

"Aahhhhhhhhhh" ayra screamed at the top of her voice on seeing who was hanging precariously on the reins of her veranda.

Swiftly gaining his balance like a spider man, Jack slowly came up to her and held his palms over her mouth and was oddly amused by her widened eyes at his actions.

"Ssshhhhh someone might come ".

Ayra removed his heavy hands from her mouth, freeing her mouth. Taking long deep breath, she found her voice. "What are you doing here? ".

His eyes roved around her cute little room, the room suited her completely or maybe she suited the room either ways he liked the room gosh it even smelled like her. "Your room is really cute he said removing his shoes and stepping inside uninvited, his eyes roved around the pale yellow and pink walls and saw posters of Justine Bieber and Billie Eilish" oh you like their music? "He asked and when he didn't get any answer he continued on" I really thought you wouldn't be the music type, that you would find music irritating. "

Ayra was about to tell him that music was her whole life , she literally couldn't spend a day without listening to music I mean who didn't like music for crying out loud ? Plus she had a crush on Justin Bieber like forever but she bite her tongue holding herself back, these were the kind of information you divulged to a friend or family not a total stranger like him.

Regaining her equilibrium she stormed out her verandah and followed him inside and was surprised to see him sitting comfortably sitting on top of her bed! Christ he made himself right at home.

Firstly she closed her door and shut it with a definite click, reining on her anger she faced him squarely. "Jack I demand an explanation from you right now, what the hell are you doing in my room at this time of the night!! "?

He tried to distract himself on how sexy her voice sounds when annoyed, she would probably stone him to death if he commented on that. Clearing his throat he stared into her eyes and spoke with his most serious tone "I came to speak to you ayra".

Gawwwd she massaged her temples again "you are literally trolling me right now, you could have spoken to me tomorrow morning like you are in my room Jack in the middle of the night, did you think things through before you did this , I mean do you understand the gravity of the situation?!!".

I did ,I do that's the reason I'm here, ayra I know you are a sucker for protocol and proper but I'm sorry, I don't give a fuck about those things and honestly we both know you wouldn't have spoken to me not today not ever".

"Why do you care if I ever speak to you again"?

"Ayra I know I have a terrible reputation as the sch-"

"Yeah you do, it's really bad".

"It's rude to interrupt someone's flow".

"You are great person to talk to me about rude, do you know what is rude? You coming here unannounced, gosh I could have been naked!! "

"Yeah I thought about that", he muttered scratching his head "but I wasn't sure your mom would have let me see you and I needed to see you at any cost".

"You are even sitting on my freshly washed bedsheets" she cried in consternation.

He sprung up immediately "I'm sorry I didn't know it was a big deal sorry for barging into your room unannounced, sorry that I -"

"Yeah you should be, it's totally wrong."

"Christ I'm doomed, why did I fall in love with a nerd? She won't even let me complete my sentence in peace he thought "silently.

"Ayra please listen to me, I came here tonight to explain my side of the story to you and you are defeating the purpose".

She folded her hands in a defensive manner, "I hate to sound like a broken record but you don't owe me any explanation, is that much for your IQ to understand? "

Swallowing hard he ignored the shade, he knew she would be difficult to handle, she was stubborn and different from other girls he had met in his life and he admired her for it.

"Ayra I understand you don't want to listen to me, but you also have to understand that I am not going anywhere tonight until you listen to me".

"Jack you are funny, tomorrow is school and unlike you that is used to staying awake all night due to partying i am not like you, I have to sleep in order to function properly".

"I didn't tag you as a girl that listens to rumours, I don't stay awake partying all night just one particular girl had tormented my dreams lately."

Ayra stared at him as though he was speaking Spanish" jack you have to go I want to sleep".

"Who is going to make me leave? I'm not leaving till you give me listening ears".

"Jack I have to sleep, I refuse to listen to your lies."

"That sounds like "you problem" And mind you I have all night".

" Then you leave me with no other choice but to scream" she threatened.

He laughed and it sounded like music to her ears "No you won't I know you ayra, the last thing you want is for another person to find me in your room, just imagine the scene, ayra the perfect girl caught with a boy in her room when she was supposed to be reading?" He face palmed himself being extra dramatic ",scandalous. "

Biting her fingernails she thought about it, damn him but he was right, she would rather let the earth open and swallow her than being caught in her room with Jack .

"Okay you win, let's have your "explanation "Jack she said sitting down and he did a little dance in his head and sat down with her.

"Uh uh I didn't say you could sit" she added loftily.

"Oh sorry okay, here it goes um where do I begin ?"he fidgeted a bit and ayra thought he looked cute being nervous ,he never showed this side of him to anyone but she still maintained her bored expression.

"Okay here is the thing, I like you a lot and I know you might not believe me because it came as a shock to me as well but I can't control how I feel and I really want to be friends".

Her heart stopped beating entirely this was probably one of her dreams she told herself but he was there in flesh and in her room.

"You are right I don't believe you, Jack she was in your arms I know I don't have any stakes on you but if that's how you like someone then I'm sorry , I don't want to be "liked " by you".

"Ayra what you saw is just a mirage, promise her dad died recently and she said she needed someone to speak with, we were just talking and suddenly she embraced me I would never intentionally hurt you ayra never".

"She still likes you jack, a lot of girls do I'm sorry but I can't be friends with you, me and you we are simply out of sync".

"Do you think I like this overwhelming feelings I have for you? This new need to always be around you but I can't stop them and I would be damned if you deny yourself of what you went because of what people think."

"Jack it's not that simple nor easy. "

"Nothing is easy ayra" he came and stood before her holding her hands in his he frowned suddenly" your hands are super cold why? "

She stole her hands back "um I don't know "she muttered with lowered eyes.

He took her hands back in his and rubbed them against his for body heat, "what do you mean you don't know ?"he asked irritated.

"Jack what are you doing? "

He was about to lecture her about taking good care of herself but the gentle knock on the door stopped him in his track.

Ayra stood up with a start, frightened out of her wits "Jack you have to hide" she whispered.

"Where? there is no where to hid" ayra wiped off a sweat as the knock persisted .

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me! Who do you think is at the door??

simply_mackycreators' thoughts