
Friendless World: The Pure Hearted Soul

[DISCLAIMER: None of the events and actions in this novel relates to the ACTUAL history] "Karina," Kosha urgently spoke to his beloved wife amid the chaos of the enemy attack, "save our daughter and don't come behind us. It's for your safety. Love you, dear." These words echoed in the air as Karina grappled with the conflicting emotions of love and concern for her husband's safety. In that critical moment, Karina's primary instinct was to aid her husband against their assailants. With determination, she swiftly stepped out of the royal buggy, clutching her sword tightly. "This ancient forest will abode the victory or defeat of Moonlight Kingdom" she said being determined. Her daughter remained in the safety of the vehicle. As Karina emerged, a tense atmosphere enveloped her, and she immediately sensed the presence of five figures behind her. Turning, she discovered her friends—Elina, Ana, Ogara, Elor, and Osam—each armed and rushing towards the impending battleground. However, a disconcerting realization hit Karina when she noticed that Elina and Ogara had brought their children along. Concern etched on her face, she questioned them, "Why did both of you bring your kids here?" Ogara responded, "We couldn't leave them alone. The condition is worst in the kingdom" Ana quickly approached, offering a reassuring solution, "I'll take care of all three of them!" United in their resolve for the Moonlight Kingdom, Karina, Elina, Ogara, Elor, and Osam exchanged determined glances. In unison, they declared, "For our beloved Moonlight Kingdom, we'll never bend in front of them!" The scene was set for a fierce battle, a testament to their unwavering commitment to defend their kingdom and loved ones. ----- "Kiana, everyone relies on you," Lady Irha stated, her eyes filled with hope as she looked at me. Simultaneously, I felt a surge of anger upon discovering the truth. My only desire at that moment was to execute swift justice, revealing to the world the consequence of heartlessness. Lady Irha addressed us, expressing her expectation, "Hope so, you all wouldn't disappoint us. My role is completed, and now it's Master Ziyaad's turn. I'll bid you farewell," she said before disappearing, leaving all of us with a clear understanding of our next steps. ATTENTION: Readers tighten your seat belts, it's going to be a WILD ride *smirks*

duo_sisters · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

The Desperate Search

At the stroke of midnight, my consciousness stirred, and as I gradually became aware of my surroundings, I observed the tranquil tableau of my companions in repose. Fe-Del, Estella, and Orhan lay in the embrace of sleep, accompanied by the delightful presence of BamBam, the epitome of cuteness curled up nearby. The hours preceding this moment had borne witness to an incident that, like an enigmatic riddle, had planted seeds of confusion within me, spawning questions that seemed to defy resolution.

In the stillness of the night, my mind grappled with the aftermath of this perplexing event. Faces veiled in the shadows of slumber, each second ticking away, I couldn't escape the nagging queries that echoed in my thoughts. "The lady's appearance seems familiar," I mused, grappling with the puzzle of her identity. The lingering enigma extended to the sly, devilish smirk etched upon Fe-Del's countenance, raising the curtain on yet another mystery—why?

As the minutes ticked by, I found myself immersed in a mental labyrinth, attempting to dissect the intricacies of the unfolding drama. Each passing second carried the weight of contemplation, weaving a tapestry of emotions that ranged from curiosity to a sense of bewilderment. The midnight air held a silent symphony of unanswered questions, and I, caught in its midst, unraveled the threads of uncertainty, endeavoring to decipher the secrets hidden within the shadows of that fateful night.

As I pondered, a growing thirst nagged at me, urging me to seek out water. Determined, I reached into Estella's bag, retrieving a torch to guide me through the darkness that enveloped the surroundings. With the torch in hand, I rose to my feet, embarking on a quest for relief.

Step by step, I scoured the vicinity for a water source, an unshakable feeling of being trailed creeping over me. Despite the unsettling sensation, I resisted the urge to glance backward. Fate, however, favored my quest, leading me to the discovery of a river. Excitement propelled me forward, but with each stride, the torch's glow diminished, casting an ominous shadow over my path.

