
Fractured Ties

In a world where Abilities are more than just a birthright, they're a currency of power, Reid Greenfield, a freelance detective and his billionaire friend, Archer Everett, navigate a labyrinth of secrets, betrayal, and unspoken pain. Reid stumbles upon Michelle Lim's death and finds out that it was not just a simple suicide. As Reid and Archer work together to solve mysteries and crimes, they will stumble upon greater secrets - one that involves Reid's own long lost brother.

Jon_Elias_T · สมัยใหม่
29 Chs


Alex, the head of the serious crime police investigation, sat in the dimly lit sushi restaurant, his senses heightened, his gaze sharp. The air was filled with the tantalizing aroma of fresh seafood, and the murmur of hushed conversations created a symphony of whispers around him. He was annoyed, a feeling that seemed to be a constant companion these days. He had consciously decided not to apprehend Ray Bieber first, after observing the man and learning he was merely a waiter at this sushi joint. A waiter wouldn't have access to knives… or would he?

Alex's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts as he sat there, sampling the exquisite raw fish, his eyes never leaving Ray, who seemed like a genuinely nice person, his manners impeccable as he served the customers. But Alex, seasoned by years in the field, knew better than to fall for appearances. He had seen the façade of niceness crumble too many times. Lana, his reliable source, had discovered that Ray possessed a physical Ability. Alex was hesitant to probe deeper into the nature of this Ability, but the seed of suspicion had been planted.

Just as Alex was savoring the first few bites of his tuna, his communicator chimed, a message from Reid flashing on the screen, instructing him to arrest Ray Bieber. Alex's annoyance peaked. It was as if Reid, with his snarky humor and keen psychological insight, had read his mind. Another message from Reid, and Alex was glad he had only had a few bites of his fish. He might need to be sick, but now he had more motivation to capture Ray.

Alex raised his hand subtly, signaling the waiter. He discreetly showed his police identification, his voice a whisper as he asked Ray to follow him quietly. But before he could finish his sentence, Ray bolted, causing a commotion in the restaurant. Alex's annoyance turned into frustration. He tapped his ear communicator, barking orders, "All hands on deck. Our rat has run, and he has a physical Ability. All units, engage with caution."

The sprawling city was a complex network of intertwining streets and towering structures, each corner echoing with the footsteps of the chase. Alex, Kane, and Caster were in relentless pursuit of Ray Bieber, a man with a concealed physical Ability.

Alex, the seasoned leader, was the orchestrator of this symphonic chase, his eyes sharp, his mind sharper. "Kane, take the high ground. Look for a shot. Caster, use your speed. Flank him," he commanded, his voice a mix of determination and urgency.

Kane, the silent sniper, scaled a nearby building, his movements swift and precise. He positioned himself, his gaze sweeping the chaotic landscape below, his rifle whispering promises of precision. "Got him in my sights," he murmured, his finger flirting with the trigger, his breath steady.

Caster, the embodiment of speed, darted through the narrow alleys, his legs a blur of motion, his heart a drum of adrenaline. "I'm on it," he responded, his voice a whisper of wind, his focus razor-sharp.

Ray maneuvered through the intricate streets, his body a fluid dance of evasion and agility. He felt the pulse of his secret Ability, his skin a shield of invincibility. His heart raced, the beat a symphony of fear and defiance. Enhancing his legs, he pushed against the ground hard to propel him to faster speeds and further ground. He was deeply aware of the police officer who was quickly gaining speed - it would seem that his Ability was enhanced muscles in the legs.

Alex followed Ray, his speed not quite as Caster's but fast nonetheless. He noticed that Ray was hiding in the shadows and only jumping to gain higher ground, occasionally looking back to see Caster steadily getting closer. Alex barked into the in-ear communicator, "Caster, he is trying to lose you by gaining ground. Force him to the roofs where Kane can get a clear shot."

"Got it."

Caster chased after the man, losing a little bit of speed on purpose. He wanted Ray to feel that he was winning. When Ray was a little more than a dot in front of him, Caster spoke into the communicator, "Kane, get ready. I'm pushing him towards the green building."

Caster did not wait for a reply because he knew he was not going to get one - Kane did not really speak when he was in the zone. After all, the key to sniping was to get into the a steady breathing to which speaking would mess it up. 

Alex followed Ray from the other side, gaining speed wherever he needed to to ensure Ray was falling into their trap. 

