

By the age of 80, General Gama Feihren has long since retired and is now on the last days of his life, spending most of his time on a virtual first-person shooter game he truly loves and enjoys: Gaia's Paradox. Reminiscing about the days of his former military glory as his body is nearing death's door— Follow the adventure of Feihren as he ventures into this new world he suddenly transmigrated in, New World: Nuwiell

Red_Butler · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

Chapter 2 - Transmigrated to a New World

A loud thud was heard and the maid came rushing forth towards Feihren's room. But to her surprise… a lifeless body was there, lying on the ground. Feihren was dead.

The maid rushed him to the hospital as a last-ditch effort, but it was to no avail. He died from severe Rheumatoid arthritis, which was surprisingly not apparent by the looks of this seemingly healthy old man.

'Gen. Feihren Gama, age 83, Time of death: 10:39 p.m. 4/16/2218'

An honorary ceremony for a good person like him is a must, but unlike the military comrades and soldiers under his command in the past, Feihren's relatives were basically non-existent. In all honesty, he was a lone wolf in his life. He was abandoned when he was young and was adopted by an old couple who also died when Feihren reached 20.

He was buried with his gaming gear, something everyone believes would make him happy even in the afterlife. Everyone grieved, wishing that he would go to a place where happiness would finally befall him... A place where he would never feel alone... To meet true happiness... That kind of happiness he feels when playing the game, Gaia's Paradox...

A hint of a smile can be seen in the seemingly lively looking face of their fallen comrade, which relieved the hearts of the grieving people.


"Where am I?"

He could feel a jolting pain in his back, as though he fell from a reasonably high place, but it doesn't register clearly. For now, a stupefied and confused expression could be seen on his face. He shook his head several times before coming to his senses. He felt something was really amiss.

He could feel that he was no longer inside the game as he was before. Even though virtual reality has improved a lot, he had been in it for so long that he could instantly tell which is which. But for no apparent reason, he felt something was really off.

Even if he knew he was no longer in the game, he was still not sure where he was now, and how he got here. With doubts in his head, he inwardly whispered.

'Panel open'

Whoosh! Holographic blue charts appeared before his very eyes which allowed him to see extremely detailed information about himself and his current status! 'What? How can I even have access to this?' He slapped himself a couple times like an idiot, but this was real? 'This is reality?!'


"Character Name": [Gama]

"Equipped Class: Supreme General"

"Equipped Title: 1st class Player"

"Base HP: 9,000"

"Base Damage (Fist): 500"

"Equipped items: N/A"

"Equipped skills: N/A"


"I have no equipped items?"

He instinctively inspected himself and finally noticed that what he was wearing right now was not his equipment in the game, but the clothes he wore in real life!

'What is with all this? I guess I should take a look at the surroundings before dealing with this…'

It did not take too long for him to arrive at a riverbank while traveling through the very lush forest he was in. He washed his face thoroughly and felt somewhat better. He stared at the reflection in the river and shock was apparent in his face.

"What? Why… do I look, young... er?!" …"How is this possible? Wait, I've read about this some time ago. Hmm reincarnation? Rebirth? That doesn't sound right, I'm still the same me, hmm." He pondered for quite a while as he muttered, "Could it be that I have transmigrated to another place?" 'Wait, is that even possible?' Without another thought, he opened the panel with his command

'Open Game Map'

'System: Game Map updates starting'

'Update 1%... 10%.... 30... .100%'

'Update complete'

"Huh? An update? I don't remember that…" Letting his sentence trail off, he thought to himself

'View Game Map'

*Whoosh* another blue panel opened with a truly bewildering set of data on it.

"New World: Nuwiell"

"World Map is divided into 11 continents

*Jejuron Continent – Currently the most prominent military power in the entire new world. They were known for the technological advancement of 'black dust' which is their ace in the hole for threatening major powers from the other continents.

*Blaz Continent – The earliest continent to establish civilization. The smallest continent in the new world, with only around 4 million km2 of land, which led to the establishment of a more united continent under the power of the Wolfenstein Kingdom.

*Omod Continent – Contains the greatest number of kingdoms, and boasts the 2nd most powerful army in the new world, proof that quantity itself is quality.

*Shodan Continent- One of the weaker continents when comparing to others based on size, but due to its geographical location at the northernmost part of the new world, it stayed passively in the remote reaches, staying essentially the same as when it was founded.

*Reznor Continent- With the exception of a few outlying kingdoms on the fringes, the majority of the Reznor continent is under the control of a united alliance of kingdoms under the rule of the Nyne Kingdom…


Overwhelming amounts of data flooded through his eyes and into his brain.

"What's with all this...? I don't remember any of these places..."

This just goes to show that he has indeed transmigrated, but according to the stories he used read, shouldn't he have to die before transmigrating? He wracked his brain, attempting to think of how he may have died. All he remembered was that he was about to fight a very formidable boss and then… wait a minute.

"My real body died...? Well, that's kinda unfortunate."

Instead of pondering for a long time about his 'death', he accepted it as quick as he would with anything else that appeared his life, as a matter of fact. He was already prepared for this day to come, because even though he wasn't particularly sickly, he was still old after all, so it was natural.

Anyways, as he stared at the information in front of him he wondered…

"Doesn't this have too much information for just a geographical map? It even has strength measurements of these continents...?"

11 continents... The planet itself seems to be almost twice as big as Earth.

'This world, Nuwiell… I wonder why I suddenly showed up here in the first place'.

After thinking for a while, he opened his game panel again checking other things he might have skipped. Sure enough, there were 2 notifications waiting there for him. One of them was for a 'New Title', and the other was for a 'New Item obtained'.

Clicking the Inventory tab, he saw the familiar icon that he saw before he blacked out last time. It was "The Eye" with no change in its description or special effects whatsoever.

'So I actually still obtained it… Well, that's something good I think'. A Mythical tier item is always a good thing for the players of Gaia's Paradox

But when he looked at the title, a very shocked expression appeared on Feihren's face.


"Obtained Title": [Gaia's Paradox Messiah]

"Title effect: Doubles all attributes, item effects, damage, and skill duration when equipped."

"Title Special Effect: Grants the user, Rebirth: One-time re-spawn in the New World Nuwiell."


Feihren's face paled slightly as he read this title. 'What does it mean to be labeled as Gaia's Paradox Messiah? Is it talking about the game or the god...? Well in any case, there is no way for me to answer these questions as things stand. I can't believe that I received a lifesaving title right off the bat! The stat gains aren't too shabby either'. Without thinking about it too much, he immediately equipped the title."

As for the boost in attributes, he didn't really mind. The title he was using previously, '1st class player', has almost the same effect as this one. It was just a little bit weaker since it only gave a 50% boost to your attributes instead of doubling it.

As he was about to open his Equipment tab, he had an ominous feeling that someone was staring at him from behind, alerting his senses.

'Supreme General Skill: Battlefield Scan'

Without hesitation, he activated his scouting skill, and he was right. Around 20 people are in the radius of effect, with 3 close enough to watch him and the other 17 rushing towards his location, roughly half a kilometer away.

Feihren smiled "Isn't this way too clichéd?"