
freind love forever

Some people believe that money is needed to be happy in life.....And someone wishes that friends are needed to live life....Is this true, is friendship really important in human life?Yes this is true...Friendship is very important in human life...Don't be a friend, you are incomplete alive ...Today we will see some such friends in this novel ....who love each other...

ayeshasiddiqua · วัยรุ่น
31 Chs

❤️ friends forever ❤️

Just like all of you are tolerating me in the same way... instead of Simran, Karthik replied..... By the way, Karthik, all the idioms you have spoken till today... Submit that you can prepare a lugaat.....Lugate e karthiko...Everyone laughed out loud at the point of joy.... Suddenly the guard came inside the house that... No one had noticed this.. except Mahesh.. why has it come here?

Felt..... just now he was going to the guard that his steps stopped... took out a small pistol and loaded it and pointed it at Preeti....Mahesh for a minute It was evident. But the very next moment its brain started working...

Mahesh quickly moved towards Preeti and gave her the second..... The bullet did not hit it….Whoever was there. Hit the head with the table....

Preeti chuckled to see where she was earlier. ... the scene he saw, Preeti's life was lost. Howe sat down. Mahesh first of all Karan's can is broken.... He shouts how Mahesh knows.. The guards stepped in to run away.... but Harsh's mind worked and he quickly ran away and snatched the pistol from the guard. Captured him...

But luck had favored Harsh here. you. ..... Raj call the ambulance soon How did he pat his face, where did Karan run away, how did he reach Mahesh :: ... Wake up Mahesh, nothing will happen.... Karan has Mahesh closing his eyes.....

and screams everywhere. ... People were retreating in fear. .... Rishab .. why was it ..... now everyone had sensed it was calling and Harsh's guard was controlled : ... . And many slap him. Mahesh wake up keep your eyes open Mahesh please kill me....

, Simran came and sat beside Mahesh and was telling him... (he was trying to keep his eyes open… but there was a lot of blood oozing from his body due to which he was having problem in opening his eyes. Was ... keep it awake, don't let it faint ... Simran said nervously ...

, Mahesh open eyes.... Mahesh . ,,, Karthik was also trying to keep her awake... Dare Mahesh ambulance bus arhi hai..... Raj held Mahesh's hand and comforted him..... Mahesh was not breathing.. .. she was suffocating .... Preeti was watching all this hard ..... she did not understand what all this is happening ....

Haniya ,,, , Haniya ... Mahesh said in a soft voice ..... Then everyone standing there saw Mahesh's eyes closing. It was closed. Mahesh had become oblivious to this world .... and tonight this prisoner of the world Be free from all your troubles.... ,

Will go... Life will free it from its sorrows... He will go on bearing sorrow.... He will die with all his secrets.... Baal will finally leave the world in a crazy silence....

Preeti is something you say…. Heer sat silently on the sofa, holding Preeti's hand and said….. She looked at Heer with empty eyes and said only this…. Mahesh,, ,, he will be fine .... you do not pray for him •. ..... why simran asked this in surprise ....

when i was born you my mother was dead. ..... then i went to jail.... because of that baba died.... and still because of me mahesh ..... Preeti Kanso got stuck in the light.... i am very wretched I can't pray for someone's life. At this time all that. You have to go to it Heer asked...… But why ....

May it was at Simran's house. Preeti is crying hysterically... Anamika did... but she belongs to no one..... no she strictly refused she could not see dying.... nothing will happen Mahesh How cool was she listening to him while holding a glass of water.....was just crying.....

Raj's baba was a doctor, so he was also in the operation theater with the doctors. The guard had fired teens .... out of which it had hit only 2 bullets .... one bullet had passed through the stomach .... and the most dangerous bullet was close to the heart near the chest Was engaged ...

Mahesh was also suffering from lack of blood. Harsh and Karan's blood was matched with Mahesh's. To Karthik ..... yes it gave a free answer .... you guys did not get it checked before placing it . Rishab asked .... Our old guard had gone to his younger brother's wedding..... and before leaving kept it with us that he will work here till he comes.....

he told that This is his cousin. .... still we got the investigation done from our side .... still do not know how it happened ... this gave a statement to the police that Shivam's man had met him a few days ago ....and bought it by paying money....

