

Samuel and I haven't spoken for the past one week now, he would see me in school and ignore me like I wasn't there, I too did the same . Samuel started moving with Samson ,all of a sudden those two became good, people that use too despise themselves just became friends just like that. I was short of words , I wonder how they became good friends, I know they are in the same basketball team but they always disliked each other , Samson was always looking for a way to bring Samuel into his gang especially because he was the best player in the basketball team but he always resisted because he hated their character and misbehaviour. Samuel started hanging out with ladies from the cheer leading team and started attending night parties , sometimes he lied that I was with him and his mom would come to my house to look for him and not find him there .

At some point I felt he was always a bad kid and I was the one hindering him from being what what to wanted to be.

I walked by myself at school , didn't have a close friend other than him at school , I have never felt this lonely before ,I was busy being his friend that I forgot to make other friends, mehn I was foolish now am alone . one day there were passing (Samson and Samuel) I stopped just in front of them expecting Samuel to say something to me but he passed me like I wasn't even there after they had passed me Samson turned and gave me a smirk ,then I knew the devil had done this.

at this point I knew the source of his rebellion, it was Samson , but I can't just figure out were met and became friends, oh oh oh I know was it the day I didn't come to school made them bond , I wish I was in school that day , he may have planted a bad seed in his heart , knowing that most people really envied our friendship , they couldn't just accept the fact that we were pure friends in this modern time . only thing I could do for him is to pray for him maybe God could touch his heart so that it won't get really bad cause Samson isn't the right company for Samuel, some years back Samson was caught doing drugs, he was suspended from school and was almost kicked off the basketball team so this is why am so scared for Samuel.

Samuel's sixteenth birthday was fast approaching and I heard he was organising a birthday party for himself , if it were to be before when we were friends I wouldn't be hearing that he was organising a birthday party rather I would be the one organising it for him, I was quite good at organising surprise birthday parties, the last one I did which was for my mom, she wept for joy she was so happy and I was happy as well cause she deserved more than that. well for the shocking part it I was given an invitation card for his birthday very disappointing right ? that was what I felt , infact I get teary when I think of it cause we both planned to celebrate are sweet sixteen together, mehn we.made plans for it , we made alot of plans for it and just to not get invited for his birthday made me really sad.

(Saturday morning)

my alarm rang I tried to lift my hand to put it off but my hand felt really heavy infact my whole body felt really heavy then I felt nauseous again I but this time I didn't know why because this is morning and I haven't taken anything as to blame the food for the reason I have been throwing up , I rushed to the bathroom and throw up and I threw up little blood and I felt really dizzy . when I saw the blood I started calling out to mom, because any I saw some one stooling blood or vomitting blood in movies it sign that the person was seriously ill.

mom rushed into the bathroom after all the yelling, I saw mom badge into the bathroom was It seemed like she was double before I could know I fell on mom and fainted.

(Deborah was quickly rushed to the hospital ).

I started regaining consciousness little by little and noticed people talking in the background , I called out to mom with a weak tone of voice,

doctor my daughter is awake , she gave a big hug . Deborah I was so scared are you ok , I can't even imagine loosing. mom am ok ,you know am the only one you've got so how can I leave you like that.

she increased the intensity of of the hug, mom !, yes Deb, you are crushing my bones, oh sorry dear( Deborah's mo. wipes her tears).

doctor speaks: ok ma , so we've taken your daughter's test samples , you will come back two weeks time to collect the result. for now we would give her some drugs . ok ma that's it for now , Deborah make sure you take your drugs okay( Deborah nods her head in agreement)

I couldn't help but notice the sad expression in the doctors eyes like he suspects something or maybe the sad expression wasn't for me after all this was a hospital he was subject to seeing to things that would make him moody and also he was my family doctor , he was the one who treated my dad before he.....died.

ok doctor ( Deborah's mother replies ).