Upon reaching the river's edge, the torch succumbed to the encroaching darkness, leaving me in momentary obscurity. Undeterred, I leaned towards the water, anticipating a quenching sip. Yet, an unexpected foul odor assaulted my senses, disrupting the relief I sought. In that disconcerting moment, the torch unexpectedly flickered to life, casting its glow upon the river before me.

The revelation was nothing short of shocking – the once-anticipated water source was not a river at all, but a grisly expanse of blood. Illuminated by the rekindled torch, the scene unfolded before my wide-eyed gaze, leaving me paralyzed by a mixture of disbelief and horror at the macabre reality that lay hidden in the shadows.

I sensed a presence behind me, a tingling feeling that made me uneasy. Slowly turning around, I saw no one there. The confusion prompted me to sprint away, but the nagging sensation persisted, as if someone was tailing me. Glancing back, I spotted a man and a woman both dressed in black. Anxiety gripped me at the thought that they might harm me, just as they did the couple in white.

Retreating to the spot where we had all been sleeping, I settled down and wrapped myself in the peculiar blanket given by the mysterious duo. As my mind raced with apprehension, I closed my eyes. Upon reopening them, a surreal sight unfolded – a pristine landscape with blooming flowers and a white sky, resembling a heavenly realm. Yet, amidst this serenity, the anomaly of a bloody river remained.

A weight pressed upon me, and to my astonishment, I found myself adorned in a long white gown marked by a new moon emblem on the chest. Clutched in my hand was a peculiar sword, its hilt fashioned with a long blue ribbon, culminating in a metal bar shaped like a new moon. The guard of the sword mimicked the crescent moon, and its edge gleamed with sharpness.

Near the crimson river sat a familiar figure – Ana. Joining her, I noticed tears streaming down her face. Curious, I inquired, "Why are you crying?" She lamented the blood, attributing it to a broken promise and her inability to save them. Despite my attempts to console her, she asserted, "You are the same as before," offering a gentle caress. I closed my eyes once more, only to find everything restored to normal upon reopening them.

Numerous questions swirled in my mind, creating a whirlwind of confusion. Then, on the horizon, I noticed four individuals standing a distance away, their gaze fixed upon Orhan and Estella. Among them, two were men, and the other two were ladies. Each of them held weapons, and it dawned on me – these were the mysterious figures who had tasked me with looking after Orhan and Estella.

I approached them, but as they sensed my approach, they began to retreat. Despite my pleas for them to halt and listen, they continued to move away. It was only when I asserted, "STOP! IT'S MY ORDER," that they finally ceased. Keeping my distance, I inquired about their identity. In unison, they responded, "You will understand soon." Before I could press further, my words froze as two colossal and ghastly hands emerged from the ground, engulfing the men and leaving behind gaping holes. The ladies, left in shock, began to cry, only to have someone swiftly cut their throats. In an instant, the ground returned to normal, and the ladies, along with the assailant, vanished. Simultaneously, the familiar lady with a knife from my journey to light reappeared, warning me, "The next will be your turn," before disappearing once more.

Suddenly, echoes of voices reverberated around me, uttering fragmented phrases like "OLIVIA! YOU... YOU WILL NOT GET THEY WILL COME KILL THEM." The voices abruptly ceased, and Estella's scream pierced the silence. Racing towards her, I anxiously asked, "What happened?" Trembling, she stammered, "T-There i-is a l-lizard." Assuring her, I said, "Just go and sleep. It will not eat you." As she retreated to rest, my mind whirred, trying to make sense of the surreal events. Lost in thought, I drifted into an unknowing slumber.

Three days prior, as the morning light gently crept into Aunt Zoey's room, she stirred from slumber, completely oblivious to the folded letter resting on her nightstand. The day unfolded with a sense of routine, and Aunt Zoey, clad in the responsibilities of her dual life – a 36-year-old military assassin and a guardian to Kelly – began her journey towards Kelly's room.