And he had come to kill Preeti ... and he also told that Mahesh had come to him before this incident happened .... and told him not to let any unknown person in. Told you all how Harian .. Karan ne ... ..... Karan had come to know all these things from Karthik's Baba .... It means that Mahesh already knew everything Harsh said - ... Yes. Everyone was surprised. . baba how is Mahesh " ....

Raj came quickly to his baba and asked ..... after operation he has removed the bullet and stitches have come on the stomach and also on the chest ... first you beat his heart. Was not right :: .... now heart beat you are right but ... but is baba. • ... ... you all pray that he regains consciousness soon...

Mahesh came to his senses in the morning..... the doctor had shifted him to the ward saying he is out of danger..... after shifting him Raj went to meet him.... but he was taking medicines I was sleeping because of it. Mahesh was completely conscious in the night. ... all had gone in turn meeting Mahesh ....

everyone had given him courage and consolation. But Harsh..... when Harsh came to meet Mahesh, he talked to Mahesh in this way .... get well soon brother ... otherwise what will people say that Harsh kept friendship with broken boys is ... one karthik lame and the other u .... Harsh said jokingly u Mahesh laughed ... Raj had left Preeti near it. ) .... By the way, you Raj had brought it to meet Mahesh, but she stubbornly stopped there. ...

and that one was allowed to stay .... you were forced to go back to Raj..... now the pipes were removed from Mahesh's back ... after Raj left he angrily Saw Mahesh :: You knew not that he had come to kill me .... Yes : ... ask Preeti you us Answer freely

.... why do you then let me die in front of you .... do you think that I could have let you die ... Mahesh asked Preeti in reverse.. why could not let me die. ..... Tell why Mahesh said mischievously : ... Tell me why Mahesh could not let me die .... 88 why .... Mahesh stopped .... Preeti was waiting for it Answered. ,

And will polish my shoes ... Preeti who wanted to hear something else from her mouth..... Opening her mouth on Mahesh's answer, she was looking at him ..... what is happening Preeti ... .Mahesh is surprised to see him and asked....

.you told me for this.....he asked insincerely::... I have fallen in love with him. Mahesh had said with a seriousness..... but Preeti had seen the mischief of his eyes.....

, No Mahesh I don't feel anything like this Preeti looked at Mahesh's face and said .... well I thought you are feeling something like this .... by the way Preeti if you were feeling like this, neither are you You .. but sorry .Mahesh said sadly ... what would you tell .. Preeti ni asked Tajasus .... no if you do not feel anything like this then I may .... why tell you your feelings Waste your time =.....

Mahesh was in the mood to harass it a lot today ... and doing this he seemed to be a firm friend of Harsh.. Don't tell me, don't tell me what... Il Preeti got up from the anger and started killing her..... just now she had reached the door, Mahesh's voice stopped her steps 3 ...

listen Preeti if you were thinking like this, wouldn't you say that you absolutely You're getting it right. First you were hard listening to Preeti .... then with a jerk turned back and started looking at Mahesh with shock ... who was looking at it with loving eyes .... what are you saying Preeti After saying Mahesh came and sat on the chair. ...

The senses came when Mahesh quipped in front of her eyes "….Madam mein aapko kuch raha raha ho khilaogi…. do you have a handful of biryani… Mahesh asked one more time you are Preeti did not delay .... and quickly said yes .. and then both of them laughed looking at each other ...

and at this time Harsh would not have been here nor did you leave both of them in any condition. .... Mahesh had shown this opportunity to express his feelings .... if Harsh was here what would you do with these two ..... after a month .... .. Raj was coming down with his shirt folded up to Austin's elbows....

and that's how he looked like a prince..... he came down to the launch, you were surprised. It is done….. she was sitting on one sofa between Uncle Aunty from Modern, Maria was smiling….On the other sofa, Raj's parents were sitting....

Hello everyone. Raj said you all answered. ... beta raj this is the in-laws of Rishab's elder sister.... Raj's baba said you nodded his head..... baba I am going out a little bit, I will come in a while.... Raj He told his father...