
The Beginning of New End

Day 96

"Alright here's the plan, wait for it to come out of it's she'll and once it did that we'll all head out to target it's head"

"But it's been 2 days and yet our hunters still hasn't been able to do anything about it"

"I know, but you gotta trust me. I see everything that's happening to it. Just hold out a little bit more"

"Just a little bit more..."


Back on Day 1

It was this start of semester in my junior year and finally I'm deciding to confess my feelings to Lily. She was the sweetest girl I ever knew since elementary days and luckily starting at this year, we're finally gonna be classmates. 

"Finally all the wait and praying took off!" 

"This time I'll finally confess my feelings to her"

The day was bright and windy. The breeze blowing in my face greeting me and filling me excitement as I walked along the school yard and finally to the class. I've seen some of my friends, Marshal and Daniel waiting for me at the corner near the the classroom. They've been talking to each other laughing and giggling slightly until they noticed me and they waved with huge smile on their faces. 

I waved back and decided to walk towards them.

As I walk closer, I see at the corner of my eyes Lily. I decided to look at her way but unfortunately my heart starts to ache. 

She was talking and smiling next to 

 Renz our old classmate. It's as if Renz was just casually talking to her making funny gestures to her as if they were close .

'What's that guy talking so close to her?' I thought. It gave me a bad feeling about it.

It took only a second to doubt things between him and Lily but I tried to shake it off as I came closer to my friends.

Marshall: Hey Xin talk about the devil you came in Abit late than us bud. What's up?

Xin: The usual. I thought it was gonna be a bright day until Renz came along. Never thought he could talk to a girl especially Lily. 

I gaze towards him as I spoke softly to my friends.

Daniel: hey man don't let it bother you. I heard he had a crush on a guy before and that became a huge issue before. No worries about him he's just talking really.

Xin: well I hope you're right about that. He's lucky he's in class. I would've punched to him if he ever hurt Lily.

Marshall: calm down no one's gonna hurt Lily. You're just imagining things man. And look on the bright side, you're gonna confess your feelings to her soon right?

Xin: who told you that??

Daniel: we both can see it in our face Xin. You're ready and beside you, us and her have been in the same school since forever. You just can't hide on your shell or she might get taken away from you. 

Xin: don't pressure me in this alright? haha but you sure guys know a thing or two about me. 

Marshall: That's what friends are for! Come on let's head on to class. 

The day started and went on like a breeze that day. Luckily I was seated next to Lily so I was lucky I could peek from time to time at her but my friends saw that and they giggled at my back. I was slightly embarrassed but well they're my friends. What can I do with my two world's best buds.

Day 5

School break was out, 30 minutes before the class starts. I was staring at the ceiling spacing out. I was imagining things from the days of past how my life was so peaceful as if I was daydreaming until a voice woke me up.

Lily: hey what are you spacing out for Xin?

'Wait wuuuuut'

Xin: Oh it was just nothing just thinking about things and stuff a like.

Lily: what things?

'This can't be! It's a miracle!'

Xin: y'know just things

Lily: well things are just things unless you try to say something direct. Like stuff that truly happened? 

Xin: Well I'm telling you it's just things. But it's a lot cozy when I think about it

'This must be it! This must be my time!'

Lily: like really what things?

Xin: for example, You.

'OH MY--'

Lily: lol you're funny. I ain't that pretty.

Class bell rings signing as the class resumed.

We didn't talk the whole day after that incident. But I still kept looking at her. Being sorry to myself to saying things. Things I could have taken the time to think of. 

I don't know really I guess I was just frustrated I couldn't like be normal to her in some way.

The class ended and we're just packing our things. Me, Marshall and Daniel were talking until a person walked towards us. 

Renz: Lily wants you to have this. 

Renz gave a small piece of paper. And then he left with Lily


"Meet me at the back of the school tomorrow


Daniel: Dude! Could this be?!

Marshall: it?!

Xin: I don't know! 

I felt so surprised in joy after this event happened. I thought it would be just another random day but tomorrow it won't be just any other day!

Marshall: you're one lucky son of a--

Daniel: Hey, we can't say for sure yet. Don't you actually think Lily would like her? Like look at him, he's plain and normal. What would think otherwise?

Xin: yeah well thanks for that. I'm really just as plain as anyone of you guys.

Marshall: No man, you got this. We're rooting for you tomorrow.

Day 6

Alright. This could be the day I've always been waiting for. And that day has finally arrived. Hopefully. I'm just not sure what it'll be. But like I wanted to hope for something.

As the usual day previously, we haven't talked yet but I saw Lily not noticing me or something for the entire day. Like I was having real thoughts about it like on what ifs. But I try to shake it out if my head but just what if she wants to talk me because she hates me or something? What would happen then? 