However, fate took an unexpected turn as a call from headquarters pierced the air. *"Miss Zoey! It's red alert. Please reach here quickly,"* the voice urgently demanded. A sense of urgency seized Aunt Zoey, diverting her path toward Kelly's sanctuary. Observing the locked door, she made a conscious choice not to intrude, desiring to grant Kelly a moment of solitude.

In the quiet corridors of her home, Aunt Zoey reached for a piece of paper, penning words of reassurance and care. The ink captured her concern:

"Kelly, it's Aunt. I don't want to leave you alone, but I have an urgent work from headquarters. I'll be back in two days. Take care of yourself and eat your meals properly."

Placing the note delicately in front of Kelly's door, Aunt Zoey pressed forward into the unfolding crisis.

A military assassin by profession, Aunt Zoey navigated the red alert protocols, finding herself at the headquarters for the next two days. The gravity of her responsibilities weighed on her, knowing that her return home would entail balancing the challenges of her dual life.

Two days later, Aunt Zoey re-entered her home, weary but driven by the thought of Kelly awaiting her return. As she entered her room and caught sight of the untouched files on the nightstand, her thoughts pivoted to Kelly. A sudden awareness struck her, and she hastened to Kelly's room, her steps a rhythmic echo of anticipation.

The door, still locked, thwarted her immediate entry. Knocking twice, she called out, seeking a response that never came. Retrieving duplicate keys, Aunt Zoey raced against the ticking seconds, ascending the stairs with a mounting sense of urgency.

Unlocking the door, a wave of shock swept over Aunt Zoey as she beheld an inexplicable void – Kelly was nowhere to be found. The room echoed with silence, broken only by Aunt Zoey's bewildered breaths. The realization sank in, and panic gripped her heart.

With the clock ticking towards 10:00 pm, Aunt Zoey's concern propelled her to seek answers. Miss Eliza, a neighbor, was her first point of inquiry. The exchange, tinged with increasing anxiety, unfolded in Miss Eliza's living room, with Aunt Zoey's insistent query, "Did Kelly come here?" invoking a mix of confusion and fear.

The night unfolded further, prompting Aunt Zoey to the school. There, in the quiet hours, she roused the watchman from his sleep, her voice tremulous yet determined. "Did Kelly come here today?" she asked. The watchman, startled by the urgency, confirmed Kelly's absence for two days.

Returning home, the clock now approaching 3:00 am, Aunt Zoey grappled with a mounting sense of desperation. Her steps carried her through every room, her eyes scanning every corner, seeking a trace of Kelly's presence. The eerie stillness of the house heightened her anxiety.

Aunt Zoey's mind, now a battleground of emotions, oscillated between hope and dread. She clung to the belief that Kelly might return by morning, as she often cherished solitary moments. The wait persisted, each passing second amplifying the weight of uncertainty.

As the night wore on, Aunt Zoey found herself ensnared in the web of an inexplicable void – a labyrinth of unanswered questions and a growing fear that Kelly might not be coming back. The dim light of the early morning struggled to pierce through the shadows that loomed over Aunt Zoey's heart, entangled in a maze of emotions that mirrored the enigma surrounding Kelly's disappearance.

Then an idea popped into her mind, prompting Aunt Zoey to reach for her phone and call Uncle Hawk, a 37-year-old detective affiliated with an international agency. Having elapsed five long hours since she discovered Kelly's absence, Uncle Hawk arrived at their home. Concern etched his face as he inquired, "Where is Kelly? Did she tell you where she is going?" Aunt Zoey, with a sense of worry, replied, "No, she didn't."

Uncle Hawk's attempt to delve further into the situation was abruptly interrupted by a ringing phone. Hastily, he excused himself and stepped outside to attend to the call.

