears.

"Trying to raise your Blood Alcohol Level? Want me to get drunk later?"

Micro turned and saw Fluttershy in a full Seras Victoria costume, the chest most prominent. He grinned as she giggled.

"Well if it isn't the big tittied police girl." Fluttershy laughed and hugged him to her chest.

"If you were anyone else…" she smirked as she kissed him.

Later in the Night

A group of girls had gone off to the side to play truth or dare. It had been going on for a while now and many girls were embarrassed. They had to switch costumes that were too loose or too tight, kiss the first person they saw in a particular costume, or even ask a guy to help adjust their costume. Diamond thankfully was able to just get Spike to do it so she didn't mind the slight groping. However...Apple Bloom wasn't happy.

"I am not streaking!" she hissed.

"You have to," a bratty girl said. "I had to change into this outfit despite my protests."

"But that didn't involve everyone seeing you naked!"

"Doesn't matter!"

Apple Bloom blushed. She knew she couldn't continue denying it. Then she remembered something.

"What if I got someone else to do it?" The girls raised their eyebrows.

"Why would someone streak for you?"

"They owe me a favor." Bloom said as she pulled out her phone. It wasn't long before Diamond walked up.

"What's up?" She asked Apple Bloom. When she saw her face, her heart sank. Whatever it was she had a feeling, she wouldn't like it.

"Remember how I said you owed me for lying to my sister?"


The boys (Micro, Sugar, Spike, and Shiro) were all off to the side, watching most of their girlfriends on the dance floor.

"We are some of the luckiest guys in the world," Micro said. The other guys just nodded.

"Hey," Sugar turned to Spike. "Where'd Diamond and Apple Bloom go?"

It wasn't long before they had their answer to Diamond. The crowd went wild and they all turned to see the Succubus running buck naked around the dance floor. Spike was shocked as the other guys just stared, not sure how to feel about seeing their friend's girlfriend naked. Not that they weren't finding it an amazing sight.


"What's all the commotion?" Cleo asked as she stuck her head out of the sun roof on her limo. She saw the naked chick running and laughed. "Hot damn! Leave it to a succubus to turn a party on...I mean, up."

She feels two hands on her breasts as the top of a rainbow haired head.

"Damn girl!" Cleo said as she looked down. "I'm coming back."

After she sunk back down the limo began rocking.