

Free.love is a sexy, romantic story about love, trust, destiny, and new beginnings in an Omegaverse where instinct and justice can, and must, coexist. Gabriel Cooper is a freshly-minted attorney who is moving back to Baltimore to start his dream job and to put a dark chapter in his life behind him, once and for all. A survivor of a forced claim attack, he is now ready to work at the forefront of the Omegan Rights movement. Dr. Alexander Anderson is a dedicated physician who has overcome a family tragedy to help hundreds of Omegas reclaim their lives after forced and unwanted claims. Years ago, he treated Gabriel Cooper as a patient. When he meets Gabriel again as a colleague, however, he feels a new connection to the brilliant and spirited attorney.

Amour_Accompli · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

The Series Has Moved :)

Well, moved *back* might be a more accurate way of describing it... No, let's say that Free Love has closed its satellite locations...

Free Love is a successful novel over on Tapas, and the story is complete there, although I occasionally add a fun epilogue chapter or arc. Not only is it complete, but there are two more novels (Free Will and Free Radical) on Tapas and two side stories as well, (Raph & Yuko and Bisi & Mari)... 

Because Free Love just didn't catch on here and I'm not able to dedicate time to promoting it across multiple platforms, I've decided to just focus on Tapas for now. It is free to read on Tapas, as are the other books in the series. If you enjoyed Free Love, I hope you'll come over to Tapas and read the rest of it! Link below.
