
Free God

[You are now a God, feel free to do whatever you want.] It is said that Gods would never intervene with a mortal's doing, but what if I wanted to do so? I am neither good nor bad, I'm neutral when it comes to those concepts. What I want, are stories.

ImShameless · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

Birth of a Celestial (6)

After the 15th scenario was cleared, we spent no time celebrating and had immediately started fixing the gates and minimized the casualties done.

[You have received the A grade story "Defender of Homes".]

[You have received the B grade story "Wolf Slaughterer.]

After that scenario, the Testament of stories gave me these stories.

[You have gained the qualifications to challenge a personal scenario.

Personal scenario : Proof of Worth

Task : ???

Reward : Becoming a Celestial and receiving a modifier.

Failure : Death]

[Would you like to accept?]

I have not answered it yet, it seems that I could refuse this offer, but then I wouldn't become a Celestial.

[The First Celestial is looking at you with worried eyes.]

[She who Dreams of the Nightsky is observing you.]

And it seems I have two constellations following after me now.

I didn't know when the 16th scenario would begin, but it seems it wouldn't be anytime soon. So I spent my days reciprocating first.

After two days, I readied up all my equipments and held the A grade spear I earned a few days ago.

[Would you like to accept?]

I took a deep breathe and looked at my comrades. They were also readied up just in case the personal scenario involved a lot of fighting.

I clicked accept.

[Personal Scenario "Proof of Worth" has been accepted.]

[Sending you to wordline #4 temporarily.]

Another wordline?-

[You have gained the temporary modifier "Savior's Guilt".]


[Personal Scenario : Proof of Worth

Task : Destroy the current civilization in this wordline. You will gain a temporary disaster modifier during this scenario.

Time limit : None

Reward : Becoming a Celestial

Failure : Death]


"I-it's here! The disaster is here!"

"Prepare the equipments!"

Shouts could be heard as I finally arrived at the wordline.

I finally understood. I was this Worldline's 15th scenario.

I was their disaster.

[The Savior's Guilt is awakening]

[The Savior's Guilt will awaken in 1 minute.]

I didn't know how to react, does that mean the Lycan from before was also doing a personal scenario? Does this mean Castor did this as well?

[The First Celestial is confused. He says he did not do anything like this!]

It seems not.

[Thousand Weapon Eater is baring its fangs towards the disaster!]

[Slayer of Heavens is observing the disaster solemnly.]

[The Reader who Writes is smiling at the disaster.]

More celestials..?


Up above, a place where even the Celestials can't see. Ivaim was smiling as he observed what was happening below.

He was the Celestial with the modifier "The Reader Who Writes", of course no one needed to know that.