
Free As A Bird

Daoistk2Y0x8 · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

The Day Where Freedom Welcomed Her

The city was buzzing with traffic, people, businesses were booming and danger was slowly approaching the city. The people were unaware that supernatural beings existed, only knew from TV shows ad movies. Vampires. Demons. Werewolves. All were imaginary, but they existed in the shadows. Waiting for the time to strike and that was today. The day, the human realm barrier broke, the moment it broke, supernatural creatures attacked humans and their civilization. That day was the best day for a girl named, Marilyn. Before, she was a cursed child. Whoever approached her, died. Instantly. Her mother died as soon she gave birth, doctors died as well, and the father died as soon as he picked her up. Her foster parents died from yelling at her. Everyone stayed away, calling her a monster. Why did she have to suffer? However, that day she laughed at the people who mistreated her, hated her, hit her, and now they were suffering instead of her. Everyone pays for their sins. She laughed at the thought. She would fly, she would swim, she would be free as birds. Her first night of freedom felt great. She slept peacefully. The next day, she left her home and entered wilderness. As, she couldn't stand being in the city anymore.

She encountered a man, no a vampire. He let her pass as he could sense her longing for freedom. As, she entered the woods, no one could come back from, she felt free. She built her home, hunted her own food, got her own water with no criticism. She had gotten use to her life as a free nature-living person. However, after months of living there, the vampire who let her pass knocked on the door. He asked, "Human? May I join you?"

She let him in as she was gratefulness towards him. He asked, "I was part of the reason that your family and friends died. Why aren't you angry?"

She let a small sigh escape her mouth, "I don't care if the human race dies. I want to be free from criticism as I was called a cursed child and neglected."

He frowns, "Why?"

She explained, "Everyone who touched me, or hurt me in anyway would die."

The man approached her and poked her. She was amazed. He didn't die like the others who died instantly. He smiled, "My name is Travis, the vampire lord."

She smiled, "I am Marilyn."

He noticed the sun was going down and said his goodbyes to Marilyn. She eats her dinner, cleans the house and fixes the forest. She takes a bath and gets on her pajamas. She sleeps so peacefully as she was able to since everyone died. In the morning, she could smell food, but she wasn't cooking. She woke up in a different bed, a different home, but a nice atmosphere. She got out of bed and followed the smell and meets the vampire. He chuckles at her, "Good morning, Marilyn. I brought you to my home because you need to relax more."

Marilyn was amazed at how he could care so much. This makes Marilyn feel truly blessed to have met a vampire.