
Worm X BBATG Power OC - Can't Escape From Crossing Fate -


My voice screamed into the night, heard by many, a declaration of war.

I felt my body meld, the Susanoo Unit coming into existence, the flames of Lung nipping across the exterior of my new body.

The power manifesting Across my body in green lighting as I release a roar to rival Lung's own.


My voice, echoed through the air. Like a dying breath on the wind, gently kissing the ears of those near.

I soared into the sky, above the flames, I felt the urge to tilt forward, and so I did.

Green energy coalesced around my somersaulting form like a demented chainsaw, biting into the Dragon's scales before I slammed into the gravel roof. The green exploding up in front of me, launching him into the air and pushing him away from, he landed on his back and quickly pushed himself up, growing bigger as the flames burned on his scales.

"I'll kill you!" He screamed as he rushed forward, his hand thrown with a gust of flame

"Such blasphemy..." I couldn't help it, the line coming from my mouth as naturally as water flowed, my body moving to block as I tried to backpedal. My arm raised in front of my head as if to protect it when a blue barrier appeared, stopping the gout of flames from reaching me.

"... IS WORTHY OF DEATH" I felt myself grin madly as I let out a howl of rage, it was an explosive boiling rage simmering under my skin begging to be released.

A giant beast pounced on my prey, the rage grew even hotter at the thought of something interrupting my fight, Lung was now on his knees, holding of the beast's Sizable claws away from his face.

My hands touched the floor as my energy flared around me, sending me forward, just before I hit both I twisted, "FLY!" my leg swing up and launching the beast. It flew through the air and deftly landed on its feet, a whistle sending it after me, it hit me, yet I knew what to do, my Duo was already selected for me when I didn't pick one.

"WORSHIP ME" I howled, my body blinked red as my consciousness moved from the Susanoo Unit to Ragna the Bloodedge.

"I got this." My voice was rough and rumble, my entry delayed, allowing the beast to launch off the roof with Lung to the street level. My eyes staring directly at the girl who would save this world at the cost of her arm, the sound of two more impacts making both of us look to the other side of the roof, two creatures similar to the one I had just escaped joined the fray, I made no move, instead looking at my arms, the red coat feeling oddly comforting and my right arm feeling slightly disconnected.

Taylor watched the Undersides slide off the back's of Bitches monsters, wary of me and what I might do, seeing as I appeared to be on the same side as Susan. They approached cautiously, Grue focusing on Taylor, Tattletale seemed to have her perpetual smile, but the whispering of the Azure told me she was wary of me no selling her.

"You really saved us a lot of trouble," he told her. His voice was deep, masculine, but muffled by the helmet he wore. His costume unchanged from the main story, he reached out a hand for her, and held it there as she stared at him.

"I wouldn't recommend getting involved with these idiots." I ain't here to fix shit, so I might as well fuck it up and have some fun along the way, Sarah Livsey frowned at my words, trying to pick me apart but only causing herself more of a migraine. She could barely parse out what I was, my name, aliases and titles just barely in her each, the only thing she would be allowed was one thing.

"Grim Reaper..." her face was furred as she whispered, the rooftop silent except for Bitches growls and the sound of Lung fighting an animal, I walked over to the edge to get a better view of the fight, the melted metal and asphalt steaming and stinking.

"When we got word Lung was aiming to come after us tonight, we were pretty freaked. We were arguing strategy for the better part of the day. We eventually decided, fuck it, we'd meet him halfway. Wing it. Not my usual way of doing things, but yeah." Brain said, breaking up the awkward silence, Bitch whistled and sent backup for her pup, I continued to watch as my enemy continued to fight the monstrous dogs.

I ignored their fight to watch the changer get disappointedly curb stomped like a newbie in a fighting game fighting a GM class player, "He's not holding up too well. Gonna feel a helluvalot worse tomorrow." I tuned in just where it got interesting, "Tall dark and totally your type is Grue," My sword was planted into the roof and I put a foot on it as I continued to watch. "Shut the fuck up, Sarah," I interrupted the snark machine, getting a hiss out of her and Grue to ready his smog.

"Little miss know it all Thinker is Tattletale, she does exactly as the name implies," I said, with no little amount of disgust, "The one who takes care of their rides, Bitch, or as the fucking PR machine that is the PRT and good guys call her Hellhound, is a total fucking Bro." Sue me, I like her blunt attitude and no-nonsense beat around the bush bullshit. "Then we have the Heartbroken Runaway Master, Regent, don't tell his father about that, by the way." I pointed at her, my voice becoming rougher and my anger shining through.

They were all on edge now, they saw Susanoo take on Lung without any issue, even if he was weekend.

"Fuck you too, buddy." Regent flipped me the bird, getting a chuckle out of me. "I don't swing that way nor am I into minors, kid, maybe if you found yourself free of daddy's control you might learn to live with yourself." Was I a bit harsh? Maybe... Maybe... Did I give a shit about any of their feelings? Nope. They got in the way of the Crossing fate.