The city was a living entity, its heartbeat synchronized with the rhythm of the chase, its breath intertwined with the whispers of the wind. The revelation of Ray's Ability came like a bolt of lightning when a bullet from Kane's rifle ricocheted off his skin, the metallic clang a harbinger of the unknown. 

Alex's eyes widened, a surge of surprise and recalibration flooding his senses. "He's armored! Try to release more than one bullet, Kane!" he ordered, his voice a blend of shock and resolve.

Kane adjusted his aim, his eyes narrowed, his mind calculating. "Adjusting…," he muttered, the tension in his muscles a silent testament to his focus and precision.

Kane released multiple bullets one after the other; his Ability proved to be a perfect fit for him as he was saved for any recoil of the gun. Many snipers' Ability was enhanced eyesight or other form of sense but Kane was different. He could absorb external force and easily dispel it away. This made it easy for him to release multiple bullets at inhumane speeds. 

As the bullets ricocheted off Ray's skin, the impact of the bullet hitting him proved to be enough. The man stumbled and Caster immediately caught on.

Caster, with his unparalleled speed, felt the thrill of the chase intensify, his body a vessel of energy and determination. He weaved through the labyrinth of paths, his senses heightened, his resolve unbreakable. "Closing in," he announced, his voice a ripple of excitement and anticipation.

Caster, with a burst of speed, cornered Ray, his body poised, his eyes locked on the target. "Got him!" he exclaimed, a mix of triumph and relief in his voice. Caster sprinted forward and kicked Ray to the ground. Having had his sides reinforced, Ray was taken in surprise when a powerful kick assaulted the back of his head. Caster had taken full liberty to ensure that his legs were as powerful as trucks. Ray, even with enhanced everything, could not save himself from a surprising truck slamming into his head.

Ray stumbled forward with a groan and as he was about to climb the other way, he felt an elephant landing on his back. His skin was impenetrable but his organs were not. 

Alex approached, his steps firm, his eyes reflecting pride and authority. "Exceptional work, Caster," he praised before turning to Ray, his voice cold and final, "Ray Bieber, you're under arrest."


Ray Bieber, his body tense and his eyes defiant, was ushered into the stark investigation room where Reid was already seated, his demeanor calm yet alert. Alex had expressed his disapproval with a tsk but had allowed Reid to be present. Ray's muscles were tight, his movements a dance of restrained energy as he struggled against his cuffs.

Reid observed him, his lips pursed, his voice a whisper of authority, "Don't struggle, Ray." 

Reid explained monotonously, "the government-concocted pill Alex and crew had forced you to ingest in the car was designed to suppress his Abilities, a silent guardian against the power lurking within you. The handcuffs, adorned with special stones and gems, were detectors of your attempts to activate your Ability, delivering warning shocks that intensified with prolonged activation attempts, reducing you to a soulless shell of a human being."

Ray's eyes narrowed, disbelief and defiance warring within him. He didn't believe Reid, a mistake that became apparent when the cuffs activated, sending a burst of electricity through him. A sharp shriek escaped him as he slammed his hands on the table, desperation and pain etched on his face. The current ceased, leaving Ray spitting venomous words at Reid, questioning his capture, proclaiming his innocence.

Reid stared at the man across him coldly.

"Alright! I did steal a few hundred from the cashier and I can return all of it! Just unhand me!"

Reid, his lips still pursed, pointed out the obvious, "If you did only that, there was no need to run." 

"I was scared, okay?"

Reid stared at Ray a little longer before asking, "you wanted to be chef, didn't you?"

Ray frowned, "you have my files. There is no need to ask the obvious."

Reid nodded and he pulled the file closer to him, flipping to a page and read its contents, "Aspirant chef. Failed his final exam as he had stabbed his table mate with a knife."

Alex clicked his tongue, "amazing how you loved butchering people since a young age."

Ray frowned, "I was young and naive!"

Reid hummed softly, "You couldn't get a space in the kitchen so you became a waiter, didn't you?"

Ray did not answer and simply looked away.

Reid took that as an agreement before he leaned in closer, his eyes locked on Ray's, his voice a whisper of insight, "So, you snuck into the kitchen every night after closing to try and cut the fish, didn't you?" The tension in the room was a living entity, the air thick with unspoken words and hidden truths.

Ray's annoyance was palpable, his voice a mix of frustration and shame, "There's no need to shame me! I just wanted to try and hone my skills. This was the only way." Reid, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the table, hummed softly, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts, analyzing Ray's words, his actions, his emotions.

"You didn't just steal money but also knifes… why?"