
Fractured Hearts

Akai's heart beats solely for her best friend, Ryder, but her secret love remains locked away, hidden from the world. Their friendship is her sanctuary, her safe haven. However, a deceitful third party, masquerading as Akai's friend, shatters this sanctuary, manipulating Ryder into believing Akai committed an unthinkable betrayal. "You're a traitor,Akai," Ryder speaks, his eyes blazing with anger. "You're dead to me." Akai's world crumbles, her heart splintering into a million pieces. "Ryder, please listen—" "No, Akai, you listen," Ryder interrupts, his voice cold. "You're nothing to me now. Nothing..You're a liar, a cheat, and a fraud." Akai's tears fall like rain, her body shaking with sobs. "You're really going to believe her lies over our friendship?" Years later, Akai returns to the city, her heart still heavy with grief. Working as a waitress, she struggles to rebuild her life. Then, fate delivers a cruel blow: Ryder and his fiancée, Savannah, walk into the restaurant, their happiness a stark contrast to Akai's enduring pain. As Ryder's eyes meet hers, the past comes flooding back, and the old wound reopens. His harsh words, "Didn't I say you previously not to appear in front of me?" cut through her like a dagger. Akai's response, "Don't worry about it, Mr. Thompson. I know my place. I didn't think we would meet here," barely conceals her anguish. Ryder's expression twists in disgust. "You're still here? I thought I made it clear I never wanted to see your face again." Akai's heart races, her emotions swirling like a maelstrom. "I-I just wanted to move on, Ryder. I didn't mean to hurt you." Ryder's laughter is cold, cruel. "Hurt me? You destroyed me, Akai . You ripped out my heart and stomped on it." "I hated you for what you did to her," Ryder speaks his eyes blazing with anger. "How can you hurt my woman?" "I'm sorry, Ryder," Akai whispers, her voice barely audible. "I'm sorry for everything." Akai's heartbreak is palpable, a heavy weight crushing her chest. She knows that their love is lost, trapped beneath the surface of their pain and regret. Ryder's eyes blazed with a fierce intensity, his gaze piercing through Akai like a dagger. "If you ever appear in front of me or try to harm my woman, I am going to make your life a living hell!" he growled, his voice low and menacing. Akai's eyes locked onto his, her heart racing with fear. She saw the raw anger and possessiveness in his gaze, the unbridled fury that threatened to consume her. She felt a shiver run down her spine as she realized the depth of his emotions, the ferocity of his protectiveness over Savannah. As she gazed into his eyes, she saw a glimmer of the boy she once knew, the boy who had been her best friend and confidant. But that boy was gone, replaced by a man consumed by rage and a thirst for revenge. Akai felt a pang of regret and sorrow, knowing that she had lost him forever. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes as she beheld the stranger before her, the man who had once been her everything. She knew that she had to look away, to break the spell that held her captive. But she couldn't tear her gaze away, transfixed by the intensity of his emotions. The air was heavy with tension. Akai's heart raced with fear, her soul trembling with sorrow. She knew that she had to escape, to flee from the wrath that threatened to consume her. But her feet seemed rooted to the spot, unable to move, unable to escape the fury that blazed in Ryder's eyes.

Audenzia_16 · สมัยใหม่
22 Chs

Love in the Morning Light

Akai's eyes followed Ryder as he turned to face John, a mix of surprise and excitement on his face. "Why are you here, man?" Ryder asked, a smile spreading across his face.

John rushed towards him, a huge grin on his face. "I'm coming with you, bro! I'm not letting you have all the fun in Scotland!" He wrapped Ryder in a tight hug, pounding him on the back.

Ryder laughed, returning the hug.

" Ryder! I can't believe I am doing this out of impulse !"

Mr. and Mrs. Thompson beamed with joy, relieved that their son wasn't going alone. "We're so glad John is joining you, Ryder," his mother said, her voice warm with emotion.

Akai's heart swelled with happiness for Ryder, but a pang of sadness hit her as she realized he was leaving. She forced a smile, her eyes prickling with tears. "You're going to have an amazing time, Ryder. Scotland is lucky to have you."

Ryder's eyes met hers, filled with a deep understanding.