Honestly, I'm getting a little scared.

Marshall: haaa finally class is over.

Daniel: Xin, are you ready for this?

Xin: No, not really.

Marshall: we talked about this didn't we? You got this dude. We're here for you whatever happens!

Xin: I'll try okay?! It's not like I like her that much!

Daniel: we both know that you've liked her a long time and this is like the only chance you'll ever get my friend. So don't waste it and go!

Xin: I swear whatever happens after this, we're still friends right?

Daniel: Yes

Marshall: sure we do!

Xin: alright I'll text you guys. I'll let you know what happens next. 

After departing with my friends I walk past the corridor and down to the lower side of the building. I turned left to see at a silhouette staring at the sunset. It was golden flocks of hair that's breezing softly in the wind. As she turned her head, her blue purplish eyes stared towards me as if gazing straight to my soul. As she spoke.

Lily: Sorry I didn't get to talk to you at the class. Y'know I had some things to think about.

Xin: it's alright. So what were thinking about?

Lily: y'know , just things... 

Xin: Oh. I guess it's alright? 

Lily: No, not really.

Lily: So... What did you like about me?

Xin: uh what? 

Lily: I heard you when you said that. 

Xin: said what? 

Lily: Me. 

'I was surprised she would suddenly corner me this way.'

Xin: Well I-- I don't know what I was thinking

'Oh God please help me'

Lily: didn't you said you were... Thinking about.. me?

Xin: yeah well I was kinda in a daze and I was thinking but you suddenly talk and I--

Lily: I know, I know. I know what you said.

Lily: Wouldn't it hurt a little if you just said you do?

Xin: *sigh* I'm sorry. I do like you. A lot actually. Lily I've always liked you ever since elementary. 

Lily: ... And?

Xin: I do but there's a lot of things going in my head right now. I just don't really know how otherwise I could say it. I'm sorry.

Lily: you don't have to

Xin: what do you mean?

Lily: we can be friends


 'are you serious right now???'

Lily: we can be friends really but I also like you. But not in the way you would understand.

Lily: I've been always watching you ever since before. But now you're the one watching me all the time I'm frustrated that I can't watch you anymore!

Xin: I don't understand why would you watch me?

Lily: It's hard to ask. But I did like you for a while now. I just don't like anyone figuring it out.

Xin: But what about Renz? I saw you and him talking a few days ago and I can't stop thinking about it.

Lily: Renz had a crush on Daniel. It was him who were talking about. Don't worry.

Xin: I see. Well thank you.

Xin: But I just don't understand why would you like someone like me? 

Lily: you won't but you'll see.

I was in deep thought when she said that. I didn't really what to think. As if she was being cryptic about something. But I do know one thing. And is that I like her and no one will ever in our way this time. I'm gonna make sure of that!

Xin: so about you and me. Are we?

Lily: No

Lily: but maybe more than that?

Xin: oh thank God I thought you were gonna reject me.

Lily: No silly. You're important to me how could I not like you? 

Lily: tomorrow we'll have our first date! 

Suddenly a flight of joy entered my heart and was suddenly filled with awe as I stare at this magnificent girl who's standing towards me. 

Lily: I think we should go. The sun is almost up. I don't want to get home late.

Xin: You know, I'm just lucky. Just saying.

Lily: Things just happens and it's because of the way you are. I like you.

Xin: I-- I like you .. maybe a bit more?

Lily: stop being so cute. We'll see each other tomorrow okay?

Xin: let me walk you home. Okay?

Lily: it's alright my house is kinda close to this school anyways. I'll be fine.

Xin: alright, I'll go on ahead. 

Xin: see you.

Day 7

Congratulations Xin! You're such a lucky man!

Marshall and Daniel greeted me and both were rejoicing at this moment.

Daniel: I never thought this day would come! You're the man my dude! 

Xin: thanks guys, I couldn't have done it without you supporting me.

Marshall: Hey come on, it's time to celebrate what are you smug about?

Xin: It's nothing but like class is almost starting and I have yet to see any signs of her. 

Marshall: Lily? Oh she'll come maybe she's just abit late. Just have faith!

Xin: ... Okay

Later that day, Lily didn't come to class. And the day after that. I don't know I just had have a bad feeling about this and I just started to wonder what could have happened to her. 

All that was welling inside me suddenly burst when the news on the tv came.

"ABG News Reporting, a local girl from District five high school have been stabbed 28 times. Her name is **** Lily".

