
Chapter 27

‘‘Because it’s the truth. Everything I’ve told you is the truth.”

I didn’t want to, but I did believe him. Not that it solved my problem; or his when it came down to it. Did Pender deserve what happened to him? That wasn’t for me to decide. All I knew was, I wouldn’t turn Wilson in—for his daughter’s sake if nothing else. That left me in a bind unless he was willing to do as I’d asked and use whatever influence he had to convince the cops to drop the charges against me. I was about to say all that to him when there was a terrified shriek of ‘Daddy!’ from a few yards away.

We both turned and saw Abby had moved from the swings to the climbing bars meant for kids a lot older than she was. She’d made it to the top then must have lost her grip because she was dangling by one hand several feet above the ground.

We were on our feet seconds later. I made it there first, just as her grip weakened and she fell. I caught her.