
The meeting

It was a cold gloomy day me and Alec was on our way to school when we heard screaming from a house.we went to check it out it was a vampire.When they turned to see me they froze in fear worried about their life. Alec quickly ran to the girl checking if she was ok and if she got bitten I told them to run Alec was worried about me but did as told when they finally left I walked over to the vampire who was still frozen in fear "who told you to come out of hiding was the blood there not good enough" I said while still walking over there when I finally was in front of him all I could hear was "I'm sorry I won't do it again please spare my life" I will say this once don't leave the hideout and when you leave take this bag with you it is full of blood packages tell the others I will come home tonight if I find out you didn't give the bag to everyone and kept it for yourself I will haunt you down and end you myself" the vampire got up and left the house to the forest. After I left I seen Alec he looked worried so I called out his name he came as fast as he can he kept asking if I was ok I said I was but he didn't believe me.