Day 8

Yesterday was all a blur. I couldn't even recognize the calls I'm getting and texts from my friends were saying. All I could think of was lily. She was such good person why would anyone do that to her?! I just can't believe I just can't!

I didn't go to school that day. It was too much for me. I don't even want to sit near the chair she used to see. Heck I couldn't even look at it! It was all just chaotic right now. I remember when she smiled at me that day. It was as if something she knows would happen it was as if that were her last words for me. But it couldn't be. She couldn't have known! Otherwise she would be alive. 

I thought to myself that this could be it this could be our moment together, the time that we would spend so much with each other and the fact that it would never end!

But it all ended before it had begun.


The phone started ringing. It took me out from my chaotic thinking for a moment. I just let it rang and rang for a while before picking it up.

Marshall: Hey man. You didn't go to school today.

I was lost for words in what to say. I didn't talk back.

Marshall: I understand Xin, I know that you're having a rough time right now and I just wanted to let you know that me and Daniel are here for you okay?

Xin: Thanks, I'm sorry it's just too hard for me to right now. Will you please just leave me be?

Marshall: I know. I really understand how you feel right now.

Anyway before I go, our teacher said her family will held the funeral tomorrow for her. Are you coming?

Xin: I'll try. 

Sure enough, it was all too much for me. I ended the call without saying goodbye to Marshall.

But later on I called him back. And let him know that I'll be there.

Marshall: okay. We'll be waiting for you here tomorrow. Just take a rest today okay?

Day 9

I didn't want to get up and get dressed when I woke up. But I fought over myself and wore my suit and got ready. I met over my mom at the dining table. She noticed me not taking my breakfast just playing with my food.

Mom: Should I come with you Xin?

Xin: Just drop me off there Mom. Marshall and Daniel will be there .

Mom: Alright hon. I'll just leave you guys be.

Mom: Me and Dad will just catch up with you a little later.

A few moments passed by and I was at her house. A funeral was held there, I met with my friends and we went in.

Rows upon rows of white flowers were traditionally placed and held together in front of the coffin. It was an open casket and her picture was there. 

I couldn't bare to look at her. So I just stood on a corner for a while not even considering sitting. I saw teachers and most of my classmates were there at the crowd.

I didn't greet them. I'm still stuck with the thought of killing myself and joining her and crying. I just can't think straight right now.


My phone started vibrating. I was annoyed when it started to ring so I just straight turned my phone off.

I put my phone back on my pocket and after a few while, it started ringing again.

'What the'

'I thought I turned it off already'

I took my phone out to see what's going on.

It was only black screen and myself reflecting on it. It started ringing again and again.

It made me uncomfortable. 

For a moment there. I thought that Lily was the one calling me from the other side.

Until letters started appearing.

"Make your wish come true"

It says.

I started to sweat a little as I stare at these words.

Then there came 2 boxes with words that says...

[Yes] [No]

Honestly at this moment I was freaking out. I looked over at the crowd then at my friends to see if anyone was looking on their phone to see if anyone is pulling a prank on me.

But all of them were just all staring at the casket.

I was starting to come in a state of panic until I suddenly had thoughts of 'What if'?

What is this isn't a prank, what if these words were true? 

And WHAT IF I could bring her back? 

So I pressed [Yes]

"Welcome to Basilisk

We're wishes becomes reality."

Xin: Basilisk?

I never expected this to appear but knowing that my wish could be granted, I tried going along with it.

Roll a dice.

I clicked [Roll]

The dice tossed and turned and revealed something.

"Congratulations! You got the skill "Vision"

Now please select a class".

Xin: What's vision is for? Hmmm I tried to come up and rationalize with this vision. But so far nothing came with it.

"Select Class"

At the selection screen there were 5 options:

[Hunter] [Sorcerer] [Thief] [Scholar] [Brute]

Xin: Classes? I don't know. Really. What are you trying to get into game?

I wisphered. As if I was conversing with my phone. Wait game? Could this be all just a game?

But after thinking what has happened earlier I dismissed it.

Then I continued back and stare at the five classes. 

'What if I could bring her back using magic?'

'This can be possible '

I chose Sorcerer. Thinking I could bring Lily back with magic. I proceeded.

" Thank you for confirming"

"Please wait for this timer countdown to run into 0, then proceed to next stage"

Xin: Stage? What stage? 

I don't know what think of right now. I'm just all confused with this.

Then a countdown appeared on my phone.




'I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens.

With this I started to have hope. Hope that I would be able to reunite with her. Wishing that this was true.

Xin: wait for me Lily. I will save you!

Author here. I just thought of testing my story out in this novel. I hope you guys would like it and please comment if you have anything to say. Be nice though!

Lichenov5creators' thoughts