
FRAGMENTS: Stormbound

Nero Calvin's life was abruptly extinguished by a man named Gray. But death was not the end for Nero. With the aid of the Genesis System, he was granted a second chance, a chance to rebuild his body and wield unimaginable power. Now revived, Nero possesses not only the Genesis System but also the Storm Dragon fragment, a cherished heirloom passed down by his father. Driven by revenge and a burning desire to uncover the truth about the fragment, Nero sets out to confront Gray. With the combined might of the Genesis System and the Storm Dragon fragment coursing through his veins, Nero embarks on a dangerous journey, HIs determination is unwavering as he seeks justice and unravels the mysteries that lie in his path. Revenge fuels his every step, and the storm of retribution looms on the horizon. Nero Calvin is no longer the man he once was. He is now a force to be reckoned with, ready to face the darkness that stands in his way and rewrite his destiny. All images are AI generated. This is an original work and is my first official book.

Oldsoldier · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

C 1: Embers of destiny

[Beginning body reconstruction]

[1% completed.]

"Wait, WHAT??" I exclaimed in disbelief, my voice echoing within the darkness.

[2% completed]

As the Screen continued its work, a cold voice resonated from the surroundings.

[I am the Genesis System. Please refrain from asking questions until the reconstruction is complete. All will be answered soon.] it reassured me.

With a mixture of apprehension and curiosity, I stared at the glowing blue screen displaying the progress of my body's reconstruction. Silence enveloped the chamber, allowing me to reflect on my circumstances.

Firstly, I had been dead—or so I thought. Yet, here I was, witnessing the miracle of my reconstitution.

Secondly, the Storm Dragon fragment had somehow come into my possession. How it happened remained a mystery, but it was evident that it held significance—Gray's relentless pursuit of it attested to that.

Lastly, the enigmatic Genesis System had discovered the fragment and fused it with me, initiating the reconstruction process. Why had it chosen me? How did it connect to the fragment? Countless questions filled my mind, but the system appeared determined to keep me in suspense until the reconstruction was complete.


'What have I done?'

Gray questioned himself.

Gray, lost in his thoughts, made his way toward a colossal castle that dominated the landscape. Five imposing towers formed a formidable barrier around the magnificent structure, connected by robust walls made of vibrant red and orange stone. Small windows and apertures for archers adorned the walls in an asymmetrical yet purposeful design.

As Gray approached, he crossed a grand bridge guarded by a massive gate embellished with a fiery dragon symbol. The statues of heroes and kings lining the path served as reminders of the kingdom's glorious history, though for Gray, they were reminders of what the Pyrovia kingdom had once been.

Passing through the gates, Gray was welcomed by the inhabitants of the castle. Knights donning crimson armor emblazoned with the kingdom's emblem, maids dressed in elegant red and orange gowns, and bustling squires scurrying around the expansive courtyard—all were part of the vibrant tapestry that made up this kingdom. Nobles, too, adorned in red attire, mingled within the palace walls.

It was a realm consumed by an obsession with the colors red and orange, which grated on Gray's nerves. The kingdom's devotion to the flame dragon and their possession of the dragon fragment irritated him, a constant reminder of his duty and the purpose that brought him here.

Gray stood tall, his commanding presence accentuated by a lean and muscular frame. His piercing gaze was framed by sharp, penetrating red eyes that mirrored the intensity of a stormy sky. His hair, ashen in color, fell in unkempt waves, adding to his rugged appearance. A well-defined jawline and a hint of stubble emphasized his determined and resolute nature.

Donned in a suit of dark gray armor, he exuded an aura of strength and authority. Intricate engravings adorned his armor, depicting fierce dragons and flames, symbolizing his connection to the fire dragon descent. A crimson cloak billowed behind him, contrasting against the somber tones of his armor.

His movements were swift and purposeful, each step displaying a quiet confidence. Scars marked his skin, testaments to battles fought and hardships endured. With every stride, he emanated a sense of tenacity and resilience, embodying the embodiment of a warrior with a burning desire to fulfill his mission.

As Gray made his way toward the palace, his footsteps echoed through the corridors. He was about to enter the throne room to report to King Pyron, the ruler he faithfully served. Standing before the ornate doors, Gray's mind drifted back to the mission that had led him here.

King Pyron had discovered the location of one of the lost dragon fragments, and he had entrusted Gray, his trusted head knight, with the task of retrieving it. The importance of the mission weighed heavily on Gray's mind as he prepared to face the king and deliver his report.

After receiving a peculiar device capable of detecting the energy of the fragment, Gray embarked on a journey that led him to the realm of Avalora, or better known to it's inhabitants as Earth. He anticipated encountering a formidable wielder of the fragment, expecting a skilled and powerful adversary. However, his expectations were shattered when he discovered an orphaned boy named Nero.

Observing Nero closely and repeatedly confirming with the device, Gray concluded that the young boy did possess a dragon fragment. Determined to obtain it, Gray approached Nero, ready to claim what he sought. To his surprise, Nero displayed unexpected skill, managing to elude Gray's grasp and flee. Frustrated by the boy's defiance, Gray relentlessly pursued him, eventually overpowering Nero and pinning him down.

As Gray stood over Nero, demanding the fragment, the boy adamantly denied having it, even in the face of impending danger. Gray's frustration grew, fueled by his month-long search and Nero's persistent refusal. In a fit of anger, Gray contemplated ending the boy's life, convinced that he was withholding the fragment. However, his hasty decision proved to be a grave mistake.

To Gray's astonishment, after taking Nero's life, he realized that the boy truly didn't possess the fragment. Confusion washed over him as he checked the device, finding no trace of the fragment's energy. The weight of his actions hit him like a heavy blow. Standing there, staring at the lifeless body of an innocent boy, remorse consumed him.

Driven by remorse and the realization of the irreversible consequences of his actions, Gray buried Nero, ensuring no traces remained. A profound sense of guilt and grief weighed heavily on his shoulders, and he vowed to rectify his mistake, to seek redemption for the life he had taken unjustly. Determined to uncover the truth and make amends, Gray set forth on his journey back home, haunted by the memory of the innocent life he had unknowingly extinguished.

With a deep breath, Gray pushed open the doors, stepping into the opulent throne room where fate awaited its next turn.

Picture of Gray in the comment section.

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