As they bid their final goodbyes, Akai's eyes clung to Ryder's silhouette, her heart heavy with a mix of emotions. She watched as he and John made their way to the boarding gate, her eyes never leaving him until he disappeared from sight.

"I'll wait for you, Ryder," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "Always."

After bidding them goodbye, Akai headed home, the car Mrs. Thompson had arranged for her arrival gliding smoothly through the streets. As she opened the door to her house, she was enveloped in the warm, comforting scent of home. Her grandmother, Grace, looked up from the kitchen, a steaming cup of tea in her hand. "You came?" she asked, her eyes soft with concern.

Akai nodded, a small smile on her face. "Yeah, Grandma. I'm home."

Grace's eyes crinkled at the corners as she smiled. "Good. I was worried about you being out too long. It's not safe for a young girl like you to be out alone for too long."

Akai nodded, knowing her grandmother was right. She headed to her room, feeling a mix of emotions swirl inside her. As she opened the bookshelf drawer, her eyes landed on a worn, leather-bound diary with the title "My Memories" embossed on the cover. She took it out, running her fingers over the soft leather.

Sitting on the floor, she opened the diary, and a faint scent of vanilla wafted out. The pages were filled with her handwriting, chronicling her memories with Ryder. She flipped through the pages, her heart aching with nostalgia. There were entries about their first meeting, their laughter-filled moments, and their deep conversations.

As she read, tears pricked at the corners of her eyes. She missed Ryder already, but reading their memories brought him closer to her. She smiled through her tears, feeling grateful for the time they had shared.

"Oh, Ryder," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "You're going to be gone for so long. But I'll hold on to these memories, and they'll keep me strong until you come back to me."

The diary fell open to a page with a quote scribbled in the margin: "Love is not about being together, but about being apart and still feeling the same." Akai's heart skipped a beat as she read the words, knowing they were true. Her love for Ryder wouldn't fade with distance or time. It would only grow stronger, until they were together again.

At first, she used to like spending time with him, but as she grew older, she came to understand that her feelings had bloomed into love for Ryder. After getting ready for school, she went to the dining table to make her breakfast. She didn't want to stress her grandma, as she knew her health wasn't good.

As she went to the table, she saw her grandma bringing a plate to her. "Come and have your breakfast before you set out for school," her grandma replied. She sat down and had her breakfast. The delicious spread before her filled her heart with gratitude. Her grandmother, Grace, had outdone herself this time. Fluffy scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, toasted whole-grain bread, and a side of fresh fruit - it was the perfect start to her day.

Akai's heart swelled with gratitude as she gazed at the delicious breakfast spread before her. Her grandmother, Grace, had outdone herself this time. Fluffy scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, toasted whole-grain bread, and a side of fresh fruit - it was the perfect start to her day.

"Grandma, this looks amazing!" Akai exclaimed, her eyes shining with appreciation. "You're the best cook in the world!"

Grace smiled, her eyes warm with love. "I'm glad you like it, sweetie. I wanted to make something special for you today. You know how much I love taking care of you."

As Akai took her first bite, she felt a surge of nostalgia wash over her. She remembered the countless breakfasts she'd shared with with her , the laughter and conversations they'd had over plates of pancakes and waffles. Her heart ached with longing, but she pushed the feelings aside, focusing on the present moment.

"Grandma, your health isn't so good," Akai said softly, her brow furrowed with concern. "Don't give stress to your body. I can make my own breakfast sometimes. You don't have to do everything for me."

Grace sighed, her eyes clouding with a mix of love and frustration. "Okay, okay, I'll listen to you. But sometimes I just want to take care of you, like I used to when you were younger. You're my baby, and I love doing things for you."

Akai nodded understandingly, her heart filled with empathy. "I know, Grandma. And I appreciate it. But please, for my sake, take it easy. I don't want you to exhaust yourself. You're not getting any younger, and I worry about you."

Grace's face softened, her eyes shining with warmth. "Alright, deal. But sometimes I'll still prepare your breakfast for you, okay? And you can't stop me! I want to make sure you're eating well and taking care of yourself."

Akai smiled, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. "Okay, deal. But only if you promise to take care of yourself too. I don't want you to overexert yourself, Grandma."

Grace nodded, her eyes sparkling with determination. "I promise, sweetie. Now finish your breakfast and get to school on time! And don't forget to study hard and make good grades."