

"You all should be greatly ashamed of yourself and change your ways and on this note this excursion would be brought to an indefinite held because of your actions . "

"We are going back home tomorrow morning!!. "

There was a momentarily silence before suddenly a murmur coupled with an uproar rose from the students .

" Quite, quite I said keep quite!!!! " She shouted in a shrill voice and everywhere went mute. " It's simply not negotiable you guys are not in any position to be vexed because every action has a consequence and this is the consequences of your actions!! , now you will go back to your respective rooms and before the first cock crow of tomorrow we will be out of here and anyone who fails to comply will find him or herself in hot soup " She snorted before walking out with steps filled with indignition at her students.

Ayra was the first person to walk back to her room with deflated spirit plus she didn't want to face the accusing faces of her peers because she knew they would blame this on her and somehow they were right, gosh she had been so excited about this excursion everyone in fact and she had singlehandedly ruined it for everyone. " Well done ayra" she muttered to herself laying down on the bed and covering herself up with a duvet biting her lips to stop the torrent of tears that was about to drip.

Meanwhile Alice was totally unbothered about the news, she was actually happy that she would be going home the next day and not be stuck in this toxic environment but unknowingly to her she was about to receive a shock the next day.

Seeing Troy advancing towards her she scrunched up her face in a deep scrowl and sought to deviate to another route but caught up with her in one swift move "Hey babe that little fight what's that about? "

" Didn't you see the way my sister was embarrassed by that stupid brat ? " She answered back with a question of hers.

" Well you don't really care about your sister you guys are opposite " .

' What's with everyone thinking she didn't care about ayra? Ayra was her only sister in this fucking world and despite her actions towards her, she loved ayra to the moon and back and couldn't bear to see her hurt ,gosh remembering the way ayra screamed made her fingers itch to beat up that brat one more time '.

" News flash Troy I don't care what you think about my feelings towards my sister but the only person permitted to hurt her or make her scream in terror is me!! " . She screamed

" Oh that's a twisted kind of love " .

Alice folded her arms in disdain ready to go on a sparing match with him in fact she was so ready to tackle anyone that dared crosses her path wrongly " You're a great person to talk to me about love " .

" What do you mean by that? " .

" Exactly what you understand ,opps my bad you have an understanding deficiency but that's your problem not mine. I have clothes to pack good bye " She muttered stalking off but his next words stooped her right in her tracks.

" You know this is all your fault right? The reason the excursion planned for the whole school was called off is because of the Thompson's sisters " .

" You amuse me Troy, wait was that little statement supposed to make me feel sad and guilty? " She laughed heartily at him "Unfortunately you're speaking with the wrong sister and by the amount of time we have spent together you're supposed to know I'm a stone cold daughter of a bitch, I simply don't give a flying fuck about anyone else and you will do well not to get on my nerves because your precious games are coming up the next week, if I could ruin this excursion I can actually also ruin that for you" She whispered in his ears like a devil .

A sweat broke out from his back " Babe bae I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" He called to her retreating back but she didn't turn once towards him, swearing voraciously he turned and walked towards the other path. True to Miss thin words, the school bus left Chinatown in the early hours of morning and unlike the other time, there was no drama of having to wait for anyone as everyone was punctual and quite. It was as though a new designated spirit has descended on the students as everyone respected themselves and boarded the bus without any ruffle. The drive back home was very much different than when they were beginning the journey, there was no excited whispers nor noise this time around everyone was busy with their cell phones listening to music and ayra was sitting beside Jack this time around and there was a palpable happiness written all over his boyish handsome face.

He linked their fingers together before saying "This is not your fault muffin and stop frowning already there would be many more excursion okay " he reassured patting her hair slowly.

Ayra simple smiled in reply and continued to look out from the window at the trees and houses they passed by.

" I'm so glad you are next to me, you're literally my happy place " He enthused applying pressure in their linked hands .

Ayra blused scarlet red and hid her face in his shoulders and murmured "Jack stop with the cheesy words ,stop being a smooth talker " .

" I'm not when it comes to you my emotions are always bare, can't hide them even if I wanted to " He stated sincerely.

" I like being with you too " .

" Huh? Please come again muffin I didn't get you. "

" I refuse to repeat myself " She muttered giggling " hawwwwww I want to sleep Jack kindly wake me up once we get to our destination okay " .

" Alright wait a sec " he said putting a a small pillow across her shoulder and rested her face in his shoulders.

" Is this position not uncomfortable for you? I can rest my head on the window pane. "

" No I'm fine c'mon sleep now I will sing you a lullaby " .

"Can you sing?" She asked drowsy.

" Don't underestimate my skills darling " he said before launching into a soothing song and before he was in stanza two ayra was already fast asleep, raising his head slowly and gently he crowned her forehead with a kiss and wishing the journey would go on forever and never end.

Alice eyes never left ayra 's sight throughout the journey, eyeing Jack up and down and waiting for him to take advantage of her sister so she could cry wolf and immediately she saw the first sign of their school gate she shouted in a little voice that they have arrived and it jolted ayra from sleep. After the call roll has been taken without waiting for ayra to bade goodbye to her friends nor boyfriend she turned towards home knowing ayra would follow right at her back and she did .

" Alice there was no need to rush off like that" Ayra complained seating down next to her in the taxi but she was met with silence, sighing she relished the moment she spent sleeping on Jack 's shoulder. Within few minutes they got home.

" Hey Alice mom ain't expecting us today let's go to her room and give her a surprise " Ayra commented mischief in her eyes.

" Game!!! " Alice replied her for the first time that day.

Therefore the two sisters tiptoed into the house , clicked open their mom's room and yelled simultaneously " Mom we are back surprise!!! " instead of surprising Catherine the two sisters got the shock of their lives instead and their faces fell with a drastic change.


I'm dedicating this chapter to one of my loyal, amazing and favorite reader,

Melzy- 907 thank you so much for the power stones and your unwavering support is very much appreciated. Stay safe guys and Happy reading.

simply_mackycreators' thoughts