
Fragile Ties of Passion: A Contract Marriage With A Mafia Boss

Signing a marriage contract without her knowledge, Bella Quinn is now married to the country's most influential mafia, Enzo Sulter. And when she tries to get a divorce, Bella finds out she's pregnant with his child from their one-night stand. Enzo wants her to stay but Bella would rather die than stay with a man who might have a connection with her parent's accident. Can Bella move on and choose to love him or go ahead and make him pay for his past mistakes?

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327 Chs

Introductions .

"You don't seem as confident as you were before," said Enzo. He walked to where Grable had dropped and smirked.

"How could you shoot me " he yelled.

"As you can see I can't fight but I would. have joined you so I used the fastest way " he smiled.

Frank and Valke got up and sighed.

"I have to his one hard egg to break," said Frank.

"Well not to me," said Enzo.

"You cheated brother-in-law," said Valke.

Enzo glared, "You both were taking a lot of time... I need to go back to the hospital," he said.

It was then his phone rang. Pulling it out, his father was calling.

"Get back here, she's awake," he said.

Enzo hung up and turned.

"Valke one of your father's men take care of him, Frank let's head back," he said.

"Okay but what happened?" shouted Valke

"Your sister is awake " he said getting into the car.

"Ahh, am coming with you " but Frank stopped him.