*On the Call*

"Where are you? Do you know what happened now?" questioned the senior inspector anxiously. Uncle Hawk, a tinge of regret in his voice, replied, "I'm sorry, sir. I will not come." The inspector, pressing for more information, asked, "Tell me where you are. I'll send a car to pick you up." Uncle Hawk responded, "I'm at my home." The inspector, sensing something amiss, probed further, "Did something go wrong?" Uncle Hawk, wrestling with the truth, disclosed, "No! Everything is fine, just Kelly is not at home. She's been missing for two days."

"Can I send some officers to find her? You are the most talented officer. I will send them," suggested the senior inspector. Firmly, Uncle Hawk declined, "No, no, no, sir. Thank you, but I'll find her on my own." Concerned about another matter, Uncle Hawk inquired, "Sir, what happened there? You were talking about something." The inspector painted a grim picture, "Oh! The situation here is miserable. We got a new case, like before. Conditions are becoming very dangerous. Hope you can be here. Wait a minute. I will send you some photographs. You can investigate from your home. Can you?"

Quickly and dutifully, Uncle Hawk responded, "Yes, sir! I will. It's my duty." The inspector, appreciative, commended him, "You are the best person in my team. Hope you will help us. If you need any help in the case of Kelly, you can tell me." Uncle Hawk acknowledged, "Okay, sir."

*After the Call Ended*

Returning inside the house, Uncle Hawk sank onto the couch, weariness etched across his face. He noticed Aunt Zoey holding a letter. Rising concern prompted him to stand up and inquire, "What's the matter? Whose letter is this?" Aunt Zoey, her voice breaking, replied, "It's Kelly's letter. She put it on the nightstand. I didn't notice it because it was under my files." Tears welled up in Aunt Zoey's eyes as she read the contents of the letter.

Uncle Hawk gently took the letter from her hands and began to read it aloud:

"Aunt, it's me, Kelly. I want to share something with you. It was a moment when I desperately needed to express my feelings to you. I felt the weight of knowing that, in the midst of life's hardships, I had to convey something crucial to you and Uncle Hawk. I knew its hardship, especially when people talk ill about you and Uncle Hawk.

As my knowledge of the world grew, so did the understanding of how difficult life could be. In those moments of uncertainty, when the world seemed to have nothing but harsh words, I longed to speak to you about the struggles, about how somebody's words can be as sharp as a sword, piercing through my heart, and how somebody's judgment can echo through the corridors of my existence.

In the sanctuary of our home, within the walls that witnessed our shared laughter and sorrows, I grappled with the pain that sprouted from the cruel words of others. It was tough when somebody's whispers painted me as a wrongdoer, tarnishing my character without any foundation in truth. I sought solace in the understanding gaze of Uncle Hawk, but even his wisdom couldn't shield me from the hurt inflicted by the rumors that swirled within the confines of our community.

I pondered leaving, seeking an escape from the unrelenting storm of judgments and negativity. Yet, in the midst of my internal turmoil, a realization anchored me—the undeniable truth that leaving was not an option. I couldn't abandon the refuge of our home, the comforting embrace of your love, and the steadfast support of Uncle Hawk.

So, I stayed, weathering the storm within me, as I knew my place was by your side. Every tear I shed was a silent plea for understanding, a desire for the wounds inflicted by the world to heal. The battle was not easy, but the thought of leaving was abandoned each time I looked at you and Uncle Hawk, realizing that my place was with those who genuinely cared for me.

The decision to stay was a silent promise, a commitment to endure the hardships of school and life, to survive the emotional battlefield that had become my reality. I felt the echoes of my own resilience as I braced myself to face each day, to navigate the school corridors where whispers became daggers aimed at my heart.

And so, I made a silent vow to return, not just physically but as the person you knew me to be—a resilient soul, determined to rise above the judgments. If I survived the battles at school, if I weathered the storms that raged within, I would find my way back to you.

In the darkest corners of my existence, where sadness threatened to engulf me, I clung to the hope that one day the echoes of laughter would drown out the whispers of judgment. I longed for a time when our home would be a sanctuary once again, free from the shadows cast by the harsh words of others.

