
Fragile Ties of Passion: A Contract Marriage With A Mafia Boss

Signing a marriage contract without her knowledge, Bella Quinn is now married to the country's most influential mafia, Enzo Sulter. And when she tries to get a divorce, Bella finds out she's pregnant with his child from their one-night stand. Enzo wants her to stay but Bella would rather die than stay with a man who might have a connection with her parent's accident. Can Bella move on and choose to love him or go ahead and make him pay for his past mistakes?

jandralitto · สมัยใหม่
327 Chs


"And who is your father? " Desmond had asked. 

"Tony Harris "she said noticing the confusion on their faces she knew they didn't remember him. 

"Of course how could you remember an ordinary police officer "she let out. 

"You mean the stubborn policeman who couldn't go off our case? " one of the men said. 

"The one who refused the ten million brides and went ahead to expose us? " 

Desmond laughed, "You his daughter, what a small world. When we ordered to kill him I didn't even know he had a daughter " 

Bella gazed at them, "I remember your face one night when you came home. You didn't see me cause Dad told me to hide "she said. "But after that night we were always on alert ". 

"You can't blame us for your family's misfortune, it's your father's fault for being so stubborn. I had warned him that something bad would happen if he didn't listen and he didn't". 

"So you hired someone to kill us, "she said.