

This is a story about four teenagers that were not close at all. They used to bully one another but at least they had one thing in common. They loved listening to songs by their favorite princess who lived in a fairy world, but they didn't notice that those songs they loved listening to had hidden messages which would get them together one day.

SMAAH · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

The reason behind everything

Well after seeing the picture the four were very baffled to be honest. As they were mixing up thoughts in their minds the lady, they were now much eager to see walked in the room and they stood up in awe.

 At that moment

Lady Cassandra- (in a shocked tone) Are my eyes deceiving me mother,

Lady Miranda- Not at all child, your guardians are finally back, 

Lady Cassandra- (she runs to sit between Lucy and Nancy) Finally I will have people to talk to, you ladies surely did age.

Lucy- Thank you, you look very pretty though.

Lady Miranda- Oh no, thank you though, shall we go to my room, I have so many things to show you.

The ladies had no choice but to follow her because they didn't want to make things more awkward than they already were. And as for the boys, well, Lady Miranda asked one of the guards to lead them to their bedroom chamber, guess they will be spending their nights in the same room. We'll just pray they don't cause an earthquake because they were still not in good terms.

The assigned guard took the boys to their room, it was huge, had two master beds and it had their pictures on the walls. Trust me when I say this was a lot for them to take in. They were never close at all, so how come their pictures were on the walls while they never recalled being close at all. This was just unbelievable if you ask me.

As for the girls, they were taken to a room that seemed like heaven. It was decorated by crystals which the princess claimed to have got by herself. She showed them her new dress collections and asked them which dress would look good on her for she had somewhere to be the following day.

 At that moment

Lucy- I believe my lady it surely depends on the event you will be attending.

Lady Cassandra- I will be heeding to the Crystal world to collect more crystals to decorate my room with, but I will also be meeting someone else.

Nancy - Anyone special?

Lady Cassandra- You already know who I will be meeting, I go there at the start of every season, I am going to meet my beloved prince Charming.

Before you get all confused, our Lady Cassandra's heart was taken by the one and only Prince Charming, the only heir to the neighboring kingdom of Wonderland. It was known as Crystal world. Lady Cassandra and Prince charming met years back but since their kingdoms were not in good terms, they had to meet in secret. But the Crystal world kingdom still allowed the princess to visit their kingdom, the reason will shock you trust me. 

As the ladies were done talking the princess escorted the two to their bedroom chamber where they were forced to share a bed, it was indeed unlike the boys. But the room was huge, and the bed was also a master bed so there was no problem. They first went to bath and as they were done, they wore pajamas they found in the dressing room, well everything in that room was fancier than any of their official clothing. 

After getting dressed the girls went to bed and took a nap. Well, the following day arrived and the four woke up thinking that their daydreaming would be over but to their awe it was not. They got ready for the day and were then invited to the dining table where they found the queen already having her breakfast. They greeted her and then she asked them to join her. As they were eating, she asked the two ladies if they had seen the princess, but they didn't really go to her room at all, so they told the queen that she was probably sleeping.

An hour passed and the queen began to get suspicious, she asked one of the maids to and check on the princess, so the maid went to the massive room and knocked ten times before getting in because there was no answer. As the maid walked in, she was shocked to find no one in the room, the princess was gone. She ran to the dining hall where she was forced to break the news to Lady Miranda.

 At that moment

Lady Miranda- This cannot happen again

Lucy- My Lady, has the princess ran off before?

Lady Miranda- Of course, it is your job to find her though, ( at that moment a quard came running)

Lady Miranda- What is it!!

The guard- I am very sorry my queen, I accompanied the princess to the Crystal world to collect crystals in order to decorate her room but them........

Lady Mireanda- I am still listening child, talk!!

The quard- She was captured and taken to the castle, there was nothing I could do, I am very sorry.

Said the quard as he fell down on his knees, well the four didn't understand what was really going on if you ask me, they kept gazing at one another because they knew what would come next, and like they thought, the queen told them that it was their duty to bring back her daughter home safe and sound. So, there was no time left to waste, the maids accompanied them to their rooms where they wore their usual attire and as they were done, their horses were already out.

They didn't even know how to ride horses, but they just had to go with the flow. They left with the previous guard so that he could show them the way, the only thing they had to do was to stay together because they had to go through two kinds of forests, there was a route that led to a dark forest while the other one led to a fun and save one. 

The journey started off to be a smooth one, they all walked as a pack, even though it was hard for them to communicate. Well, they kept walking until nighttime came and they decided to rest for a while, but for that to be easy, they had to start a fire. So, they decided to split in to two groups, Niko wet on with Nancy while Lucy went on with Sharky. Well, the guard was told to remain at the place in case something came up. 

Their journey was a smooth one up until Sharky along with Lucy came across monkey that were playing on a banana tree. At this point the biggest mistake the team made was to put two crazy people together, the two even forgot that they were supposed to find wood to start the fire, the began taunting the monkeys, making weird noises at them and even throwing stones at them. Big mistake, one of the monkeys got off from the tree holding a banana peel and threw it at Sharky who began to laugh making the monkey mad even more. 

Before the two knew it, the Earth began to shake, well more monkeys came down from trees running towards the two and that's when they noticed that they were in big trouble, so they began to run. Instead of just running they went back to their campsite causing a huge commotion, the others were already there so they all got on their horses and off they went, but the monkeys were not giving up easily, they were throwing almost everything at them and that is where they began to lose one another. Lucy was still with Sharky, Niko was still with Nancy along with the guard.

And just like that, the entire team fell apart, sadly Sharky and Lucy went to the wrong side of the forest while the others went to the good side.