After all, Aunt, the true measure of my survival wasn't just enduring the external storms; it was finding the strength to face the internal struggles, to navigate the maze of emotions, and to emerge on the other side, whole and unbroken. The promise to return wasn't just a physical commitment but a testament to the resilience forged in the crucible of my own emotions.

As I faced the uncertainty of what lay ahead, I held onto the belief that, with time, wounds would heal, and the echoes of laughter would once again fill our home. Until then, I remained steadfast, a silent warrior battling the emotional turmoil, with the unwavering hope that one day, the tears would be replaced by smiles, and the pain would transform into a distant memory.

And so, Aunt, as I navigate the turbulent seas of school and life, know that your love is my anchor, and the promise to return is etched into the very fabric of my being. The journey is arduous, but the destination is a reunion that holds the promise of healing and the restoration of the laughter that once echoed within our walls."

The weight of Kelly's words hung in the air, each sentence unraveling a layer of emotion. Uncle Hawk, gripped by a mix of sadness and determination, folded the letter and held it close. The room became a sanctuary of shared concern, the uncertainty of Kelly's whereabouts casting a somber shadow. The clock ticked on, marking each passing second in a home haunted by worry and the absence of a beloved presence.

Uncle's hands began to tremble, causing the letter to slip from his grasp, fluttering to the floor. His gaze met Aunt's, who, lost in a flood of tears, repeatedly uttered, "It's my fault, It's m-my fault. I should have believed that it was actually Fe-Del."

With a gentle yet firm touch, Uncle guided Aunt to sit on the couch, a silent attempt to offer her comfort in the face of her overwhelming guilt and sorrow. The room echoed with the weight of unspoken emotions.

"Don't worry; we will find her," Uncle reassured Aunt, his voice a calming presence amid the storm of distress. Leaning in, he prompted her to share more about Fe-Del. "Tell me who is Fe-Del?" he questioned gently.

Aunt, still grappling with her emotions, managed to respond, "Fe-Del is one of her classmates." The weight of the situation hung heavily in the air, and Uncle, sensing the gravity, pressed for more details. "What has she done?" he inquired, his concern etched across his face.

"Kelly had a small incident at school, and..." Aunt began, but her words were abruptly interrupted by a phone call. A voice on the other end urgently conveyed, "Miss Zoey, Sir wants to meet us at headquarters. It's really urgent. Please come quickly." Aunt, wiping away her tears, swiftly hung up the call.

Uncle, his expression reflecting a mix of concern and curiosity, asked, "Do you have to go now? Is everything alright?"

"It seems not," Aunt replied, her voice carrying the weight of both personal distress and the urgency of the situation at the headquarters. The room stood silent for a moment, a tableau of uncertainty, as Aunt prepared to face whatever awaited her at the urgent meeting.

The tranquility of the moment shattered as Uncle's phone began to ring with a series of notifications. Swiftly grabbing his mobile, he was met with a message from his senior. As he opened it, a gasp escaped his lips, "O my God. How dreadful is this?"

Uncle's shock was palpable, drawing Aunt's immediate concern. She asked with a furrowed brow, "What is going on?" In response, Uncle wordlessly showed her his phone. As Aunt laid eyes on the picture, a visceral reaction overcame her – she closed her eyes and whispered, "How can somebody do this? It's so dreadful."

The message from Uncle's senior contained a gruesome picture, a chilling glimpse into a murder case. The victim lay lifeless on a bed, brutally stabbed from stomach to chest. The brutality extended to the victim's face, marred by knife wounds. The sheer horror of the scene hung in the air.

Aunt, grappling with the intensity of the situation, declared to Uncle, "I have to go. What will you do now?" Uncle, still absorbing the shock, replied, "Firstly, I'll visit Kelly's school." In a plea filled with emotion, Aunt urged, "Do what you think is better, but please find her."

Uncle, attempting to reassure her, said, "Don't worry. Soon, Kelly will be with us again. Now, you quickly go to headquarters." With that, Aunt hurriedly left for the headquarters, while Uncle, burdened with the weight of the unfolding tragedy, headed towards Kelly's school, determined to unravel the mystery and find his beloved child.