"Yo!" I turned my head to Taylor, "You, I don't know you..." I pointed out, lying as easy as I breathed, I rubbed my chin in thought, noticing the way she acted. "You're pretty fucking skittish, so I'm just gonna call you Skitter." I turned back to the fight as Tats finally grew a pair of tits and decided to start snarking me.

"Oh, the strong mystical type, who covers up his own emotional baggage by insulting everyone." Her face was looking very punchable and smug, her voice oozing her superiority complex. "Oh look, it's the bitch that needs to be the smartest in the room." I deadpanned, Alec snorted and crossed his arms.

"Heads up. We've gotta scram." Tats said suddenly, her face showing her displeasure at not getting anything out of me, nor even riling me up, the Beast's met the building with impacts, "Don't take that Ride, Skitter, you won't like what's on the other side." I was suddenly behind her, the air whooshing from my dash, my elbow on her shoulder as I stared down Tattletale with a smug smirk of my own. She shook her head at Grue, knowing I would cause an issue if she tried to go with them.

"I know about Mr. Shaft up his own arse coming, I'll Handel things, go tell coil I'll be dropping by for a chat, an unknown Parahuman will set him on edge." I laughed as they bounded away, the sound of a souped up motorcycle coming along as Taylor started to have a panic attack from the whiplash of what just happened, I didn't give more than a sigh before...


I gave her a nice little slap to the face, knocking her out of stupor as I put my hands on her shoulder, "Wake up Skitter! C'mon, Skitter, we've got to hide the body! There's no cheese and crackers in prison, Skitter." I was lightly shaking her as I thought of Wallace and Gromit meme. "What?" She sounded so lost, like a little puppy... So I slapped her again, to get her out of her stupor, "OW!" She held her cheek, the mask doing almost nothing to prevent the pain.

It was to this scene that Blastmaster, the one who's a goddamn glory hound and nothing like his Defiant self yet, arrived. A man around the same age as him, shaking a new younger cape by the arms with their foreheads almost touch and yelling something about Cheese and Crackers... He was clearly insane.

"Halt! Stop shaking the cape and step away!" He shouted at us, both of our heads turned towards him, he stayed silent, he could obviously see my wide eyes.

"Why'd you have to go and ruin a perfectly good hazing Pastmaster." I let go of Taylor's arms and scratched the back of my head, "Finish!" I heard my voice, not Ragna's, shout. "Well shit." Ragna's form flickered, and I returned to my normal self... Or at least, normal self for this stupid world, Azure damn it...

"You're just a child!?" Taylor yelled while doing a perfect Spider-man pointing meme, I gotta get in on this action, taking a similar pose and yelling. "And you're a depressed 15-16 year old being bullied by Sophia Hess!" That got both to freeze, Armsmaster froze because it was the name of his most troublesome ward, Taylor froze because he just aired out some of her dirty laundry for the big man to hear.

"You're telling the truth." It was a definitive statement, startling Taylor from her frozen bafflement at seeing what could be no older than an 12 year to come from a 6ft or so tall man.

Armsmaster's eyes roamed over the roof, the fire having leaving obvious damage,

"Do either of you need a hospital?" He asked, getting both of our attentions, he was particularly focused on me... How do I get outta of this situation... Am I pacing again? "You are." Taylor's dry response also told me that I was thinking out loud again, shit balls. "I don't think you're allowed to say that" she said with a dry tone of dead embarrassment.

"Hmmmmmmmm." Maybe if ignore them, they will go away. Taylor looked at Shitbeard as if to ask if this was normal, well most certinally not for one like I, Leonia Voreoti, and- "Goddamn bullshit, I did it again!" I shouted and ruffled my hair. "Hey! Efficiency dude!" Armsmaster sighed at my insult's. "Yes...?" He rolled his hand as if asking for my name, my cape name, procedures and all that bullshit.

"Azure, Azure Flamed Grimoire, the true BlazBlue." I sighed, kicking a rock, "Take your pick, it wont matter much anyway.... Oi. Skitter" Taylor flinched from her creeping away and turned back to us, I could see the fear in her body lanquge. "You fought with Lung longer then I was able to, mind explaining what the fuck happened to him?" I asked as I started to stretch my legs, pointing at bastardmaster over my shoulder.

Tonight was a good night, I'll show you a sweet dream next night


(1911 Words)

Alright, so, let me introdouce, Leonia Voreoti.

Leonia Voreoti, Reincarnated into the world of worm as the Azure Will From BlazBlue. Without the Reality bending omnipotent force that can grant anything is so desired.

She uses spefically the Cross Tag Battle game and roster, *Wait what about her past life* Uninportant other then she was a Hikikomori, A neet, whatever, she played a shit ton of BBTAG.

To use her powers she must cross fate, AKA, say "CAN'T ESCAPE FROM CROSSING FATE" it maters how not, just that she has an opponent to fight.