
Fortunate Taoist

Hicksbess known to be the weakest disciple of the Moonlight Dust Pavilion finds a Golden Needle. This Needle will give him incredible fortune and power. He will try to rise to the top to become the most powerful. What he will do to attain this is up to him

Daoist807188 · แอคชั่น
27 Chs

The original chapter 1 that I trashed

Since I have to be doing school work I'll post some trashed chapters every now and then

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A boy named Hicksbess walks through the street. He bumps into a young man

(The Young Man)

"Watch it loser do you know who I am? I'm Chizhu Ning"


"Well f**k"

Chizhu Ning punches Hicksbess knocking him to the floor. Hicks gets up and tries to run at Chizhu Ning but trips on a rock and passes out. Hicks wakes up and sees that there is a group of disciples laughing at him

(Random Disciple)

"Ha I can't believe he tripped on a rock and passed out for 2 hours hahahaha!!!"


"What is going on"

(Chizhu Ning)

"You got beaten by a rock loser"

Hicksbess gets up and snaps his neck and dies


If you can't tell I gave up on this chapter very quickly