Uncle Hawk stood in front of the school, muttering to himself, "Oh, my Sweetie! I'll find you." With determination, he entered the school, making a beeline for the principal's office.

Upon entering, Uncle Hawk greeted the principal and took a seat. "Hello. My name is Hawks Jackson. I'm Kelly's Uncle."

"Oh! Nice to meet you, Mr. Hawks," replied the principal. "Listen, Hawks Jackson. Did you know about Kelly's behavior in school?" the principal inquired.

Uncle Hawk responded confidently, "I know better about her. Kelly doesn't hurt someone. She will never ever do something that hurts anybody."

The principal expressed, "I have experienced it. Every parent says that their children are behaving well and have good manners, but Kelly didn't. One day, she hit her class fellow, named..."

"Fe-Del," interjected Uncle Hawk.

"Yes! Wait a minute, how do you know about her?" asked the principal.

Uncle Hawk answered, "Just tell me the whole story."

The principal continued, "Kelly hit her with a table, and her forehead started bleeding. Everybody present in the cafeteria sounds the same."

Uncle Hawk, with a sharp gaze, questioned, "Is there CCTV in school?" The principal nodded. Suspicion clouded Uncle Hawk's eyes as he insisted the principal show the cafeteria footage.

"Why?" inquired the principal. Uncle Hawk replied, "Just show me the footage."

"Why do you want to see the footage? Are you thinking I'm lying to you and your niece - oh! sorry, that adopted girl," mocked the principal.

Uncle Hawk, pushed to his limits, stood up and declared, "Do you know who I am?" The principal laughed, saying, "By your clothes, you are looking like an employee or handyman."

The barrier of Uncle Hawk's calmness shattered, and he grabbed the principal's collar, saying, "Are you going to show me or not?" The principal pushed Uncle Hawk away, questioning, "Who the hell are you, to whom I have to show the footage?" Uncle Hawk's anger reached its peak as he dialed someone on his mobile.

*On the Phone*

Uncle Hawk said, "JUST 10 MINUTES. OK, I'LL WAIT BUT BE QUICK." He ended the call. The principal mocked him, "Oh! Are you going to call the cops? HAHAHA."

Uncle Hawk glanced at his watch and uttered, "Just wait." The principal found it amusing but had no clue about what awaited him.

*After 9 minutes*

Uncle Hawk looked at his watch and initiated the countdown, "5, 4, 3." The principal laughed loudly, mocking, "OH! I'm afraid of what is going to happen." Until then, the principal wasn't taking him seriously. Then, Uncle Hawk said, "2, 1." Everything went silent.

*After the same seconds*

The principal laughed again. However, his laughter slowly faded when he saw a smirk appear on Uncle Hawk's face.

Suddenly, people in black suits, accompanied by police officers, entered the room. One of them presented a paper to the principal, stating, "You are under arrest because you interrupted one of the detectives to investigate, and you also mocked him."

Uncle Hawk asked him, "Now are you going to show me the footage?" The principal led them to the footage room and showed them. Uncle Hawk played the video in front of all, revealing that it wasn't Kelly who hit her; it was Fe-Del.

Uncle Hawk turned to the principal and criticized, "Is this what you do all day? Just sitting on a chair, uselessly, fulfilling your hunger for money. You don't even try to investigate a little bit. How careless you are?"

The principal lowered his eyes and apologized, "I'm so sorry. Kelly can join school from now..."

His words were cut short by an angry Uncle Hawk, stating, "She will not come. She left the house just because of your irresponsibility. Now you will regret it."

The police officer took the principal, who begged for mercy, but Uncle Hawk showed no mercy. Uncle Hawk mumbled, "My Sweetheart! My Kelly, I hope you are safe, wherever you are. I'll find you soon." Uncle Hawk took footage from every room and went back home.

It's a pretty long chapter. Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

duo_sisterscreators' thoughts