

Beneath the shimmering surface of the lake, the world was a quiet, tranquil realm of muted colours and muffled sounds. Submerged in this silent abyss, the lake bed offered a dreamlike backdrop, punctuated by the pulsating blue glow of the rare chest. Every MMORPG player knew that such chests often held items that could give a serious advantage in the game's universe.

This is the first rare chest, Logan going to open. Even though he opened more high ranked chests in the previous life, his heart raced this time as he is the first to open a rare chest.

Logan's fingers hovered over the chest for a brief second, appreciating the intricate designs etched onto its surface. With a deep breath – courtesy of the fish gills he wore – he unlatched the chest. It creaked open, releasing a stream of tiny bubbles, and revealing its treasures.

The first item to catch his eye was a beautifully crafted sabre. Its blade, polished to perfection, gleamed even in the dim light of the lake bed. The hilt was wrapped in dark leather, with silver inlays tracing intricate patterns.

The game's UI promptly displayed its stats:

**Silver Rank "Sabre"**:

- **Attack Power**: +50

- **Durability**: 150/150

- **Special Ability**: On a critical hit, there's a 10% chance of inflicting a bleeding effect on the opponent for 5 seconds.

Next to the sabre lay a heavy shield. It was circular, with a diameter roughly the length of an arm. Made of reinforced steel, the shield had a silver sheen, its surface embossed with the emblem of a roaring lion.

**Silver Rank Heavy Shield**:

- **Defense**: +70

- **Durability**: 200/200

- **Special Ability**: Reflects 5% of incoming damage back to the attacker.

Logan then noticed a delicately crafted chain, seemingly simple yet exuding a unique charm. It was made of interwoven silver links, each link perfectly forged and gleaming. When he picked it up, it felt cool to the touch, and its weight suggested it was made of pure silver. The stats appeared as Logan inspected it:

**Silver Chain**: (Agility)

- **Bonus**: Adds +5 to Agility attribute when worn.

- **Special Trait**: Increases dodge chance by 2%.

Lastly, nestled at the bottom of the chest, were coins – each engraved with intricate patterns and made of pure silver. Logan counted fifty of them, a handsome amount that could be traded in the game's market or used to purchase valuable items.

Logan wasted no time and equipped the newfound items without a second thought. The 2% dodge effect from the silver chain felt like a valuable asset in combat, and with his current warrior-class strength, carrying silver-ranked weapons didn't pose much of a burden on his character's weight capacity.

Rather than immediately exiting the lake, Logan decided to inspect the lake's surface for any other hidden treasures. In his brief time, he had already dispatched several fish, further adding to his gains. As he examined the shimmering surface, he unwittingly drifted toward the hole where the water had flowed out when he had unleashed the hydro blast.

After a moment of hesitation, curiosity got the better of Logan, and he decided to venture into the mysterious hole. He still had seven minutes left on the fish gills, and he couldn't resist the temptation to explore further. However, as he moved deeper into the hole, an unexpected and powerful suction force seized hold of him.

"What the hell… No one posted about this spot in my last life. What the hell is this?!" Logan muttered as his character flow along the suction.

Logan found himself helplessly drawn into the gaping maw of the hole, unable to resist its pull. What he remained blissfully unaware of was that on the other side of the hole, a formidable organism lay in wait, seeking revenge for the killing of its kin. The unexpected journey into the unknown had just taken a perilous turn, and Logan was about to face a formidable adversary in the depths of the underwater world.

The subaquatic world was a tranquil, blue-tinted wonderland. Every little movement sent a cascade of bubbles upwards, and the refracted light made it seem as if the lake was filled with diamonds. As Logan ventured closer to the hole, the currents grew more forceful. The surrounding water rippled with energy, the entrance to the hole almost beckoning him.

When the suction began, it was subtle at first, just a slight tug. But within moments, the force grew exponentially. Despite his warrior's strength and equipped with silver-ranked weapons, Logan found himself unable to resist the pull. He was swiftly drawn into the hole, the world outside becoming a blurry vision as he was sucked into the darkness.

The transition was abrupt. The narrow passageway opened into a vast underwater cavern. Bioluminescent plants illuminated the cavern, casting an eerie green glow on everything. But what truly captured Logan's attention was the red and orange glow sticks dipped at the lake surface. Because of the refraction from the lake water he couldn't see them clearly.

As Logan swam deeper into the water, he found himself in a strange, deserted underwater realm. Despite spending two minutes checking for any lurking dangers, he couldn't spot a single creature or any sign of life around him. The silence and solitude were unnerving, leaving him on edge as he explored the underwater environment.

Determined to get to the bottom of this mystery, Logan decided to swim towards the surface where the glowing objects were submerged. As he neared the surface, he suddenly heard muffled cries, words spoken in a human language. His senses went on high alert as concern for his safety welled up during this unexpected turn in his adventure.

Emerging into the shallow waters, Logan's vision improved, and he realized that the glowing objects were not sticks as he had initially thought but rather weapons that had been dipped into the water for quenching. Instead of fully surfacing, he cautiously exposed only half of his head above the water, wanting a better view of his surroundings. His eyes widened in astonishment as he took in the scene before him.

"Holly... This is the dwarves' lair," Logan whispered to himself, realisation dawning upon him. The special race of dwarves had been supporting the king in forging weapons for his army. The weapons he saw before him were of an exceptionally high rank, and possessing them at this stage of the game would be akin to wielding immense power—like a hacker manipulating the entire game.

*One more chapter in the evening... Till then try my other book """Brothel Manager"""


PeterPan :-)